ACTA UNIVERSITATIS CAROLINAE 2014 HISTORIA UNIVERSITATIS CAROLINAE PRAGENSIS ACTA UNIVERSITATIS CAROLINAE 2014 Tomus LIV. Fasc. 1 Příspěvky k dějinám Univerzity Karlovy CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE KAROLINUM PRESS 2015 Editor-in-chief: Prof. PhDr. Petr Svobodný, Ph.D. Executive editors: Mgr. Kateřina Schwabiková, Mgr. Michal V. Šimůnek, Ph.D., PhDr. Blanka Zilynská, Ph.D. Reviewers: Mgr. Marco Stella, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Hoßfeld, Dr. Georgy S. Levit This issue is produced within the framework of Programme for the Development of Scientific Dis- ciplines at the Charles University (PRVOUK), P21: History of Academic Science and Education. Cover photo: A German X-ray image of a head for anthropological use, app. 1942, private collection. © Charles University in Prague, 2015 ISSN 0323-0562 (Print) ISSN 2336-5730 (Online) CONTENTS 9 Abbreviations Introduction 13 Michal V. Šimůnek, Anthropology & Monstrosity Articles 23 Ursula Ferdinand, Designing the ‘Umvolkung’. Nazi Social Anthropology (Sozialanthropologie) – Karl Valentin Müller and His concept of Ethnic Re-Engineering, 1940–1945 55 Michal V. Šimůnek – Uwe Hoßfeld, The Avantgarde of the ‘Rasse’. Nazi ‘Racial Biology’ at the German Charles University in Prague, 1940–1945 Reviews 107 Michal V. Šimůnek – Antonín Kostlán (eds.), Disappeared Science: Jewish Scholars from Bohemia and Moravia – Victims of Nazism, 1939–1945 (Petr Svobodný) 110 Walter Rüegg (ed.), Geschichte der Universität in Europa, IV, Vom Zweiten Weltkrieg bis zum Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts (Jiří Pešek) Czech Summaries 18 Michal V. Šimůnek, Antropologie & monstróznost 53 Ursula Ferdinand, Plánování „Umvolkung“. Nacistická sociální antropologie (Sozialanthropologie) – Karl Valentin Müller a jeho koncept „přenárodnění“, 1940–1945 97 Michal V. Šimůnek – Uwe Hoßfeld, Avantgarda „rasy“. Nacistická „rasová biologie“ na Německé Karlově univerzitě v Praze, 1940–1945 Authors Doc. Dr. phil. Ursula Ferdinand, Institut für Gechichte der Medizin und Ethik in der Medizin, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Hoßfeld, Arbeitsgruppe Biologiedidaktik, Biologisch-Pharmazeutische Fakultät, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena – Labor für Wissenschaftsforschung, Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO), St. Petersburg Prof. PhDr. Jiří Pešek, CSc., Fakulta humanitních studií UK Prof. PhDr. Petr Svobodný, Ph.D., Ústav dějin UK a archiv UK, Praha Mgr. Michal V. Šimůnek, Ph.D., Kabinet dějin vědy Ústavu pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v. v. i, Praha ABBREVIATIONS ABS Archiv bezpečnostních složek (Security Services Archive) ARGB Archiv für Rassen- und Gesellschaftsbiologie (Archive for Racial and Social Biology) AUK Archiv Univerzity Karlovy (Archives of the Charles University) BArch Bundesarchiv (Federal Archives) B.-M. Böhmen-Mähren (Bohemia-Moravia) DAF Deutsche Arbeitsfront DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) DGRH Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rassenhygiene (German Society for Racial Hygiene) DKU Deutsche Karls-Universität (German Charles University) EWZ Einwandererzentrale (Immigration Control Centre) H-U Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Humboldt University Berlin) IRb Institut für Rassenbiologie (Institute for Racial Biology) KVK Kriegsverdienstkreuz (War Merit Cross) NA Národní archiv (National Archives) NSDAP Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei (National Socialist German Worker’s Party) NSM Německé státní ministerstvo pro Čechy a Moravu (German State Ministry for Bohemia and Moravia) PA Personalakte (personal file) RAG Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumordnung (Reich Working Group for Regional Administration) REM Reichsministerium für Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung (Reich Ministry for Science, Education and National Culture) RFSS Reichsführer SS RHSt Reinhard-Heydrich-Stiftung (Reinhard Heydrich Foundation) RKFDV Reichskommissar für die Festigung deutschen Volkstums (Reich Commissar for the Strengthening of German Nationhood) RM Reichsmark RNU Rektorát Německé Karlovy univerzity (Rectorate of the German University) RSHA Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Main Security Office) RuS Rasse- und Siedlung (Race and Settlement) RuSHA Rassen- und Siedlungshauptamt (Race and Settlement Main Office) SächsMfV Sächsisches Ministerium für Volksbildung (Saxon Ministry of Public Education) SD Sicherheitsdienst (Security Service) SOA Státní oblastní archiv (State Regional Archives) SPD Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (Social Democratic Party of Germany) 9 SS Schutzstaffel (Defence Corps) ST státní tajemník (State Secretary) TH Technische Hochschule (Technical University) UA Universitätsarchiv (University Archives) ÚŘP Úřad říšského protektora (Office of the Reich Protector) VuR Volk und Rasse (Volk and Race) 10 Introduction ACTA UNIVERSITATIS CAROLINAE – HISTORIA UNIVERSITATIS CAROLINAE PRAGENSIS 2014 Tomus LIV. Fasc. 1 Pag. 13–19 ANTHROPOLOGY & MONSTROSITY MICHAL V. ŠIMŮNEK But if we fail, then the whole world (…), including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new dark age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Sir Winston Churchill, June 18, 1940 As long as science exists, not only its tangible results but also its theories can be used in practice to a wide variety of purposes. Scientific evidence has also been used to support and defend many controversial claims! But never before were arguments based on research used to justify something as terrible as in recent decades, when in some countries, under the rule of the very worst, life sciences are exploited for political adventures. Adolf Portmann, 1972 Under the Nazi rule, eugenic and ‘racial’ research was strongly favoured. This led to an increase in the number of institutions established for the purpose of ‘protection of hereditary health care’ (Erbgesundheitspflege), ‘protection of the race’ (Rassenpflege), and ‘race policy’ (Rassenpolitik) or in order to popularise them. German academic institutes at universities and leading research institutions outside the university landscape, such as Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institutes, played a special role in this process. Although many of the research directions had continuously developed since the turn of the twentieth century within a broader context of bio-medical sciences and humanities, after 1933 they emerged in totally different ideological and political environment. At the ideological level, the irrational and often mythical components of National Social- ism such as ‘purity of Aryan blood’ and the like were complemented by argumentation coming from exact sciences.1 Obviously, this was a sort of arrangement of convenience 1 See Christopher M. HUTTON, Race and Third Reich. Linguistics, racial anthropology and genetics in the di- alectic of Volk, Cambridge 2005; Léon POLIAKOV, Der arische Mythos. Zu den Quellen von Rassismus und Nationalsozialismus, Hamburg 2000; Michael BURLEIGH – Wolfgang WIPPERMANN, The Racial State. Germany 1933–1945, Cambridge 1991; Michael POLLAK, Rassenwahn und Wissenschaft. Anthropologie, Biologie, Justiz und die nationalsozialistische Bevölkerungspolitik, Frankfurt/Main 1990; Dieter WERNER, Einflüße des natur- wissenschaftlichen Materialismus auf das Entstehen der nationalsozialistischen Rassenideologie, Frankfurt/ Main 1987 (Dissertation); Johannes ZISCHKA, Die NS-Rassenideologie. Machttaktisches Instrument oder hand- lungsbestimmendes Ideal?, Frankfurt/Main – Bern – New York 1986; Andreas HILFGRUBER – Eberhard KOLB – Jacht DÜLFFER (eds.), Strukturelemente des Nationalsozialismus. Rassenideologie. Unterdrückungsmachinerie. Aussenpolitik, Köln 1981. 13 because scientific arguments and methodology played an important role in legitimising the Nazi policies. The scientists, on the other hand, could expect more resources and official support from the regime, which defined itself as primarily biologistic and based on natural laws (Naturgesetze). The most radical racial ideologists and practitioners even promoted these disciplines as a foundation of new ‘national socialist science’.2 Older trends aim- ing at creating a specific, racially and völkisch based ‘German science’, such as ‘Ger- man biology’ (Deutsche Biologie) or ‘German Physics’ (Deutsche Physik), also became more pronounced.3 This newly emerging science viewed itself, in contrast to the previous liberal times, as a ‘fighting science’ (kämpferische Wissenschaft).4 Various scholars and ideologists hailed the new era as the dawn of a dominance of biology, which was seen as an enterprise going far beyond science in the narrow sense of the term: “But biology as a mediator of our insight in the processes of life will gradually develop into a leading sci- ence which will with its view of the world certainly shape also politics and economy, state and nation, as well as mankind itself.”5 The prominent German anthropologist and racial hygienist Eugen Fischer (1874–1967), speaking about German anthropology in 1943, pre- dicted a similar development: “It is a special and rare luck for such a theoretical research to be carried out at a time when the general view of the world appreciates and accommodates it, when even its practical results are immediately welcome and become the foundation of state policies.”6 Efforts to support this transformation contained both fragmenting and synthesizing ten- dencies but even so, it played a crucial role in backing the academic networks linked in vari- ous ways to the Nazi establishment both at
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