TO BHMA ÔÇÓ ÅÊÊËÇÓÉÁÓ CAB AUDITED THE FIRST HELLENIC NEWSPAPER IN AUSTRALIA (ESTABLISHED 1913) - www.tovema.com.au JUNE 2007 . ÉÏÕÍÉÏÓ 2007 Tel. (02) 9559 7022 Fax: (02) 9559 7033 E-mail: [email protected] Áñ. Ö. 8261 - PRICE $1.70 (GST incl.) IN THIS ISSUE OF THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN VEMA... INSERT WINDOWS TO ORTHODOXY The Eagle – Divine Bird of the Sun Pages 8/26 - 9/27 ÓÞìåñá óôï ÂÇÌÁ... ÓÅË. 50-51 ÓÕÍÅÍÔÅÕÎÇ Óôü÷ïò ç âåëôßùóç ôçò ðïéüôçôáò æùÞò Ç Õðïõñãüò Åîùôåñéêþí êá. Íôüñá ÌðáêïãéÜííç áíôáëëÜóóåé ÷åéñáøßá ìå ôïí Áõóôñáëü Õðïõñãü áñìüäéï ãéá èÝìáôá Êïéíïðïëéôåßáò ê. Ìáë ÌðñüïõìåôÜ ôçí õðïãñáöÞ ôçò óõìöùíßáò ãéá ôéò óõíôÜîåéò ôùí ÅëëÞíùí ôçò Áõóôñáëßáò, õðü ôï âëÝììá ôïõ Ðñùèõðïõñãïý ê. Êþóôá ÊáñáìáíëÞ ÓÅË. 43 150.000 ðáéäéÜ äïõëåýïõí Ç ÓÕÌÖÙÍÉÁ óôçí ÅëëÜäá ôïõ 21ïõ áé. ÅëëÜäáò - Áõóôñáëßáò ãéá ôéò óõíôÜîåéò ¼ðùò åß íáé ãíù óôü, ôïí ðñï ç ãïýìå íï ìÞ íá, õ ðåãñÜ öç Õðïõñãüò áñìüäéïò ãéá èÝìáôá Êïéíïðïëéôåßáò, ê. Ìáë óôçí Êá ìðÝ ñá- óôç äéÜñ êåéá ôçò å ðßóç ìçò å ðéóêÝ øåùò Ìðñüïõ. ¼ðùò ôü íé óå ï ê. Êá ñá ìáíëÞò, óôéò äç ëþ óåéò ôïõ ôïõ Ðñù èõ ðïõñ ãïý ôçò Åë ëÜäïò ê. Êþ óôá Êá ñáìáí - ìå ôÜ ôç óõ íÜ íôçóç ìå ôïí Áõ óôñá ëü ï ìü ëï ãü ôïõ, «ðñü êåé - ëÞ óôçí 5ç ¹ðåé ñï- ç óõì öù íß á êïé íù íé êþí á óöáëß - ôáé ãéá ìéá ðï ëý óç ìá íôé êÞ óõì öù íß á ç ï ðïß á ï ëï êëçñþ èç - ÓÅË. 8 óåùí ìå ôáîý Åë ëÜäáò êáé Áõ óôñá ëß áò, þóôå ïé ¸ëëç - êå ý óôå ñá á ðü ìá êñï ÷ñü íéåò äéá ðñáã ìá ôåý óåéò êáé ðïõ èá íåò ôçò Áõ óôñá ëß áò íá ìðï ñïýí íá óõ íôá îéï äï ôç èïýí áðï âåß óå ü öå ëïò ôçò åë ëç íé êÞò ï ìï ãÝ íåéáò». ÌÐÏÕÓ ÐÑÏÓ ÐÏÕÔÉÍ: êáé íá Ý ÷ïõí äé êáéþ ìá ôá éá ôñï öáñ ìá êåõ ôé êÞò ðå ñé - Ôï ÂÇÌÁ äçìïóéåýåé ôï ðëÞñåò êåßìåíï ôçò óõìöùíßáò, èÜë øå ùò. áðü ôçí ïðïßá åêôéìÜôáé ðùò ôïõëÜ÷éóôïí 60,000 ïìïãåíåßò Ìç öèÜóïõìå óå ðüëåìï Ôç óõì öù íß á õ ðÝ ãñá øáí ç Õðïõñ ãüò Å îù ôå ñé êþí ôçò èá åðùöåëçèïýí Üìåóá. ãéá ôï Êüóïâï ÅëëÜäïò êá. Íôü ñá Ìðáêï ãéÜí íç êáé ï Áõóôñáëüò ÓÅË. 44-48 ProviCare - counselling and rehabilitation of drug and alcohol abuse ph. 1800 010 575 Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia Oakleigh Greek Orthodox College “Sts. Anargiri” 2007 National Greek Orthodox Schools Competition One of our major events for May was hosting the 2007 National Greek Orthodox Schools Competition between Tuesday 1st May and Thursday 3rd May. We hosted over 300 students, staff and principals from five other Greek Orthodox Colleges around Australia: All Saints Grammar (NSW) St. Euphemia (NSW) St. Spyridon (NSW) St. George (S.A.) St. John’s (VIC) Although St. Andrews (W.A.) were unable to send any student representative teams, their principal made the trip to join the Principals’ Meeting that was scheduled during this event. The Opening Ceremony and Blessing were conducted on Tuesday morning by His Grace - Bishop Ezekiel, our Parish Priest and College Chaplain Archimandrite Father Iakovos Tsigounis, Father Chris from St. John’s, Fa- ther Konstantinos from St. George in S.A. and Deacon Manassis. Following this our young students who repre- sented each of the participating Colleges displayed exceptional talent in the Greek Public Speaking Competition, Basketball and Table Tennis. Tuesday evening saw all come together for the Championship Dinner where many old friendships were renewed and new ones formed. On Wednesday the students competed in soccer and Netball matches while Thursday, the sporting events ended with Volleyball and Indoor Soccer matches. The 2007 Na- tional Greek Orthodox Schools Competition concluded on Thursday afternoon, with the Closing Ceremony held in the Community Hall to celebrate individual and team success during the 3-day event. In attendance were all competitors, staff and Principals of participating schools. ǿǼȇǹ ǹȇȋǿǼȆǿȈȀȅȆǾ ǹȊȈȉȇǹȁǿǹȈ ÅëëçíéêÞǼȜȜȘȞȚțȒ Ïñèüäïîç ȅȡșȩįȠȟȘ Åíïñßá ȀȠȚȞȩIJȘIJĮ - Êïéíüôçò OakleighOakleigh êáé țĮȚÐåñé÷þñùí ȆİȡȚȤȫȡȦȞ ǿİȡȩȢ ȃĮȩȢǹȖȓȦȞ ǹȞĮȡȖȪȡȦȞ ȆĮȞȒȖȣȡȚȢ ȉȠ ȆȡȩȖȡĮμμĮ IJȠȣ İȠȡIJĮıμȠȪ İȓȞĮȚ IJȠ ĮțȩȜȠȣșȠ: ȈȐȕȕĮIJȠ 30 ǿȠȣȞȓȠȣ ʌĮȡĮμȠȞȒ IJȘȢ İȠȡIJȒȢ: ȂȑȖĮȢ ʌĮȞȘȖȣȡȚțȩȢ İıʌİȡȚȞȩȢ μİIJȘıȣμμİIJȠȤȒ IJȠȣ ǿİȡȠȪ ȀȜȒȡȠȣ ȂİȜȕȠȪȡȞȘȢ (7.00 μ.μ.) KȣȡȚĮțȒ 1 ǿȠȣȜȓȠȣ, țȣȡȚȫȞȣμȘȘμȑȡĮ IJȘȢ İȠȡIJȒȢ: ȆĮȞȘȖȣȡȚțȒ ĬİȓĮ ȁİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮ 8 – 11 ʌ.μ. ÅíǼȞ óõíå÷åßá ıȣȞİȤİȓĮ, ÐáíçãõñéêüȆĮȞȘȖȣȡȚțȩ ȖİȪãåýìáμĮ μìåôÜİIJȐ IJȘôç ĬİȓĮÈåßá ȁİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮËåéôïõñãßá,, ıIJȘȞóôçí ĮȓșȠȣıĮáßèïõóá İțįȘȜȫıİȦȞåêäçëþóåùí IJȘȢôçò ÅíïñßáòȀȠȚȞȩIJȘIJĮȢ - Êïéíüôçôïò.. īȚĮ țȡĮIJȒıİȚȢ Ãéá êñáôÞóåéò șȑıİȦȞ ĮʌİȣșȣȞșİȓIJİ èÝóåùí áðåõèõíèåßôå ıIJȠ ȖȡĮijİȓȠ óôï IJȘȢ ãñáöåßï ȀȠȚȞȩIJȘIJĮȢ ôçò Êïéíüôçôïò țĮȚ ıIJĮ μ ȑȜȘêáé IJȠȣóôá ìÝëçįȚȠȚțȘIJȚțȠȪ ôïõ Äéïéêçôéêïý ıȣμȕȠȣȜȓȠȣ Óõìâïõëßïõ,, ph. 9569 6874 ôçë. (Community (03) 9569 6874 Centre (Community - 83 Willesden Centre Rd. Oakleigh).- 83 Willesden Rd. Oakleigh) ÓÅËÉÄÁ 18 ÔÏ ÂÇÌÁ - ÉÏÕÍÉÏÓ 2007 JUNE 2007 2/20 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA Important ancient and artistic finds at former royal estate 4 JULY 1776 U.S. DECLARES INDEPENDENCE Culture minister says part of Tatoi could open in five years Finds at Tatoi in recent months have included significant antiq- In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the uities and paintings previously believed to have been lost. Continental Congress adopts the Preservation work is now under way. The former royal estate is Declaration of Independence, which expected to be developed into a cultural center. proclaims the independence of the United States of America from Great Britain and its king. The declaration By Iota Sykka – Kathimerini came 442 days after the first volleys of the American Revolution were fired at Speaking to reporters earlier this week following a presentation, at Lexington and Concord in Massachu- the former royal estate at Tatoi, of four containers full of items that setts and marked an ideological expan- were thought to have been lost, Culture Minister Giorgos Voulgarakis sion of the conflict that would eventual- said: “I belong to a generation of politicians who feel entirely indif- ly encourage France's intervention on ferent about the issue of monarchy. I have no fixations nor any guilt. behalf ofSOVIETS the Patriots. INVADE I can understand why Tatoi must be developed into a cultural center.” CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Culture Ministry conservators have already begun work. Little has August16 JULY 20, 1945 1968 changed, but it is clear that some tidying up has been done, as high- Atom bomb successfully tested lighted by the discovery of works of art that had previously been writ- ten off as lost. The works include paintings by Constantinos On thethis night day inof 1945,August at 20, 5:29:45 1968, a.m., approx- the Volanakis, Nikolaos Gyzis and Ioannis Altamoura, as well as a vari- Voulgarakis. Manhattanimately 200,000 Project Warsaw comes Pactto an troops explosive and ety of antiquities. No references to time frames were made during the minister’s pres- end5,000 as thetanks first invade atom bombCzechoslovakia is successfully to In recent months, officials of the Ephorate of Antiquity Sales and entation, which sounded not unlike an electoral speech. But testedcrush thein Alamogordo, "Prague Spring"--a New Mexico. brief period Private Collections have discovered a total of 201 ancient items Voulgarakis said the prospect of the public being able to visit the Plansof liberalization for the creation in the of communist a uranium coun-bomb inside the royal estate’s stables. They represent about 95 percent of estate’s main palace in five years was a realistic one. Immediate bytry. theCzechoslovakians Allies were established protested as the early inva- as items that had been published in the state gazette in 1973, and 38 of needs at this early stage of development include the establishment of 1939,sion with when public Italian demonstrations emigre andphysicist other 39 items from a list released in 1991. Just one item, a clay statuette an appropriately supported division for the preservation of paintings Enriconon-violent Fermi tactics, met with but U.S. they Navy were depart- no of a child, remains missing. Officials said it would eventually be and contemporary items of historical and artistic significance. This mentmatch officials for the atSoviet Columbia tanks. University The liberal to found. would greatly assist work – analysis and preservation – on the 1,300 discussreforms the of use First of fissionable Secretary materials Alexander for The general belief of the Culture Ministry’s 20-member team of or so items found so far. Objects of particular interest will be passed militaryDubcek purposes.were repealed That sameand "normaliza-year, Albert specialists assigned to work at Tatoi is that more discoveries will be on to the Central Council for Contemporary Monuments (KSMN) Einsteintion" began wrote under to his President successor Franklin Gustav made. “We must search the estate more thoroughly,” said Dimitris for identification. RooseveltHusak. supporting the theory that an Kazianis, an archaeologist, who noted that the items found so far The objects found include cardboard boxes containing shells and uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction had were well packaged and in good condition. vessels from excavations in locations such as Dekelia and Menidi. great potentialPARIS as LIBERATED: a basis for a weapon of However, this is not the case for the books, rugs and traditional cos- The total number of artworks is 326 plus one sculpture. The budget mass destruction.August In 25, February 1944 1940, the tumes found in basement storage space, which required some preser- for work at the former royal estate at Tatoi currently stands at 2.5 mil- federal government granted a total of vation work and a more appropriate environment. lion euros. Some of the funds were allocated for emergency work on $6,000After more for research. than four years of Nazi occu- The culture minister said he envisages the former estate as a cultur- dilapidated buildings and their foundations, while 800,000 euros pation, Paris is liberated by the French al site that will be open to the public.
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