DIRECTORY.] CAMBRIDGESHIRE. \\' ESTON COLVILLE. 171 32 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of trustees, rive from Royston at 6 a.m. ; dispatched at 7·45 p.m. and held since 1890 by the Rev- Waiter Jones M.A. of week days. On sundays arrive at 7 a.m.; dispatched Hatfield Hall, Durham. Capt. William Skipworth is owner at 5.30 p.m. The nearest money order &i telegraph of the entire parish, which is freehold. The soil is loamy, 1 office is at Arringbm '8nd the subsoil clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley Endowed School, founded in 1832 by the late Hon. Thomas and beans. The area is 1,023 acres; rateable value', Windsor R.N. (d. 1832), & endowed by him with a rent• £1,075; the population in 1891 was 127. ' charge of £30 yearly; the school was rebuilt in 1875 &i Parish Clerk, William Haynes. will hold 40 children; average attendance, 26 ; Miss Post Office.-Herbert Bird, sub-postmaster. Letters ar- Annie Walker, mistress Jones Rev. Walter M.A. Recb()ry ·]Peel David, wheelwright IRussell J'ames, farmer, Road fa.rm Yetts Oapt. Herbert Muscat Richman James, farmer, Church farm Sabey James, shopkeeper WENrWORTH (or Win~ford) is a parish in the Isle of Rev. Oswald Henry Mosley, of Durham U1dversity. The ,E~y, xi miles north from Wilburton station on the Ely Dean and Chapter of Ely, who are lords of the manor, and St. Ives branch of the Great Eastern ra-ilway, 4~ west and St. Peter's College, Cambridge, are the principal land-­ from Ely, in the Western division of the county, union, owners. The soil is loam, with clay; subsoil, clay. The iJ~tty sessional division and county court district of Ely, chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is bunch·ed of South Witchford, rural deanery of Ely and in 1,369 acres; rateable value, £1,838; t:Uo p.~pulation in the peculiar archidiaconal jurisdiction of the Bishop of 1891 was 140. By orders which came into operation My. The church of St. Peter is an edifice of stone in the March 25, 1884, detached parts of this parish were amal­ Not'man and Early English styles, consisting of chancel, gamated with Coveney and Manea, the latter in North r.ave, north pof!:lh and a small embattled western tower Witehford union, and on March 25, 1886, another de­ containing -one bell: the chancel retains a ru~cina, and tached part was amalgamated with Grunty Fen. there are doorways of Norman date: Lhe church was re- Letters through Ely arrive at 7.30 a.m. Wall Letter Box atored in 1868, and affords 130 sittings. '!he re-gister cleared 6 p.m. ; sundays, 10.20 a.m. The nearest commences from the year 1670. The living is a rectory, money order & telegraph office is at Witchford average tithe rent-charge £357• net }early value £300, ;National Schools (boys & girls), .erected in 1873, for 25 including 20 acres of glebe, with restclence, in the gift; of children; average attendance, 22 ; Mrs. William Boul- the Dean and Chapter of Ely, and held since 1888 by the ter, mistress Mosley Rev. Osw.ald Henry, Rectory Cockle Charles, f.a.rmer Grey Sarah (Ml's.), beer retailer Cockle William, Red Lion P .H M:orton Samuel, farmer, Manor f-arm COMMERCIAL. Few Richaord. farmeT Papworth William, farmer Alien Charles Alfred, f>a.Tmer Giles Wallis, beer retailer Tebbett Charles, fa.rmer Boulter William, farmer Green Francis, farmer Wright William, farmer WESTLEY (or Westley Waterless) is a very small village £227, including 17 acres of glebe, with residence, in the and parish, 2 miles south from Dullingham 8thtion on the gift of R. Mercer esq. of Maidstone, and held since 1895 Cambridge and Newmarket section of the Great Easterll by the Rev. .Arthur J ames Cl ark. There are charities of railway, and s! south-west irum "Newmarket, in the 'lbout {.32 yearly, distributed in coal to the poor. Wm. Eastern division of the county, hundred o( Radfield, New- Henry Hall esq. D.L., J.P. of Six Mile Bottom, is lord of market union, petty sessional dtvision nnd e 'lmty court the manor and principal landowner. The soil is mixed, district, rural deanery of Fordham, archdeaconry of Sud- chalk and clay; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, bury and diocese of Ely. The church of the Blessed barley and oats. The area is 1~149 acres; rateable value, Virgin is a structure of flint in the Early English style, £1,751 ; the population in 1891 was 187. and consists of chancel, nave, aisles and a turret contain- Sexton, Henry Jennings. ing one bell : in the church is an ancient brass to Sir Thomas De Oreyke and his wife, dated 1325 : the corn- Post Office. Waiter Turner, sub-postmaster. Letters munion pla~e dates from 1568: the church has been re- arrive from Newmarket at 7 a.m. & Six Mile Bottom stored, including the erection of a turret, at a. cost of S.O. 1.30 p.m. to callers; dispatched at 6.25 a.m. & [,300, and affords 120 sittings. The register dates from 6.25 p.m. ; sund~ys, 10.20 a.m. Postal orders issued the year 1557, and contains' some curious entries relating here, but no_t pa1d: The nearest money order & tele· to collections made by brief in 1652-9 and 1662, and vary- graph office IS at S1x M1le Bottom ing- from IS. 6d. to 4s. for the repairs of various churches I School (mixed), erected in 1873, at the expense of William and the relief of the poor .elsewhere.. The living is a rec· Henry Hall esq. for 55 children; average attendance, tory, average tithe rent-charge £243, net yearly value 33; Edward Yarnton, master Clark Rev . .Arthur James, Rectory Bell James, bricklayer Co-'Operntive Stores (Richard J{)hn H'all William Henry D.L., J.P B-ridge John, beer retailer Barritt, mana-ger) Ya-rntoo Edward Boggis Waiter, farm bailiff t{) W. H. Edwa.rds Willi-am, wheelwright, Six Ba.rritt Rd.Jn.musicalinstrumnt. repr Hall esq · ~1ile Bottom Bell Charles, bricklayer Curtis ·Oliver,blcksmth.SixMileBotbom Mason Mary Ann(Mrs.),frmr.Hall frm • WES'l'ON COL VILLE is a village and parish, 5 miles 1 built in 18~7. The parish reading room and library were south-east from Six :Mile Bottom station on the Cam- built by William Henry Hall esq. and Sedley Taylor -esq. bridge and Newmarket section of tha Great Eastern rail- Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. The charities way, 6k north-east from Linton and 7 south from New- amount to [2 xos. yearly, which sum is distributed in market, in the Eastern division of the county, hundred of money. William Henry Hall esq. of Six Mile Bottom, Radfield, union and petty sessional division of Linton, who is lord of the manor, and the rector, in right of his county court district of Newmal'ket, rural deanery of I glebe, are th.e. chief landowners. The soil is chalk;. sub­ Fordham, archdeaconry of Sudbury and diocese of Ely. soil, chalk and clay. The chj.ef crops are wheat, barley, The chmch of St. Mary is an ancient building of flint, oats and beans. The parish contains 3,235 acres ; rate­ in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, able value, £2,271 ; the population in 1891 was 493· south porch and an embattled western tower rebuilt Parish Clerk, W. B. Wormell. about 1820, and containing 5 bells: the stained east win- Pos~ & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- dow ~as erected by Mrs. Hall as a memorial to her hus- John Hullyer, sub-postmaster. Letters from Cambridge band, the late Major Hall: there is a piscina and a locker arrive at 9 a.m. & 7·45 p.m. ; dispatched at 5.30 p.m. in the south wall of the nave, and in the chancel are The nearest telegraph office is at West Wratting brasses with effigies of a knight in armour and a lady; Wall Letter Box, by the School, cleared ~t 5·45 p.m the inscriptions are missing: there are 240 sittings, 2co 1 National School (mixed), erec~ed in 1868, at the expense being free. The register dates from the year 1700. The ' of the late General & Miss Hall, in memory of their living is a rectory, gross yearly value £285, net {.270, father, J. Hall esq. ; it was enlarged in 1876 & again arising from 370- acres of glebe, with l'esidence, in the enlarged in 1884 & will hold 129 children; average at- gift of William Henry Hall esq. and held since 1886 by t-endance, 79; William Bailey Wormell, master; Miss the Rev. Thomas Dodsworth Barker B.A. of University Catherine L. Wormell, mistress Collegt'l, Durham. Here is a Primitive Methodist chapd, Carrier. Joseph Clark, to Cambridge, wed. &i sat Baxker Rev.Thos.DodsworthM.A.Rctry Clayden Arthur, carpenter MaTsh Sarah {Mrs.), Three Horse- COMMERCIAL. Collett William, fa;rmer, Church farm shoes P.H · Bareham J'Ohn Henry, grocer, draper, Daniels Philip, farmer, Finchley farm Mynott Robert, beer Tetailer patent medicine vendor, boot & shoe (letters ~ia O.a.rleton) Norden J-ames, blacksmith dealer & genernl stores Hullyer J·ohn, farmer, Post office Reading Room & Library (W. B. Wor- Bog-gis Wa:ter, farm bailiff to William LP-Onard William, farmer mell, sec) Henry Hall esq Livt>rm()Te· M-llirthru Ann (Mrs.), miller Slater Geo. Wehb, fa.~mer, P·ound faTm Clark JQJSeph, baker & carrier' (wind) Slater Mar~in, fa: mer, Weston ball .
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