Somerset sleighriders The Franklin NEWS RECORD Th» Frwn&n H*my-fi*asrG Smxreamm poatag* t»a KJ CMOS Thursday, January 21,1982 Vol.30, No. 3 30 cents Townshouse Word due soon plan okayed on NPP funding by Cathy Bugman the mayor'said. Special Writer The mayor commented on the situ- hv [>jxid Hill tvecded at the intersection of XTedar ation concerning the NPP's contract Staff Writfr (irme and a l-ake»ixxJ entrance nud. Franklin Township Neighborhood renewal: "We made a pitch to state Cedar Ciruvc. which is scheduled for Preservation Program (NPP) members representatives when they met with us C -"O 1..- I .arv 's 4 s.t,; ".wJenini: to four lanes, would need only are expecting word next week from state Jan. 6 and_ they admitted that the pro- a s!ii^d<>win lane in the center lor left officials which will determine the fate of gram was indeed a great success and the tumv into the development, accurdinp to the program's funding. number of loans and grants issued to ! v . the S 2 2 11111111 < n I. j W c w << ><dMr Nc\'> testimony The NPP. which largely relics on residents since July has jumped dramati- Tn'*shi««.' pfi-uxt -.kj- ijrjrUi.%1 J UV B<urd member Albert Bcsscnyci. who federal funds, received a letter several cally." he said. \umrcc h> the rranUin Township /«>n- with Mane McGill voted againit the use weeks ago stating that funds for the inj; EUjjrii <>t Adjustment The Kurd variance, compared the present situation program would be jeopardized due ta an Mayor Beachem said he set up a voted five to !»n TTH?* mtnirn-jm-vHe on Cedar Grove Lane to cailv develop- allegation made by Leonard. Zuhlckc. meeting with three state representatives requirement liv j uvc variance) in U\nr ment on John F. Kennedy Boulevard. He NPP's regional •supervisor, that the pro-tin Jan. 6 following alctter from the state of the pr».>p*>NoJ 2M> urn: dcvcli>ptnent. vaid. "At first, there was no traffic gram showed a "lack of municipal Department of • Community Affairs, »h;».h lnr» j hjlt-milc Ut»m fusion problems on JFK Boulevard: now, commitment." which runs the NPP. stating that there Avenue there's a four-lane cro\s-over,.with fu> was a strong possibility state officials liyh! I ihmk this will prow int«rthc same NPP's local director. Ernestine Puhfic o'mnxnts attjr she Jjn 14 would not render a contract renewal. He situation Callier, strongly denied the allegation, •said the fact that he even set up a meeting ran the iiainut I run; surpftvc in maintaining the program has serviced meeting was a move that may encourage di-appnirumen! ti> anger ACCKSS INTO the townhouse de- more people since she became the direc- the representatives to renew the contract. "This, JcviMi>n wjs !I>!J!K unex- velopment hy emcrgencv vehicles of the tor in July than in the history of the pected." vjtii Pe^gv Svherbiru. who police, rescue squad and fire department 3-year-old program's existence. "I think the representatives were im- lives near the t<i*nh«<usc sire "At the i> required hv Franklin Township Fire According to Mrs. Callier. the allega- pressed with the fact previous mayors la.sS i.i>upk" nwtini;>. Nurd members Marshall John Babb. tion was made because the monies did not consult with the department. This •rvlicd hjrd- «.'hai!e'ftpni: qus>!i<>riN Then In a letter to the board, he stated that it ROBERT MOORE canvasses a home on Hamilton Street on previously allocated to the NPP were not means there may be a possibility that toniaht. si M.*v:tici.i like a reversjl Most should be a single-lane path with barriers behalf of the township Neighborhood Preservation Program. entirely used. But Mrs. Callier asserted they will react a little more positively to nt the rremrvrs. sudJcnU scenicJ .uvnin- to prevent the path's use by ordinary Future funding of the program is in doubt. that since July the township has spent the situation." Mayor Beachem in- moOuJins: ;•> the huilJer» ju!oriH>biles The barriers anr designed (Rich Pipeling photo) $100,000 on public improvements such dicated. The N<jrd passed i»nK she uv jppluj- to he knocked-down or unlocked b\ as resurfacing roads and rehabilitating Mrs. Callicr said a number of people t«.in b\ kautnun JIIJ ftrnjJ oi New emertencv vehicles. homes. would like to sec the blighted Jersey Lie The o*n*.pjn\ wishes li* huild Whether the access route should be at neighborhood improve. She specified townhiTUACN in jn area />>nevi stru'th !cr ^iSU.Street or 15th Street (specified by the The NPP's principal purpose is to that the industries surrounding the \inglc-tjnuU dwellings 1 he !JDJ ssis towrtshjp planning board as the access allocate money to low-income families "target areas" have indicated their sup- port for the program. oett t.« trie B*<nncr pr«>pcrt\ srut route during the I'kranian Village hear- to renovate portions of their aging homes l »i\ rr..Kk- .! piar.rvd unit ings) was not stated in the letter. that violate' town code specifications. These homes are located within distinct THE PROCESS for low-income The !5sh Street entrance would be 1-95 to be topic Site pian apyrovjl ti>r the pfin.:*.! nun "target areas": known as blighted families to receive a grant. Mrs. Callier !J>MV i.nMl> and have a longer access M need neighborhoods. One hundred forty five concedes, is relatively simple. The vol- tmve. according to Marc V'aida. the of these homes arc situated between unteers who arc canvassing go to the BOARD MFMBF.R Mivhjci Ni/ar. Kautman and Broad attorney, in Somerset and Hamilton streets and be- homes and request that the owners dunn* rcrrurik.% rrude at the tinv ot his response to a question posed bv Mr. of Monday forum tween Franklin Boulevard and Veronica submit, an eligibility application. The 'veV v\<c. vaitl. "I'm apffinm^ <»nI> Na/ar aN>ut the /Mh_J>rccct versus the Avenue, according to Mrs. Callier. code inspector goes out to see what the u^ttf vjn-Kxe tt-^elt I can"; ;.:«* with she !5:h Street entrance needs repair, and then the contractor The controversial Interstate Route 95 The forum is designed to help Franklin MR. Callier noted that everyone who 2JMMJTH: IJCRMU " He aikled shut he "We don't think the planning txiard issue — and what position Franklin officials decide on whether to urge with the lowest bid is elected to fix the exported the tisrure to be lowered J: the can pet ihi4 restneton on us." chairman •Hr^eligible for financial support pan- impaired .homes. : Township should take on it — will be the completion of the highway or abandon- receive, a materials grant for up to S300. future 'ii'c-pJan hearing said, addressing this question subject of a forum to be held on Monday ment of the plan. A number of land use, In an ir.terv *.-» Ij'cr. 7>wm H.«-irJ variance is a new ease starting She cautioned that the money could be "The limit for reparations is S3.500. •evening, Jan. 25. sponsored by Franklin traffic and environmental questions are regardless of how much the house needs from j;riKirvd zero Previous, decisions used only to renovate those elements in C'ruiriur. («.-»•«••-•-" ^ade >J-4. "Thc FOCUS, an independent civic group. involved that are of vital importance to repair." Mrs. Callier indicated. d«>n ! carry t>i the ne*t vanancc which the home that were specified in the code N'urd raj", rcsirxt the urns donsi:.\ !i> jhe The forum will be held in the Town- the community, a FOCUS spokesman The NPP director said it was difficult has its own circumstances." violation. This includes reparations for Jejirec tJui the doe!«>pCT witrfd JcviJj ship Council chambers of the Municipal said. heating, plumbing, or electrical prob- for her to understand why the state "\vc ha^e to balance the right of t«i (Jn»p the »!>n»V fJea Complex on Demon Lane at 8 p.m. It's lems. initially refused to renew the contract \Liftc NtvlJtH. tn her c*plarulh>n <•! rvtchborinj: pnipcrtv owners against open to the public, with no admission THE FORUM .will open with a but she admitted that the mayor's meet- rejctfisi'o v»jj. "! fifk! ii J:r;'wu': in th<»M.- of the landowner to develop his charge. presentation of the major 1-95 issues by a "The grants arc not issued for the ing with them would be beneficial. j!!«>-* s.>**nh«>u»o> at "hiv Mk'. j!!h<*jch ffuperu." sjid Dr. Ted Chase during Central New Jerscv is the site of the four-member panel. Speaking in favor of purpose of merely beautifying the home, his ves" \o5e "The neighbors don't pay the extension will be Somerset County but rather to renovate what was stated in "I don't sec why they would refuse to » c •» h »,> a! J h r i n IT ni c d i 'j m - p r r >. e J only uncompleted portion of the inter- Transportation Coordinator Arthur Re- the code violation." she said. set up a new contract. We have serviced * iniu Frankim H»*^*CVCT. I taxes on the beautiful woods at Cedar state highway. The plan calls for the Cinne Lane " completion of 1-95 on a path that carries uben and Richard Williams, the county's more people in this town since the 'l thsnk »c ear.
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