DUO^DOLLAR AUCTI01<i b e f o r e n o o n . t h e tVEATHEB NET PBES§ BUN Forecast by U* 8. Weather Bureau. AVEBAGB DAILY CIRCULATION Hartford. for the Month of September, 1920 Conn, State U bv.ry-^ »> ^ Cloudy and continued cool, foDow- t ed by rain tonight and We^esday. 5,357 » < Members of tbe Andlt Busan et ClrealatloM ' PRICE I'HKEE CBN'rS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1929. FOURTEEN PAGES VOL. XLIV., NO. 25. (Classifled Advertising on Page 12) Sees Ducje’s Hand REV.STRATON, Was Bear in Stock AID FOR FARMERS in U. S. Schools ' Crash MARKET PRICES NOTED PASTOR, IS NOW• REAUTY I r PASSES AWAY 4- / SHARP DECLINE \ V _ . “A / *5^ > ----------------- National Grahr Corporation’s IlAKE STEAMER Milftant» / Fundamentalist, He Early Trading Carried Prices of Active Issues Down $10 s inKS;S1X0F WasAlways Chshmg to $70 a Share— Bankers Relieve Situation by Reduc­ Loan MiBions to Growers \ _ . LOBBY PROBERS ARELOS With Modernistic Reli­ ing Margin Requirements on Street Loans; One Mem­ of Wheat 60 1 gions Teachings. WITH OPINIONS ber of Curb Exchange Fails— Board of Governors Washington, Oct. 29.— (AP)—^The Clifton Springs, N. Y., Oct. 29.— Will Keep Exchange Open to Regular Closing Time. first national commodity co-opera­ Officers Stick to Craft Until (AP)-^The Rev. Dr. John Roach tive sales association to be set up D e c la r e s Small Western Straton, noted militant Fundamen­ New York, Oct. 29.— (AP)— under the guidance of the Farm It Founders, Then Take to talist Baptist preacher, died at a 25 per cent margin on their street The crest of the flood of selling, board came into legal existence to­ sanitarium here today. He was 54 States Have Too Much demand loans. Previous require­ day as the Farmers National Grain Rafts— Several Persons years old. which has wiped out at least 25 ments ranged as high as 40 per Corporation filed incorporation pa- Although seriously ill ^th. a fierv- billions of dollars in the quoted cent, so that the reduction will ma­ T>er8 at Wilmington, Delaware. ous breakdown for the- last month, Voice in the Senate on (Values of securities in the last terially facilitate the large commis­ Similar organizations for the , Are Reported Injured. death came imexpectedly at 5:5<) a. week, appeared to have passed sion houses in financing their re­ wool and mohair and livestock co­ m., after a heart attacki His wife TarM Matters. in the New York securities quirements during the current crisis operatives are in process of forma­ was at his bedside when he died. markets early this afternoon, by releasing a huge volume of tion will be completed soon. The BULLETIN! He suffered a slight paralytic when a brisk rally followed an­ credit. Farm Board announced, at the other disastrous decline which Previous to the bankers’ an­ stroke last; April and immediately Washington, Oct. 29. — (AP)— same time expressing the hope that Kenosha, Wis., Oct. 29.— after went to a sanitarium at At­ had carried scores of issues nouncement, F. B. Keech and Co., co-ot)eratives handling other com­ (A P )— Captain Dougal Morrl-^ lanta, Ga., for a rest. H e returned Joseph R. Grundy, president of the down $10 to $70 a share. one of the large commission houses, modities would foster a similar son on the steamship Wisconsin,* Pennsylvania Manufacturers Asso­ An indicated turnover of 10,- annoimced that it had reduced the Charges of widespread Fascist to his home a month, ago, but soon Contrary to the reputation which move. which sank in Lake Michigan suffered from a nervous breakdown has stamped him as a Wall Street ciation took the breath of the lobby 000,000 shares was seen in the margin requirements of its custom­ The new grain corporation win propaganda in American schools early today, was picked up by and entered the sanitarium here. bull almost throughout his financial committee today when he frankly announcement that total sales ers to 25 per cent. This is the first make use to the greatest extent made by Marcus Duffield, above, decrease in. margin requirements the Kenosha guar^men, carried New York newspaperman, writing He was pastor of Calvary B&ptlst career, Jesse Livermore, above, has stated he thought the smaller west­ to 2:10 p. m. were 13,838,000 possible all existing farmer owned since the “bull” market started on ashore, shook hands with his in Harper’s Magazine, have resulted church in New York but by his ag­ been reported as a heavy buyer on ern states had too much voice In the shares, with the ticker 82 min­ grain marketing facilities. The its wild rampage a few years ago. fellows at the Coast Guard sta­ in an investigation by the State De­ gressive campaigns against Modern­ the low-panic-stricken market re­ Senate on tariff legislation. utes behind the market. board said the organization would tion, was lifted into an ambu­ ism, and especially Evolution, he cently. He is one of the largest Elarlier Openings have adequate capital and if given partment. Duffield wrote that Sharply questioned by the Senate lance, collapsed and died. Italian-American children, attend­ gained nation-wide proinlneace. operators in the New York Stock investigators, Grundy said it was a New York, Oct. 29— (AP)-Stock i ^aciing comi^ssion houses, m - adequate support of farmp owned During the last presidential cam- ^chEmge. ticipatmg a wild opemng, started grain cO'Operative associations ing Italian schools established by “tragedy” that the states contribut­ prices turned sharply upvmrd short­ Kenosha, Wis., Oct. 29— (AP) — the Fascist! in this country, were ing negligible amounts In federal business much earlier than usual. handle annually in excess of 500,- ly before 1:30 p. m. this afternoon Employes were seen flocking into 000,000 bushels of all grains. With all but half a dozen persons of being taught loyalty to Premier taxes “and with no chips in the Benito Mussolini and even given game” could help break down a after a steady stream of liquidation the offices two hours before tho Those In Charge. a crew of 60 rescued, the steamer market opened, many of them hav General and active management preliminary military training to fit fundamental economic policy. in toe early trading had carried Wisconsin sank off Kenosha early them for the Fascist army. PRISONERS MOURN Senator Walsh, Democrat, Mon­ prices of active issues down $10 to ing had only a few hours sleep aft­ of the organization wiU be in the today in a storm that caused dam- er working far into the night to hands of a general manager, who, tana. 'wanted to know how Grundy $70 a share. U. S. Steel common the by-lav5 provide, shall be a per- age all along Lake Michigan shores proposed to silence “Senator Borah rallied from $171 to $186, 'General clean up yesterday’s 9,000,000 share -A T WARDEN’S BIER and myself for instance,” on the Electric from $214 to $244 and session. Hundreds of customers, son “acceptable to the Farm for the second time in a week. bearing checks, cash and stock cer­ Board.” ! The ofiQcers of the Wisconsin’s tariff bill and the witaess said "pro­ American (Jan from $115 to $119 a LIVE WIRE KILLS priety” should dictate that. sli£Lir6« tificates to sweeten up to4ir colla­ Chairman Legge, of the Farm stuck to the craft imtil it sank teral, also were seen in the large Board, announced in Chicago seve^ , ^nd were taken from life rafts by Stands By Platform Sales of stock on toe New York Examined by Senator Borah, Re­ Stock Elxchange up to 1:00 p. m., brokerage offices. Telephone facili­ days ago that approximately $100,- j rescue boats, a dozen of which rush- Wethersfield Inmates Pay ties of toe downtown exchanges 000,000 would be made available to jq ^he steamer after the Kenosha publican, Idahd, Grundy persisted totalled 12,652,000 shares, which BRIDGE PAINTER were swamped with calls. the g^rain co-operatives. The Life Guard had taken off most of that he stood by the Republican compares wdth toe high record for corporation, the board believes, will tig crew. One man was reported to Special Tribute at Serv­ platform to give, agriculture an a full session of 12,894,600 shares, The nervous character of toe provide a medium through which it ^ave fallen overboard as the rescue equality with Industry but he dls^, recorded last 'Thursday. ' market is illustrated by toe fluctu­ can loans to grain marketing ^iras in progress^ amd five others with the Idahoan that it Because of toe tremendous volume ations of U. S. Steel. Common, associations, both for current mar- ^gre unaccounted for. Companion Seriously Hurt ices for Henry K. W. Scott | s ® / be necessary to cut down of trading, and toe physical difficul­ Which opened fractionally lower at keting purposes and for the ac- Several persons brought from the some industrial tariff rates to obtain ties in making deliveries of securi­ 185 3-4, rallied to 192, dropped to quisition of physical facilities. Such ship by the life savers were uncon- As Shock Hurls Them to this equality. ties in the congested financial dis­ 181 1-2, reboimded to 185, and then organization, it wras ssdd, should scious from exposure when they Wethersfield, OcL 29.— (A P) — It was Gnmdy’s second appear­ trict,- governors of the New York dropped back to 175. Other leading not onlv reduce local and terminal reached shore, but they soon re- The 550 Inmates of state prison who ance.
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