DEPARTMENT of SOCIAL WELFARE and DEVELOPMENT FY 2020 Indicative Annual Procurement Plan for Commonly-Used Supplies and Equipment (APP-CSE)

DEPARTMENT of SOCIAL WELFARE and DEVELOPMENT FY 2020 Indicative Annual Procurement Plan for Commonly-Used Supplies and Equipment (APP-CSE)

DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE AND DEVELOPMENT FY 2020 Indicative Annual Procurement Plan for Commonly-Used Supplies and Equipment (APP-CSE) Item Unit of Total Item Code Item & Specifications Jan Feb Mar Q1 Apr May Jun Q2 Jul Aug Sep Q3 Oct Nov Dec Q4 Price Catalogue TOTAL AMOUNT No. Measure Quantity PART I. AVAILABLE AT PROCUREMENT SERVICE STORES Pesticides or Pest Repellents 1 10191509-IN-A01 INSECTICIDE, aerosol type, net content: 600ml min can 16 10 10 36 10 10 10 30 10 10 10 30 10 10 10 30 126 139.36 17,559.36 Solvents 2 12191601-AL-E01 ALCOHOL, ethyl, 68%-70%, scented, 500ml (-5ml) bottle 1,170 293 592 2,055 557 243 137 937 652 218 172 1,042 269 231 102 602 4,636 43.99 203,937.64 Color Compounds and Dispersions 3 12171703-SI-P01 STAMP PAD INK, purple or violet bottle 39 4 7 50 16 4 2 22 29 3 7 39 7 2 2 11 122 24.63 3,004.86 Films 4 13111203-AC-F01 ACETATE, thickness: 0.075mm min (gauge #3) roll 9 4 13 4 4 2 2 2 2 21 737.24 15,482.04 5 13111201-CF-P01 CARBON FILM, PE, black, size 210mm x 297mm box 2 100 102 102 221.00 22,542.00 6 13111201-CF-P02 CARBON FILM, PE, black, size 216mm x 330mm box 11 11 10 10 21 21 42 208.52 8,757.84 Paper Materials and Products 7 14111525-CA-A01 CARTOLINA, assorted colors pack 36 41 8 85 8 31 2 41 31 31 3 65 9 32 2 43 234 72.78 17,030.52 8 14111506-CF-L11 CONTINUOUS FORM, 1 PLY, 280 x 241mm box 11 11 11 682.24 7,504.64 9 14111506-CF-L12 CONTINUOUS FORM, 1 PLY, 280 x 378mm box 1,029.60 - 10 14111506-CF-L22 CONTINUOUS FORM, 2 ply, 280 x 378mm, carbonless box 1,300.00 - 11 14111506-CF-L21 CONTINUOUS FORM, 2 ply, 280mm x 241mm, carbonless box 765.44 - 12 14111506-CF-L31 CONTINUOUS FORM, 3 PLY, 280 x 241mm, carbonless box 110 110 110 596.80 65,648.00 13 14111506-CF-L32 CONTINUOUS FORM, 3 PLY, 280 x 378mm, carbonless box 55 55 55 1,034.80 56,914.00 14 14111609-LL-C01 LOOSELEAF COVER, made of chipboard, for legal bundle 26 65 3 94 24 50 3 77 58 55 3 116 1 52 2 55 342 670.70 229,379.40 15 14111514-NP-S02 NOTE PAD, stick on, 50mm x 76mm (2" x 3") min pad 877 285 170 1,332 209 257 82 548 495 285 105 885 71 225 59 355 3,120 32.22 100,526.40 16 14111514-NP-S04 NOTE PAD, stick on, 76mm x 100mm (3" x 4") min pad 995 312 175 1,482 219 278 81 578 633 308 110 1,051 209 250 62 521 3,632 56.06 203,609.92 17 14111514-NP-S03 NOTE PAD, stick on, 76mm x 76mm (3" x 3") min pad 1,028 313 160 1,501 217 285 82 584 672 305 95 1,072 207 245 59 511 3,668 41.50 152,222.00 18 14111514-NB-S01 NOTEBOOK, STENOGRAPHER, spiral, 40 leaves piece 716 555 290 1,561 675 665 200 1,540 680 630 215 1,525 525 680 170 1,375 6,001 12.04 72,252.04 19 14111507-PP-M01 PAPER, MULTICOPY, 80gsm, size: 210mm x 297mm ream 5,232 1,832 1,627 8,691 1,527 1,552 502 3,581 2,732 1,732 587 5,051 1,457 1,482 462 3,401 20,724 132.37 2,743,235.88 20 14111507-PP-M02 PAPER, MULTICOPY, 80gsm, size: 216mm x 330mm ream 1,113 180 73 1,366 184 174 13 371 259 173 59 491 56 129 3 188 2,416 154.75 373,876.00 21 14111507-PP-C01 PAPER, Multi-Purpose (COPY) A4, 70 gsm ream 600 130 730 30 35 65 100 30 130 20 35 55 980 114.51 112,219.80 22 14111507-PP-C02 PAPER, Multi-Purpose (COPY) Legal, 70 gsm ream 90 5 10 105 15 5 5 25 20 10 10 40 10 10 180 129.98 23,396.40 23 14111531-PP-R01 PAPER, PAD, ruled, size: 216mm x 330mm (± 2mm) pad 33 4 12 49 6 4 12 22 20 8 16 44 7 8 15 130 17.35 2,255.50 24 14111503-PA-P01 PAPER, PARCHMENT, size: 210 x 297mm, multi-purpose ream 123 39 126 288 12 41 6 59 22 42 8 72 5 35 2 42 461 96.20 44,348.20 25 14111818-TH-P02 PAPER, THERMAL, 55gsm, size: 216mm±1mm x 30m-0.3m roll 2 10 10 22 12 11 23 2 10 12 11 11 68 48.78 3,317.04 26 14111531-RE-B01 RECORD BOOK, 300 PAGES, size: 214mm x 278mm min book 144 18 17 179 35 15 12 62 39 16 15 70 80 10 8 98 409 70.72 28,924.48 27 14111531-RE-B02 RECORD BOOK, 500 PAGES, size: 214mm x 278mm min book 122 18 16 156 32 15 6 53 42 16 9 67 47 11 1 59 335 101.92 34,143.20 28 14111704-TT-P02 TOILET TISSUE PAPER 2-plys sheets, 150 pulls pack 98 2 11 111 5 2 11 18 47 2 11 60 5 10 3 18 207 65.42 13,541.94 Batteries and Cells and Accessories 29 26111702-BT-A01 BATTERY, dry cell, AA, 2 pieces per blister pack pack 618 102 468 1,188 154 128 30 312 265 107 50 422 138 68 30 236 2,158 19.73 42,577.34 30 26111702-BT-A02 BATTERY, dry cell, AAA, 2 pieces per blister pack pack 413 78 638 1,129 107 89 13 209 173 81 28 282 103 49 13 165 1,785 19.50 34,807.50 Page 1 of 24 Item Unit of Total Item Code Item & Specifications Jan Feb Mar Q1 Apr May Jun Q2 Jul Aug Sep Q3 Oct Nov Dec Q4 Price Catalogue TOTAL AMOUNT No. Measure Quantity 31 26111702-BT-A03 BATTERY, dry cell, D, 1.5 volts, alkaline pack 11 11 5 5 16 88.40 1,414.40 Manufacturing Components and Supplies 32 31201610-GL-J01 GLUE, all purpose, gross weight: 200 grams min jar 129 35 93 257 11 31 4 46 81 30 14 125 5 31 2 38 466 47.82 22,284.12 33 31151804-SW-H01 STAPLE WIRE, for heavy duty staplers, (23/13) box 91 18 46 155 42 19 16 77 43 29 24 96 14 20 9 43 371 20.68 7,672.28 34 31151804-SW-S01 STAPLE WIRE, STANDARD, (26/6) box 422 125 130 677 127 144 79 350 221 125 100 446 98 107 66 271 1,744 20.05 34,967.20 35 31201502-TA-E01 TAPE, ELECTRICAL, 18mm x 16M min roll 42 10 52 12 3 15 30 30 5 5 102 18.20 1,856.40 36 31201503-TA-M01 TAPE, MASKING, width: 24mm (±1mm) roll 381 90 61 532 170 79 26 275 342 89 31 462 92 77 18 187 1,456 55.12 80,254.72 37 31201503-TA-M02 TAPE, MASKING, width: 48mm (±1mm) roll 231 94 56 381 110 76 31 217 239 85 21 345 57 73 18 148 1,091 106.60 116,300.60 38 31201517-TA-P01 TAPE, PACKAGING, width: 48mm (±1mm) roll 241 70 36 347 89 47 21 157 158 64 13 235 47 46 16 109 848 18.20 15,433.60 39 31201512-TA-T01 TAPE, TRANSPARENT, width: 24mm (±1mm) roll 520 107 81 708 147 63 24 234 310 74 34 418 59 44 21 124 1,484 9.10 13,504.40 40 31201512-TA-T02 TAPE, TRANSPARENT, width: 48mm (±1mm) roll 179 94 46 319 85 41 21 147 212 61 16 289 31 43 19 93 848 18.20 15,433.60 41 31151507-TW-P01 TWINE, plastic, one (1) kilo per roll roll 28 11 6 45 29 5 5 39 38 7 45 7 5 5 17 146 50.96 7,440.16 Heating and Ventilation and Air Circulation 42 40101604-EF-G01 ELECTRIC FAN, INDUSTRIAL, ground type, metal blade unit 5 5 3 3 8 974.48 7,795.84 43 40101604-EF-C01 ELECTRIC FAN, ORBIT type, ceiling, metal blade unit 6 6 6 1,192.88 7,157.28 44 40101604-EF-S01 ELECTRIC FAN, STAND type, plastic blade unit 8 8 2 2 10 1,006.39 10,063.90 45 40101604-EF-W01 ELECTRIC FAN, WALL type, plastic blade unit 2 2 2 2 4 669.66 2,678.64 Lighting and Fixtures and Accessories 46 39101605-FL-T01 FLUORESCENT LAMP, 18 WATTS, linear tubular (T8) piece 225 53 586 864 6 23 36 65 111 28 26 165 1 3 16 20 1,114 40.56 45,183.84 47 39101628-LB-L01 Ligth Bulb, LED, 7 watts 1 pc in individual box piece 22 5 10 37 2 14 16 12 5 17 70 72.49 5,074.30 Measuring and Observing and Testing Equipment 48 41111604-RU-P02 RULER, plastic, 450mm (18"), width: 38mm min piece 25 11 8 44 3 10 13 4 11 15 10 10 82 15.48 1,269.36 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies 49 47131812-AF-A01 AIR FRESHENER, aerosol, 280ml/150g min can 15 3 16 34 3 10 13 3 16 19 3 10 13 79 86.06 6,798.74 50 47131604-BR-S01 BROOM, soft (tambo) piece 3 3 3 130.00 390.00 51 47131604-BR-T01 BROOM, STICK (TING-TING), usable length: 760mm min piece 5 5 7 7 8 8 20 30.58 611.60 52 47131829-TB-C01 CLEANER,TOILET BOWL AND URINAL, 900ml-1000ml cap bottle 41.60 - 53 47131805-CL-P01 CLEANSER, SCOURING POWDER, 350g min./can can 22 22 20 20 20 20 62 23.92 1,483.04 54 47131811-DE-B02 DETERGENT BAR, 140 grams as packed bar 34 34 35 35 35 35 104 8.01 833.04 55 47131811-DE-P02 DETERGENT POWDER, all purpose, 1kg pack 34 34 30 30 30 30 94 37.43 3,518.42 56 47131803-DS-A01 DISINFECTANT SPRAY, aerosol type, 400-550 grams can 18 8 11 37 9 8 11 28 9 8 11 28 9 8 11 28 121 122.98 14,880.58 57 47131601-DU-P01 DUST PAN, non-rigid plastic, w/ detachable handle piece 3 3 3 24.84 74.52 58 47131802-FW-P02 FLOOR WAX, PASTE, RED can 269.36 - 59 47131830-FC-A01 FURNITURE CLEANER, aerosol type, 300ml min per can can 87.36 - 60 47121804-MP-B01 MOP BUCKET, heavy duty, hard plastic unit 1,911.00 - 61 47131613-MP-H02 MOPHANDLE, heavy duty, aluminum, screw type piece 145.60 - 62 47131619-MP-R01 MOPHEAD, made of rayon, weight: 400 grams min piece 110.24 - 63 47131501-RG-C01 RAGS, all cotton, 32 pieces per kilogram min bundle 177 58 54 289 122 10 7 139 155 40 12 207 39 10 7 56 691 49.69 34,335.79 64 47131602-SC-N01 SCOURING PAD, made of synthetic nylon, 140 x 220mm pack 40 40 42 42 42 42 2 2 126 102.96 12,972.96 Page 2 of 24 Item Unit of Total Item Code Item & Specifications Jan Feb Mar Q1 Apr May Jun Q2 Jul Aug Sep Q3 Oct Nov Dec Q4 Price Catalogue TOTAL AMOUNT No.

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