Page 1 ~ 2 IMPORT 1. 0ngin.1 Petmlt/Ce~No.- 13US8859:tA/9 PERMIT 2 'Valid 10(31/20:13 -r,r~'ffl'-1~~ 1 4. ~ ancf (nll'OJ! addres« coyntry) G~O PASN)l~LWARI l P.Ol BO)( 21880 OM ES SALAAM TANZANIA i>.!UST COMPt.Y 'f,!fYH ATT~CHEO GENERAL PERMIT CONOIJIONS.. 6. U.S. ~Authorlty ~6)JMY HOT BE SOU) OR TRANSFERRED FoAAN\t;t=iNANCW. REMUHEAA1l()ft U.S, FlSH AND Wn.DIJFE SERVICE OMSK>N'OF t,WW3EMENT AlJTt«JRITY SEE ATTACtiED PAGE 2 EORAOOlTIONAL CONDlllO~S. 4401 N. FAIRFAX DRIVE ROOM212 THIS AMENDS ANO REPLACE~ 12US88593A/9 ISSUED ARLINGTON, VA 22203-3247 11/01/2012. 09/12/2013 A. Common Name AFRICAN ELEPJ-W(T Sc:111~Name LOXotl(ONTA AFRicANA 9. IMPORT PERSONAL SPORT HUNTED TROPHY (shipment may conlaln bones, claws, hide, skuU, tNlh, Of i..£OPARO #1)' bDddennled pall DOES NOT Include worked, 11, Quantty ~lr,gunb) manufactured, or handicraft items sudl as curios, jewelry, or .-, Scle!llffio.Name- other uUlltarian Items ) ~ ~P~ERA 112. Country of Oiigfn PAROOS TANZAHt,l\ c .. ------------- ·- --------· ·- ~ Page2 of2 l ~S:'l' IMPORT'I,OUG}llA:d)'ESIONATED PORT AS LISTED IN CONDlTION'lO. OF -GENEKAI.; l>ER!i,1Ff eoNDimIONS. , J.. • (J.S. TIIR.liATENa.b SPECIES: TUSKS MUST BE MARKED AS PER [50 CFR 17.40(e)]. IN AecbIIDANGE W1.}.!H tHE AFRICAN ELEPHANT CONSERVATION ACT, RA w ~2~~. ~~~IijO SEOR'r-.ffUNTED:ITTlOPHlES TIIATARE WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY IVORY, MAY N9~O&:r.ED FROM T8B U.S. BL~T MUST NOT HA VE BEEN TAKEN FROM ANY MORA TOIUl:IM' AREA INCLUDING LONGIDO,CONTROLLED HUNTING AREA (CHA). - • f J U.S. 1.11REA~D SPECIES [SO CFR 17.40 (f)]. P-ERM.l'Fl'EE MAYJ)NLY IMPORT TWO LEOPARD TROPHlES PER CALENDAR Ye.4.JL EACHJ.~OE,ARD SKJN" MUST ai"'£B.J4 SBLF-LOCKING TAG ATT ACHED TO IT WHICH INDICATES TJ;!§ ~~TE<ijf EXfOR'Il;' THE NUMBBR OFTEIE,._§fil!CIMEN IN RELATJON TO THE ANNUAL QUOTA, AND :tHE GALEN~~R :roWHICH THE quor~PLIES. THE EXPORT PERMIT (OR RE-EXPORT CERTIE'ICAJE) MUST OON'U/iJN THE TAGGING INFO_RMrATION AS OUTLCNED ABOVE. 1!R0PHY MUSF RAVE BEEN TAKEN DURING 2012 HUNTING SEASON. 5l3416 FOAM 3-201A ( 1197) CONVENTION ON Page 1 ol 2 - 1. Orifjnal PermlVC8rtlficate No. INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN IMPORT 14US88593A/9 ENDANGERED SPECIES OF PERMIT 2. Valid WILD FAUNAAND FLORA 09/18/2015 3. Pennlttee (name and address, oounlry) 4. Consignee (name end sddrelS', country) CATHERINE HAMMOND RONDEAU GERARD ?ASANISI SAFARI P.O. BOX 218S0 DAR ES SALAAM LI.SA TANZANIA ----- --- 5. Special Conditions Sa. Purpose of Transaction MUST COMP!.Y WITH ATTACHED GENERAL PERMIT CONDITIONS H 6. U S. Management Authority SPECIMEN($) MAY NOT BE SOLD OR 'TRANSFERRED FOR Arl'f FINANCIAL REMUNERATION U.S. FISH ANO WILDLIFE SERVICE DIVISION OF MANAGENENT AUTHORITY SEE ATTACHED PAGE 2 FOR AoomONAL CONDITIONS. BRANCH OF PERMITS, MS: IA 5275 LEESBURG PIKE THIS RE-ISSUES AND REPLACES 12US88593A/9 ISSUED FALLS CHURCH VA22041-3803 09/12/2013. -May not be used for commercial purposes. For live animals, only valid 09/17/2014 Man If the transport condilions comply with the CITES Guid81ines for Issuing Date Unlteo s'iates Management Authority Transport of Uve Animals or, in the case of air transport, with IATA Live Animals Reguletions AUTHORITY Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 USC 1531 et. seq) 718. Common Name and Scientific name (genus and 9 DescrlJltion of Part Of Derivative, including ldenlifylng marks 10. Appendix No. and species) or Animal or Plant ------or numbers (age/sex If live)------ -------Source A. Common Name 9 IMPORT IMPORT PERSONAL SPORT HUNTED TROPHY 10. 1 w AFRICAN (shipment may contain bones. hair, hide. tusks. teeth. or ELEPHANT any taxldermled part. DOES NOT Include wor1<ed, 11. Quanllty (incl.;;ring units) manufactured, Of handicraft Items such as curios, Jewelry, or 1 NO Sclentfnc Name other ulililarlan Items.) LOXODONTA 12. Country of Origin TANZANIA AFRICANA - 8. Common Name 9. IMPORT PERSONAL SPORT HUNTED TROPHY 10. W (shipment may contain bones, claws. hide, skull, teeth, or 1 LEOPARD any taxidennled part DOES NOT include ~ed. 11. Quantlty (lndoolng units) manuractured, or handicraft items such as CtJrios, jewelry, or 1 NO Scientific Name other utiHtarlan items.) PANTHERA 12. Country of Origin PARDUS TANZANIA ---------- C. - Com-m-on-:N-:-a-:m--e------------:9:-.--;=::::;::=;::~============:;:::::==--1::o:-. 11 . Quantity (Including units) SclenttflcNa me 12, Country of Origin ' D. Common Name . 9 I 10. 11. Quantity (Including 1M1lts) Scientific Name - 12 Cotxitry of Origin E. Common Name 9. 10. 11 . Quantity (Including units) Sclenttiic Name 12. Country of Origin Page 2 of2 14US8859JA/9 SPECIAL PERMIT CONDITIONS for TANZANIAN LEOPARD AND ELEPHANT TROPHY IMPORT MUST IMPORT THROUGH A DESIGNATED PORT AS LISTED IN CONDITJON 10 OF GENERAL PERMlT CONDITIONS. U.S. THREATENED SPECIES: TUSKS MUST BE MARKED AS PER (50 CFR 17.40(e)). IN ACCORDANCE Will-I TIIE AFRICAN ELEPHANT CONSERVATION ACT. RAW IVORY, INCLUDING SPORT-HUNTED TROPHIES THAT ARE WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY IVORY, MAY NOT BE RE-EXPORTED FROM THE U.S. ELEPHANT MUST NOT HA VE BEEN TAKEN FROM ANY MORATORIUM AREA INCLUDING LONGIOO CONTROLLED HUNTlNG AREA (CHA). U.S. THREATENED SPEGIES [50 CFR 17.40 (01, PERMITIEE MAY ONLY IMPORT TWO LEOPARD TROPHIES PER CALENDAR YEAR. EACH LEOPARD SKIN MUST HAVE A SELF-LOCKING TAG A1T ACHED TO IT WHICH INDICATES THE STATE OF EXPORT. THE NUMBER OF THE SPECIMEN IN RELATION TO THE ANNUAL QUOT A. AND THE CALENDAR YEAR TO WHICH THE QUOTA APPLIES. THE EXPORT PERMIT (OR RE-EXPORT CERTIFICATE) MUST CONTAIN THE TAGGING INFORMATION AS OUTLINED ABOVE. TROPHY l\lUST HAVE BEEN TAKEN DURING 2012 IIUNTl'.'JG SEASON. .S. C1TI:S ~~:me~ Authority 09/ 17/2014 Date ief, Branch of Permits ivision of Management Authority 478619 ,. E,q,,res JI 1 0/20 l 0 Department of the Interior 0 MB No 1018-0093 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Fish and Wildlife Permit Application Form Return to: Division of Management Authority (DMA) Type of Activity: U S. Fish and Wildlife Service Import of Sport-hunted Trophies of 4401 N. Fairfa." Drive, Room 212 Southern African Leopard, African Elephant, and Arlington, VA 22203 Namibian Southern White Rhinoceros 1-800-358-2104 or 703-358-2104 Complete Sections A or B, and C, D, and E of this application. U.S. oddress may be required in Section C, sec instructions for details. See attached instruction pugu for informaOon on how to make your appllcaCion complete and help ovoid unnecessary dela,·s. A. Com I .c Middle name or mtttal I d S fi~ Ha.m mo" d Mrs 5 Anihauon/ Doing business as (sec 1nstruct10ns) I u. Name of business agency, or 1nst11u110n 2 Tax 1dcnufication no 3 Dcscnpllon ofbusmcss, agency or insutuuon 4 a Pnnc1pal officer 1..ast 1111111c 4 b Pnnc,pal officer Fu~ name 4 c l'Tinc1pal offia:r Middle ruimc/ tnlliol 4 d Suffix S Pnnc1pal offlCCf 11tle 6 l'nTTl4ry contact 7 o Business telephone number 7 b Altemuc telephone number 7 c Busmcss fax number 7 d. Business c-mnil address l f Country ~ US-fr 2 d Z .... .. f ountry US.A- I D. All a licants MUST com lete Atuleh dice!: or money onla puyablc to the U.S FISH AND Wll.DLIFE SER VICE in tlu: amo11Dl orSJOO Fed~, tn'bal, SllllC, and local govcmmcnl agencies, and those octmg on behalfof such agencies, a.re c~cmpt from the processing fee - lltladl doalmDIIDlfon offtt e:u,r,pt stlllW u OMtliJud In l11Jt1uctions. (50 CFR 13 I l(d)) 2 Do you curtcntly have or have you c:vcr had any Federal Fish nnd Wddhfc p<:muts? j.O tJ...S ~Sq ~ ~ Yes (gi If yes, list the numbcrofthc most ~nt permit you have held 01 II alyo:: :re applrre 10?'...,,.~tsb:!'11· d lU1 cl y 5fd_. No □ 0., trm,'..t ,·n 2D lo .fv.,- a...n. ha.n+ 'f" '1-not:hV\ I " ZDI O .fur 1-\ fR_-, nJ. 3 Ccruficauon l hc:n:by ccnify that I hove read and um farmliar with the regulations contained in Tlfl~ SO, Part JJ u/1/u: Coh ofF~m/ Replations and other 11ppliclUII~ pllTU in subclti,ptu B 11fChaprLr I of Tldr SO, and I certify thal the mfonnauon subrmncd 1n thlS appltcallon for a pcnmt IS complete and acau.ue to the l,o.t 'lf ... .... .. .• s ubject me 10 the cnminal penalties ofl 8 U SC 1001 2-2012. Signature ( • t I ~ I t '"° t =" pholocop or stamped s1gna1ures) Date ofS1gnatun: (mmldd/yyyy) Please continue to nell page Fonn 3-200-19 Rev. 11 /07 Page I of5 • E.~ IMPORT OF SPORT-HUNTED TROPHIES OF SOUTHERN AFRICAN LEOPARD, AFRICAN ELEPHANT, AND NAMIBIAN SOUTHERN WHITE RHINOCEROS rJO Note I: If you hold an import pennit for a trophy/trophies that you did not useftilease return the unused original permit If you are requesting reissuance of a pennit because you have taken a trophy, but were unable to import it prior to the expiration of the permi~e use the renewal fonn, (3-200-52), [www.fws.gov/forms] and return your original pennit with that form. /v O 1 .rJ'YYI n.~ · a &uJ ~ha,,t:C, '-"'''' cl. ""151).A /rn-1 ~ ~ Note 2: The U.S. FWS has determined that a trophy co~h:,b1{,Wor of a specu4fenlaken 6,j a - v - hunter during a sport hunt for personal use. lt may include the bones, claws, hair, head, hide, hooves, horns, mea~ skull, teeth, tusks, or any taxidennied part, including, but not limited to, a rug or taxidennied head, shoulder, or full U..U mount It does not include anicles made from a trophy, such as worked, manufactured, or handicraft items for use as clothing, curios, ornamentation, jewelry, or other utilitarian items.
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