EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 2023, CUTTACK, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2016/KARTIKA 18 1938 SCHOOL & MASS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION The 4th November, 2016 No.22007–I-SME-G-06/2016/SME.— In exercise of powers conferred under sub- section (4) of Section 7-C of the Odisha Education Act,1969 read with paragraph 1 of the “Odisha Education (Payment of Grant-in-Aid to the High Schools, Upper Primary (M.E.) Schools, Sanskrit Tols and Madrasas) Order,2013” and subsequent amendment orders thereof and on the basis of the recommendation of the Ministerial Sub-Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister, Finance and Public Enterprises, the State Government do hereby re-notify 686 nos. of UP(ME) Schools (List enclosed) to be eligible to received Grant-in-Aid with effect from 1st January, 2004, which were notified earlier vide this Department Notification No.14363/SME., dated the 15th July, 2006, 20597/SME., dated the 24th October, 2006 and 6488/SME., dated the 23rd March, 2007. 2. However, the period of antedating will be notional. That means, the teachers of the said schools shall not be entitled for payment of any arrear Grant-in-Aid for the period of antedation. 3. The teachers concerned should submit an undertaking in writing before the Block Education Officer concerned that they shall not claim any arrear Grant-in-Aid for the period of antedation. 4. However, the teachers of the said Schools shall be entitled for payment of differential arrear Grant-in-Aid @ 25% of their emoluments for the period from 1st April, 2013 to 31st July, 2014. 5. This has been concurred in by the Finance Department vide their U.O.R. No.95- SSI dated the 19th August, 2016. ORDER Ordered that this Notification shall be published in an Extraordinary issue of the Odisha Gazette . By Order of the Governor RANJANA CHOPRA Commissioner-cum -Secretary to Government 2 LIST OF ELLIGIBLE PRIVATE U.P.(ME) SCHOOLS Sl. Name of the Block/ ULB G.P. Name of the School Name of the Teachers No. District (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 Angul Angul Angarbandha Alekhamahima Bidyadhar Barik, H.M. U.P.S.,Jhatakipasi Hemanta Ku. Tripathy, A.T. 2 Angul Angul Angarabandha Khandahata U.P.S. Baneswar Garnaik, H.M Prabhata Ku. Behera, A.T. 3 Angul Angul Bulukata Nilakantheswar Santosh Ku. Tripathy,H.M. U.P.S., Pradeepta Ku. Nayak,A.T. Sabalabhanga 4 Angul Angul Balukata Baluakata U.P.S., Girish Ch. Garnaik, H.M. Baluakata Jiten Ku. Pradhan, A.T. 5 Angul Chhendipada Korada Astasambhu U.P.S., Krushna Ch. Pradhan, H.M. Jhintipur Sisir Ku. Sahu, A.T. 6 Angul Chhendipada Barapada Gopiballavapur Pradeep Ku. Mohapatra,H.M. U.P.S., Santosh Ku. Sahu, A.T. Gopiballavapur 7 Angul Chhendipada Kosala Sadhapal U.P.S., Suresh Ch. Dehury, H.M. Sadhapal Abhimanyu Sahu, A.T. 8 Angul Kishorenagar Gandboinda Boinda U.P.S. Golekha Samal,H.M. Ranjit Ku. Pradhan, A.T. 9 Angul Athamallik Sapaghara Tumurusingha Satyananda Mohanty,H.M. U.P.S. Smt. Jayanti Manjari Sahoo, A.T. 10 Angul Talcher Gurujagnuli Maa Mangala U.P.S. Basanta Ku. Nayak, H.M. Surendra Ku. Behera, A. T. 11 Angul Talcher Santhapada Dasanali U.P.S. Krushna Ch. Sahoo, H.M. Minakhi Pradhan, A. T. 12 Angul Talcher Gopalprasad Bhalugadia U.P.S. Rabindra Ku. Swain, H.M. Swasti Swagatika Swain, A. T. 13 Angul Kaniha Talapada Durgapur U.P.S. Ajaya Kumar Barik, H.M. Jasobanta Sahoo, A. T. 14 Angul Kaniha Kamarei Mahamahima U.P.S. Mina Ku. Nayak, H.M. Biranchi Narayan Behera, A. T. 15 Angul Chendipada Patakumunda Gram Devi U.P.S. Bijaya Ku. Sahu, H.M. Madhusudan Nayak, A. T. 16 Angul Kaniha Hanumanpur Maa Mangala U.P.S. Tilottama Dash, H.M. Srinibas Sahoo, A. T. 17 Balasore Baliapal Balikuli Rajanikanta U.P.S. Sudarsan Das, H.M. Prasanta Ku. Raj, A.T. 18 Balasore Baliapal Bishnupur Gadadhar U.P.S Saroj Ku. Jena, H.M. Dhirendranath Parida, A.T. 19 Balasore Baliapal Madhupur Choudhurikuda Kartik Ch. Kar, H.M. U.P.S. Jayakrushna Behera, A.T. 20 Balasore Basta Sahada W. No. 5 Bidyadhar U.P.S. Ananda Ku. Sahoo, H.M. Manoj Ku. Sahoo, A.T 3 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 21 Balasore Baliapal Nikhira Nilamani U.P.S Manoranjan Das, H.M. Manmath Biswal, A.T. 22 Balasore Baliapal Baniadiha Trailokyanath U.P.S Subimal Jena, H.M. Nityananda Giri, A.T. 23 Balasore Baliapal Batang Purbasahi U.P.S Sandyarani Rout, H.M. Nityananda Si, A.T. 24 Balasore Baliapal Madhupur Upendra Narayan Pyarimohan Biswal, H.M. U.P.S Adikanda Pradhan, A.T. 25 Balasore Baliapal Jambhari Gajendranath U.P.S. Panchanan Biswal, H.M. Sudhasindhu Parida, A.T. 26 Balasore Baliapal Jambhari Amulya Charan Bhagaban Sahoo, H.M. U.P.S. Gaurahari Pradhan, A.T. 27 Balasore Baliapal Pratappur Kailash Chandra Mihir Ku. Jena, H.M. U.P.S. Harihar Sahu, A.T. 28 Balasore Baliapal Kunduli Babhuram U.P.S. Jagannath Mallick, H.M. Arun Ku. Gochhayat, A.T. 29 Balasore Basta Naikudi Bayeswari U.P.S. Kamalakanta Paramanik, H.M. Prasanta Ku. Patra, A.T. 30 Balasore Basta Putura Tentula U.P.S. Harekrushna Patra, H.M. Maheswar Rout, A.T. 31 Balasore Basta Paunskuli Bada Podiheri Pur Santosh Ku. Patra, H.M. U.P.S. Pravakar Nandi, A.T. 32 Balasore Basta Kulida Srustidhara U.P.S. Upendranath Dey, H.M. Pradipta Ku.Ghosh, A.T. 33 Balasore Basta Mathani Hemalata U.P.S. Abhiram Parida, H.M. Jyotsnarani Bhuyan, A.T. 34 Balasore Basta Mathani Nandakhudi U.P.S. Pradeep Ku. Behera, H.M. Ashok Ku. Barik, A.T. 35 Balasore Basta Baharda Surendranath Samal Laxminarayan Sahu, H.M. U.P.S., Pegerpada Sambhunath Biswal, A.T. 36 Balasore Basta Baharda Dhenukhoi U.P.S. Rabindra Ku. Mishra, H.M. Yudhistira Behera, A.T. 37 Balasore Basta Sodanandapur Sri Aurobindo U.P.S. Pravakar Sahu, H.M. Jayanta Ku. Das, A.T. 38 Balasore Basta Pounskuli S. N. U.P.S., Basanta Ku. Jena, H.M. Palasahi Gourhari Hazira, A.T. 39 Balasore Baliapal Alodiha Rukmani U.P.S Binodbehari Patra, H.M. Rabindra Gochhayat, A.T. 40 Balasore Baliapal Alodiha Jogannath U.P.S. Hrushikesh Nag, H.M. Gadadhar Das, A.T. 41 Balasore Baliapal Kumbhari G. S. G. U.P.S. Bhagirathi Nandy, H.M. Narayan Mohapatra, A.T. 42 Balasore Baliapal Deula Iswar Chandra Jiban Ku. Biswal, H.M. U.P.S. Manoranjan Patra, A.T. 4 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 43 Balasore Baliapal Jagatipur Brahman Baisida Panchanan Paramanik, H.M. U.P.S. Gitarani Biswal, A.T. 44 Balasore Basta Singla Bantuli U.P.S. Panchanan Behera, H.M. Arjun Ku. Hati, A.T. 45 Balasore Baliapal Nikhira Narasingh U.P.S. Banabihari Sahu, H.M. Saroj Ku. Manik, A.T. 46 Balasore Remuna Barunasingh Upendra Narayan Smt. Mita Pattanaik, H.M. U.P.S. Kailash Nayak, A.T. 47 Balasore Balasore Sadar Nagaram Chakradhar U.P.S. Nepal Ganda, H.M. W. No.12 Narendra Jena, A.T. 48 Balasore Balasore Sadar Sindhia W. No. 2 Pokharabad U.P.S. Sachindra Ku. Mohanty, H.M. Anandamaya Maity, A.T. 49 Balasore Balasore Sadar Srikona Mirjapur U.P.S. Binshnu Ch.Mallick, H.M. Ramakrushna Parida, A. T. 50 Balasore Balasore Sadar Rasulpur Sankarnath U.P.S. Areapananda Mohanty, H.M. Ranjan Ku. Jena, A.T. 51 Balasore Balasore Sadar Srikona Ganga Prasad Jitendra Ku. Pattnaik, H.M. U.P.S. Manasranjan Nayak, A. T. 52 Balasore Remuna Durgadevi Deokhend U.P.S. Nayan Kumar Jena, H.M. Rabindra Ku. Mohanty, A. T. 53 Balasore Balasore Sadar Gopinathpur Mahima U.P.S. Sukesini Behera, H.M. Ratikanta Barik, A. T. 54 Balasore Remuna Srijung Sridhara Mohanty Duryodhan Sahu, H.M. U.P.S. Basanta Ku. Swain, A. T. 55 Balasore Remuna Chashakhand Madhupura Satyabrat Jena, H.M. Anantapur U.P.S. Kanhu Ch. Das, A. T. 56 Balasore Remuna K. Mukhura Paschima Thakurani Narayan Giri, H.M. U.P.S. Kashinath Nayak, A. T. 57 Balasore Bhograi Barabatia Dihakakhra U.P.S Balgopal Das, H.M. Gourisankar Das , A.T. 58 Balasore Bhograi Putina Kuliha U.P.S. Debabrata Das Mohapatra, H.M. Santosh Ku. Dutta, A. T. 59 Balasore Bhograi Bhograi Malaruan U.P.S. Bhagirathi Pradhan, H.M. Bidyut Ranjan Patra, A. T. 60 Balasore Bhograi Bajitpur R. K. U.P.S. Pradip Ku. Das Mohapatra, H.M. Ramakanta Parida, A. T. 61 Balasore Jaleswar Shyamnagar Panchayat U.P.S. Sanjay Ku. Sasmal, H.M. Kasinath Parida, A. T. 62 Balasore Bhograi Narayan Kirtania U.P.S Manoj Ku. Mohanty, H.M. Mohanty Padia Parsuram Parida, A. T. 63 Balasore Bhograi Kakhara Maa Mangala U.P.S. Amrut Ku. Das, H.M. Narayan Ch. Pal, A. T. 64 Balasore Bhograi Mahagab Abanikanta Simanta Prafulla Ku. Das, H.M. U.P.S. Baburam Jena, A. T. 5 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 65 Balasore Jaleswar Bartana Sri Hari Charan Sri Kanya Kumari Pal, H.M. Jagannath U.P.S Chandrasekhar Parida, A. T. 66 Balasore Jaleswar Nampo Kinaram U.P.S Suranjan Pattanaik, H.M. Pramir Dutta, A. T. 67 Balasore Bhograi Sardhapur Kanya Nagari U.P.S. Subal Ku. Chand, H.M. Nidhiram Patra, A. T. 68 Balasore Jaleswar Sikharepur Upendranath U.P.S. Debendranath Nayak, H.M. Pranab Ku. Brahma, A. T. 69 Balasore Bhograi Rasalpur Rajanikanta U.P.S. Harish Ch. Parida, H.M. Achinta Ku. Das Mohapatra, A. T. 70 Balasore Bhograi Mahagab Bijay Kumar U.P.S.
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