Page Four DAILY WORKER. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1929 Soviet Literature Is Vigorous MERRYMAKERS RETURN TO GARDEN ‘Man’s Estate, New Comedy um •-- mbobol "» was¦¦¦ - Reaction to New LNe in USSR Presented at the Biltmore ¦ i use m jjm? .ge.-g. -earc. W ’ .HMSM—I VA ===THKATRE GUILD PRODUCTIONS - By ELI B. JACOBSON , the impassable gulf between the two THE Theatre Guild presented its ' * Paradoxical as it may seem, the generations cherishing hostile ideol- fifth production of the season, Music Notes of literatures of imperialist America ! ogies. And with what absence “Man’s Estate,” a comedy by Bruce tears, wringing of hands, signs and Blackmar, at and Communist Russia have much in Gould and Beatrice the Fania Bossak, soprano, will give lamentation. The same emotional common. Both are young, vigorous Biltmore Theatre. recital Town Hall Monday by study- a song at MAN’S ESTATE and crude, and are in the stage of restraint is shown those A story of life in a small western changing sex and marital night. growing adolescence. From both ing the town, it is always interesting and By BEATRICE BLACKMAR BRUCE GOULD freudianism, and exudes the smelly atmosphere of the | relations. No dilettante keeps the audience on the alert dur- nor no un- Winifred Purnell, pianist, will ap- factories, both are shaken by the torturing introspection, ing the three acts. With the usual p|T ’T’A/fCYDT7 THEA., 47th St. W. of B’way. Eves. 8:50 pear in debut recital at Steinway A J.VIUAIV.E, & Saturday city upon rural married fathers, bachelor husbands; capable direction, Matinees Thursday at 2:40 impact of the culture Guild cast and it Hall Wednesday evening, April 17. backwardness; both bow’ before the no glorification nor degradation of develops into a play that is worth- j of the the flesh, no monstrosities like while seeing. Although ever-increasing demands it does not Aeolian Waldon, soprano, will ap- “Janet March,” and its like. expound any being ¦ EUGENE O’NEILL'S machine; literary w’eltschmertz and new ideas, con- pear at Hall Friday Marya, in recital Town sentimentality still sicken the read- the Bolshevik (A. Nev- cerned with the usual youthful love evening, April 19. ers of both; both stand helpless and i erov) does the third act of the affair, the fine manner of its pres- Doll’s all over again. She brings perplexed at the gradual transform- 1 House entation it to a compara- Madeleine Monnier, French cel- leaves her peasant husband be- tively high ation of the sex mores. I to level. give concert at Stein- DYNAMO liste, will her are not | come a Soviet village official. This Jerry to be- These characteristics Jordan, who hopes way Hall Sunday evening, April 14. MARTIN RFTK THEA., 45th St., W. of Bth Ave. Eves. 8:50 shared by all Russians or all Amer- ! peasant Nora causes many a peas- come a architect, spends an ant woman to stare famous' icans; nor in the same degree and and wonder. evening in the moonlight in the Martha Graham will give her And the men, like Helmer, begin intensity. But on a whole these to company of Sesaly Blaine. Shortly last recital of the do a little wondering themselves. third and season tendencies are revealed in both i not afterward, Sesaly has a fainting at the Booth Theatre Sunday eve- A COMEDY BY SIL-VARA | Such miracles as these they have ' countries. spell and discovers that she is go- ning, April 14, when she will he as- ! not experienced For instance, Dreiser gives us a heretofore. ing to have a baby. Os course, her sisted by her concert group of dan- | (P. Romanov) mere incidental glimpse of a collar In “Black Fritters” boy friend, Jerry, is the father. cers. | it is the husband who quietly closes When Pa CAPRICE factory (An American Tragedy); and Ma Jordan are told ! the door on his peasant wife whose about w'hereas almost the entire setting it, they make a lot of noise Giannini will give a re- THEA., West 52nd Street. | chiefly Dusolina PUTT n Eves. 8:50 Sharp is placed by N. Liashko, into ma- interests are centered in the The big show at Madison Square Garden is in full swing. The and arrange for an immediate wed- cital at Carnegie Hall on the eve- UUIIiD Mat., Wed., Thurs., & Sat. 2:40 Sharp calving of her cow, Lyska. He & chine factory (The Song of the ! principal feature of the Ringling Bros.-Barmim Bailey circus this ding between the boy and girl. ! ning of April 17. ' quiet, Chains). In true American efficient shares his life with a hard- season is Hugo Zacchini “The Human Projectile” who is creating After the wedding Sesaly states | working girl-comrade, wife, evening big arena Eight Avenue. fashion Sherwood Anderson tranj- -1 and his a sensation afternoon and in the on that she had her fingers crossed j EUGENE O’NEILL’S forms a farm village into an indus- | despite her intention to raise a vio- during the ceremony and therefore Roosevelt Signs New’ girl- trial community (Poor White); | lent storm, gives him and his Seventh Anniversary of “Flames on the Volga” she does not consider it binding, Baumes Law; Statute whereas Alexey Tolstoy merely ex- | comrade a present of fritters in- Shej returns the ring to Jerry and j Strange romantic hope for S stead. So she leaves as she came, “The Freiheit” Will Be to Continue for Week tells him to continue his studying. of Limitations Ended Interlude presses a distant j same wondering, irresolute, and yet im- She the transformation in “Azure Celebrated This Eve. More at Film Guild adds if later he feels that he way Cities.” The thick inky stains of ; pressed with that something that is actually loves her then they will ALBANY, April 5. Governor JOHN GOLDEN great and new, but which she does K. sentimentality that smear so many i The seventh anniversary of the Due to the big response to the live together. It is arranged that Roosevelt has signed the Baumes ! not and cannot understand. to bill providing for the abolition of of Michael Gold’s pages are barely Freiheit will be celebrated tonight new Sovkir.o cinema, “Flames on Sesaly is go to Europe while Marietta Shaginian The best story is “Azure Cities”. Jerry will continue his college edu- ! the statute of limitations in effect, visible in in the largest hall in the city, the the Volga,” the film dealing with J (Three Looms). In America Floyd | Here we have the Destoievski touch: cation which will prepare him for a ! in all criminal cases. The new hill bears close New York Dell is constantly pre-occupied with Buzheninov a resemb- a peasants’ revolt under the regime great future as an architect in New j | provides for the suspension of the his adolescent analysis of the chang- lance to Raskolnikov. A romanti- of Queen Catherine, now showing at York. Jerry suddenly decides that I statute in all eases as soon as in- cist, living only in his fantasies, formation filed or an ing sex and marital standards, he the Film Guild Cinema, will be held he loves Sesaly and asks her to live has been in- is unable to effect anything of the dictment issued. As this is a mat- standards that probably will baffle over for a second week. with him immediately. He says he to the of his already fading slightest concrete value. will study evenings, taking a ter of course whenever any crime him end This latest Sovkino release is S4O literary days, and in Russia Boris But Comrade Khotzaintsev cor- a week job to keep them going. is committed, anybody the police crime may Pilniak is equally baffled and per- rectly tells him: “When you are in notable for the direction of Juri The play is a typical slice of think of accusing for any -“HOLIDAY”-i years plexed, altho treading on a little the saddle, rifle in hand, that hour of Taritsch, who was responsible for middle class life in the United now be placed on trial twenty for surer ground. I the Revolution is lived on nerves, “Czar Ivan the Terrible” and also States. It is realistic and truthful later when all witnesses the de- “A success of the first order.” ?on emotions, on enthusiasm. But fense are dead or gone. But the newer Russians scorn de- for the fact that it is the first pic- in its portrayal. The fear of dis- —New York Times. introspection, investigation now harness that battle h rse to the covery lingers constantly in the cadence, plough—that’s hard—just day ture which was actually filmed in “A joyous revel in which sprightly of the “meaning of Life”. Beauty every minds of the petty-bourgeois people Os fie clnsseft that Maud face there was much froth, labor and sweat. In the end there the Volga regions. to face with tie bourgeoisie today some vivid characters in a seriously interesting romance, and is not truth with them nor truth, Russia, Cent ral with whim the play is concerned. is more courage needed to sell dough- Savina the proletariat alone Is a really revo- a east of players remarkable for the excellence of their acting.” beauty. Nor do they dwell in the The cast of 5,000 Tartar natives Margalo Gilmore gives nuts on the marketplace than to Russia, Armenia, an admir- lutionary class.—Karl Marx (Com- ivory tower. Nor do they idealize movements, forms the as —Percy Hammond, Herald Tribune. rush with the naked blade into the Turkistown, Siberia and all other and their able performance Sesaly.
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