LONDON’S GLOBAL UNIVERSITY ReviewHighlights 2009 2009 A New Landscape for Physics UCL is contributing a wealth of engineering, computing detectors that record, process and analyse data from and scientific expertise to the ATLAS project – one of the the events. Principal Investigator of the UK ATLAS team, detectors in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), Geneva. Professor John Butterworth (UCL Physics & Astronomy) The LHC is an underground ring-shaped tunnel, which fires describes the project as allowing physicists access to an protons at each other to create head-on collisions at undiscovered, high-energy realm in which everyday forces, unprecedented energy levels. An international collaboration such as electromagnetism, behave completely differently. of 2,500 scientists, ATLAS consists of highly sophisticated Credit: ESA Contents Introduction Research Highlights 2 Global 8 Welcome to UCL’s annual review for 2009, which offers a flavour of what we have achieved over the past year, Teaching & Learning 11 and of our aspirations for the year to come. Enterprise 14 Highlights 2009 17 The past year has once again seen a continuing stream Awards & Appointments 21 of fine achievements on the part of students and staff. Yet it has been a challenging period for UCL in many respects. London 26 We have felt already the impact of the global recession and know that we face a challenging economic future. Finance & Investment 30 In response to concerns about the employment prospects of last This approach is reflected in our ambitions as London’s Global Professorial Appointments 34 year’s graduating class, we launched a unique support package. University. We have entered into new models of global teaching We wanted to encourage new graduates to extend their learning and research through founding overseas institutes and 35 Professorial Promotions and enhance their qualifications, so we offered a significant fees collaborations, including the innovative new partnership with reduction on our taught masters courses, and the opportunity Yale University and our respective partner hospitals. People 36 Design studiospecial.com to spend 8–12 weeks on fully funded internships with local A word about league tables. UCL’s progress in the Times businesses. We also ran a series of Entrepreneurship Boot Leadership 37 Higher-QS world university rankings has been widely described Camps for them which proved overwhelmingly popular. as meteoric. Our stock has risen from place 34 five years ago, On a broader front, we offered support to the London economy by significant margins every year, until October 2009, when we by engaging with business and the public and voluntary sectors, were declared to be in fourth place, overtaking both Oxford and tackling problems through the application of discoveries in Imperial. We do not, of course, claim that the methodology is science and through commercialising innovation in engineering, rigorous, but this result nonetheless captures very accurately UCL – London’s Global University healthcare and technology. We enjoy strong relationships with the enormous strength of this great institution. London’s other global institutions, from the City to the museums With intense pressure on public funding, the coming years will and galleries, research institutes, hospitals, Whitehall and be challenging for universities. I want UCL to be able to look Westminster. We are wholly open for business through back and say that we were the university who responded best. partnership and collaboration. We are We are committed It is with this in mind that we are embarking in 2010 upon a • a world-class centre of research and teaching, • to the pursuit of excellence and sustainability process intended to define UCL’s course over the coming years. dedicated to developing and disseminating original • to maintaining rich academic diversity Structured around the four key concepts of sustainability, impact, knowledge to benefit the world of the future. embracing the Arts and Sciences student experience and internationality, our strategy will set out • to equality of opportunity and fulfilment the values and processes required to meet future challenges. The underpinning principle will always be excellence, and of We believe of potential for all our staff and students. that you will find many examples in this annual report. • in engaging fully with the world around us • in breaking new ground through We strive always challenging convention • to lead • in progress through partnership. • to inspire • to achieve. We value • creativity and innovation Professor Malcolm Grant • independent thought UCL President and Provost • integrity • energy • perseverance. UCL Review 2009 1 Research Research Focus on: UCL Grand Challenges UCL’s second Grand Challenge, that of Sustainable Cities, was formally launched in July. The UCL Grand Challenges programme provides time, space and support to allow our talented researchers to interact and collaborate across and beyond specific academic disciplines, because together they can have an impact exponentially greater than that which they can achieve alone. Brooklyn, New York Image: Mr Daniel Fitzpatrick (UCL Bartlett School of Planning) Intercultural Interaction and Human Wellbeing growth will further stress the urban environment, posing Work on UCL’s Grand Challenges of Intercultural Interaction significant problems in areas such as food security, energy, water, and of Human Wellbeing began in 2009, with the aims of waste, transport, economy, trade, manufacture, wealth creation creating new modes of collaboration across disciplines at UCL and quality of life – problems UCL is poised to address. and developing partnerships with institutions and organisations Other initiatives in the Sustainable Cities inaugural year included: from the public, private and third sector. Building on these Franny Armstrong (UCL Zoology 1994), director of The Age of approaches, the programmes sought to enhance the impact Stupid, participating in an expert panel discussion following the of UCL’s research, to influence intellectual debate, shape film’s screening; an examination of the legacy of the London policy development and engage the wider public. Olympics called Growing a New Piece of City: Designing a The Grand Challenge of Intercultural Interaction examines the Legacy for 21st Century London; a one-day symposium on causes and features of social and cultural diversity, assesses Just Enough: Sufficiency and the Cultural Imagination; and the their implications and devises novel strategies to address them. start of major research projects on Cities and Migration, Cities It works to mobilise expertise on the complexity of relations and Water, Healthy Cities and London’s long-term future. Cross-disciplinary collaboration was a central feature Land in Mumbai is a valuable commodity between individuals and groups from different ethnic, religious of major developments in UCL’s research in 2009. Image: Mr William Hunter (UCL Bartlett Development Planning Unit) and linguistic backgrounds and heritage, between states, Global Health The excellence of our 4,000 individual researchers – evident The second of UCL’s Grand Challenges, that of Sustainable regions and civil societies, and between intellectual and A major report by The Lancet and UCL warned that climate in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise – is key to everything Cities, was formally launched to mark the university’s artistic traditions and developments. change is the biggest global-health threat of the 21st century. that UCL accomplishes. Recruiting and retaining the best minds commitment to deploying the breadth of its expertise The Grand Challenge of Human Wellbeing considers both Managing the Health Effects of Climate Change was the work remains our university’s central concern. – in imaginative, interdisciplinary collaborations and the nature of being human and the nature of wellbeing. It of UCL academics from many disciplines across the university partnerships with policymakers and practitioners – to make Yet it is what these minds can do together – working across encompasses: how to achieve lifelong wellbeing for individuals – including health, anthropology, geography, engineering, our cities fit for purpose. and beyond conventional boundaries – that makes UCL’s and for society, including physical, mental, social and economics, law and philosophy. potential impact on the world’s major problems extraordinary. External alliances focused on health also thrived, with a new environmental wellbeing; how to achieve wellbeing in the context Shortly after the publication, UCL was represented at the partnership between UCL and Yale University, and ongoing of different social and economic goals and priorities; and topics The formal launch in 2009 of several significant research Commonwealth Health Ministers Meeting on Health & Climate progress with UCL Partners, bringing the university together relating to happiness, cultural wellbeing, health and social justice. groups reflected this approach to collaboration; they included Change and the World Health Assembly meeting, which with four of its teaching hospitals, and the UK Centre for the UCL Institute of Origins, the UCL Centre for Stem Cells sets priorities for the World Health Organization. Six briefing Medical Research & Innovation, a collaboration between & Regenerative Medicine, the UCL Energy Institute, the UCL Sustainable Cities papers on managing the health effects of climate change, UCL, Cancer Research UK, the Medical Research Council Institute
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