STORY PAPER COLLECTORS' DIGEST VOL.51 No.609 SEPTEMBER 1997 ,, THE BOUNDER COLIN CREWE COLLECTORS BOOKS . 12D WESTWOODR0,6.D, CANVEY ISLAND. ESSEX. SS8 OED TELEPHONE: 01268-693735 EVENINGS BEST •~ . -- DlCK TURPTNS @ £3.00 EA @£3.95EA NELSON I.EE @ £2.SOEA. MAGNETS @ £2.50 EA S.O.L. (Greyfriars) @ £3.95 EA BOYS FRIEND @ £2.50 EA GEMS @ £3.00EA S.O.L. (SI. Jim's ) @ bl.95BA BOYS REALM @ £2.SOEA SEXTON BLAKE 3RD SERIES@ t:3.95 E:A SEXTON RLAKE 2ND SERIBS@ £6.95 EA UNION JACKS@ £1. ~ EA JO% DISCOUNT A PLEASURE ON ALL ORDERS OF 10 OR MORE ISSUES OF SAME PAPER. DICK TURPIN LIBRARY ONE PENNV Al. DINE 302,311,314.320, 326. 332, 3.~~. 344, J50, 359, 36S, 374, 1!3,386, PlJBUSHl'NG . VERY GOOD COPIES FROM 80-90 YEARS J9S,4<H PAST FULL OF WILD ADVENTURE AND FUN. ORIGIN,\.1 ,. MAGNETS (THE REAL TlllNG) ISSUE I PROM 3. 6. 7 , 8, 10. 1'2, 24, 27. 28, 29,30, 31. 32.33,34,35, 36.37,38. 39, YEARS 1937-1940ALL WITH LOVELY SALMON COVE \S 40. 41, 42, 43. 44. 45, 46. 47, 48, 54, 56, 97. 98. 99. 100, 101, 102. 1553, 1555. 1556. 1557, 1558, 1560. 1561. IS64, IS66, I • 1568, 1114.1()5, i06, 107. 108, 109. 110, i 11, I 12. 113,114, 116, 117, 118, 1569, 1570. JS71, 1573, 1574. 1575. 1576, 1517, 1578, J , 1581. 9'):-f20;-T3'T,"T76;--f79 . 1604, 1605, 1606. 1607. 160S, 1612, 1614, 161.S. 1621, I SCHOOLBOYS' OWN LIBRARY. FAMOUS R£D WHJn: ANO 1624, 1616, J628. 1630, 1632, 1633, 1634. 16J5, 1636, I BLUE COVERS ALL ISSUES ST , FRANKS STORIES 8'Y E.S.B. 1640, 1641, 1642. 1643, 1644. 1645, 1646, 1648. 1649, I 0, 1651, 303. 306, J 12. 315, 336, 339, 348, 363, 366. 369. 372, 31\I , 3!\4, 393, 165.2. 1653. 1654, 1656. 1657. 1658, 1659, 1663, 1664, j1~·1666, 396. 399. 405. 408, 41 I 1667. l(i(,8, 1669, 1671, 1673, 1675, 1676. 1677, 1678, 16!! ( 1682 NELSON L.EE LIBRARY, LONG UVE ST. FRANKS SCHOOL THE BOYS' FRIEND HALFPENNY OF YF.ARS 5'09-1910 ANO ITS FOUNDER EDwY SEARLESBROOKS. JOIN NIPPER, COMPLETELY CHARMING. GREAT STORIES ANDS bHOLD NELSON LEE, tlANDFORTI I AND OT! IER CHUMS. WORLD A TMOSPHf.RE . VEAR 1918 13ij, 159. 160. 161. YEAR 1919 191, 195, 199, 201, 206. 2(17,'2 10,211. '212,213,214,215.216. 217,218, 1219, 204,210,216,217.221. 231. 236,238. YEAR 19:W 239. 24g, 251. 222,224, n5. 226. 221. 228. 229, 2:io. 231,232,236.237. 240. 241. 242,243,244.24 5, 246,247.248, 249. 250,251, 252.253, 255,271, 2'74, 275. Yf',,\R l9lllll)Z2320 , 327,370.373, 255,256.257, 2S8, 259,260,263,264,265.266, 267 , 268, 3B0. 393,395. Y£AR 1923 405,406,407 , 408,410 , 411,413. 4l4, 271,272,273,274.275 , 276. 277 , 278. '279,280.281, 282. 411. 416 , 417, 41$. 419,420 , 421,422,423,424.425, 426,427 , 430, 285,286,287. 288, 2S\). 290,291. ]92, 293,294,295.296 . 431. 412, 433, 442 , 444. 44S. VEAR 1924 448,452. 455, 456. 463, 299. 300,301,302.303. 304,305 ,3 06,307, J08. l09. 310 466. 470,474.476. 477,48 0, 48.4. 41l5,486. 4S7, 489. 490, 4~1. 493, ORIGJNAt, GEMS (THE REAL THING ) BLUE AN WHITE 494. 495. 4\>6, 497. 49'.I. VF.AR 19lS SOO.503. 5114,507, S1 I, 513, COVERS JSSUES OF 1937-1940 wrn1 CHARLES roN 514. s1s. s23, .524. 525 • .526. s21, 528,52~. 530, s11.sn.SJJ, SJ4, AS MARTIN CLIFFORD BACK A'f THE HELM 535. 536,537,538,539. S4Q. 541,546.547, 548, 549 . YEAR 1926 1557, 1558, i559, 1560. 1561, 1562, JS63, 1564, 1565, I • 1567. 55~. ss 4, 555 . s.s6,ss1 , 558 . 559. 560, s61. s.62, 563,565 1568, 15(;9, 1570, 1511, IS7Q, 1574. 1475, 15'76, 1$77. 1~ , ISllO, SCHOOLBOYS' OWN LIBRARY FAMOUS RED WHITE AND 1582, 15.85, 1587, 1588, 1589. 1590. 15!11, 15C>2,1593, 1~ 4, iS9S, BLUE COVERS AU . GREYfJllARS ISSUllS BY FRANK 1596, 1599, 1600, 1©1. 1602. Wl4, 1(,05, 1606, 1609, 11 1, 16r3 , RICHARDS 301 • .304.307 , 313, 316,322,325,328. H l . 334,337, 1615, 1616. 1611. 11>1_9.1620, 1621. 1622, 1623, 1624, 1 ~s. 1638, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1642. 1644, 1645, ll'>46, 1648, 1649, I 50, 1651, J40 . .343.346,349,352, 35S. 361,364, 36,. 367, '.!70, 373. 37~. 319. 1661. 1662 382. 385,388,394.397 , 403. 404,406.407, 40'), 410 THE BOVS' RF-4.LM ONE PENNY OF YE,\R llllM, ~[CHOOL. SEXTON BLAKE LlllllARY 4 PF.NNY MUCII LOVED PRE· ADVENTURE.CIRCUS. DETECTIVEAND WAR S1'0~ i,S FROM WAR 1SSU£S OF TUF. 2ND SERLES. I, ,, 19. 52. '17. 85, 12-t!. FAMOUS EARLY CENTURY AUTHORSAND AS THF. ~ING 153,224.229. 265. 285. 293. 297,306 , 310.319, 333, 343.347, J49, STATES: - A BRIGIIT UP-TO-DATE PAPEll FOR A1L ~ R_J'.llSH 357, :!62, 36.S. 369,376, 384 . J87, 390,391.402. 411. 416,417 . 41,!, BOYS AND YOUNG MEN", 87. 88. 8\>, 90. 91, 92, 93. , 95, 96, 425,426.433. 441 ,443, 455,462 , 469 . 471, 474,475,477,488 , 493, 97. 98, 99, 100, IOI. 102. 1()3, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108. 09, 110, 497 504. 51'.Z,523, 552, 5sti. 558. 590. 598, 600, 628. 630, 631, 657, 113, 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119, 120, 121. 122. 123. 124, 125, 126, 668. 669. 670,671,674,676. 681. 68~. 684,687.689, 693,694.696. 127,128, 129. 130. 131. [32, [33,134 702. 704. 705,711.717, 722,725,729,730,734 UNION JACK OF YF..ARS 1913-1927 THESE ISSUES I CK THE SEXTON RLAlCE LIBRARY 687 PENNY ISSUES EARLV 3RD DE'IBCOVE SUPPLEl,fENTSBUT THE GOOD N'F.WS S TIIAT IBE s.EX'l'ON BLAKE STORIES ARE AU. COMP 0. 1004, Sf.RIES96PAGESOF YF.ARS 1941-1947: 1010, 1011, 1012, 1015, 1011\, IWI . 1021, 1025, 1026, I ~7. 1029, 2. ·12,1S-,16, l8, 19,35 ,46,.S7,6l,?;'i,8J,86,87.91, IOS. II.S.121. 1030, 1031. 1056, 1057, 1051!, 1059. 1063, 1064, 1065, I ~ . 1067, 122. 123,130,132.138 , 148 1068, 1069, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1076. 1077, I ~8. 1079. SCH00LB0V$• OWN LIBRARY FAMOUS RED WHl'IB AND IOilO, 1081, 1128, I 157, 1160, 117$. 1:201,1207, 1257 BLUE. COVERS All. ST. JIMS (SSUES BY ~ARTIN CLIFFORD 2 STORY PAPER COLLECTORS' DIGEST Editor: MARY CADOGAN STORY PAPER COLLECTOR COLLECTORS ' DIGEST Founded in 1941 by Founded in I.946 by W.H.GANDER HERBERT LECKENBY S.P.C. D. Edited and Publi shed 1959 - January 1987 by Eric Fayne VOL. 5 1 No. 609 SEPTEMBE R 1997 Price £1.25 OUR ANNUAL Although I am wr iting this editorial o n a truly sweltering summer day, my thoughts are projected lo the season of snow and holly and cosy Christmas reading, for it i s time to start work on our Annu al. Several r eaders have already sent m e excellent articles for this, and now is the time for further con tributors to put pens. typewriters and wo rd-proces o rs to pape r and let me have a n abundant c rop of artic les. stories. pictures and poems. As you know. I try to make the Annual a good balance o f the most popular aspects of the hobby - Hamilt onia, Sexton Blake. Nelson Lee - but there is always room in it for byways as well as highways of our reading and collecting intere sts. Enclosed is the order form. a nd I wou ld appreciate its return to me as soon as possible please so that I can est imate the number of An nuals to be printed. As ever, J have tried. despite rising produ ction costs, to keep the price as low as possible. Next month I shall begin to trail our Bumper Book's 'mou th­ watering' co ntents. BILL LOFTS You will see that this iss ue of the C.D. includes seve ral tributes to Bill, whose loss is deep ly felt by ma ny reader s. Bill was such an enthusiastic and prolific contributor to the C.D. that I still have a small suppl y of his ruticles and, as I am sure he would have wi shed these to b e used, hjs work will continu e to grace ou r pages fro m time to time. 3 E RIC FAYNE T ri butes to Eric, which are still coming in, uoderLine the enom1ous regaird which C.D . reader s had for bim. WATCH THIS SPACE in our next issue for de tails about a lasting memorial to him. Hap py brow sing. MARY CADOGAN **************************************************************** A ST. JIM' S "RELATIONS" Qmz by Peter Mahm11y Name the se relatives of leading "SA fNTS'' . l. Eric Kildare' s co usin l l. Ralph Card ew's uncle 2. Mick Mulvaney 's uncle 12. Monty Lowther ' s guardian 3. Mr. Linton's nephew 13. Bernard Glyn 's sister 4. Gus sy's female cousin 14. LesLieClampe 's cousin 5 . Uaclc to Ta lbot and Crook e L5. Ralph Cardew 's grandfather 6. Clarence Tom pkins' uncle 16. Dick Julian 's uncle 7.
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