• .i' .. ON TO BOSTON! (S('(~ l}(l ck Gov('r ) Volum.. XIX Number 7 J uly, 1964 EDITOR: J. F. Reinhardt * * OFFICIAL NOTICE * * CHESS FEDERATION The annual meeting of the membership of the USCF will be held at 2 p.m., August 18, 1964 in the Sheraton·Piaza Hotel, Boston , Mass. for the purposes stated ill Article III Sectioll 6 and Article V Section 2 of the By·laws. Members who wish PRESIDENT to be repr esented but are unable to attend should forward a proxy on the form Lt. Co l. E. B. Edmondson below to the USCF Secretary. VICE-PRESIDENT ]',IARSHALL ROHLAND David Hoffmann 4846 N . 24th Place REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS Milwaukee 9, Wis. NEW ENGLAND Ell Bourdon JlUllea BurIen Secretary, USCF Stanley KIn, EASTERN -- - - - ---------- - ----- - - - ----- - MID-ATLANTIC William S. Byland Georlle Thomas PROXY FORM Edward D. Stnhle SOUTHERN Dr. Stua rt NobUn J erry SuUlvan The undersigned hereby designates .. ............ ............ .......................... ........................... Dr. Robert Froemke as my proxy with full power to act in my placc at the Annual USCF Membership GREAT LAkES James Schroeder Meeting August 18, 1964 in Boston, Mass. provided both of us are then USCF Dr. Howard Gaba Norbert Matthew 5 members and pr ovided my proxy is then a resident 01 my state or a USCF officer. NORTH CENTRAL Dr . George 'ners Frank Skot! John Osneu Signature .. ...... ................. ....... .. ......... ... ...... ....... ,... ........ .... SOUTHWESTERN Address .. .... ..... .......... .... ..... ...... ....... ...... ..... ........... ............ PACIFIC Richard V andenburg Ma bel Burlln,ame Gordon Barrett -------- - - ----- - - ---- - - - - ---- - SECRETARY DIRECTOR'S PROXY Marshall Rohland NATIONAL CHAIRMEN and OFFICERS 1. ............. ......... ....... .. ............... ... ...... ............ ............ ..........., a Director from the State of ARMED FORCES CHESS. ................ .Robert Karch BUSINESS MANAGER ............. ..... J . F. Reinhardt ' ' . ' hereby authorize ..................... .................. ...... .... ........................ .... COLLEGE CHESS. .. ................... ............Qw eD Harris .. ...... .. ...... .... ..... ... .. .. ...... INDUSTRIAL CHESS .•.•.•......s tanley W. D. King to act as my proxy at the USCF Directors Meeting on August 19, 1964 in Boston, INSTITUTIONS CHESS~ ..... ~ . _ ~ Dr . ru.lph Kubns Mass. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. .~ ........ Jerry Spann Women', Intemational..... ...... ...K athryn Slater JUNIOR CHESS..... ............ .. .Mordecal D. Treblow MASTERS AFFA1RS ................ ~ .. ...... Rober' Byrne MEMBERSHIP ...... ... ... ........................ Don ald Schultz JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION MEMBERSHIP SECRETARy ............ Greta Fuchs I NOMINATIONS .......... ...... Dr. Alex J. nushkowsky USCF ill a non-proftt democraUc Ol"'n 7.lUon. the ofnc1al ,over nln, body and FIDE unlt PRESIDENTIAL ASSISTANT. .. .~ .... Fred Cramer for c~ In the USA. AlQ>01le lnUonlted In advanctna: Amaricl.D the.. ill ellelble for membenhlp. RATINGS & PAIRINGS. ......... .... ...... Arpad E. E10 RATING STATISTICIAN ............Wm. Golchberg Memberlhlp, lDeludlq CHESS t.If11: IUbaertptloa. ella:1butty for USCF.nUDe, and TAX DEDUCTI8ILITY ...... .......... ... .Ha rold Dondls .n )'r.: J )'1'1.: TOURNAMENT ADM ..... ~ ....G eor'e Kolt.nowakl prlvUe,u: 1 p.oo; 2 yn.: ...so; ,U.50; SutalnlD': ,10.00 (become. Ilfe .ember.thtp TOURNAMENT RULES ................J . me. Sherwin after 10 paymeJl.u); We: $100.00. '11"II1Iy Mel"llbenhlp (two or more family members at ume TREASURER. ... ........ ........ .................... MUton R",ktn addre... only one CHESS LIFE IUbtcrlpUol1): rate... above for first famlly member, plu. U. S. CHAMPIONSHIP. ............... Maurice Kasper followln.a: fin' each .ddltlODal member: 1 yr.: "50; 2 yn.: *,.711; 3 yrs.: $6.7$. WOMEN'S CHESS ............... ........ ......... Evs Aronson CHESS LIFI ill publlal!ed moIIthly by USCF and entered u !e cond·clas.s matter .t Dubuque, tow•. NOJl..member I·yr. lUb«rtpUOJl.: ....00 (".00 OlIt.ld. USA); sin,le copy: 40e (lIOc out.1de WORLD CHESS FEDERATION USA). Ch.npo of add,...: Allow four _b llOUce; please elve u. both the Dew addraa and (F.I.D.E.) tbe old .cldre... Includh,c UI. DWD~ .."" datu on lbe top line of your stenCil. J erry G. Spann Vice·President, Zone 5 (U.S.A.) Addrult all commwucaUOlU. Ind mike all CJ1ecks paylble to: -------- UNITID STATES CHESS PI!D.RATION. M E_ 11tll St ....t, NIW YORK 2, N.Y. 162 CHESS LIFE CORAL GABLES OPE N Record Turnout in New York City Interscholastic A total of 52 playel's turned out [or the New York's IntcrschoillSlic Chess (our·ll111n teams counted in the two-man three sections of the Coral Gables Ollen, League was prepared for a large entry category also. played in Coral Gables. florida on June this year, but 206 youngsters represent, In the Senior High School division a 5·7. Winner of the 25-plilyer lOp division ing 57 schools presented a logistical hitter battle involved six teams: Bronx was Dr. Jose Fel'llandez·Leon. formerly problem thaI taxed the combined talents Science, Stuyvesant, Mid wood. Abraham of Cuba and now a resident of Miami, of Director Milton L. Hanauer, Assistant Li ncoln, J<'ar Rockaway and Francis who scored a 5·0 sweep that included Di rector Will iam Hanauer and host John Lewis. In the end, Bronx Science, sparked victorics over runner-up Michael Valvo Fursa of the Chess and Checker Club by Robin Spital's 8-0 on top board, surged of New YO!'k City and third place Eugene of New York. When r cgi~tration was to victory with the impressive score of Sadowski of ",Iiami. V,I lvo and Sndowski completed and the players had settled 25 %.6 112 . Stuyvesant fi nished a strong fin ished with 4·1. down to their games, credit for til e huge second with 24·8. Bronx Science also The Amateur Division. with twelve turnout could be given to t he attractive took the two·man compctition and Stuy­ playcrs. was won by Marvin E. l3IOOIll, prizes donated by Dr. Harry Bakwin and vesant was again runner·up. Miami and the Booster Division, with the pu blicity work of John Fursa. The J unior High School award was fifteen players, was won by Homer L. won by Ryan J HS 216 (Queens). The Abel of Bradenton, Florida. Eight weeks of play ensued and event· competition involved 27 senior high ually involved a total of 250 players. high schools and 30 junior high schools. ADDISON WINS STAMER Teams consisted of two or four members, In all, $500 in cash pr izes and weU over MEMO RIAL plus substitutes. The first two boal'ds of $100 in books were awarded. A tOUl'llament held on May 9·10 in BISGUIER TAKES SOUTHERN memory of the late Arthur B. Stamer, LATE REPORTS fo r many years director of the Mechanics' Eighty players, including International Institute chess room III San ~' raneiseo, Grandmaster Arthur Bisguier, converged As of July 18, the Editor has re, was won by William Addison who scored on Huntsville, Alabama over the 4th of ceived news re ports on only one of 4lh· ~~ in a field of 52 players. No tic­ J uly week-end to play III the three the many July 4th tournaments played breaking was used, and Duncan Suttles, divisions of the 43rd Annual Southern throughout the nation. This, the South­ Earl Pruner, Roy Hoppe, .John Black­ Open. ern Open, IS reported elsewhere on stone, Robert E. Burger. and Neil E. this page, Falconer all followed the winner with The night before the tournament Bis­ In order to assure prompt coverage scores of 4·1. guier played a 39·board simultaneous A total of $895 was distrihutcd in cash with early birds and Huntsville players. of important events, we urge tourna­ ment officials everywhere to send in prizes, the pril.e lund being based on the In 4lh hours of play he won 36 games, entry fcc of $iO plus $405 donated by d rew 2, and lost one. their reports as soon as possible after the tournament is concluded, News thirty friends of A. B. Stamer. The On the afternoon of July 2nd a speed items should not be delayed until the Mechanics' Institute Chess Club was the tournament was held to get things crosstables are sent in for rating pur. sponsor and Gutherie McClain directed. roU ing. First plaee was taken by Bis· poses; rather they should be mailed guier who went undefeated, drawing separately as soon as the tournament once. USCF Master Milan Momic (2279) is over so that they can get into IT' S UP TO YOU . •. of Jo'lorence. Alabama and USCF Expert CHESS LIFE without delay. Remem­ to tell us that you're moving. Copies Ted Me rcer (2023) of Dayton. Tennessee ber: we can't get your results 10 our of CHESS LIFE are not forwarded finished second and third. readers any faster than you send them by the posloffice. We need si x weeks F irst place in the Championship in! notice of any change of address, Division, wi th 31 players, was won by _ , L Bisguier with a clear 6 J.h ·lh . In the early rounds he defeated Mark Gilley (1924), !uchard Baldock (1979), Bob Coveyou (2053), J erry Sullivan (2228), Jude F. Aeers (2054), and Mel'cer; and in the last !'ound he gave up a draw to Momic, Jcrry Sullivan with a 6-1 took a clear second, lOSing only to Bisguier. Momie lost to fourth place Acers in the fomth round and placed third with a 5lh·l!h. With a 5·2 ACNS beat Dale Ruth of Huntsville on tie· breakers and finished fourth while Ruth finished fifth. Ken Williamson of Huntsville finished next with a 4lh ·2lh followed by no less than nine 4·3's. Of these nine 4·3 scores four were scored by a group of young New :)rleans players who will be making themselves heard in Southern chess eircle~ in the next few years. T hlrty·four pl~yers eompeted In Ihe Amateur Division (eut·off 1900), whiCh was won by Dave Burris of Knoxville, Tennessee with a ~ ¥.!-'h; u full pOint ahead or se cond place finisher Tom He inlschel of HUntsville. The IS 'player Reserve Division (1600 cut·off) was WOn by Hnll'h Akin of Huntsville wlth a 5'h·1'h.
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