ABCD springer.com Just Released New Books September 2010 English Titles sorted by author and title within the main discipline springer.com Arts 2 M.R. Barnes, GlaxoSmithKline Research & Development Limited, Arts Biomedicine Stevenage, Hertfordshire, UK; G. Breen, Division of Psychological Medicine and Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Cen- tre, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, London, UK (Eds.) G. Marranci, National University of Singapore, Dept of Sociology, J. Barciszewski, PAN Poznan, Poznan, Poland (Ed.) Singapore (Ed.) Genetic Variation RNA Technologies and Their Muslim Societies and the Applications Methods and Protocols Challenge of Secularization: An Interdisciplinary Approach With the continuing advances in sequencing tech- Innovation in biotechnology that combine molecu- nologies and the availability of thousands of distinct lar biology, cell biology, microfabrication and bioin- human genomes, we are fast approaching the day Scholars from various disciplines worked together formatics are moving nucleic acid technologies from when "personal genomes" become a standard study to present the first interdisciplinary book to address futuristic possibilities into common laboratory and measure and a routine component of personal health the issue of Islam, secularism and globalization. The clinical procedures. They have potential to revolu- records. In Genetic Variation: Methods and Proto- book has a clear structure which represents its inter- tionize biomedical research and medicine. Three cols, expert researchers address the rising impor- disciplinary approach: the first section addresses variants of RNA technologies are known, namely tance of genome variation, both at the level of the the philosophical and historical discussion about antisense oligonucleotides, RNA interference, and individual and in population-based studies of dis- Islam and secularism; the second section discusses ribozymes. In spite of different mechanisms of ease, with a collection of detailed protocols reflecting the topic from an ethnographical and social anthro- action, all of them are united by the common prin- the nature and impact of genetic variation on human pological viewpoint; and the final section addresses ciple: an antisense preparation works after bind- phenotypes. The contributions cover a majority Islam, secularism and globalization from a politi- ing with RNA-target by forming a duplex. Today all of the most important forms of genetic variation cal viewpoint. This unique collection not only offers three approaches are intensively used in vivo. RNA studied today, including single nucleotide polymor- innovative research and new material, it also pro- mediated gene silencing is a powerful technology to phisms (SNPs), insertions/deletion (indels), copy vides empirical examples and theoretical debates, downregulate the expression of targeted genes within number variation (CNVs), variable number tandem and could therefore also be used as a textbook for the cell. Now RNA interference based therapeutics is repeats (VNTRs), mitochondrial variation, mobile courses on Islam, globalization, anthropology, poli- to be released. This book provides a state-of-the-art elements, and epigenetic variation. As a volume in tics, sociology and law. review of the molecular basis as well as applications the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology™ of RNA based technologies in molecular biology and series, chapters include introductions to their respec- Features medicine. tive[..] Is Islam compatible with democracy and the West? How do Muslim communities understand the con- Features Features cept of the secular? How have contemporary Islamic RNA technologies are the driving forces of mod- With the continuing advances in sequencing tech- scholars addressed the topic and why? How does liv- ern medicine and biotechnology. They combine the nologies and the availability of thousands of distinct ing in a secularized context affect the everyday lives fields of biochemistry, chemistry, molecular biology, human genomes, we are fast approaching the day of Muslim women living in the west? What about the cell biology, physics, nanotechnology and bioinfor- when "personal genomes" become a standard study so-called 'secular' Muslims? These and other ques- matics. The combination of these topics is set to rev- measure and a routine component of personal health tions are discussed in Muslim Societies and the Chal- olutionize the medicine of tomorrow. After more records. In Genetic Variation: Methods and Pro- lenge [..] than 15 years of extensive research in the field of tocols, expert researchers address the rising impor- RNA technologies, the first therapeutics are ready to tance of genome variation, both at the level of [..] Contents reach [..] 1. Introduction, G. Marranci. Part I -Debating Islam, Contents Secularism, Democracy and Muslim Polity. 2. Islam, Contents Genetic Variation Analysis for Biomedical Public Religions and the Secularization Debate, B.S. Preface.- The key features of RNA silencing. Selected Researchers: A Primer.- Exploring the Landscape Turner. 3. Muslim Thinkers and the Debate on Sec- strategies for the delivery of siRNA in vitro and of the Genome.- Asking Complex Questions of ularism and laïcité, B. De Poli. 4. Yusuf al-Qaradawi in vivo. RNAi suppression and its application. the Genome without Programming.- Laboratory and Tariq Ramadan on secularisation, G. Larsson. 5. Strategies to prevent siRNA-triggered cellular tox- Methods for the Detection of Chromosomal Abnor- Islam and Democracy in the 21st Century, H. Jawad. icity. RNAi in malignant brain tumors: relevance malities.- Cancer Genome Analysis Informatics.- 6. Moving out of Kazanistan: Liberal Theory and to molecular and translational research. Silencing Copy Number Variations in the Human Genome Muslim contexts, A.A. Jamal. 7. Muslim Modernity: Huntington's disease (HD) gene with RNAi. Appli- and Strategies for Analysis.- A Short Primer on the Poetics, Politics, and Metaphysics, M. Ashraf Raja. cation of Dicer-substrate siRNA in pain research. Functional Analysis of Copy Number Variation for 8. Turkish Secular Muslim Identity on Display in RNAi treatment of HIV-1 infection. Application of Biomedical Scientists.- Computational Methods for Europe, H. Gurkas. 9. Hidden[..] RNA Interference to Treat Conditions Associated the Analysis of Primate Mobile Elements.- Labora- with Dysregulation of TRPV1. Harnessing RNAi- tory Methods for the Analysis of Primate Mobile Ele- Fields of interest based Functional Genomics to Unravel the Molecu- ments.- Practical Informatics[..] Religious Studies; Anthropology; Political Science; lar[..] Sociology; Law (general) Fields of interest Fields of interest Human Genetics; Gene Expression Target groups Molecular Medicine; Nucleic Acid Chemistry; Research Human Genetics; Cell Biology Target groups Professional/practitioner Type of publication Target groups Contributed volume Research Type of publication Contributed volume Type of publication Available Contributed volume Available 2010. XII, 300 p. (Muslims in Global Societies Series, Vol. 1) Hard- Available cover 2010. XI, 388 p. 84 illus. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 628) Hardcover 99,95 € 2010. XVI, 451 p. 20 illus. in color. (RNA Technologies) Hardcover ISBN 978-90-481-3361-1 109,95 € 149,95 € ISBN 978-1-60327-366-4 ISBN 978-3-642-12167-8 springer.com Biomedicine 3 J. Bayuk, Stevens Institute of Technology (Ed.) M.-F. Carlier, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France (Ed.) C. Chalfant, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA; M. Del Poeta, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA (Eds.) CyberForensics Actin-based Motility Understanding Information Security Investigations Cellular, Molecular and Physical Aspects Sphingolipids as Signaling and Regulatory Molecules This fascinating and highly topical subject has a his- This book presents the cellular, molecular and phys- tory dating back to the secret world of 1970s Cold ical aspects of production of force and movement This book attempts to analyze the latest discover- War espionage, when the US military and Central by self-assembly of actin, one of the most abundant ies in sphingolipid biology and how the alteration intelligence agencies, aided by the latest mainframe protein in cells, into cytoskeletal filaments. « Actin- of their metabolism leads to altered signaling events systems, were the first to use computer forensics based motile processes » are responsible for a very and to the development of pathobiological disorders, techniques in counterintelligence. In the decades large variety of motile activities of cells in their phys- such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, asthma, dia- since, cybercrime has emerged from the obscurity of iological and pathological states, covering chemo- betes, inflammation and infectious diseases. low-level prosecution evidence to become a serious tactic locomotion, embryonic and metastatic cell cross-border crime issue, while cyberforensic investi- migration, wound healing, eukaryotic cytokinesis Features gators have moved on from drug, murder, and child and bacterial plasmid segregation, endocytic and This book attempts to analyze the latest discover- pornography crimes that were facilitated by comput- phagocytic activities, as well as morphogenetic pro- ies in sphingolipid biology and how the alteration ers, and are now tackling headline-grabbing cyber cesses like axis patterning in early embryo, axonal of their metabolism leads to altered signaling events bank robbery,
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