October 14, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H11313 Our community and the entire nation are The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Nauru, Australia, Cambodia, Vietnam, proud of these brave men and women, and tion. Japan, Pacific Islands Forum members, and we are glad to see them home safely. Soldier- The text of the resolution is as fol- the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) citizens who voluntarily make such a tremen- lows: sent messages of support and offers of aid to the people of American Samoa; H. RES. 816 dous sacrifice are what have kept our nation Whereas organizations including the Li Ka safe, free and strong for over 200 years. The Whereas, on September 29, 2009, at 1748 Shing Foundation, the Hanwha Group, Save work performed in support of Operation Iraqi UTC, a powerful earthquake struck below the Children, the American Red Cross, Habi- Freedom is important—requiring personal the ocean about 140 miles southwest of Pago tat for Humanity, Latter-day Saint Char- commitment and sacrifice. Your service to our Pago, American Samoa, and 125 miles south ities, Catholic Charities, the American Jew- country will not be forgotten. of Samoa, centered only 11 miles below the ish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), Na- seabed; tional Voluntary Organizations Active in Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. Speaker, Whereas the earthquake registered 8.3 on I rise today to recognize the return home of Disaster, StarKist, Bumble Bee, the National the Richter scale and is recognized as the Football League (NFL), and many others are the 81st Brigade. world’s largest earthquake of 2009; In August 2008, it was a cloudy day in East- providing assistance; Whereas a second earthquake with a mag- Whereas the Samoan community in areas ern Washington when our community said nitude of 5.6 occurred at 1808 UTC in the vi- such as California, Utah, Washington, and goodbye to the men and women serving in the cinity of the first one; Hawaii have been instrumental in helping 81st Brigade. These citizen soldiers volun- Whereas the first undersea earthquake cre- their ‘‘aiga’’ abroad; teered to serve a year in Iraq. The day they ated a massive tsunami that crashed into Whereas President Barack H. Obama tele- American Samoa, Samoa, and neighboring departed, we all had tears in our eyes. How- phoned the Governor of American Samoa and Tonga, sweeping cars and people out to sea American Samoa’s Delegate to the United ever, I also saw in every mother, father, wife, as survivors fled to high ground; States House of Representatives to person- husband, and friend how proud they were of Whereas the tsunami, with towering waves ally extend his and the First Lady’s condo- their soldier. I am grateful for the uncommon that reached up to 20 feet in height and pene- lences to the families and loved ones of those commitment as a ‘‘citizen soldier’’ leaving not trated one mile inland, caused death and de- who lost their lives in the earthquake and struction on a nearly unprecedented scale; only family and friends, but putting your job tsunami in American Samoa and the region, Whereas the death toll, as of October 7, and perhaps educational goals on hold. and to assure the Governor and the Delegate 2009, is estimated at 32 in American Samoa I also want to applaud the families of the that he would speed the deployment of re- and 135 in the Independent State of Samoa; 81st Brigade. More often than not, as soon as sources and provide the tools necessary for a a servicemember deploys, the spouse is faced Whereas many individuals and families af- fected in this region are now lacking basic full, swift, and aggressive response; with an unforeseen obstacle like their brand survival necessities and there remains the Whereas Secretary of State Hillary new car needing to go back to the shop or the risk of numerous additional deaths due to Rodham Clinton also telephoned American refrigerator deciding not to work. The families shortages of clean water, adequate shelter, Samoa’s Delegate in his capacity as Chair- of the 81st Brigade have much catching up to food, sanitation, and basic healthcare; man of the House Foreign Affairs’ Sub- do. They will have a Thanksgiving to cele- Whereas the human cost of this disaster committee on Asia, the Pacific and the Glob- al Environment to convey her sympathy and brate, Christmas presents to open, birthday transcends mere statistics and has resulted in deeply personal tragedies for numerous offer her full support which subsequently in- candles to blow out, Easter eggs to hunt and cluded the authorization to airlift emer- many, many kisses and hugs to share. families and communities in the region and throughout the world; gency supplies to Samoa; The operations we face in Iraq and Afghani- Whereas children in the United States Ter- Whereas Speaker of the House Nancy stan have now lasted longer than World War ritory of American Samoa running for home Pelosi issued a press statement on behalf of II. In the last five years our nation has tasked unknowingly ran in the direction of the tsu- the entire Congress promising to quickly ad- every branch of the military and every compo- nami; dress the needs of American Samoa and the nent; active duty, National Guard and Re- Whereas the villages of Fagamalo, Poloa, Americans who live there; and serve. Each has responded admirably and Amanave, Fai’lolo, Nua, Se’etaga, Afao, Whereas Senate Majority Leader Harry Asili, Amaluia, Leone, Fagasa, Fagatogo, Reid, House Majority Leader Steny H. consistently. Our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Hoyer, Chairman John F. Kerry of the Sen- and Marines are a vital part of that critical re- Pago Pago, Aua, Afono, Vatia, Masefau, Faga’itua, Pagai, Utusia, Alofau, Auto, Alao, ate Committee on Foreign Relations, Chair- sponse in keeping America safe. We could not and Tula in American Samoa were dev- man Howard L. Berman of the House Com- protect our nation if it were not for what each astated by the disaster; mittee on Foreign Affairs, Chairman Nick J. of them bring to the fight. Whereas in response to this disaster and Rahall, II, of the House Committee on Nat- Mr. Speaker, the 81st Brigade recently re- call for assistance, the people of the United ural Resources, as well as many other Mem- turned on a sunny day back to Washington States have responded with a generous and bers of Congress also offered expressions of State. I am proud to welcome them home and heartfelt outpouring of aid; support in the aftermath of the devastating congratulate them on a job well done. Whereas a team of more than 300 respond- tsunami: Now, therefore, be it Mr. SMITH of Washington. I yield ers from the Federal Emergency Manage- Resolved, That the House of Representa- back the balance of my time. ment Agency (FEMA), the American Red tives— The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Cross, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the (1) mourns the loss of life caused by the question is on the motion offered by Department of Health and Human Services earthquakes and tsunamis that occurred on (HHS) and other Federal agencies is on the September 29, 2009, in American Samoa, the gentleman from Washington (Mr. ground in American Samoa coordinating re- Samoa, and Tonga; SMITH) that the House suspend the lief and recovery operations; (2) offers its deepest sympathy and condo- rules and agree to the resolution, H. Whereas the United States Navy (USN), lences to the families of the many earth- Res. 627, as amended. the United States Coast Guard (USCG), the quake and tsunami victims, and to Head of The question was taken; and (two- Hawaii Air National Guard, and the U.S. State His Highness Tui Atua Tupua thirds being in the affirmative) the Army Reserve American Samoa, under the Tamasese and Prime Minister Tuilaepa rules were suspended and the resolu- leadership of Admiral Timothy J. Keating, Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi of Samoa, as tion, as amended, was agreed to. Commander, U.S. Pacific Command well as to His Majesty King George Tupou V A motion to reconsider was laid on (PACOM), and Command Sergeant Major and Prime Minister Feleti Vaka’uta Sevele the table. (CSM) Iuniasolua T. Savusa, Senior Enlisted of Tonga; Leader, PACOM, with the support of Major (3) pledges its full support to the people of f General Robert G.F. Lee, the Adjutant Gen- American Samoa and the villages of MOURNING THE LOSS OF LIFE ON eral, State of Hawaii, provided critical trans- Fagamalo, Poloa, Amanave, Fai’lolo, Nua, AMERICAN SAMOA AND SAMOA port of the life-saving and life-sustaining Se’etaga, Afao, Asili, Amaluia, Leone, supplies and equipment to meet the imme- Fagasa, Fagatogo, Pago Pago, Aua, Afono, AFTER THE EARTHQUAKES AND diate needs of the survivors, including more Vatia, Masefau, Faga’itua, Pagai, Utusia, TSUNAMIS ON SEPTEMBER 29, than 26,000 meals, 14,000 liters of water, 1,800 Alofau, Auto, Alao, and Tula as they begin 2009 blankets, 800 tents, more than 800 cots, and 9 the long and difficult process of rebuilding Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, pallets of medical supplies and medical their homes and lives; I move to suspend the rules and agree equipment in support of American Samoa’s (4) recognizes the humanitarian response to the resolution (H. Res. 816) mourn- mass care operations; that is currently underway and commends Whereas foreign governments, including the efforts of all persons and relief organiza- ing the loss of life caused by the earth- Kazakhstan, the People’s Republic of China, tions who continue to alleviate the suffering quakes and tsunamis that occurred on the Republic of Korea, Palau, Thailand, by providing financial and material support; September 29, 2009, in American Samoa Samoa, Fiji, Grenada, Hungary, Uzbekistan, (5) urges continued attention by donors and Samoa, as amended.
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