Bounty Saga Articles Bibliography, D to F By Gary Shearer, Curator, Pitcairn Islands Study Center D'Antal, Stephen. "'That's What Girls Are For'." The Times (London), May 9, 2001. 6p." Photocopy from Web. D.B. "The Mutiny of the 'Bounty'." The Nation 71 (August 2,1900): 90-92. Pitcairn DF (PITCAIRN ISLAND - HISTORY) "D.D. Fitch." Review & Herald 134 (June 13,1957): 7. Photo. Dalrymple, Gordon F. "Faith for Today Films Are Sent to Pitcairn Island." Pacific Union Recorder 70 (January 11,1971): 1. Danielsson, Marie-Thérèse and Bengt Danielsson. "Bligh's Cave: 196 Years On." Pacific Islands Monthly 56 (June 1985): 25-26. Bligh's Cave on the island of Tofua, Tonga. Pitcairn DF (PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY) Darby, Madge. "Losses in the Pandora." The UK Log Number 22 (July 2001): 10-12. Illus. David, A. C. F. "Bligh's Notes on Cook's Last Voyage." Mariner's Mirror 67 (February 1981): 102. David, Andrew C. F. Book review of "Banksia 1: Thoughts on the Present State of Bligh Scholarship" and Banksia 2: Fresh Light on John Fryer of the 'Bounty'," both by Rolf E. DuRietz. The Mariner's Mirror: The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research, Volume 68, 1982. Greenwich, England: 1982. Page 343. Pitcairn DF (ADAMS, JOHN (1764-1829)) Davie, Michael. "A Mutineer's Paradise." National Geographic Traveler 16 (September 1999): 98-105. Illus. Norfolk Island. Davies, May. "Millionaires and a Doctor on Pitcairn." Australasian Record 65 (December 11,1961): 4- 5,8. De Bleser, Steven. "The Bounty, Her Crew and Their Discoveries." The UK Log Number 22 (July 2001): 24-27. De Bleser, Steven. "The 'Bounty,' Her Crew and Their Discoveries." Pitcairn Log 28 (July-September 2001): 5-9. De Montmorency, J. E. G. "Pitcairn Island." Contemporary Review 135 (May 1929): 671-673. Dean, Ivy. "The Loneliest Islanders: Visit to Pitcairn." London Daily Mail, September 13,1921. Reproduced. Review & Herald 98 (October 20,1921): 13. "Death of Mrs. Gertrude Christian." Pacific Islands Monthly 21 (April 1950): 83. Pitcairn DF (PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY) "Deaths of Islands People: Mr Calvert Warren." Pacific Islands Monthly 45 (July 1974): 110. Pitcairn DF (PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY) "Deaths of Islands People: Mr M. Christian." Pacific Islands Monthly 44 (August 1973): 117. Pitcairn DF (PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY) "Deaths of Islands People: Mr N. Young." Pacific Islands Monthly 45 (April 1974): 109. Norris Young. Pitcairn DF (PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY) "Deaths of Islands People: Mr T. Young." Pacific Islands Monthly 44 (December 1973): 109. Pitcairn DF (PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY) "Deaths of Islands People: Mrs Violet McCoy." Pacific Islands Monthly 44 (November 1973): 109. Pitcairn DF (PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY) Delaney, Arthur A. "Admiral Byrd's Pitcairn Interlude - Part One." Pitcairn Log 4 (June 1977): 4-6. Delaney, Arthur A. "Admiral Byrd's Pitcairn Interlude - Part Two." Pitcairn Log 5 (September 1977): 4-7. Delaney, Arthur A. "Bligh, Breadfruit and St. Vincent." Pitcairn Log 19 (September-November 1991): 15- 16. Illus. Delaney, Arthur A. "Burning Stamps on Pitcairn." Scott's Monthly Stamp Journal 49 (February 1969): 357-358. Delaney, Arthur A. "An Early Postal History Primer." Pitcairn Log 15 (June-August 1988): 7-11. Delaney, Arthur A. "History of Pitcairn Island Post Office." American Philatelist 83 (May 1969): 405- 410,472. Illus. Delaney, Arthur A. "Of Stamps and a School on Pitcairn Island." S.P.A Journal 33 (February 1971): 359-365. Illus. Delaney, Arthur A. "The Pitcairn Christmas." Pitcairn Log 8 (December 1980): 4-6. Delaney, Arthur A. "Pitcairn's 1938 Radio Covers." American Philatelist 85 (August 1971): 687-691. Illus. Delaney, Arthur A. "Pitcairn's 1940 Booklet." S.P.A Journal 30 (March 1968): 447-449. Delaney, Arthur A. "Pitcairn's Early Postal History." American Philatelist 83 (April 1969): 307-310. Illus. Delaney, Arthur A. "Pitcairn's First Issue." S.P.A Journal 33 (November 1970): 153-162. Illus. Delaney, Arthur A. "Pitcairn's School & Its School Stamp Designs." Pitcairn Log 5 (June 1978): 4-8. Delaney, Arthur A. "Pitcairn's Unique Holiday." Pitcairn Log 6 (March 1979): 8-11. Bounty Day, 23 January. Delaney, Arthur A. "Postal Cancellations of Pitcairn Island." S.P.A Journal 31 (January 1969): 293-296. Delaney, Arthur A. "A Primer of Pitcairn's First Issue." Pitcairn Log 13 (June-August 1986): 5-11. Illus. Delaney, Arthur A. "The Saga of Pitcairn." Minkus Stamp Journal 3 (January 1968): 3-6. Delaney, Arthur A. "The Saga of Pitcairn's Post Office - Part One." Pitcairn Log 4 (September 1976): 4- 7. Delaney, Arthur A. "The Saga of Pitcairn's Post Office - Part Two." Pitcairn Log 4 (December 1976): 11- 12. Delaney, Arthur A. "The Saga of Pitcairn's Post Office - Part Three." Pitcairn Log 4 (March 1977): 13- 14. Delaney, Arthur A. "Source Notes on Pitcairn's Designs." American Philatelist 82 (June 1968): 483-485. Delaney, Arthur A. "Ti Plant Trio." S.P.A Journal 34 (January 1972): 267-271. "Dentures' Adventures." Pacific Islands Monthly 45 (January 1974): 4. PITCAIRN PERIODICALS COLLECTION "Departure of the 'Pitcairn'." Review & Herald 67 (November 4,1890): 688. "Descendant of Mutiny Leader Attends Conference." Review & Herald 135 (June 20,1958): 3. Illus. About Parkin Christian. Dever, J. J. "On the Rocks in Bounty Bay." Australasian Record 81 (February 16,1976): 7. Destruction of a small yacht in Bounty Bay, November 1975. Photo. John Dever. Diamond, Jared. "The Last People Alive." New Statesman & Society 123 (2 September 1994): 29-30. Archaeological work on Henderson Island. Diamond, Jared. "Paradises Lost." Discover 18 (November 1997): 68-72,74,76-78. Illus. Anthropology of Pitcairn before 1790. Diamond, Jared M. "Pitcairn Before the 'Bounty'." Nature 369 (23 June 1994): 608-609. The natural history of the Pitcairn island group. Dick, Ernest D. "Pitcairn Island." Review & Herald 117 (February 8,1940): 24. "Did Fletcher Christian Leave Pticairn Island?: A Major Mystery Solved by Maurice Allward." The UK Log Number 23 (January 2002): 3. Claims proof that he did. Dillon, Richard H. "'Bread-Fruit Bligh': Bligh Papers in the Banks Collection." The American Neptune 12 (October 1952): 253-270. Photocopy. Pitcairn DF (BOUNTY CREW - BLIGH) Dillon, Richard H. "Two Drawings By Bligh of 'Bounty'." The American Neptune 11 (April 1951): 146- 147. Photocopy. Pitcairn DF (BOUNTY CREW - BLIGH) "A Discovery of Historic Interest." Australasian Record 38 (May 28,1934): 3. Photo of Bounty's rudder discovered by Parkin Christian. "Doctor Calls at Pitcairn." Australasian Record 53 (August 22,1949): 8. Letter from Evelyn Christian. "Doctor's 'House Call' Saves Pitcairn Mother." Pacific Union Recorder 81 (October 5,1981): 1,8. Doyle, J. "Christmas on Pitcairn." Pitcairn Log 5 (December 1977): 13-14. Author is with the L.A. Times. Du Rietz, Rolf. "The Voyage of H.M.S. 'Pandora,' 1790-1792: Some Remarks Upon Geoffrey Rawson's Book on the Subject." Ethnos 28 (November 1963): 210-218. Dunn, L. L. "Isolation Island." Youth's Instructor 94 (March 19,1946): 12-13,16. Illus. Dupuy, Daniel Hammerly. "Historia de Pitcairn: La isla de los amotinados." Revista Geografica Americana 13 (Abril de 1940): 257-273. Pitcairn DF (PITCAIRN ISLAND - HISTORY) "Dutch New Guinea, Fiji, and Pitcairn Island." Australasian Record 65 (April 24,1961): 5. "Pastor and Mrs. Don Davies, Lynton, and Gaelyn are now on Pitcairn for a two-year term." Photo. "Early News of the Mutineers." The UK Log 5 (January 1995): 7. Reproduced from "The English Chronicle and Whitehall Evening Post," dated "from Tuesday March 14, to Thursday, March 16,1815". "Early Ships at Pitcairn Island." Pacific Islands Monthly 11 (October 1940): 30. Pitcairn DF (PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY) Ebbink, R. H. "German Liner Visits Pitcairn." Adventist Review 161 (May 17,1984): 23. Edmonds, M. "Pitcairn Island." Discovery 17 (January 1936): 8-10. Reply: A.S. Maxwell, March 1936, p.90. Edmonds, M. "Pitcairn's Island." Saturday Review 159 (February 23,1935): 252. Edwards, Ron. "British Policewoman Arrives on Island." Pitcairn Log 25 (January-March 1998): 15. Edwardy, Fredrik W. "Captain Jones, Missionary Mariner, Part 6: From Papeete to Pitcairn." Youth's Instructor 97 (January 18,1949): 7-8,22. Illus. "Election Day on Pitcairn." Pacific Islands Monthly 45 (February 1974): 13,15. PITCAIRN PERIODICALS COLLECTION "Election Day on Pitcairn Island." Pacific Islands Monthly 21 (January 1950): ? Pitcairn DF (PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY) Elsberry, Richard B. "The Bounty Bibles." Yankee 54 (August 1990): 122-123. "Emergency Call at Pitcairn by 'Corinthic'." Pacific Islands Monthly 39 (July 1968): 103. Pitcairn DF (PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY) Emory, Kenneth P. "Stone Implements of Pitcairn Island." Journal of the Polynesian Society 37 (June 1928): 125-135. Plates. (PITCAIRN ROOM) "Energy Crisis Even Hits Pitcairn." Pacific Union Recorder 73 (January 21,1974): 1,8. Engen, Gordon. "Parkin Christian Dead at 87." Lake Union Herald 64 (January 11,1972): 18. Illus. Ernst, Pauline F. "The 'Bounty' Bible and Pitcairn Bible." Pitcairn Log 15 (March-May 1988): 7-8. Erskine, Nigel. "Pitcairn After the 'Bounty'." Maritime Life and Traditions, No. 21 (Winter 2003): 58-69. Illus. Erskine, Nigel. "Reclaiming the Bounty." Archaeology 52 (May/June 1999): 34-40,42-43. Illus. Eustis, Nelson. "New Issues Backgrounder: Captain Folger Discovers the 'Bounty' Mutineers." Pitcairn Log 11 (December-February 1984): 13-14. Evans, Adelaide Bee. "Early Seed Sowing in the South Pacific Islands." Youth's Instructor 64 (March 21,1916): 3-5. Describes five cruises of the mission ship, "Pitcairn". Evans, Adelaide Bee. "Later Work in the South Pacific Islands Mission Field." Youth's Instructor 64 (April 4,1916): 6-10. "The Work on Pitcairn Island," pp.6-7; "Norfolk Island," pp.8-9. Evans, Adelaide Bee. "Report from Pitcairn." Youth's Instructor 65 (July 10,1917): 9-10. About Pitcairn - built schooner, "Messenger". Evans, Rachel (Obituary). Australasian Record 53 (January 31,1949): 7.
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