March 19, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E333 where she became a social studies teacher at Army. He married his wife, Patricia, in 1958 BAILEE YODER Newman Smith High School of Carrollton- and they began their family. He was a Grey- Farmers Branch Independent School District. hound bus driver, a career which served him HON. ED PERLMUTTER From 1988 to 1992, Sandra Secrest worked well later in life when he served older adults as a Park Ranger for the U.S. Army Corps of as a driver for senior center activities and ex- OF COLORADO Engineers during her summer breaks from cursions. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES teaching. In 1969, the unthinkable happened and the Tuesday, March 19, 2013 After ten years of teaching, in 1993, Sandra Simpsons’ four-year-old daughter was mur- Secrest changed her career to become a po- dered. Their grief was compounded twelve Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise lice officer for the City of Carrollton where she years later when their nineteen-year-old son today to recognize and applaud BaiLee Yoder committed 20 years of service to the commu- was killed during a robbery. Incredibly, out of for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service nity. Ms. Secrest spent her first 5 years as a these two horrific and senseless tragedies, the Ambassadors for Youth award. BaiLee Yoder patrol officer, the following 8 years as a school Simpsons bore fruit. In 1983, the Simpsons is an 8th grader at Oberon Middle School and resource officer, and the final 7 years back on formed Parents of Murdered Children, a na- received this award because her determination patrol duty. As a school resource officer, she tionally recognized support group. Soon, par- and hard work have allowed her to overcome spent the majority of her time at Creekview ents with similar tragic tales had a place adversities. High School and R.L. Turner High School. where they belonged and could share their The dedication demonstrated by BaiLee During her tenure as school resource officer, grief with people who understood. As his Yoder is exemplary of the type of achievement Ms. Secrest was a member of the Carrollton daughter noted, ‘‘He got through it by helping that can be attained with hard work and perse- Police Department Gang Unit and Texas Gang other people get through it.’’ verance. It is essential students at all levels strive to make the most of their education and Violence Task Force. Russell Simpson was successful in per- develop a work ethic which will guide them for Sandra Secrest has spent her entire career suading the county prosecutor to create a vic- the rest of their lives. serving and protecting her community. Ms. tims assistance fund. He trained to facilitate Secrest’s commitment to her community face-to-face meetings with victims or family I extend my deepest congratulations to speaks volumes to the integrity of her char- members and their offender. He worked to BaiLee Yoder for winning the Arvada Wheat acter. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the 24th Con- educate the community and law enforcement Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. gressional District of Texas, I ask all my distin- to strengthen communication. Most impor- I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- guished colleagues to join me in thanking tantly, he was a calm shoulder, a kind heart, cation and character in all of her future ac- Sandra Secrest for her 30 years of public compassionate eyes and a strong leader to complishments. service. families facing the ultimate tragedy. f Russell Simpson leaves a legacy of service. f AVA KOPPERSCHLAGER His selfless work will endure into the future. HONORING FIRST LIEUTENANT Even as he helped other families, he never JOSEPH DENNIS HELTON, JR. lost sight of his own. Our condolences to his HON. ED PERLMUTTER wife Patricia, his children Linda Lou and OF COLORADO David, and his grandchildren. May the light HON. PAUL C. BROUN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which shone for others guide you as well, and OF GEORGIA Tuesday, March 19, 2013 in your memories may you find peace. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Tuesday, March 19, 2013 today to recognize and applaud Ava f Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise Kopperschlager for receiving the Arvada HONORING SAMANTHA HANSEN today for a special purpose, calling us all to Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth remember and honor the life of First Lieuten- award. Ava Kopperschlager is an 8th grader at SPEECH OF ant Joseph Dennis Helton, Jr. On September Drake Middle School and received this award 8, 2009, Lieutenant Helton was tragically killed because her determination and hard work HON. LUKE MESSER in action while serving our country in Iraq. have allowed her to overcome adversities. OF INDIANA The dedication demonstrated by Ava Like many of our nation’s heroes, Lieutenant IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kopperschlager is exemplary of the type of Helton was an exceptional young man with a achievement that can be attained with hard Tuesday, March 19, 2013 calling to be a part of something greater than work and perseverance. It is essential stu- himself. His desire to serve led him to the Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to dents at all levels strive to make the most of United States Air Force Academy where he honor the memory of a young constituent, their education and develop a work ethic graduated fifth in his class and was the recipi- Samantha Rae Hansen of Holton, Indiana. which will guide them for the rest of their lives. ent of numerous awards and distinctions. I extend my deepest congratulations to Ava Samantha attended South Ripley High Upon graduation, Lieutenant Helton was as- Kopperschlager for winning the Arvada Wheat School and actively participated in a number signed to the 732nd Expeditionary Security Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. of school clubs, including science, Spanish, Forces Squadron at McDill Air Force Base in I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- and band. She was a school leader on the Tampa, Florida. As exceptional young soldiers cation and character in all of her future ac- student council and served as president of the often do, he immediately volunteered for over- complishments. FFA and Country Critters 4–H club. Along with seas duty, leading him to Iraq. Lieutenant her family, she also was a member of the First Helton was awarded the Bronze Star Medal f Southern Baptist Church in Versailles, partici- with Valor for his fortitude, bravery, and cour- CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF pating in the church choir. age and the Purple Heart for his ultimate sac- RUSSELL SIMPSON We mourn a life that ended too soon and rifice. pray for understanding and comfort for family As we remember and honor Lieutenant HON. MARCY KAPTUR members and those in our community who Helton and his sacrifice for our freedom, let us OF OHIO knew and loved Samantha. While in times of not forget his parents, Joseph and Jennifer, turmoil we struggle to understand the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his sisters, Jeanne, Jessica, and Jordanne, unexplainable, may we find peace and joy in and many other loving family members and Tuesday, March 19, 2013 our religious faith and the memories of time friends. Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker. I rise today to shared with those we love. Mr. Speaker, may we as grateful citizens, honor the life of Russell Simpson, who passed Samantha will be forever remembered as a and Members of this body, never forget the from this life on Tuesday, March 15, 2013. friend of her community. I ask the citizens of passing of this courageous young man and Russell Simpson had a true servant’s heart the 6th Congressional District to join me in encourage all Americans to honor his sacrifice and his life helped countless others. keeping her parents, Matthew and Jenny Wahl which was made in defense of liberty and of Mr. Simpson was born October 14, 1934. A Hansen, sisters, Amanda and Nikki, and the this great nation. I proudly pay tribute to his lifelong Toledoan, he graduated from Libbey entire extended Hansen family in our thoughts memory and hold his service in the highest High School and served in the United States and prayers. esteem. VerDate Mar 14 2013 04:01 Mar 20, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MR8.016 E19MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E334 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 19, 2013 HONORING T.C. FREEMAN as an Honorary Screaming Eagle. She serves RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THE on the Board of Directors of the Fort Campbell POSTHUMOUS AWARD OF THE HON. ED WHITFIELD Historical Foundation, the Hopkinsville-Chris- MEDAL OF HONOR TO SERGEANT OF KENTUCKY tian County Military Affairs Committee, The RAFAEL PERALTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Christian County School Superintendents Ad- visory and the Military Affairs Advisory Com- Tuesday, March 19, 2013 mittee of the Chamber of Commerce, and she HON. XAVIER BECERRA Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today is a member of the Citizens for Fort Campbell OF CALIFORNIA to wish a very happy birthday to someone who and an Eagle Ambassador. has a long and distinguished record of service T.C. Freeman is a regular attendee of area IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to our country and to the Commonwealth of Veteran’s organizations, VFW, DAV and the Tuesday, March 19, 2013 Kentucky. This lady has spent a majority of American Legion. her life connected to United States Army. At Since being named a Kentucky Court Ap- Mr.
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