June 20, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S5469 Res. 303, a resolution expressing the Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers are the team. The steady hand and champion- sense of the Senate regarding the second winningest team in National Basket- ship experience of Ron Harper was cru- treatment by the Russian Federation ball Association history; cial. Robert Harry's stifling defense, of Andrei Babitsky, a Russian jour- Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers, at 67±15, strong rebounding and opportunistic posted the best regular season record in the nalist working for Radio Free Europe/ National Basketball Association; scoring were key. Rick Fox, whose ten Radio Liberty. Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers have years' experience and clutch three- S. RES. 304 fielded such superstars as George Mikan, pointer in the waning moments of At the request of Mr. BIDEN, the Wilt Chamberlain, Jerry West, Elgin Baylor, Game Six were invaluable. The per- name of the Senator from Montana Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Earvin ``Magic'' John- sistent of Glenn Rice was matched only (Mr. BAUCUS) was added as a cosponsor son, and now, Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe by the beauty of his jump shot. A.C. of S. Res. 304, a resolution expressing Bryant; Green, who came back to the Lakers Whereas Shaquille O'Neal led the league in for this championship season, reminded the sense of the Senate regarding the scoring and field goal percentage on his way development of educational programs to winning the National Basketball Associa- us of his original ``Showtime'' days on veterans' contributions to the coun- tion's Most Valuable Player award, winning when he was running the wing with try and the designation of the week the IBM Award for greatest overall contribu- Magic and Worthy. And Brian Shaw that includes Veterans Day as ``Na- tion to a team, and becoming just the sixth and Derek Fisher made big shots and tional Veterans Awareness Week'' for player in the history of the game to be a took care of the ball during minutes off the presentation of such educational unanimous selection to the All-National Bas- the bench. What a team! programs. ketball Association First Team; Finally, the man who brought all of Whereas Shaquille O'Neal was named Most S. RES. 309 these elements together, is simply the Valuable Player of the 2000 All Star game, At the request of Mr. FEINGOLD, the best of all timeÐthe man they call Zen scoring 22 points and collecting 9 rebounds; master, coach Phil Jackson. name of the Senator from New Hamp- Whereas Shaquille O'Neal dominated the shire (Mr. SMITH) was added as a co- 2000, playoffs averaging 38 points per game The Lakers victories were made more sponsor of S. Res. 309, a resolution ex- and winning the Most Valuable Player award special by the determination of their pressing the sense of the Senate re- in the National Basketball Association opponents. Larry Bird and the Indiana garding conditions in Laos. Finals; Pacers deserve the respect of basket- Whereas Kobe Bryant overcame injuries to ball fans everywhere. AMENDMENT NO. 3252 average more than 22 points a game in the Mr. President, on behalf of millions At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, the regular season and be named to the National of adoring Angelenos, California and names of the Senator from California Basketball Association All-Defensive First basketball fans everywhere congratula- (Mrs. BOXER), the Senator from Mary- Team; tions to the 2000 World Champion Los land (Ms. MIKULSKI), the Senator from Whereas Kobe Bryant's 8-point perform- Angeles Lakers. New York (Mr. SCHUMER), the Senator ance in the overtime of Game 4 led the Los f from Vermont (Mr. JEFFORDS), and the Angeles Lakers to 1 of the most dramatic Senator from Illinois (Mr. DURBIN) wins in playoff history; SENATE RESOLUTION 325ÐWEL- Whereas Coach Phil Jackson, who has won were added as cosponsors of amend- COMING KING MOHAMMED VI OF ment No. 3252 proposed to S. 2549, an 7 National Basketball Association rings and the highest playoff winning percentage in MOROCCO UPON HIS FIRST OFFI- original bill to authorize appropria- league history, has proven to be 1 of the CIAL VISIT TO THE UNITED tions for fiscal year 2001 for military most innovative and adaptable coaches in STATES, AND FOR OTHER PUR- activities of the Department of De- the National Basketball Association; POSES fense, for military construction, and Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers epitomize Mr. ABRAHAM submitted the fol- for defense activities of the Depart- Los Angeles pride with their determination, lowing resolution; which was consid- ment of Energy, to prescribe personnel heart, stamina, and amazing comeback abil- ered and agreed to; strengths for such fiscal year for the ity; Whereas the support of all the Los Angeles S. RES. 325 Armed Forces, and for other purposes. fans and the people of California helped Whereas Morocco was the first country to AMENDMENT NO. 3473 make winning the National Basketball Asso- recognize the independence of the United At the request of Mr. KENNEDY, the ciation Championship possible; and States; names of the Senator from Maryland Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers have Whereas Morocco and the United States (Ms. MIKULSKI) and the Senator from started the 21st century meeting the high signed a Treaty of Friendship and Coopera- Maine (Ms. COLLINS) were added as co- standards they established in the 20th cen- tion in 1787; sponsors of amendment No. 3473 pro- tury: Now, therefore, be it Whereas the Treaty of Friendship and Co- operation stands as the basis for the longest posed to S. 2549, an original bill to au- Resolved, That the United States Senate congratulates the Los Angeles Lakers on unbroken treaty relationship between the thorize appropriations for fiscal year winning the 2000 National Basketball Asso- United States and a foreign country in the 2001 for military activities of the De- ciation Championship Title. history of the Republic; partment of Defense, for military con- Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I rise Whereas the Treaty of Friendship and Co- struction, and for defense activities of operation has established a close, friendly, today to salute the new reigning cham- and productive alliance between the United the Department of Energy, to prescribe pions of the National Basketball Asso- personnel strengths for such fiscal year States and Morocco that has stood the test ciationÐCalifornia's own Los Angeles of history and exists today; for the Armed Forces, and for other Lakers. Whereas the close relationship between the purposes. The tradition of greatness continues United States and Morocco has helped the f in Los Angeles. Building on the excel- United States advance important national interests; SENATE RESOLUTION 324ÐTO COM- lence personified by the likes of Jerry Whereas the United States and Morocco MEND AND CONGRATULATE THE and Wilt the Silt, and later by Magic have long shared the objectives of securing a LOS ANGELES LAKERS FOR and Kareem, today's Lakers regained true and lasting peace in the Near East re- THEIR OUTSTANDING DRIVE, that status by players known around gion and have worked together to establish DISCIPLINE, AND MASTERY IN the world by two words: ``Kobe'' and and advance the Middle East peace process; WINNING THE 2000 NATIONAL ``Shaq.'' Whereas, under the leadership of the late What can you say about Shaquille King Hassan II, Morocco played a critical BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION role in hosting meetings, promoting dia- CHAMPIONSHIP O'Neal? He is the most dominating logue, and encouraging moderation in the force in the game today. He was the Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself and Middle East, leading to some of the peace most valuable player in the All-Star Mrs. BOXER) submitted the following process's most important and lasting Game, the regular season and the NBA achievements; resolution; which was considered and Whereas, with the ascension of the King agreed to: finals. Kobe Bryant has that creative, slash- Hassan II's successor, King Mohammed VI, S. RES. 324 ing style that is pure excitement. The Morocco is suitably positioned and ably Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers are one of guided by its current leadership to maintain the greatest sports franchises ever; way he fought through tough injuries its traditional role in the peace process; Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers have won to spark the Lakers was an inspiration. Whereas Morocco and the United States 12 National Basketball Association Cham- And Mr. President, I would like to have worked successfully to enhance eco- pionships; acknowledge the rest of the Lakers nomic stability, growth, and progress in the VerDate 11-MAY-2000 04:04 Jun 21, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00087 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JN6.080 pfrm12 PsN: S20PT1.
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