12 COMMENTARY The Catholic Times • April 19, 2012 Valentyna’s joy: A story of conversion and loving mission hatever is true, what- headquartered in Springfield, “Wever is honorable, Ill. The sisters donated a 40- whatever is just, whatever is Lead, foot container of costly medical pure, whatever is lovely, what- equipment, and Chalice of Mer- ever is gracious, if there is any Kindly cy had only to pay the shipping. excellence and if there is any- This was the first of several thing worthy of praise, think Light missions – to hospitals, to a ne- about these things” (Philippi- glected orphanage for disabled ans 4:8). Christopher Ruff children, and to a hospice for the dying with a contingent of It was Tuesday afternoon, Jan. of a Catholic church for the first volunteers from the Diocese of 3, 2012. About eight of us from time in her life – Notre Dame La Crosse. Valentyna saw in around the diocese were gath- Church in Chippewa Falls – she every person, from conception ered for a Respect Life Com- remembered thinking as she to natural death, the dignity of mittee meeting, and none of us knelt down and witnessed her a child of God for whom Christ expected what that afternoon first Mass, “this is the truth.” had died on the cross. Yet her would bring. Just as we were She began attending daily Mass homeland had experienced about to begin, Katie Stelter, and in the thrill of that experi- forced abortion under Commu- a delightful young committee ence could not understand why nist rule, and abortion is still member representing the Dioc- the church was not packed. commonplace and the dignity of esan Council of Catholic Wom- The Easter Vigil of 2004 saw the person poorly understood. en, arrived with a bright-eyed, Valentyna enter into the fullness For this reason, Valentyna smiling young woman I had of the Catholic Faith. On fire resolved that the Gospel of heard of but not yet met – Va- with her newfound faith, she Life and the good news of the lentyna Pavsyukova, the found- wanted somehow to dedicate Church’s teaching on the sancti- er of Chalice of Mercy, a Catho- herself completely to God. She ty of marriage and the meaning lic mission to the Ukraine. Katie concluded she would join the of human sexuality must abso- and Valentyna, both in their late Peace Corps and become a mis- lutely be at the heart of the mis- 20’s, were residents of Chip- sionary to Ethiopia. sion of Chalice of Mercy. pewa Falls and had become It then struck her that her own And so it has been, with good friends. I greeted and in- homeland, the Ukraine, must many, many doctors, especially troduced Valentyna and started be her mission territory. What Obstetrician-Gynecologists, go- the meeting. shape would her mission take? ing on pilgrimages and retreats; As we finished, I asked Va- As the people had discovered being transformed in their per- CT/Contributed photo lentyna if she would tell us a under Communist rule, talk and sonal lives and in their medical Valentyna Pavsyukova, left, along with friend and collaborator Sharon Sliwka, pose bit about Chalice of Mercy. She promises are cheap. Her mis- practices. The remarkable fruits with Auxiliary Bishop Jan Sobilo of Zaporozhye, Ukraine. was happy to do so, but need- sion would need to be focused are discussed in a webcast in- ed to begin by speaking of her on deeds. terview I subsequently video- We were completely captivated. of smiles. One little boy, Ni- homeland, the Ukraine, its years Prayer and wise counsel led taped with Valentyna and have No one glanced at their watch. kita, just would not let me go of atheistic oppression under Valentyna to found the non- linked to the front page at www. The missions and pilgrimages and it was very hard for me to Communism, its liberation in profit Chalice of Mercy in 2007 dioceseoflacrosse.com. The in- continue as I write this column. leave him. I remember his eyes. 1991, and an agonizingly slow and to begin medical missions, terview is divided into brief seg- Valentyna is in Medjugorje till They were so vividly beautiful, reawakening to faith which since the condition of medical ments for easy viewing. next winter, having organized brown, and full of life. They continues little by little today. facilities and equipment in the Valentyna shared all this and 15 pilgrimages, 9 of them for were looking and saying with- She told of growing up with no Ukraine was dismal. With the more with our Respect Life doctors, with 40-50 doctors on out a word that I need you to knowledge of God except hav- help of a dear friend and col- committee that January after- each pilgrimage/retreat. She help me. I want to be loved.” ing learned the Lord’s Prayer laborator from Chippewa Falls, noon, and she did so with an asks that people pray and fast I encourage those who read from her grandmother, and of Sharon Sliwka, she sought and expressiveness and joy that any- for them. Another 40-foot con- this to watch a segment from her sudden and unexpected op- received the support of the Hos- one who watches the webcasts tainer has also been sent, this the webcast interview. You portunity to come to the United pital Sisters Mission Outreach, will immediately appreciate. one with supplies for the hos- will witness the contagious joy States at the age of 18. pice and the orphanage. that shines out from Valentyna Valentyna ended up staying “We collected way beyond Pavsyukova and sense the grace with a family of Ukrainian ori- our hopes,” Valentyna said. of God at work in this valiant gin in Medford, Wis., and strug- “There are so many wheel- yet humble member of our dio- gled through a period of great chairs, walkers, crutches, beds, cese. difficulty and pain. She turned cribs and mattresses, lifts for There is a link also to Chalice often to the Our Father, and the bedridden patients, diapers, of Mercy, where you can read though she still knew little of baby bottles. And there is much more about its work and the God, she found herself praying, physical therapy equipment, in- ever-present needs, for which “You are the only one who can cluding exercise mats and balls, prayers and contributions are help me – I cannot do this on treadmills and training stairs.” gratefully welcomed. Needless my own.” She was also struck Valentyna is deeply grate- to say, our diocesan Respect by the Christian witness of key ful for people’s generosity and Life Committee is honored to people around her, particularly praises the “missionary heart” assist in spreading the word and when she moved to Marshfield, of the people of the United finding tangible ways to con- and later to Chippewa Falls. She States, of which she is a proud tribute to the mission. began reading the Scriptures citizen. I shall continue, through and the stories came alive for I would like to conclude with web videos and articles, to fol- her. a reminiscence from Valen- low and report on the mission Valentyna found herself deep- tyna about her first visit to the work of Valentyna and Chalice ly attracted to Catholicism even orphanage in Kalinovka, tak- of Mercy, and of other women before she knew much about it, en from the Chalice of Mercy and men from our diocese who fascinated by scenes in old mov- website (www.chaliceofmercy. are making God present to their ies depicting ladies with rosary org): neighbors in need in beautiful, beads passing through their fin- “We have been able to see the grace-filled ways. gers, priests in their vestments, bedridden children of different Fyodor Dostoevsky was right: and an overall sense of humility ages. These beautiful children “Beauty will save the world.” and stillness in the presence of CT/Contributed photo are happy for any attention that For the webcast interview God. Valentyna Pavsyukova feeds a child a banana at the Kalinovka Orphanage in the they can receive. Just a touch and Chalice of Mercy link, visit Finally crossing the threshold Chernigovskaya region of the Ukraine during May of 2011. makes them so happy and full www.dioceseoflacrosse.com.
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