Open Class Fairbook 2021 Department 3 – Domestic Science **Cedar County Residents or Cedar County 4-H Enrollees Only** **Only one entry per Exhibitor per Class** ALL ARTICLES IN THIS DEPARTMENT MUST BE MADE IN THE HOME AND THE WORK OF THE PERSON IN WHOSE NAME IT IS ENTERED. (ZIP LOCK BAGS ONLY). All jellies and marmalades are required to be in regular jelly glasses or other suitable containers. Contents, not container, will be judged. Exhibitors must exhibit whole loaves of bread (which may be removed, except for pieces judged, after judging to prevent food waste and spoilage). Do not wrap baked goods while hot. Enter all baked goods on paper plates with a plastic zip bag. Rings should be on all jars of canned foods; and must be two piece lids. Zinc lids are not permitted. Champion $2.00; Reserve Champion $1.00 Prizes in each class: st nd rd 1 $3.00; 2 $2.00, 3 $1.00 There will be a Best of Bread in Senior and Junior Division. Section 40 – Breads, Biscuits, Rolls and Fancy Pastry Senior Division – Ages 17 & Older Classes: 1. Biscuits, Baking Powder (3) 8. Bread, Rye Dark 2. Biscuits, Soda (3) 9. Bread, Rye Light 3. Bread, Egg 10. Swirl 4. Bread, French 11. White 5. Bread, Graham 12. Whole Wheat 6. Bread, Oatmeal 13. Other 7. Bread, Raisin Section 59 – Breads, Biscuits, Rolls and Fancy Pastry Junior Division – Ages 16 & Younger Classes: 1. Biscuits, Baking Powder (3) 8. Bread, Rye Dark 2. Biscuits, Soda (3) 9. Bread, Rye Light 3. Bread, Egg 10. Swirl 4. Bread, French 11. White 5. Bread, Graham 12. Whole Wheat 6. Bread, Oatmeal 13. Other 7. Bread, Raisin 11 | Page Department 3 – Domestic Science Section 41 – Quick Breads Senior Division – Ages 17 & Older Classes: 1. Banana 8. Gingerbread 2. Breakfast Quick Bead 9. Lemon Poppy Seed 3. Carrot 10. Nut 4. Cheese 11. Pumpkin 5. Cranberry 12. Zucchini 6. Cucumber 13. Other 7. Date Section 60 – Quick Breads Junior Division – Ages 16 & Younger Classes: 1. Banana 8. Gingerbread 2. Breakfast Quick Bead 9. Lemon Poppy Seed 3. Carrot 10. Nut 4. Cheese 11. Pumpkin 5. Cranberry 12. Zucchini 6. Cucumber 13. Other 7. Date Section 42 – Pastry Senior Division – Ages 17 & Older Classes: 1. Buns, Rye (3) 15. Jelly Roll (3) 2. Buns, Wheat (3) 16. Kolaches (3) 3. Buns, White (3) 17. Muffin, Chocolate Variety (3) 4. Buns, Whole Wheat (3) 18. Muffin, Cinnamon Variety (3) 5. Coffee Cake, German 19. Muffin, Multi Fruit Variety (3) 6. Coffee Cake, Quick 20. Muffin, Plain (3) 7. Coffee Cake, Raised 21. Muffin, Single Fruit Variety (3) 8. Cornbread 22. Rolls, Carmel (3) 9. Dinner Rolls (3) 23. Rolls, Cinnamon (3) 10. Doughnuts, Cake (3) 24. Rolls, Cloverleaf (3) 11. Doughnuts, Filled (3) 25. Rolls, Hard (3) 12. Doughnuts, Raised (3) 26. Rolls, Parkerhouse (3) 13. Filled Tea Ring 27. Rolls, Poppy Seed (3) 14. Garlic Bread Sticks (3) 28. Other 12 | Page Department 3 – Domestic Science Section 61 – Pastry Junior Division – Ages 16 & Younger Classes: 1. Buns, Rye (3) 15. Jelly Roll (3) 2. Buns, Wheat (3) 16. Kolaches (3) 3. Buns, White (3) 17. Muffin, Chocolate Variety (3) 4. Buns, Whole Wheat (3) 18. Muffin, Cinnamon Variety (3) 5. Coffee Cake, German 19. Muffin, Multi Fruit Variety (3) 6. Coffee Cake, Quick 20. Muffin, Plain (3) 7. Coffee Cake, Raised 21. Muffin, Single Fruit Variety (3) 8. Cornbread 22. Rolls, Carmel (3) 9. Dinner Rolls (3) 23. Rolls, Cinnamon (3) 10. Doughnuts, Cake (3) 24. Rolls, Cloverleaf (3) 11. Doughnuts, Filled (3) 25. Rolls, Hard (3) 12. Doughnuts, Raised (3) 26. Rolls, Parkerhouse (3) 13. Filled Tea Ring 27. Rolls, Poppy Seed (3) 14. Garlic Bread Sticks (3) 28. Other Section 43 – Cookies & Bars Senior Division – Ages 17 & Older (Count of 3) Classes: 1. Bars, Date 20. Honey 2. Bars, Fruit 21. Icebox 3. Bars, Peanut 22. Lemon 4. Bars, Miscellaneous 23. Macaroon 5. Brownies, Butterscotch 24. Molasses 6. Brownies, Chocolate 25. No Bake 7. Brownies, Miscellaneous 26. Nut 8. Butter 27. Oatmeal 9. Butterscotch 28. Oatmeal Raisin 10. Chocolate 29. Peanut Butter 11. Chocolate Chews 30. Pumpkin 12. Chocolate Chip 31. Ranger 13. Coconut 32. Snickerdoodle 14. Cornmeal 33. Springerle 15. Date 34. Spritz 16. Filled 35. Sugar 17. Fruit 36. Other 18. Ginger 19. Gumdrop 13 | Page Department 3 – Domestic Science Section 44 – Cookies & Bars Junior Division – Ages 16 & Younger (Count of 3) Classes: 1. Bars, Date 19. Gumdrop 2. Bars, Fruit 20. Honey 3. Bars, Peanut 21. Icebox 4. Bars, Miscellaneous 22. Lemon 5. Brownies, Butterscotch 23. Macaroon 6. Brownies, Chocolate 24. Molasses 7. Brownies, Miscellaneous 25. No Bake 8. Butter 26. Nut 9. Butterscotch 27. Oatmeal 10. Chocolate 28. Oatmeal Raisin 11. Chocolate Chews 29. Peanut Butter 12. Chocolate Chip 30. Pumpkin 13. Coconut 31. Ranger 14. Cornmeal 32. Snickerdoodle 15. Date 33. Springerle 16. Filled 34. Spritz 17. Fruit 35. Sugar 18. Ginger 36. Other Section 45 – Candies Senior Division – Ages 17 & Older (Count of 3) Classes: 1. Bon Bon 10. Marshmallows 2. Butterscotch 11. Mints 3. Caramels 12. Peanut Brittle 4. Coconut 13. Pecan Roll 5. Date Roll 14. Penuche 6. Divinity 15. Toffee 7. Fondant 16. Very Fancy 8. Fudge, Chocolate 17. Other 9. Fudge, White 14 | Page Department 3 – Domestic Science Section 62 – Candies Junior Division – Ages 16 & Younger (Count of 3) Classes: 1. Bon Bon 10. Marshmallows 2. Butterscotch 11. Mints 3. Caramels 12. Peanut Brittle 4. Coconut 13. Pecan Roll 5. Date Roll 14. Penuche 6. Divinity 15. Toffee 7. Fondant 16. Very Fancy 8. Fudge, Chocolate 17. Other 9. Fudge, White Section 46 – Canned fruit Classes: 1. Apple 18. Grapes, Blue 2. Apple, Crab Whole 19. Grapes, White 3. Apple, Sliced 20. Mincemeat 4. Applesauce 21. Mulberries 5. Apricot 22. Nectarines 6. Blackberries 23. Peaches, Sliced 7. Blueberries 24. Peaches, Half 8. Cherries, Bing 25. Pears 9. Cherries, Sour 26. Pineapple 10. Cherries, Sweet (Pitted) 27. Plum, Blue 11. Chokecherries 28. Plum, White 12. Currants 29. Raspberries, Black 13. Elderberries 30. Raspberries, Red 14. Fruit Cocktail 31. Rhubarb 15. Gooseberries 32. Strawberries 16. Grape Juice 33. Other 17. Grapefruit Section 47 – Canned Vegetables Classes: 1. Asparagus 11. Corn 2. Beans, Green 12. Kohlrabi 3. Beans, Lima 13. Mixed Vegetables 4. Beans, Mixed 14. Onions 5. Beans, Waxed 15. Other 6. Beets 16. Parsnips 7. Broccoli 17. Peas 8. Cabbage 18. Peppers, Green 9. Carrots 19. Peppers, Red 10. Cauliflower 20. Potatoes 15 | Page Department 3 – Domestic Science 21. Potatoes, Sweet 27. Squash 22. Pumpkin 28. Tomato, Red 23. Sauerkraut 29. Tomato, Yellow 24. Soup, Tomato 30. Stewed Tomatoes 25. Soup, Vegetable 31. Tomato Juice 26. Spinach Section 48 – Marmalades Classes: 1. Apple 5. Peach 2. Cherry 6. Pineapple 3. Grape 7. Strawberry 4. Orange 8. Other Section 49 – Butters Classes: 1. Apple 5. Plum 2. Grape 6. Watermelon 3. Peach 7. Other 4. Pear Section 50 – Jams Classes: 1. Apple 12. Other 2. Apricot 13. Peach 3. Blackberry 14. Pear 4. Blueberry 15. Pineapple 5. Cherry 16. Plum, Blue 6. Chokecherry 17. Plum, White 7. Cranberry 18. Raspberry 8. Gooseberry 19. Rhubarb 9. Grape 20. Strawberry 10. Ground Cherry 11. Mulberry Section 51 – Preserves Classes: 1. Apple 11. Pear 2. Apricot 12. Plum 3. Blackberry 13. Raspberry 4. Cherry 14. Rhubarb 5. Cherry, Ground 15. Strawberry 6. Currant 16. Tomato, Green 7. Gooseberry 17. Tomato, Red 8. Grape 18. Tomato, Yellow 9. Mulberry 19. Other 10. Peach 16 | Page Department 3 – Domestic Science Section 52 – Jellies Classes: 1. Apple 14. Grape, Wild 2. Apricot 15. Green Pepper 3. Blackberry 16. Mint 4. Beet 17. Mulberry 5. Cherry 18. Other 6. Cherry, Nanking 19. Peach 7. Chokecherry 20. Plum 8. Crab Apple 21. Raspberry, Black 9. Cranberry 22. Raspberry, Red 10. Currant 23. Rhubarb 11. Elderberry 24. Rhubarb, Cherry 12. Gooseberry 25. Strawberry 13. Grape, Tame Section 53 – Pickled Classes: 1. Apple 13. Herring 2. Apple, Crab 14. Mushroom 3. Beans, Green 15. Okra 4. Beans, Waxed 16. Onions 5. Beet 17. Other 6. Bread Butter 18. Peach 7. Cherry, Bing 19. Pickle, Chunk Sweet 8. Cucumber, Cinnamon Rings 20. Pickles, Lime 9. Dill Pickle, Hamburger 21. Pickles, Mixed 10. Dill Pickle, Sour 22. Pickle, Sliced Sour 11. Dill Pickle, Sweet 23. Pickle, Sliced Sweet 12. Gerkan, Sweet 24. Watermelon Section 54 – Relishes & Sauces Classes: 1. Barbecue Sauce 12. Salad Dressing 2. Beet Relish 13. Salsa 3. Catsup 14. Sandwich Spread 4. Chili Sauce 15. Spaghetti Sauce 5. Chow Chow 16. Tomato Cattery 6. Horseradish 17. Tomato, Green Chili Sauce 7. Mayonnaise 18. Tomato, Green Relish 8. Relish 19. Tomato Sauce 9. Pepper Relish 20. Zucchini Relish 10. Piccalilli 21. Other 11. Pizza Sauce 17 | Page Department 3 – Domestic Science Section 55 - Dried Fruits Classes: 1. Apples 7. Oranges 2. Apricot 8. Peaches 3. Banana 9. Pineapple 4. Grapes 10. Plum 5. Kiwi 11. Strawberries 6. Nectarine 12. Other Section 56 - Dried Vegetables Classes: 1. Beans 6. Mild Peppers 2. Carrots 7. Tomato 3. Celery 8. Peas 4. Onion 9. Potato 5. Hot Peppers 10. Other Section 57 – Herbs-Dried (Display in Plastic Bag) Classes: 1. Basil 10. Rosemary 2. Celery 11. Sage 3. Chives 12. Spearmint 4. Cilantro 13. Spearmint, Lavender 5. Coriander 14. St. John’s Wart 6. Horseradish 15. Thyme 7. Parsley 16. Other 8. Peppermint 9. Oregano Section 58 - Miscellaneous All Canned Classes: 1. Beef 9. Pork 2. Chicken 10. Sausage 3. Chili 11. Soup, homemade 4. Fish 12. Syrups 5. Juice 13. Venison 6. Lard 14. Mushrooms 7. Meat Balls 15. Other Product 8. Mincemeat 18 | Page Department 3 – Domestic Science Section 63 – Cakes Senior Division – Ages 17 & Older Cakes from mixes are not accepted in this section.
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