Vol. 53 Madison, Tenn. 37115, December, 1971 No. 4 61st Self-Supporting Convention in the church, and I think he ought to he can't wait to get there in the morning. come to Harbert Hills." I had some Because he is so eager to learn the Word Fletcher, N.C., Oct. 14-16, 1971 reservations. of God, he carries the students and the On the day school started they drove teacher along with him. You would be For the 61st time representatives of in. The new Catholic student was a very surprised at the change in attitude in the Southern self-supporting institutions clean-cut, fine-looking young man. I said that particular class. I count it a real assembled for their annual convention. to Lyle, "Where did you find this boy ?" privilege to have that boy on our Until 1964 they gathered at Madison. He replied, "He lives a mile or two from campus. I know the Lord has a place for This year the convention was held in the where I do, and he's interested in becom- him somewhere in this work. Most church at Fletcher, N.C. An interesting, ing an Adventist. He is fifteen years old. of the non-Adventist young people who informative program of talks, panels, All of his people are Catholics." come to us have been baptized. and music had been planned by the local Mr. Gray had hired him to work on the (Mr. Dickman then spoke of oppor- committee—Elder D. G. Anderson, Paul farm. The young man said, "I like it here, tunities of witnessing before salesmep Witt, and Mrs. L. E. Nestell. and I'm going to stay." Our school has and government officials.) Jack Williams, administrator of the been going on now about seven weeks, We have had government inspectors on Fletcher institution, and president of the and if he keeps going like he is, he will our campus every year for the past four Laymen's Extension League, presided at be baptized within the next few months. years, dealing with the matter of diet. the opening meeting on Thursday eve- He is so hungry for his Bible class that The first man who came gave us a hard ning. Elder Vernon Becker, educational time because we served a vegetarian diet, secretary of the Southern Union, was but before he left, he was convinced the guest speaker, substituting for Elder Date and Plans for Homecoming diet was adequate. Four years from that H. H. Schmidt, who was unable to be April 28-30, 1972 day we had another inspector, and today present. Inquiries are coming in regarding Homecoming the whole trend has changed. The U. S. Elder V. W. BECKER: If ever we were Government has just published through to keep our eyes on the goal and march for 1972. At a meeting of the alumni executive committee on Oct. 5, 1971. the committee voted its Department of Agriculture that forward, it is now . History is like vegetable protein is the coming thing. a rear view mirror. The future is to set the date at the last weekend in April — not bright, but God will see us through. April 28-30. Similar to last year, the college will On Tuesday of this week the Agri- "In the early days of the message very have its date one week later than the academy. culture Department inspector visited us. many of our people possessed the spirit Madison Academy Homecoming will be April He kept using words that made me think of self-denial and self-sacrifice. Thus a 21. 22. he was an Adventist; so I asked him if Rural Living Seminars he was an Adventist, and he said he was. right beginning was made, and success An innovative plan is proposed for this summer attended the efforts put forth. But the He is one of top men in the eight South- at Madison, and that is to conduct a series of six ern states in government inspection for work has not developed as it should have Sunday rural living and gardening seminars. developed." 7T. p.53. the Agriculture Department. I asked if starting the next day after Homecoming proper, he knew the first inspector who came We are standing on the threshold of April 30. Elder John Wagner, principal of the here. great and solemn events. What a tre- Academy. was consulted and was agreeable to mendous responsibility! "Does he chide you about vegetarian the plan, making available some of the academy diet ?" "He used to, but it's a different The message will close with great land and equipment. story now. At a meeting in Atlanta re- power. The brightest days are ahead. Elder Jack Darnall, director of the Wilderness garding the school lunch program, we "Angels' hands will overthrow the de- Survival program, met with the committee, and told these companies to sell us on this ceptive schemes that are being formed. reported on how such a seminar was held for the vegetarian school lunch program. Worth- The bulwarks of Satan will never tri- S.D.A. churches of Chicago during the summer ington and other companies were there umph. Victory will attend the third of 1971 by two students of Andrews University — . ." Now the Agriculture Department angel's message. As the Captain of the Jack Cross and David Howe. The meetings were of the United States has O.K.'d vege- Lord's host tore down the walls of Jeri- held on Sunday afternoons and evenings. The tarian protein for school consumption all cho, so will the Lord's commandment- afternoons were devoted to practical problems and over the nation. keeping people triumph, and all opposing demonstrations — growing and preserving fruits I have seen Adventism for forty years. elements be defeated." TM 410. and vegetables. household maintenance. farm I can remember when, as a boy, I went economies, how to select a country home, etc. Institutional Experiences to school and was tagged as a "grass On Sunday evenings there was a guest speaker eater," a bad word. I've been a grass L. L. Dickman, Harbert Hills Academy from A.U. and a question-and-answer period. At eater since 1954, and today it's the "in the last meeting a call was made to start a chap- Our work started at Harbert Hills in thing." By 1980 vegetarian diet will ter of the A.A.A. (Adventist Agriculture Associa- probably be the biggest thing in food 1952. The first man who came to live on tion) in the Chicago area, and 26 people wanted the place was Lyle Gray. He camped out industry. We have to come to a glorious to join. underneath the stars, and started the finish. Some of us have need to improve work there. He stayed two or three • Honor classes for 1971 Homecoming on April in four or five areas. The greatest chal- years. About two weeks before school 28-30, 1972, are 1962 (10 years ago); 1947 (25 lenge is just ahead of us. started this fall, he called me and said, years ago) : 1I32. 440 nano ago); and 1922 (50 I'm convinced also because of the prob- "I have a Catholic boy who is interested years ago). BERRIEN SPRINGS, lem in dealing with the Labor Depart- BERLTAGE ROOM ment that God's plan of education will I'd never have gotten as close to them mother had been a patient at Madison Hospital. come under real tight scrutiny. I am also as I did. I was getting my hands dirty and had been treated so well that when we convinced that the Federal Government with them, working on cars. People will lacked money for insurance, he carried it him- will learn some things about our work say things when they're working together self for five years. We were to pay 6389 a month education program, and I think it is up to that they wouldn't say otherwise. for ten years, and we didn't know where that was some of us to show the way on this. I'm Last year we put up many straw- coming from. definitely convinced we will either be in berries from a large patch, and over two We raised a beautiful garden this year. We or out of business real fast. If we follow thousand quarts of apple sauce. Last have a big freezer in our new building, about God's plan, we're going to be in business, year we started making tofu (soy 14 x 10, and we have four freezers full besides and if we don't, we're going to be out cheese). We have several acres of soy- that. We put away 2,000 ears of corn, 150 gallons real fast. beans. We rigged up machinery and made of corn cut off the cob, and I can't begin to tell A school principal in the Southern a giant whizzer. We used a giant kettle what all we have there. We had a big crop of Union was cited for twenty-seven viola- that holds about fifteen gallons, ex- grapes, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes. 115 bushels tions. It is very important that we come tracted the soy milk and coagulated of Irish potatoes. We've taught the boys and to grips with the real problem, and the it. girls how to work. real problem is that we try to do what Last year we started a branch Sabbath I invite you all to come and see our place. God has asked us to do.
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