NOTES AND REFERENCES Introduction l. M. Pugh, Lloyd George (London: Longman, 1988). C. Wrigley, Lloyd George (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992). J. Grigg, The Young Lloyd George (London: Eyre Methuen, I973); Lloyd George: the People's Champion, 1902-11 (London: Eyre Methuen, I978); Lloyd George: from Peace to War, 1912-16 (London: Meth­ uen, I985). B. Gilbert, David Lloyd George: the Architect of Change, 1863-1912 (London: Batsford, I987); David Lloyd George: Organizer of Victory, 1912-16 (London: Batsford, I992). 2. Lloyd George to his daughter, Olwen, 2 Aprili902, quoted in Wrigley,Lloyd George, p. I 55. 1 Early Life, 1863-1905 1. H. Spender, The Prime Minister (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1920), P· 81. 2. Quoted in H. du Parcq, Life of David Lloyd George (London: Caxton, I9I2- I3),vol.I,p.I4. 3. Lloyd George to Lansbury, I6 February I93I, Lloyd George MSS G/ll/4/2 (House of Lords Record Office). 4. D. Lloyd George, War Memoirs, 2nd edn (London: Odhams, I938), vol. I, p. 6Il. 5. The essential facts are dealt with in Du Parcq, Life, vol. I, pp. I-5I and W. R. P. George, The Making ofLloyd George (London: Faber & Faber, I976). 6. George, Making, p. 46. 7. W. George,MyBrotherand1 (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, I958), p. I3. 8. Lloyd George diary, I2 November I88I in Du Parcq,Life, vol. I, p. 40. 9. Lloyd George to Margaret Lloyd George (n.d., probably I885) inK. Morgan (ed.), Lloyd George: Family Letters, 1885-1936 (Cardiff and Oxford: University ofWales Press and OUP, I973), p. I4. IO. Lloyd George diary, 4 September I887 in Morgan (ed.),FamilyLetters, p. 20. II. W. R. P. George, Lloyd George: Backbencher (Llandysul: Gomer Press, I983), pp. 72-3,248-52. I2. K. Morgan, Rebirth of a Nation: Wales 1880-1980 (Oxford: OUP, I98I), pp. 26-58. 115 116 Notes and References 13. J. Hugh Edwards, The Life ofDavid Lloyd George (London: Waverly Book Co., 1913), vol. 2,p. 143. 14. R. E. Price, 'Lloyd George and Merioneth Politics 1885, 1886- a Failure to Effect a Breakthrough',joumal of Merioneth History and Record Society, VIII (1975), 301-3. 15. Speech at Blaenau Ffestiniog, 12 February 1886 in Du Parcq, Life, vol. 1, p.77. 16. ]. Graham Jones, 'Alfred Thomas's National Institutions (Wales) Bills of 1891-2', Welsh History Review, XV (1990), 218-39. 17. George,Making,p.153. 18. Du Parcq, Life, vol. 1, pp. 79-83. 19. George, Backbencher, p. 96; Grigg, Young Lloyd George, pp. 172-4. 20. Grigg, Young Lloyd George, pp. 86-171; Gilbert, Architect of Change, pp. 77-148 for Lloyd George's early years in Parliament. 21. Lloyd George to William George, 30 October 1890 in George, Backbencher, p. 39. 22. Lloyd George to Margaret Lloyd George, 12 August 1890 in Morgan (ed.), Family Letters, p. 34 for Healy; Lloyd George to William George, 16 June 1891 in Du Parcq,Life, vol. 1, p. 120 for Lloyd George's homework before his early speeches. 23. 3 Hansard, CCCXLVIII, cols 904-6. 24. Lloyd George to William George, 20 June 1895 in George, Backbencher, p. 174. 25. Lloyd George to Margaret Lloyd George, 19 November 1895 in Morgan (ed.), Family Letters, p. 91; Lloyd George to Herbert Lewis, 16 January 1896 in George, Backbencher, p. 189. 26. Morgan, Rebirth, pp. 59-89. 27. Gilbert, Architect of Change, pp. 170-2. 28. Lloyd George to William George, 10 February 1898 in George, Backbencher, p. 256. 29. DuParcq,Life,vol.1,pp.169-70. 30. George, Backbencher, p. 261; Lloyd George to Margaret Lloyd George, 30 August 1898 in Morgan (ed.), Family Letters, p. 115. 31. Lloyd George to Margaret Lloyd George, 22January 1891 in Morgan (ed.), Family Letters, p. 40. 32. Lloyd George to Margaret Lloyd George, 2 October 1899 in Morgan (ed.), Family Letters, p. 123. 33. George,MyBrother,p.187. 34. 4 Hansard, LXXXVIII, cols 397-486. 35. Gilbert,ArchitectofChange, p. 202. 36. Du Parcq, Life, vol. 2, pp. 332-90. Also, G. E. Jones, 'The Welsh Revolt Revisited: Merioneth and Montgomery in Default', Welsh History Review, XIV (1989) 417-37. 37. See especially his article in The Pilot, 1 June 1903, quoted in Du Parcq, Life, vol. 2, pp. 367-8. 38. George, Backbencher, p. 400; Lloyd George to William George, 23 June 1904 in George, My Brother, p. 171. Notes and References II7 2 New Liberal, 1905-14 l. Gilbert, Architect ofC!wnge, p. 282. 2. L. Harcourt's Note, quoted in J. Wilson, CB: A Life of Sir Henry Campbell­ Bannerman (London: Purnell Book Services, 1973), p. 443. 3. For Lloyd George and patronage, J. A. Pease diary, 3 November 1908 in C. Hazlehurst and C. Woodland (eds ), A Liberal Chronicle: Journals and Letters of]. A. Pease, 1st Lord Gainford, 1908-10 (London: Historians Press, 1994), pp. 84-5; for Daniel's elevation, K. W. Jones-Roberts, 'D. R. Daniel, 1859-1931 ',journal ofthe Merioneth History and Record Society, V (1965), 58-77. 4. Lloyd George to William George, 11 April 1908 in George, My Brother, p. 220. 5. B. Murray, The People's Budget, 1909/10: Lloyd George and Liberal Politics (Ox­ ford: OUP, 1980), p. 68. 6. Background in Murray,People's Budget, pp. 76-147. 7. Between Asquith's Budget speech on 8 May 1908 and Lloyd George's first Budget in 1909, the Liberals lost four by-elections to the Conservatives and one to Labour. 8. Lloyd George to Sir Robert Chalmers, 5 September 1908, Inland Revenue MSS 73/2 (Public Record Office). 9. J. Ramsden, The Age of Balfour and Baldwin (London: Longman, 1978), pp. 94-5, 97; A. Adonis, Making Aristocracy Work: The Peerage and the Political System in Britain, 1884-1914 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1993), pp. 181-6. 10. C. Hobhouse diary, 10 July 1908 in E. David (ed.), Inside Asquith's Cabinet: From the Diaries of Charles Hobhouse (London:John Murray, 1977), p. 72. 11. Spender, Prime Minister, pp. 168-9 for the breakfasts. 12. Hobhouse diary, 12 April1909 in David (ed.),Asquith's Cabinet, p. 77. 13. Murray, People's Budget, pp. 148-51. 14. Asquith to Venetia Stanley, 13 January 1915 in M. and E. Brock (eds), H. H. Asquith: Letters to Venetia Stanley (Oxford: OUP, 1985), p. 378. 15. N. Blewett, The Peers, the Parties and the People: the British General Elections of 1910 (London: Macmillan, 1972), pp. 68-76. 16. The Liberals retained Dumfries, Cleveland, Mid-Derbyshire and High Peak. The last was the most important, as the swing in a highly marginal seat was kept down to under 1.2 per cent. 17. Du Parcq, Life, vol. 4, pp. 686-96. 18. This intimate relationship with the press is chronicled in Ld Riddell, More Pages From my Diary, 1908-14 (London: Country Life, 1934). 19. Asquith to Venetia Stanley, 26 February 1915 in M. and E. Brock (eds), Asquith Letters, pp. 451-2, for the Prime Minister's ranking ofhis various col­ leagues. 20. H. Samuel to H. Gladstone, 22 January 1910, Herbert Gladstone MSS, BL Add MSS 45992, fos. 235-6. 21. Blewett, Peers, pp. 405-6 for the Liberals' middle-class support in 1910. 22. J. Fair, British Inter-Party Conferences: a Study of the Procedure of Conciliation in British Politics, 1867-1921 (Oxford: OUP, 1980), pp. 77-102. 23. Reprinted in R. Scally, The Origins of the Lloyd George Coalition (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1975 ), pp. 375-86. 118 Notes and References 24. Gilbert, Architect of Change, pp. 416-20. 25. B. Gilbert, The Evolution of National Insurance in Great Britain (London: Michae!Joseph, 1966). 26. SeeM. Freeden, The New Liberalism (Oxford: OUP, 1978); P. Clarke, Liberals and Social Democrats (Cambridge: CUP, 1978). 27. H. N. Bunbury (ed.), Lloyd George's Ambulance Wagon: the Memoirs of W.]. Braithwaite, 1911-12 (London: Methuen, 195 7). 28. Vt Esher to 0. Brett, 11 December 1911 in M. V. Brett (ed.), The journals and Letters of Reginald, Vt Esker (London: Nicolson & Watson, 1938), vol. 3, p. 75. 29. Differing views of the Edwards case are taken in Grigg, Young Lloyd George, pp. 228-39 and George, Backbencher, pp. 207-37. George, My Brother, pp. 201-2 states that rumours about Lloyd George in The Bystander in July 1908 and People in January 1909 were reworkings of the Edwards affair. 30. See Grigg, Young Lloyd George, pp. 239-45 and People's Champion, pp. 127-9. But Grigg's evidence on other affairs is very thin, e.g. People's Champion, pp. 182-9. Even R. Lloyd George, Lloyd George (London: Frederick Muller, 1960), pp. 53-61 and 105-14 is notably vague about his father's love life. 31. Especially, R. Lloyd George, Lloyd George, pp. 221-6 on the highly improb­ able 'Churt Seraglio'. 32. B. Gilbert, 'David Lloyd George and the Great Marconi Scandal', Historical Research, LXII (1989), 295-317. 33. Some of these activities are detailed in George, Backbencher, pp. 280-2. Grigg, Young Lloyd George, pp. 172-97 first revealed the Patagonian fiasco. 34. G. Searle, Corruption in British Politics, 1895-1930 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1987), pp. 105-13 deals with these attacks by Conservatives. 35. Grigg, Peace to War, pp. 25-33. 36. Morgan, Rebirth, p. 124. 37. B. G. Evans to E. T. John, 12 March 1915, quoted in C. Hazlehurst, Politi­ cians at War, july 1914 to May 1915: a Prelude to the Triumph of Lloyd George (London: Cape, 1971), p. 223. 38. P. J alland, The Liberals and Ireland: the Ulster Question in British Politics to 1914 (Brighton: Harvester, 1980), pp. 58-63, 166-70, 194-200.
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