Partial-Birth Abortion– He signed New Mexico’s Where Does Donald Trump partial birth abortion ban into law in 2000. During a CNN town hall meeting on June 22, 2016, Johnson Voter Guide Stand on Abortion? criticized efforts to defund Planned Parenthood. He also opposed a Texas state law requiring abortion clin- Abortion on Demand—”Let me be ics to obtain admitting privileges at local hospitals and clear—I am pro–life. .I did not al- meet the same standards as other ambulatory surgical 2016 ways hold this position, but I had a centers. significant personal experience that brought the pre- cious gift of life into perspective for me.” Where Does Mike Pence Partial-Birth Abortion– In 2000, in his book The Stand on Abortion? America We Deserve, Donald Trump wrote that after consulting with doctors about the partial birth abortion Mike Pence has a solid pro-life voting procedure, he concluded that he would support a ban record on abortion during 12 years in on that method. the U .S House, including votes for passage of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. As gov- Nominations to the U.S. Supreme Court– In May ernor of Indiana, Mike Pence championed many pro- 2016, Donald Trump released a list of eleven conser- life measures. vative judges whom he would consider for a Supreme Court vacancy, saying, “By the way, these judges are all pro-life.” Where Does Tim Kaine Stand on Abortion? Where Does Hillary Clinton Tim Kaine voted against the pro-life Stand on Abortion? position in the U.S. Senate every chance he got. He voted against the Pain-Capable Unborn Abortion on Demand—In 2003, Child Protection Act. Tim Kaine co-sponsored a bill (S. Hillary Clinton voted to endorse 217) that would nullify virtually all state limits on abor- Roe v. Wade, which allows abortion tion, including late abortions. Posey County for any reason. In 2016, Clinton said, The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional Where Does Bill Weld This guide is to help you choose rights,” later adding she believed this to be true even Stand on Abortion? on the unborn child’s due date. pro-life candidates for this very Partial-Birth Abortion– In 2003, Hillary Clinton While serving as Governor of Massachu- voted against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act (voted setts, Bill Weld introduced legislation in important election. to allow partial-birth abortions to continue) every 1991 to lower the age of parental con- chance she got. sent for abortion to 16, allow public employees to have insurance coverage of abortion, If you would like to see the Nominations to the U.S. Supreme Court– Hillary and establish criminal penalties for demonstrators who Clinton has said that she would only nominate Su- block access to abortion clinics. survey responses, go to preme Court justices who would uphold the decision www.rtlswin.org or call that legalized abortion on demand. “I would not appoint someone who didn’t think Roe v Wade is settled law.” Abortion on Demand: The 1973 Roe v Wade and (812) 474-3195 Doe v Bolton Supreme Court decisions legalized abor- tion on demand throughout the United States. There Where Does Gary Johnson have been more than 59 million abortions since then. Stand on Abortion? Partial-Birth Abortion: The partial-birth abortion procedure—used from the fifth month on—involves Abortion on Demand—Former pulling a living baby feet-first out of the womb, except New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson for the head, puncturing the skull and suctioning out recognizes that the right of a the brain. The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban was upheld woman to choose is the law of the by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2007, in a 5-4 decision. land, and has been for several decades. He states that the right must be respected, and ultimately he Nominations to the U.S. Supreme Court: The believes this is a very personal and individual decision. next president may have the opportunity to appoint three or four justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. 2016 Posey County County Treasurer Pro-Life Candidates Pledge to: November 8, 2016 Election “Bre” Johnson D Pro-Life Candidates will appoint judges to the Supreme Court who will uphold the sanctity of human life. An aging U.S. Supreme Court makes overturning Roe v. Pro-Life Issues Report Card Justin W. White* A Wade within our grasp. This would send the issue of abortion back to the individual states. County Commissioner-Dist. 1 U.S. President (see comparison) Pro-Life Candidates will make sure that the Hyde Amendment remains the law of the land. The Hyde Carl A. Schmitz A Amendment, which restricts taxpayer funding of abor- Hillary Clinton●/Tim Kaine● F/F tion through the Medicaid program, has been in the County Commissioner-Dist. 3 news a lot because the abortion industry wants it Gary Johnson±/Bill Weld● --/F gone. Over a million Americans owe their lives to it. Jay L. Price* F Pro-Life Candidates will defund Planned Parenthood Donald J. Trump±/Mike Pence● --/A+ forever! America’s largest provider and promoter of Jerry R. Walden A+ abortions will stop receiving hundreds of MILLIONS of U.S. Senator taxpayer funds. County Council at Large Pro-Life Candidates will sign into law the Pain-Capable Evan Bayh*● F Unborn Child Protection Act. Heather Allyn* F Lucy Brenton B Pro-Abortion Candidates Pledge to: Robert A. Gentil* F Pro-Abortion Candidates want to repeal the Hyde Todd Young● A+ Amendment, which saved 1 Million Lives of Babies Pat O’Brien* F since 1976. Without the Hyde Amendment, one in U.S. Representative 8th Dist. nine children born through Medicaid would have died Martin Redman* F from abortion. Larry D. Bucshon● A+ Pro-Abortion Candidates want YOU to pay for Abor- Ralph Weinzapfel* F tions with Your Tax $$$. Ron Drake* F Aaron P. Wilson A+ Pro-Abortion Candidates want YOU to be forced to Andrew Horning D change your religious views to accommodate abortions. School Board—Mt. Vernon Governor Beth McFadin Higgins* F Party Platforms: The Democrat Party Platform supports Rex Bell*/Karl Tatgenhorst* F/F abortion on demand, and calls for repeal of the Hyde Amendment Clarence Nelson A (which restricts the use of federal funds for abortion). The plat- John Gregg*/Christina Hale* F/F form also supports government funding of abortion providers, Joe Rutledge* F including Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion pro- Eric Holcomb/Suzanne Crouch A+/A vider. School Board—North Posey Attorney General The Libertarian Party Platform recognizes that abortion is a Vince Oakley A+ sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all Lorenzo Arredondo* F sides. They believe that government should be kept out of the Brett Stock A+ matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious Curtis Hill A consideration. Amy Jo Will* F Superintendent of Public Instruction The Republican Party Platform affirms “that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life,” opposes using government funds Jennifer McCormick* F to perform or promote abortion or to fund abortion providers, and supports legislation to assist babies who survive abortion. Glenda Ritz* F State Representative-Dist. 76 Wendy McNamara* F County Surveyor Paul E. Breeze A+ *Failed to return survey ●Based on voting record information Adam M. Bigge A+ ± Has no voting record .
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