COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE (2012-2013) 47 FIFTEENTH LOK SABHA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EDUCATION) DEMANDS FOR GRANTS (2013-14) FORTY SEVENTH REPORT LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI APRIL, 2013 / VAISAKHA, 1935 (Saka) 1 FORTY SEVENTH REPORT COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE (2012-2013) (FIFTEENTH LOK SABHA) MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EDUCATION) DEMANDS FOR GRANTS (2013-14) Presented to Lok Sabha on 23.04.2013 Laid on the Table of Rajya Sabha on 25.04.2013 LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI APRIL, 2013 / VAISAKHA, 1935 (Saka) 2 COA No. 2.... Price : Rs. © 2013 By Lok Sabha Secretariat Published under Rule 382 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha (Fourteenth Edition) and Printed by 3 CONTENTS PAGE COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTEE…………………………… (iii) INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………….. (v) ABBREVIATIONS…………………………………………………… (vii) CHAPTER I IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMMITTEE’S 1 RECOMMENDATIONS CHAPTER II NEW CHALLENGES IMPACTING AGRICULTURAL SECTOR 3 (A) SOIL HEALTH 8 (B) SMALL AND MARGINAL FARMERS 11 CHAPTER III ANALYSIS OF DEMANDS 19 (A) INTRODUCTORY 19 (B) OVERVIEW OF DEMANDS 20 (C) OUTLAY FOR 2013-14 22 (D) FUNDS UTILISATION DURING ELEVENTH PLAN 24 (E) TWELFTH PLAN OUTLAY 27 CHAPTER IV SECTORAL EVALUATION 39 (A) CROP SCIENCE 39 (B) HOTRICULTURE 41 (C) AGRICULTURE EXTENSION 42 (D) AGRICULTURE EDUCATION 49 (E) HUMAN RESOURCES 54 (F) VACANT POSTS IN DARE 56 (G) AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING 59 (H) NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 63 (I) ANIMAL SCIENCE 65 (J) FISHERIES 68 ANNEXURES I Quarterly PAO Expenditure for the year 2012-13 Plan Head 81 II Quarterly PAO Expenditure for the year 2012-13 Non-Plan Head 82 III Statement showing Monthly Expenditure Plan for 2012-13 83 IV Major Schemes/Projects undertaken in Horticulture Science 84 V List of 400 Districts for which contingency plans are completed 89 VI Statement showing intake capacity/actual enrollment in ICAR 92 Deemed-to-be- Universities APPENDICES I Minutes of the 21st Sitting of the Committee held on 01 April, 2013. 97 II Minutes of the 25th Sitting of the Committee held on 17 April, 2013. 100 (ii) 4 COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE (2012-13) Shri Basudeb Acharia - Chairman MEMBERS LOK SABHA 2. Shri Narayansingh Amlabe 3. Shri Sanjay Singh Chauhan 4. Shri H.D. Devegowda 5. Smt. Ashwamedh Devi 6. Shri L. Raja Gopal 7. Smt. Paramjit Kaur Gulshan 8. Shri Anant Kumar Hegde 9. Shri Premdas Katheria 10. Shri P. Kumar 11. Dr. (Smt.) Botcha Jhansi Lakshmi 12. Sardar Sukhdev Singh Libra 13. Dr. Jyoti Mirdha 14. Shri Naranbhai Kachhadia 15. Shri Devji M. Patel 16. Smt. Bhavana Gawali (Patil) 17. Shri Jagdish Singh Rana 18. Shri Rajaiah Siricilla 19. Shri Patel Kishanbhai V. 20. Dr. Vinay Kumar Pandey ‘Vinnu’ 21. Shri Hukamdeo Narayan Yadav RAJYA SABHA 22. Shri Satyavrat Chaturvedi 23. Shri A. Elavarasan 24. Smt. Mohsina Kidwai 25. Shri Dharmendra Pradhan 26. Dr. K.V.P. Ramachandra Rao 27. Shri Parshottam Khodabhai Rupala 28. Shri Rajpal Singh Saini 29. Shri Shivanand Tiwari 30. Shri S. Thangavelu 31. Shri Darshan Singh Yadav (iii) 5 SECRETARIAT 1. Shri R.S. Kambo - Joint Secretary 2. Shri R.S. Negi - Committee Officer (iv) 6 INTRODUCTION I, the Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, having been authorized by the Committee to submit the Report on their behalf, present this Forty-seventh Report on the Demands for Grants (2013-2014) of the Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agricultural Research & Education). 2. The Committee under Rule 331E (1)(a) of the Rules of Procedure considered the Demands for Grants (2013-14) of the Department of Agricultural Research & Education which were laid in Lok Sabha on 19 March, 2013. The Committee took evidence of the representatives of the Department of Agricultural Research & Education, Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Planning Commission at their Sitting held on 01 April, 2013. The Committee wish to express their thanks to the officers of the Department of Agricultural Research & Education, ICAR and Planning Commission for appearing before them and for furnishing the information they desired in connection with the examination of Demands for Grants of the Department. 3. The Report was considered and adopted by the Committee at their Sitting held on 17 April, 2013. 4. For facility of reference, the Observations/Recommendations of the Committee have been printed in bold at the end of each Chapter of the Report. NEW DELHI; BASUDEB ACHARIA 17 April, 2013 Chairman, 27 Chaitra, 1935 (Saka) Committee on Agriculture (v) 7 ABBREVIATIONS AICRP All India Coordinated Research Project APCAEM Asia and Pacific Centre for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery ATMA Agricultural Technology Management Agency ARYA Attracting & Retaining Youth in Agriculture ASRB Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board BE Budget Estimates BPD Business Planning and Development CAFT Centres of Advanced Faculty Training C& AG Comptroller & Auditor General CAU Central Agricultural University CERA Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture CIAE Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering CIFE Central Institute Fisheries Education .. CISH Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture CPCRI Central Plantation Crops Research Institute CRP Consortia Research Products CSWCR & TI Central Soil & Water Conservation Research Training Institute CU Central University DAP Depend on Animal Power DARE Department of Agricultural Research & Education DFR Directorate of Floriculture Research DU Deemed-to-be-university EFC/SFC Expenditure Finance Committee/ Standing Finance Committee GDP Gross Domestic Products GEF Global Environment Fund HRD Human Resource Development IARI Indian Agricultural Research Institute IMC Institute Management Committee ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research IGFRI Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute IRC Institute Research Committee IVRI Indian Veterinary Research Institute JRF Junior Research Fellowship KVASU Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University KVK Krishi Vigyan Kenda (vii) 8 LCC Leaf Colour Chart MoF Ministry of Finance MIS Management Information System NAARM National Academy of Agricultural Research Management NAEP National Assessment of Education Programme NAIP National Agricultural Innovation Project NARS National Agriculture Research System NDC National Development Council NGO Non-Governmental Organization NIASM National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management NIAB National Institute of Agriculture Biotech NIBSM National Institute of Biotic Stress Management NBSS&LUP National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land use Planning NICRA National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture NISAGENET National Information System on Agricultural Education Network NIRJAFT National Institute of Research on Jute and Allied Fiber Technology NFBSFARA National fund for Basic Strategic and Frontier Application Research in Agriculture NPCC National Project on Climate Change NRCAF National Research Centre for Agroforestry NRM National Resource Management PAO Pay and Account Office PG Post Graduate PHT Post Harvest Technology RAC Research Advisory Committee RE Revised Estimates RES Regional Engineering Services RMP Research Management Position RKVY Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana SRF Senior Research Fellowship SAU State Agricultural Universities SOC Senior Officers’ Committee SMD Subject Matter Division SRI System of Rice Intensification UG Under Graduate VPKAS Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhaan Sansthan (viii) 9 CHAPTER – I IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMMITTEE’S RECOMMENDATIONS The Thirty- second Report of the Committee on Agriculture on Demands for Grants (2012-13) of the Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agricultural Research & Education) was presented to Lok Sabha on 25 April, 2012 and laid on the Table of Rajya Sabha on 26 April, 2012. The Report contained 28 Observations / Recommendations. 1.2 The Minister concerned is required to make Statement under Direction 73-A of Directions by the Speaker, Lok Sabha about the status of implementation of Recommendations contained in the Original Report of the Committee within six months of presentation of Report to the Parliament. Statement under Direction 73- A in the context of the Thirty-second Report was made by the Minister of Agriculture in time. 1.3 On the basis of the Action Taken Notes received from the Department of Agricultural Research & Education in respect of the Thirty- second Report, the Committee presented their Fortieth Report to Lok Sabha and laid on the Table of Rajya Sabha on 20 December, 2012. The Committee commented on the Action Taken Notes furnished by the Department in respect of Recommendations at Para Nos. 1.4,2.62,2.64,2.65,2.66,2.68,2.70,2.71,2.76,3.31,3.33,3.37 and 3.38 of the Thirty- second Report. An analysis of the Action Taken Notes revealed that the Government have accepted 57% Recommendations of the Committee. 29% Recommendations have not been accepted by the Government thus requiring reiteration. Replies in case of 14% Recommendations are of interim nature. 10 1.4 The Committee note that the Action Taken Replies regarding the action taken by the Government on the Observations / Recommendations contained in the Thirty-Second Report of the Committee were furnished by the Government within the stipulated three months and the Statement of the Minister under Director 73-A was made within the stipulated six months period. An analysis of the action taken by the Government reveals that 57% Recommendations have been accepted, 29% Recommendations have not been accepted and 11% of Recommendations are
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