The Plant Cell, Vol. 3, 203-212, February 1991 O 1991 American Society of Plant Physiologists Biosynthesis of the Chloroplast Cytochrome bsf Complex: Studies in a Photosynthetic Mutant of Lemna Barry D. Bruce’ and Richard Malkin2 Department of Plant Biology, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California 94720 The biosynthesis of the cytochrome b6f complex has been studied in a mutant, no. 1073, of Lemna perpusilla that contained less than 1% of the four protein subunits when compared with a wild-type strain. RNA gel blot analyses of the mutant indicated that the chloroplast genes for cytochrome f, cytochrome b6, and subunit IV (petA, petB, and petD, respectively) are transcribed and that the petB and petD transcripts undergo their normal processing. Analysis of polysomal polyA+ RNA indicated that the leve1 of translationally active mRNA for the nuclear-encoded Rieske Fe-S protein (petC) was reduced by >lOO-fold in the mutant. lmmunoprecipitation of in vivo labeled proteins indicated that both cytochrome f and subunit IV are synthesized and that subunit IV has a 10-fold higher rate of protein turnover in the mutant. These results are discussed in terms of the assembly of the cytochrome complex and the key role of the Rieske Fe-S protein in this process. INTRODUCTION All organisms capable of photosynthetic autotrophic me- has only started to receive attention. Recent studies have tabolism or heterotrophic respiratory metabolism share the begun to investigate the questions of how these proteins ability to couple electron transport to proton translocation are inserted into a membrane, when and where prosthetic across a membrane. In all cases, this coupled electron groups are attached, and what directs the assembly of the transport is carried out in distinct multisubunit membrane individual subunits into a functional complex. complexes. The most widespread and well studied of The present work considers the mechanism of assembly these complexes is the cytochrome bcl (complex 111) and of the chloroplast cytochrome b6f complex using a pho- bsf class of electron transport complexes. These com- tosynthetic mutant of the higher plant Lema perpusilla plexes function as quinol/cytochrome c (plastocyanin),ox- no. 1073. This mutant was originally isolated as a flowering idoreductases. In all known organisms, this complex con- mutant, and subsequent biochemical characterization in- tains a b-type cytochrome containing two hemes of differ- dicated that it was a photosynthetic mutant lacking the ent potentials, a c-type cytochrome, and a high potential thylakoid membrane cytochrome bsf complex (Shahak et 2Fe-2S center bound by a protein known as a Rieske al., 1976; Malkin and Posner, 1978; Lam and Malkin, Fe-S protein (Malkin, 1988). In chloroplasts, there is an 1985). However, this mutant was not defective in heme additional subunit (subunit IV) that has been shown to bind biosynthesis or in heme insertion because its thylakoids plastoquinone (Doyle et al., 1989). In mitochondria and showed normal amounts of another chloroplast cyto- purple bacteria, the protein sequence homologous to sub- chrome, cytochrome b-559. Lam and Malkin (1985) also unit IV has become fused with the cytochrome b protein, used protein gel blotting to show that not only were the yielding a larger protein with a possible added role in prosthetic groups lacking in the mutant but that the apo- quinone binding (Hauska et al., 1988). proteins for cytochrome f, cytochrome bs, Rieske Fe-S Although extensive studies have been carried out on the protein, and subunit IV were absent. mechanism of electron transfer and proton translocation The present work considers the mRNA levels for the catalyzed by cytochrome bcl/b6f complexes (Rich, 1986), cytochrome complex subunits, the transient synthesis of the mechanism by which these complexes are assembled the corresponding polypeptides, and the fate of these proteins in the thylakoid membrane of L. perpusilla no. ’ Current address: Department of Botany, University of Wisconsin, 1073. These results are considered in relation to the Madison, WI 53706. mechanism of assembly of this multimeric complex in To whom correspondence should be addressed. thylakoids. 204 The Plant Cell LemnaperpusilloWT Lemnaperpusilla 1073 accumulate Rieske <3%th do t d e an ,protei n accumulated to <2% of the levels of these subunits relative to wild-type 125 25 10 5 1 125 25 10 5 1 membranes. The amount of another photosynthetic mem- brane protein, light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex I; II (LHCP II), that accumulated in wild-type and mutant thylakoids was identical (data not shown), although there a sligh s t wa decreas e amounth n i ef subuni o t f o I I t photosystem (thepsaI D gene product mutane th n )i t (see Figure 2). RN l BloAGe t Analysi Cytochrome th f so e b6f Genes To determine whether the lack of protein accumulation in the mutan failura t o membranet mRNn ei e du As wa s accumulation l bloge t A analyseRN , s were don totan eo l RNA and a polysomal polyA+ RNA fraction. Figure 3 shows the results of an analysis of the chloroplast-encoded sub- cytochrome unitth f so f complexe eb . This blot contained equal amounts of total RNA that was ethanol precipitated before loading ont gele oth . Therefore slighe th , t differ- ences in intensity cannot necessarily be interpreted as a CYTOCHROMEf difference in the absolute RNA levels. It is clear from this Figur . Quantitative1 e Protein Blot Analysi perpusilla. L f so Wild- figure that all plants, including the closely related Type (WT Mutand an ) t (1073) Thylakoid r Cytochromsfo e. f L. gibba, accumulated a single predominant mRNA tran- scrip f approximatelo t r peffo Ab k (cytochrom 1 y4. ef) Proteins were resolve SDS-PAGy db electroblotted Ean d onto nitrocellulose. The blot was probed with antiserum raised against spinach cytochrome r. The numbers represent the amount of chlorophyl microgramn i l s loade eacdn i h laneantibode Th . s ywa visualized with goat anti-rabbit horseradish peroxidase. VvT 1073 0 8.01.2 0 4 6 0 8.01.0 2 6 0 4 6 0 6 Cytochrome RESULTS Subunit IV Protei l BlonGe t Analysi Thylakoif so d Protein Lemnasn i To determine accurately the level of the subunits of the cytochrome comple . perpusillaL n xi . 107no 3 versue sth PSI-subunit II wild-type/., perpusilla, quantitative protein gel blotting was done varyiny B . amoune gth f proteio t n loaded onte oth gel before blotting, it was possible to compare the signals Rieske Fe-S of the wild type and mutant and, thus, provide an estimate relative th n o e amount f proteiso n that accumulatee th dn i respective thylakoids. These blots were normalizee th n 6 do 1. 0 8. 0 2 0 4 0 6 6 1. 0 8. 0 2 0 4 0 6 basis of the amount of chlorophyll loaded. Figure 1 shows Figur . eQuantitativ2 e Protein Blot Analysi . perpusillaL f so Wild- a quantitative protein gel blot using a cytochrome f anti- Type (WT) and Mutant (1073) Thylakoids for Subunits of the body from spinach. By comparing the signal intensity from Cytochrom f Complex6 eb . the 1 HQ lane of the wild type versus the 125 n<3 lane for Analyses were carried out as in Figure 1 using spinach antibodies the mutant, it was possible to conclude that cytochrome f raised against cytochrome £>6, subunit IV, the Rieske Fe-S protein, accumulated in the mutant thylakoids to <1% of the level controlanda s a , , subuni I (thI t e psaD gene product f spinaco ) h that it occurred in the wild-type thylakoids. Extending this chloroplast photosyste mI (PSI) . Becaus f contaminatioeo y nb typ f analysieo othee th ro st subunit cytochrome th f so e nonspecific reactions with the Rieske antibody, the presence of complex s showa , n Figuri n , indicate2 e de th tha n i t the cross-reacting produc indicates i t arrobottoe e th th wy n di mb mutant, cytochrome t>6 accumulated to <1%, subunit IV panel. Cytochrome £> 6f Comple x Assembl5 20 y ro ro ro resula gene s f theio tswa r cotranscription int singloa e i>- ro- large polycistronic transcript that subsequently underwent o o o o a comple post-transcriptiof o t xse n processin splicind gan g 7> '55 steps. This cotranscriptio post-transcriptionad nan l proc- o => ^ essin bees ha gn observe maizen di , a spinachpe d an , 3. .O O. O. 5 S a s i fc (Heinemeye t al.e r , 1984; Berend t al.se , 1986; Roct ke o> a. a. O> Q. Q. L C . Q > 0 al., 1987) interestins i t I . noto gt e thamRNe th t A accu- mulatio r botnfo f thesho e genemutane th n si t appearo st aboue b t twic wilee thath d f typeo t . Whethee r thidu s si increasn a o t transcriptionan ei l activit r mRNyo A stability t knownisno . From these conclude e studiesb n ca t i , d that transcripts for all three chloroplast cytochrome complex genes accumulate in the L. perpusil/a mutant. Although thers accumulatiowa e f mRNAo e n th r fo s chloroplast genes in the preceding experiment, it was still 3.94kb possible thamutane th tdefectivs wa t transcriptioe th en i n or accumulation of the mRNA for the nuclear-encoded 1.97kb subunit, the Rieske Fe-S protein. In fact, RNA gel blot analysis of total RNA for the Rieske Fe-S transcript indi- cated that the mRNA level in the mutant was <10% of that founwile th d dn typi e (dat t shown)ano . However, this signal was quite low and required hybridizations under low-stringency conditions.
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