THE SUN, SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 1912. 11 ART CRITIC STARTS NEW SHAKESPEARE CONTROVERSY the casa ofgGeorgo Washington. Wero montators upon the linos ,of Bon Jonson to originality. It Is, as I raiy say, tho Marion H. Spielmann Denies Authenticity of Accepted It not for tho faot that no was. a careful, which alwayB accompany tho print: key to unlock and detect almost all tho False Dates on Prints Alleged Recollections Revived painstaking man, whoso diury carefully Tbla Figure, that thou here aee'at put, impositions that have at various times Portraits of Bard, and Asks recorded overy Rittlng which ho gave for a It (or gantle .Shakespeare cut; arrested so much of public attention. It That Body Be Ex- picture, we would be In great doubt about Wherein the (iraver had a atrlfs It a witness that can refuto all false co of the Baconian Agitation Satirical Criticism many of his portraits. There is a' vory With Nature, to out do the lire: and will satisfy every dlscorner humed in Order to Decide for All difference many O couM he but have drawno hit wit how to approolato how to Would-B- e Authorities marked in of his accepted As well In brase, as he hath hit and convict." of on Portraits Time plotures, some of which would bo declared Ills Tare; the print would then lurpao) Tho Stratford bust Is hardly les soouro What He Looked Like. not gcnulno wero It not for the written All that waa ever writ In braase. In its position. Nevor before Mr. Is Stratford Bust Authentic ? records whloh ho himself loft." Ilut, tlnce he cannot, Header, looks, matin has any ono suggostod that It was A new Shakospcarlm controversy has raask, valued at $50,000 and an object of A closo Not on hta Picture, but his Ilooke. It. I. mado lifo mask of Shakespeare, usually noble and well formed head, of forged or faked Sliakespearo material," in Ixindon, or rather a very old examination of Boaden's work from a tepm veneration by 8hakespeare lovers the indicates acoepte.l belief bolng mask It Is said that Herman Grimm before said Sir, Eames. "Die famous forgeries has hroken forth nnow. Whllo Unit .ho must havo been con- And Abraham Wivoll In a work on t'.ie that from a mo Dr. world over, has caused particularly sidered an Iconoclastic In his day, Shakespeare's portraits, published In tnado Immediately after his death Qorard being apprised of its claim decided that of William It. Ireland were brought to Orvillo Owen is still urging that ho will vigorous critic for protest. he impeaches tho validity of very many London In 1827, expresses tho opinion still Johnson, a Hollander, modelled tho bust ho had nnvcr soon a nobler countenance, thla country, and wo have here in the find In the bottom of tho River Wye the Among the collectors of Shakespeariana of Die Shakespeare Ukoncssos. some of in vogue. whloh has boon tho delight of every pil- and, beforo being told, attributed tho library editions slgnod and annotated I roof he so much needs that Baoon wroto and the authorities on the aubjeot of old which high to-da- was In olear out aquiline nose and tho wonder- In what purports to be Shakespeare's plays, a now question qulto are held in reputo even "Tho portrait of Shakespeare by Martin grim to Stratford since it placed the aart prints and engravings in this city a least their poetlo Droeshout," says ho, ohanool of tho Church of fully shaped brow to Shakespeare. own hand. Thoso forgorlos were vory the nover ceasing Baconian argu- - at for and historic "Is a porformanco the tho.IIoly from decided issue Is bolng token with Mr. interest. lie does; however, consider which claims tho most Indubitable right Trinity at somo tlmo prior to 1023. The The Chandoa portrait is perhaps tho skilfully prepared, were brown stained ; I ' r meni is Demg rawea, acooratng to re- - spielmann as on tho other side of tho favorito likeness of Shakespeare and tho and made man- - cent cable despatches, by Marlon II. Atlantic Mr. Frank WeitPnWnmnf one which most nearly corresponds to uscrlpt. Spielmann, the art crltlo and editor of of tho art department of the Now York tho popular ideal. In dismissing its "Of moro Interest." continued Mr. the Slagatine of Art. j Library and custodian of many treasures pretensions to authenticity Mr. Spisl-mm- n Eames, "is what serais to mo to have Mr. Spielmann has attacked tho valid- - of prints and old engravings, as well as doos'4violenco to a'cherished Imago. been proved by W. W. Gregg, librarian lty of several of the likenesses of the the rare treatises in which they aro Its hwtory, according to the catalogue oi trinity t ollego, Camliridga a id Wlll- - - i bard which have been accepted scribed. woh not disposed to take Mr. Splel-wlt- h of the National Gallery, whero It is troas- lam J. Noidlg of the University of Wis- - more or less certainty slnco tho days matin's challenge very seriously, regarding ured, is thus given consln. They chorco the insert inn nf of Booden and Wlvell, whoso exhaustive tho facts in question as too well grounded "The Chandos portrait was the property falso dates on tho t,itlo pages of somo of treatises on the subject of the portraits .upon pobt acceptance really to be shaken of John Taylor, the player, by whom, or tho early quartos which contain tho single of Shakespeare aro known to every sttt- - by any artistically critical judgment: by Richard Burbadge, it wai painted. pluys. A series of these, say, seven bound dent. To add to tho picturesquenoss of Robert Frldenburg. an authority on Tho plcturo was left by the former In his together, will often bear different dates Mr. position he is said to Splelmann's j old portraits and engravings, gavo it as win to sir wiuiam uavenant. Alter nisjwitn me printer. Thomas P.tvier's, T. P. be in favor of exhuming Shakespeare's his opinion that the contention was death it was bought by Bettorton, the imprint, Borne 1000, some loos, soin'o l'dio! remains to decido for all time Just what i to the Baconian ngitation. "There has actor, upon whoso decease Mr. Reih of i A closo comparison of tho typo, marking I ho Temple indi-fro- sort of a countenance had. been little udded to tho subject sinro this tho purchastd It for forty guineas, and other peculiarities of tho paper m There la really no reason," he book was published in 1824." said ho. whom it was inherited by Mr. catcs that the printing was done at the argues, why hnaKespeare s oouy taking down a copy of Boaden's "Inquiry Nicliolls of Mlchenden House, Southgato, later dato and In some cases antodatrd. should not be exhumed, except for the Into tho Authenticity of Various Pictures Middlesex, whoso only daughter married i Among tlio other portraits niirrmrilni. curse In tho Inscription over and Prints, OtTered to tho Public as Por I Jnmes, Marquis of Carnarvon, afterward to bo Shakespeare's, but now generally the grave, 'Cursed bo he that moves my traits of Shakespeare." ut .iuuiuu3. as lorgenes, is the Dunford, bones.' This curso has kept Sliakespearo "Tho engraving by Martin Droeshout, The fourth picture whoso proofs of ' portrait, formerly attributed to Garrard, Abbey, and 1 would out of Westminster which npiH-arc- us the frontispiece in genuineness seemed sufficient to Boaden A grave, calculating man of tho world, bo suggest that the curse might ovaded the first folio edition or l(12:i. and is here is the painting by Cornelius Jansen, thero is nothing of Miakespeare or of the employing women in Imj by tho exhumation." reproduced, cannot logically objected which from being In the possession of the , poet in tho countenance; and yet it was In a lecture at the Royal Instituto ho to, and it bears enough resemblance ! Somersets is sometimes called tho Somer once a favorite and has been frequently Is said to have pointed out that tho bodies to the other portraits whoso history has set portrait. Its first known owner was engraved. Tlio Socst or Zoust painting of Schiller, Robert Burns, Charles I., borno careful scrutiny to authenticate Charles Jennens, an oocontrlo literary is another. It waa given up only when Henrr VIII.. Ranhael and "Lone Shanks" them more completely," said .Mr. Friden- - character of tho latter part of the it was proved that tho painter was not exhumed In cause of were the literature; )Urg wus published just VI Tf l eighteenth century. It is a noblo work, born until Sliakespearo had lecn twonty-on- o In case I. face and M tfTH TMTHfflf JTsn and the of Edward tho seven years after Shakespeare's death I.HilHHHVr but little is known of its earlj history years in his grave. Novertheleei hands were found In a perfect state of by Homlngoand Condell. two friends anil besides its authorship. Prints made by many excellent engravings are extant. preservation, although the body was fellows of tho poet, who got out the llrst xDKOgf OUT Barlom, by Cooper and by Turner sorved notably ono by Simon. Tho Fclton head. 470 been If dug up years after it had buried. complete edition of his works, and it is POrtTJTllT- - to make it famous. I the likeness with tho abnormally high skull proved per- "If Shakespeare's not likely that they would have utilized Since Boaden's time, tho oil naintlnc I forehead, is damned by its establishod pendicular in shape," said he, "then we any but the best obtainable likenebs.
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