WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES OPEN FILE REPORT 2003-4 Division of Geology and Earth Resources Ron Teissere - State Geologist R. 4 W. R. 3 W. 123°00¢ 124°00¢ R. 10 W. R. 9 W. R. 8 W. R. 7 W. R. 6 W. R. 5 W. 48°00¢ 48°00¢ E†m Em1 Qa Evcf Evcf …Em …Emst Qao E†m Qgo Qgt DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS MEm(r) Marine rhythmites and other thin-bedded marine sedimentary rocks (Mio- REFERENCES st Qao Qa E†m Qgd Ev Qgo Qlss …Emr E†m Em1 Em1 cf „Emr Evcp Evcp E†m cene–Eocene)—Lithofeldspathic and feldspatholithic micaceous sandstone with Qlss E†m Ev Em2a Qls Quaternary Sediments Addicott, W. O., 1976, Neogene molluscan stages of Oregon and Washington. In Fritsche, A. E.; …Evb …Evb cp Qgd Qgt E†mstc Qgt less-abundant siltstone and slate, grading eastward to or tectonically intercalated Qlss …Em Qatm Ev Qgo Ter Best, Harry, Jr.; Wornardt, W. W., editors, The Neogene symposium—Selected technical Qa r Qls Ev(cp) Evcp cf Qgd NONGLACIAL DEPOSITS with semischist with slate and phyllite; rare granule conglomerate and thick-layered …Evb E†m Qgo papers on paleontology, sedimentology, petrology, tectonics and geologic history of the …Em E†m Em Em2a semischist; thicker sandstone and semischist contain platy shale or slate clasts Qgd Ev 2a Qls Qaf Alluvial fan deposits (Holocene)—Sorted to unsorted, angular to rounded cobble Pacific coast of North America: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Qao E†m E†m cp Ev r Qgt locally grading to platy-clast breccia; generally laminated and (or) thin-bedded T. 29 N. …Em cf Qaf and finer gravel deposited by migrating distributary channels of tributary streams at Pacific Section, 51st Annual Meeting, p. 95-115. …Em Evcp Qgo E†m T. 29 N. E†mstc EPAmstc Qgt Em2c (1–20 cm) with common rhythmites; rarely thick-bedded (>60 cm); moderate to E†m Evcp E†m Evcf the transition between slopes and valley floor; also includes debris-flow deposits at …Emr Qgd Em2c poor sorting; subangular where not thoroughly recrystallized; mostly metamor- Ansfield, V. J., 1972, The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Lyre Formation, northwestern Qgl Qgt the mouths of tributary channels. …Emr Qgl Evcp …Em Evcp EPAmstc Qls phosed to zeolite facies; multiple cleavages and tectonic lenses common; interbed- Olympic Peninsula, Washington: University of Washington Doctor of Philosophy thesis, st Ev Em2a Em2c cp Qa Alluvium (Holocene–late Pleistocene)—Well-sorted, generally rounded to sub- ded with thick sandstones yielding unreset Miocene to Eocene detrital zircon fis- Qa E†mstc Qgt 131 p., 1 plate. …Em Qgd E†m Qa …Evb …Evb …Em Em rounded sand and gravel within active stream channels, including the approximate sion-track ages in the western part of the quadrangle and possible unreset Miocene st Ev Evcp 2a Qao cp Qgd E†m Evcf Babcock, R. S.; Suczek, C. A.; Engebretson, D. C., 1994, The Crescent "terrane", Olympic EPAmstc E†m area of the active flood plain; derived primarily from Olympic Mountains rock to Eocene fission-track ages in the east-central part of the quadrangle (Brandon and …Emr Qgd Peninsula and southern Vancouver Island. In Lasmanis, Raymond; Cheney, E. S., convenors, …Emst types; in river valleys of the northern portion of the quadrangle, includes igneous Vance, 1992; R. J. Stewart, Univ. of Wash., written commun., 1999); includes part …Evb Regional geology of Washington State: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resour-- Qat …Em Qls and metamorphic material transported from the north by the Juan de Fuca lobe of of the Western Olympic and Grand Valley lithic assemblages of Tabor and Cady Qgl Ev E†m E†m cp the continental ice sheet. A large component of the sediment input is from valley- (1978a). ces Bulletin 80, p. 141-157. Qa Qgo Qlsr Ev wall landslides and debris flows and from fluvial reworking of alpine outwash cp MEmst Boyer, S. E.; Lingley, W. S., Jr., 1994, A model for the structural evolution of parts of the …Emst Evcf Em2c Marine thick-bedded sandstone and semischist (Miocene–Eocene)—Thick Qls Evcp deposits. „Emst Olympic subduction complex and associated piggyback basins [abstract]: Geological Qgt sequences of feldspatholithic to lithofeldspathic micaceous sandstone or semischist; Qad Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, no. 7, p. A-188. …Em …Evb Qatm Qgl Qls Landslide deposits, undifferentiated (Holocene–late Pleistocene)—Chaotic and minor granule and pebble conglomerate; medium to very coarse grained with silt- …Emst Qls …Em Qls Qls poorly sorted mixtures of soil, talus, colluvium, bedrock, and fluvial and glacial stone or slate clasts grading to platy siltstone- or slate-clast breccia; generally bed- Brandon, M. T.; Calderwood, A. R., 1990, High-pressure metamorphism and uplift of the …Emst st „Emr Qls sediments; landslide age is inferred from stratigraphic position, age of parent mate- ded thicker than 1 m; sequences separated by thin-bedded (1–20 cm) sandstone, …Evb Olympic subduction complex: Geology, v. 18, no. 12, p. 1252-1255. semischist, siltstone, slate, and (or) phyllite similar to unit „Em ; laterally discontin- Qa Qgt Eva rials, and geomorphic expression; may include any number of landslide types (for r …Em …Emst OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK E†m Brandon, M. T.; Vance, J. A., 1992, Tectonic evolution of the Cenozoic Olympic subduction Qls example, rockfall, debris flow, deep-seated, slump-earthflow [Varnes, 1978]), map- uous; tectonic lenses common; mostly metamorphosed to zeolite facies; yields unre- Qgo complex, Washington State, as deduced from fission track ages for detrital zircons: T. 28 N. …Evb ped only where landslides exceed 160 acres in area. Includes both landslide deposits set Miocene to Eocene detrital zircon fission-track ages in the western part of the T. 28 N. Evcp Qatm American Journal of Science, v. 292, no. 8, p. 565-636. …Em Qls …Evb and associated headscarps. Locally divided into: quadrangle and possible unreset Miocene to Eocene fission track ages in the east- central part of the quadrangle (Brandon and Vance, 1992; R. J. Stewart, Univ. of Brown, R. D., Jr.; Gower, H. D.; Snavely, P. D., Jr., 1960, Geology of the Port Angeles– … Qgo Qgt Qls(r) Landslide deposits, rockfall—Poorly sorted, commonly angular cobbles and Qao Em … Qls Wash., written commun., 1999); includes part of the Western Olympic and Grand Evb r boulders; clast supported or in a matrix of sand, silt, and clay; locally includes Lake Crescent area, Clallam County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Oil and Gas Qls …Emr Em1 Valley lithic assemblages of Tabor and Cady (1978a). Qgo talus; commonly hummocky; usually occupies transition area between valley Investigations Map OM-203, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500. …Em …Evb walls and valley floor; generally results from large-scale and catastrophic MEbx Tectonic breccia (Miocene–Eocene)—In the eastern part of the quadrangle near Qls …Em r „Ebx Cady, W. M.; Sorensen, M. L.; MacLeod, N. S., 1972a, Geologic map of the Brothers Qls landsliding. Because of its steep topography, Crescent Formation basalt (unit Mount Stone, consists of breccia of slate and phyllite with abundant small tectonic Qa „Emst …Evb quadrangle, Jefferson, Mason and Kitsap Counties, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey …Em „Emst Evcp) is a common source for these deposits, particularly in the Hamma lenses of sheared sandstone, semischist, quartz veins, and ptygmatically folded Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-969, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500. …Em Qat Qgo „Emst Qls Hamma, Duckabush, and Dosewallips River valleys. Sackung features are schist; in the western part of the quadrangle, consists of thick sequences of intensely Qatm „Em Qao Em1 Qat common along bedrock ridges in the Olympic Mountains (Tabor, 1971). sheared marine sedimentary and minor basaltic volcanogenic rocks; volcanogenic Cady, W. M.; Tabor, R. W.; MacLeod, N. S.; Sorensen, M. L., 1972b, Geologic map of the Tyler „Em …Em E†m Qao Qls …Evb Qlss rocks are tectonic blocks, range from granules to boulders, and have abundant chlor- Peak quadrangle, Clallam and Jefferson Counties, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Qat Qlss „Em „Emst Qls(s) Landslide deposits, slump-earthflow—Weathered local bedrock and (or) Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-970, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500. st …Evb Qat Qlss ite and epidote; interpreted as unusually wide fault gouge zones; in the eastern part „Emst …Evb valley-fill sediments; ranges from preserved original stratigraphy to chaoti- …Evb Em1 Evcp Qgt of the quadrangle, structural relations near Mount Stone suggest that the eastern part …Em Qa Carson, R. J., 1976, Geologic map of north-central Mason County, Washington: Washington Qa st Qgo cally mixed; generally occurs in deeply weathered bedrock, along weak inter- of the unit is younger than middle Eocene; in the western part of the quadrangle, Qao „Emr Evcf Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open File Report 76-2, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500. Qao beds, or within granular or fine-grained cohesive sediments (typically glacial unit is contiguous with rocks to the west containing foraminiferal assemblages refer- deposits); generally slow-moving and episodic; occurs along a surface (or sur- Qa Em1 able to the Narizian to Saucesian Stages (Rau, 1975, 1979). Clark, K. P., 1989, The stratigraphy and geochemistry of the Crescent Formation basalts and the „Em Qa „Emst „Emst Qlss faces) below the rooting depth of forest vegetation; has low shear strengths, is Qa a Qat bedrock geology of associated igneous rocks near Bremerton, Washington: Western Qls …Emr r Qa commonly unsorted and unstratified, and is easily remobilized. OEm Marine sedimentary rocks (Oligocene–Eocene)—Semischist and phyllite with …Emr …Em Washington University Master of Science thesis, 171 p., 1 plate. Evcp minor finely crystalline schist in the central Olympic Mountains; grades radially …Emstc Qao Em Qc Continental sediments (Pleistocene)—Stratified clay, silt, sand, gravel, and local Qatm 1 Qc away to sandstone, siltstone, and slate; mostly recrystallized, but includes fine- to Crandell, D.
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