TUESDAY. APIIL U, I t f l lHanrir^Btpr gpgtttofl ijgratt> T%t WasUiar p a o b s i x t e e n Averafc Dslly Net P t m s Run Fofeeeet et O. S. Weethet Bejiee For the Week Eeding April 91. 1981 Fashion Showing TVidAy cloady, a Httta Hght rata; TAT and Mrs. Karl F. FriU o f[ In Charge of “ Derby Day” Fashion Show tonight cloudy, light ehoweraj 38 Wa-hington street have re-, At Beth Sholom 10,170 About Town turned home from apendlng tte Bpralh Thoraday cloudy, ocxnelonal abow- last two weeks In Harrisburg, e f UM A o a t rsM of Oreulettona ^ntucky as guests of Mr. and K- Burton's, Inc., U presenting a Manchester^'A City of Vittago Charm Mrs. Freest Roseniweig. former fashion showing (fashlonalysli) at residents St .17 Hollister street. Mr. Temple Beth Sholom on Wednes­ Ivniif ' rcJBRi'sirafn wiU m w t *t eight o'clock day evenlni, May 2, at 8:30. nlng at the Masonic Temple In Rosenswelg is (Claaalfled Adi-erUatag oa Page 11) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1951 (TWENTY-SIX PAGES— IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FIVE CENTS ccr for the Hanmacher-\ogel .suit Mrs. Burton Knopp. fashion co­ ELC3EI1Z3J VOL. LXX, NO. 174 a te ^ of at seven o'clock as stat­ ||iii.WMN,lllarriil,Sin|li! y omipanv and Sportlelgh company ordinator of Burton's has written ed previously. Now Otnm ways to Vit cash from of Hairod-shurg. several songs and an amusing Phone—for 1-yltit loan. I 4S1>«S| script for this show, and since Writs or phone—for loan by mail. The regular monthly " ’ ^'*'"1 there will be men participating It At— w>—»a «»»«« the Past Pocohontas club of . im 1^ The w .s. c. s. of the Nort^h Come in— get cash In person. A IM. ^ IIW W SiaWiA* iW I* ytelidust church will go to^the Is certain that husbands as well as “Yes" to 4 out of 5! Phone, write, nzM h II ..... MiMlilz aet Council No. •t.’'. Degree of I o- m$nH ol I10.IS aack. HI wives will enjoy this unique pres­ " *, today. ciionuj. «'in “f'j T'3.r„s^ th e guests of entation of the latest women's iM M $9$ I* $900 Ml 9l$iMtwra Atoim Mrs Willard McLaughlin. Any­ fashions. Mrs. Knopp has had wide “TMf tomp*m* 0 titikt iiats to m t i one who has room in her car for experience In the field of fashion Back Along Central Front others is requested to get In Allies -'i, showings and* all her presentations FINANCE t^ourh with' Mrs. Jessie Sweet. have met with overwhelming en­ KS. 2nd B m t • $TATi THIATII lUllOINO tend This will be the first nieit- | thusiasm. The Connecticut (Tiapter of the 793 MAIM itmin, MANCHism, eONM. Ing in which the atten,lance pn.e | An added feature of the evening 88th Infantry Division A.ssociation Dial 9490 • 0««rt« Hsthltt, YIS MANotw Ri’ils Aiiviiiirr at Thri’p Pniiils count will be taken A will be a favor presented to every iMM «w4* H iwilmli ri sll wiTWsliH Hwia Army to Cut (Blue Devils) will hold its annual woman attending this show, aa a PuU B ac k election of officers at a nieeting House Appropriations Backs Funds Llnne Lodge No. 72, f g ift from Burton's. .Sunday afternoon at two o c ock Koio 70 Pythlaa will hold Its regular meet- The committee In charge of this June Draft ^Snoyono/?^ ' at the' Polish legion of .\nieriean f''r- :A Toe Uig tomorrow night at elg event Is: co-chairmen, Mrs. Jack STATUTI MILfS o'clock in Orange hall Veteran.s. Inc , 27,^ I'ark street, F rom A re a Sandals and Mrs. Nat Schwedel: Koli»»n • o. ^ , I* / / .. T Chang (on r.aitford models, Mrs. Jerome Brettschnet- For Emergency Defense, Project ‘X’ Call to 20,000 Jacob Turek.' 42. of 21S Wood­ der; props. Mrs. Arnold Lawrence; WORTH ^Koiong land atreet, was "■'"•''''‘J publicity. Mrs. Jacob Segal; make­ O v e r Seoul bv Patrolman John J. Baldyga and neiiiocratic (group s r o p r H ! ^ KOREA up. Burton's own CJharles of the Grants 46 Million for Washington, April 25 (45 The charged with drlvln). without- a Votes Measure Gilling Changdo license. He will be presented In Ritz make-up expert, and h»lr Army phiii.s to cut i(s June draft Holds M oHiiij; styles, a local beauty salon. INew, Top Secret Atom t- Town Court tomorrow. For 6.4 Billion Needed call t(i 20.(MX) men and to bring WSara Slorl By G L E N C L E M E N T S Tickets will be available from Contest Two Development, One of liome upwards of 20,000 battle- Pokkyg > Currrnf Offeniivo the committee members or at In Korea; Prepares for , Tokyo, April 25— (/P)— Al- WASH WINDOWS weary Korean veterans monthly At the meeting of the Manches- Burton's at a nominal fee. Otor licil tank.K and troops in sav- New Military Request ^ Twelve Construction ■ter Federation of l>emocralir Your Manchester — Tomorrow starting In May. iiKo roiinlfr-attacks today HATS CLEANED Women held at '^e Community Inside Your Home! Items in AEC Plans For Over 70 Billion So now we come to the kernel of this part of the program of Tt also expecl.a to recall to ac­ sltiugitii'rt'd Cliinost! Commu- ■V la.sl night Mrs John D. La- the Manchester Development Commis.slon - Conte.st .Niiinber ^^vo tive service in May and June 15,- AND BLOCKED I Belle was eleeted second vice pcesl- nisl.K on the critical cenli'al —Your Manchester. (Advertised In last nlgtit's Hera’di. Washington, April 2.5 -(/Ti- Ttie 1)00 re.serve officers to lielp train denl. and Mrs. Weslev < <.ryk wms TRUSS FITTING Washington, April 25—(e)—The | Ironl, lull a l.Juled Nation.s HENRY’S I .apixilnted corresponding sec retary House Appropriations committee | The papers submitted In CTontest Number One Your Manches­ Hou.se Appropriations committee I an army estiniatod to have a gboe Service—Dry Cleaning —Naylor Photo ter—Today- are being read by the Judges. Your attention Is di­ -itrenglh of l.,522,(H)0 on June 30 williiliawul was made norlii and Mrs. Vincent P. MePadden, By AKRON Gradoatod Experts. approved today a $6,468,208,000 ' today okayed a new ''Project X " «4 » No. Mata St. D e p o ts ^ rected to Manchester To-Morrow. for the Atomic Energy commis­ Tliese plana were disclosed to­ o f Seoul. Also Abdominal Bnpporta. Elao- emergency defense budget and | CHUNCHON Allan Ikiurn of the Board What will Manchester be like in all the to-morrows ahead? day by the House' Appropriations ' Kapyong A field di.siialch said two Four of the five incmtx'rs of the readied itself to consider another If you lived here ten years ago, the chances are you never visual­ sion. of u,rectors of Manchester gave a Uc Hosiery, and afl trpea of sur­ eoniniittee. whii h heard about couimiltcv niTiingiug foi I he- .mIvov military request which may exceed Tt recommoiuled a grant of $46,- eolunm.K of tanks, sujipurtcd; gical appllanees. Private Pit- ized the Manchester of today. If you did, you could not have said them from top Army .apoke.mien • Uiiongbu resume highlighting the "Derby Day l-'a.-duim.-*. at 111'- $70,000,000,000. much about it. Now, however, you can say something about it - 800,000 for the AEC in an emer­ SOUTH - liy Iroops ritliiiK in armored of the proposed program TTie amount recommended today during closed hearings eirlier this \'(*rplanck .srhiml auditonuui to­ tlng Room. something about your Manchester of to-morrow. You can do it gency money hill providing addi­ nionlli on an emergency request liail-iracks, killed an esUmat- ale the town's water supply This for House consideration starting KOREA morrow evening are pictureil right away—and In doing it you can win a big prize—an>-where tional defense funds for the cur­ for defense funds. ed triii Keds m the central is proimsed arf an aid in p rfY h t' shove, Reading from left t" Quinn’s Phdrmacy tomorrow is for emergency pur­ from $25 to $150 with two round trip airplane tickets to Now rent year. Yangpyong ’y ing decay In the teeth of children poses growing out of the atepped- May Quota Halved \\ Ho«ngi6ng^ iront eounterblows nortli of right, they are James T Blair of WILROSE York. The Manchester Development Commission Invites you to Details of the highly secret pro­ Army officers atso spoke of a although all persona who drink It Blairs. Ine. which l.s providing up tempo of war in Korea. Moat of ject were given the committee off ^Yongdungpn ' Chipyong jj Ka|>\oiiK. Kapyuiig itself is will benefit. A resolution was have your say. cut In tlie May draft call to 20,(XM) adult models with the newest and 5!)7 M.\IN ST.— .SHKRIDAN BLDG. it will be spent during May and the record. It is one of 12 con- adopted by the group endorsing Urn Manchester to-morrow Is the chief concern of the Development men. On April IK. several days Ko imie.-> iiortiieasl of iSeoul on smartest spring and suiunier June. ■slniction items in AEC's request. 0|>4*ti arrokkM thriM* iimjor K«'<1 ilrIvi'M 1. N. fom 'R proposed fluorination of the local It la in addition to $48,000,000,000 Commission, It ahould be the chief concern of every Manrhester after they testitietl.
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