Boarltwala^D^-Bya Yo~Tirig~Gen

Boarltwala^D^-Bya Yo~Tirig~Gen

12-Ait. ba.-k Anfcir Piekenss. Jon;« w I itMBTT Ai At Bra-aab* 1' Dff.l.biri Kmi't Wi>r, Mr Ft-land, BALK M. Me-rh m II euer aloegaa*. **- Ff kr Oseda. !."r*f Virgin-at dava wood, Bio»». Zto. tr. tehr. Otoh*. *»b'I. k*w York. CteL, 8aLE af IWPKR. On 8«t» C«».f» Mar-h I '" . LEGk «i'B *e Gahmas. PUm^e.oliia. ds .e>al. Cat it a. ia i bars E i. stain Ii 1- Bei'»-«.»». Zaan ant. ' tW Concluded fr+m Fifth Prngt .Jk» t*t*i|ls*>* Mr. CHAHLF.* W«Yf. «ND need',' years. im; AtVaT" B»t »I. b-ih V«rr. BrJ*r, 11-An »chis. CM Hooter, TRADEOBTT I i r» »KS «i l »«tl at Aar'.HMi. m of ti t B*B -it Mr Bcbr Jshsz L .wbcr Cor«oo l'nledeipkis, idi, eae>, <r eh » K(.m«ut, Bin ey. STOM*OTON. March Ma .h is Case* of tn*' °f the lleMem» of 'he f*a.H». Bttd law. C »de.«. '»yfor*. aid. ltd f Losdoo.) tri, Ph tad- nkto MONDAY. its*. \6eo WEm!*j*J 1650. Tba a»Tfr*f*». ie. sr« iwrted «o etMwi ¦ M f'i»eral. 'run it t Fil.r r>«W<«r» Virgin's! day*, Pec 4. ¦ackstt PApfcRS.ewmpriaii « - ton fail aaa>'i'm«at, frosa tAa whatlee, than in Juhu«>.r «l ». ViihlBrt N. 5 d»Ti. BSVll störet, Tork ion. March *-Arr. srh .! L Cr.cker Hort"« baaa over 18». 67 Wot -'S h *t .«u Toeedsy tf.en>r»a, R. kl Rio, I 'S, C, At d>. J*» 14 baik lUbecee.Fry. for Port Louie. HI N acto .«> la i * » ">».', «av«r*l la te n«.ra .* a increase 1*t*r**M)*x<».No v t »ek*. C»r»o!i», PaAovand Baltimore. shows but moderate Bb «saa» k Hedderuw. _ , He.rba ¦ L .c m mwm M r- 1 I StA. ..h . ar-ti All tka ("««»« toad* to N C 4 f» f«..i St. Jan bail : 1 .» <"aa-l*a. Paia- Er« and r foaera anil her i THO M A3 F. or J F Bee-k»r. Smith.WasfciaBtaa. days, f"* B-'S'nn; I9*.h Uta Htitun. All-a Ifreat Ilmiit p-esb-e», Nsw-Tork Philips. for ia»wr n . I n ff ¦' of the week euihn* riday ^Ow^sVadsv. March 1». of di**aee SatIke heart, «ml Rad ler.>e. Maarifiua l». Co k. Wear-York. upsetd iiiaiUam Imporutions I «e*t c ra and c itor. f. Hat»m*a Msn:'i«.)f«r B'f leih, Borats, Bxodet, (boat Smi- ds* *k R»ci to'lea*:* Pap*" *>«¦.". ar* pait.cularlr tare.* te Z D1 KAN C , 5 da , a aval March ll-Ctd tche L H. W-cktreos. of the farmer are 8<nr. Medad Plo t, Cur s. Newbc.n. N. for York. \t ILMlNOIllN. ..i .. in « 'o* wi;l b« nU March lt. 1853 Th« f»i»t<i« and acqneetanc«« r*«p*r-t tra New ><.«. Bob sten. Nsw Yo'k d lau n't, «idkcut r«*rni. to atwod h.s finer*', on M'ndar. the Utft At Ba>rt*<t*ee Feb 1J brig* Steps*» O Bur, fmw V;»e*- A tret n F'otisae. Tanns PoaTDiae-lMceeka. Pilly invited :a - Ed-rtiB. N. C, 3 ds.. Mark « Arr. sckn. C adrreila. O , without a. 0 d" freat Mach ui, |l4WtfM P. M . at No. 12 Bldndge-at ßrlir Francee Doit. diet ; Pro ec ><>a. do ; Peoatiaaquoe. WASHIStltOV, r l sen tea, c*«h taaa. last .a" 3 o'clock tn and Ridderow a B. Fr iik Fnnk, ew-1 oak Cid Mar. J CHAnB-W4 enre »i d rotto?. Ba'ernsB arr .; sehr Jails Marc», from NewSern, N. C, di«g. .roll New Yo W Fr»m aIM to f tir mnetb*. Jsbc RVc* u m. Virginia 1(dort. oyste-a jatt « art t Was k a e'en. Geskill. N. Y; Globe, Smmsns, I. $$S8 lt. CORNELIA. tfgtilljbs Da- 8fbr Lsvinn t» l»»*1 «tnre«. From |X* to Sv (i fool asd »f m-etaa. tit ear ^ÄÄ.Ma-eh New Hsvea.ldsys. botol 'or " nS^SiÖM-i'»' P«t» »*» Arstie; rid B »l«l >'mi L. Ri«*dS years aad Sneoathe Sehr. Trjpsemin, Lewis, At. St. Jago KM ult . bark A. B. Se*irr««S Seilt» Fron. Sfval t $ 'Q' «.» and eight moathe HT-^ry ;.Sp;r lk,pi..«c Wneht, »M ear Weal the ramny ar* to attend her fan.- N«w-Yeth. Ids ; bnt Da.ta,>« M >btla, vrtg. Frnari 11 f* to $ J >". fur »<i *nh' aad t*a a««rW Thefpendt.f 2d« , *' » Morse 311 pet itnjtlA- M 'u the "udeaa* Bu«bb Viata. RavAatt. New Bedford for Ph.1- bark Caha. «.<>«.». Trieete. Ua Petal 7 P" ''...l*>t,li Ee- ral on Moadsr. Utk- ». " . rlock Verfrir. Sid 13 h. (of R*v*r'r.) Boarbing. rtapifciSltoA3 IS, lour. U, etgtat. aad .wsj** Mi .(,;.¦&(, 108 per Iftdepeadeoc* 111 par Me'garet At Ma'acza* '.it rait .tear. I'jds, "Veil nor*, ir <m Ma- «n. bib* Oreao tit aar Harra »7 par Wra. March. la th. IU y.arof tut Maey, <»ew, three-ruasted) httkr, ehix* ;ott err Ovar $3,StO. »I sight, ten. tw*l»* aad aa* » PC Queen ^Scbrl*ßecr«U'# alora«. to Batessaa fe H ii- . and can Mr, fMntta re 04 Naetonaa Total packages, MuXmTtolm^H a resident of tius N. C . 4 Ja.. uaval a* Id 101t buk* J B. Job aeon, for V-a Vom A Gentleman Wife, ¦tootb*. A,, .a Ik* I'll »/ Tall'. IS aar Freak , per sr.* fiAMCBL ALBERTSON\ formerly WssbiBgron. At Cermet eor. 4th- »ayahte Nratv. * 3d»»*. Wm Larrst**, Gilkey. for do., Id* Coritthan, BOARDbsja s'.assant rooeis at No 23 Kaat IVtk at. Yctk LLUtiKTi a, BRO TH ERS. N J'.lP*»rl*t ¦21 City. Watngton, N. C .4»*! room for a Dtl'-Ct rsronns. 15 chaata Indigo; UT casks, 55 half, «waaBBBaBBBBBBBBam Sehr. Washington, neekstl, Bar.dail. fur d* do ; r>ri»* ^t»»a Esther, Peartletoo, f r bt. Rritianess sscAaagtd. ai»o a phyaiciaa CiB*.g»ni*b'e K i tk a aal« «rill b* rece red Uli Maren bars I esses Bsteman 4s. Ruddea-ow dars ; Orii-aba. die* ; L. B. IVner. with tka aad«rt'.aa that inveic* Baa'. >a bkl* Madder l.XO Sumac, do. 1 Lamphar, Parkt, or denust. _ 13, tUg ***ry um t groned Passenger* Arrived Hmce Phiaie'phia.2 da., coal. > Sehr Firm. ey. P R Hichbrni. Col cor for d do Cathv aai hoot »«seit*. Lac Dva Win Somora Phi adelphta 2dt.roil. far-. We 4, Di t woods. tse.aje fts. Logwood, lSTtnasdo, 190 pro. In pnrket *Aip Bxctlsior, from Liverpool-Cnf>l. gehr Anna ham nae No ma ala. from Boe'net, jaat arr.; Online, a iira-oB aad and 414 ia :h* tleerag*. New Yark. No'.aon, Rcltaond 4 dt rods* to C. WANTED .Far Gentleman Simion Dial AL-t.-»««r Ot« Me 1« so less do . 76t>iB« Barriletio Wood. V>il lady Sehr N'Chol«. fordo. 4 dare Roeaaer. Nieao'a. aac *car» Ma- sr., Pat*, ettmm Fustic, .Sir lAmdon and Forts- . -n the YHIthorlXih casks Soda, IM Soda Crystals, «73 pkgs- In patk'l thip Ro'itrf J'eel, from H Pierson d' ana. for .. Mr ; Madeira. Am**, lioea Bortoo, B{)ARI)udW.feinn rriatte famiiy mi Va'iUtaat at. Dates.1,4*7 13 .« Mits Robt Ksl'v. Batter*, from Mobil*; brnr Bony, r.««)u. »tli be To 18 bales fteraapanlls, 1SI eases Wormwood rnosi T Mendereon. F fleltmerc, M Stl'mirt. BELOW.fu p jnet arr Sid td. bre Typ««. Larkia New-York. Ward. A aad at.tint required. Mirci. at Camphor, and from Portu Rico, with lurar R T . at tltue office. l<> the casks Tartanc Aed. 10 toes, l.aojj eastars. 15chests I.JT1 K Woodhama, Mr. Sidae atd Lady. John Hall. Ladr Edward Lyaai, (« Portlaad) At Nassau N P »*h ult..*hp Manoa, FMta« r. fa R >v- coiumeare ab.nt Utk Ap'tl. Addiees ÜESDAY, Ntrf 7 W W Art« aad L. Barem, N. mo'asses. TB. Y«rd, Brook I v« a'II o° M , for raah oa Br imstone; iv casha Renew, cl.ilrfrea. Oioites, Lady. aad _ ,. ton for Harant. Sai!*d r9tb. tbip Ohio, Coacalia, Crom d«Ur*rr, eaatars, 4 casks do MfMSa4 aSJS. 173 ia the all trail. suanaa. N.I ; ENI.; santat. N Bl KEAI. Or PSOVISION* AMD CLOTHl.tu. .PBov I.toite.> Divt-divi; 4 ArmwBoot: 1 has ; C. W««ka, F. Devil, and steerage, WIND.At N*w York, bava; repaired) for Apalachieola. .A Gentleman and hit Wife A ef fl 79ca*ee. Jo t Ms. Ou. E snd freah, with rain. At 8t Jnht* P R. 91. *fbr Sauuders. Har"m»n, rae obtaia a*at. oora- quantity beef, pork .nr. rice, bread, »actis«, tat>, Oalls, 1 Wbl 8eaaa Lease- Drears;A.',:114 BOARDaad mrrul single gentlemen there*, bean*, rata na «u ! de-: ».-, .r* 1 rases. 7 hhla , T re.k* Sailed frr N*w Yorb 14>h. 8a l«d 19th, Sarah Ellaa, York, rooms with fall board, by sp- « casks Cream Tartar, raaeeacers bng nw dices, ssd well furnitlied C_othi*k>.¦Biue pea larksti. moak*r » «*'« r ad lOesses.

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