P unjabi U niversity, Patisla (Esttbt&.d t't tc. Pualab ad t 3J oJ t96t) ACCOUNT BRANCH SHORT TERM E.TENDER NOTICE E-Te[ders ol1 pfojcct rate basis through electronic tendering process are invited fiom the Manufactuers / Suppliers / Dealers etc., for the Desktop, Database s€rver, Server rack, Laser Printer, Laptop, scanner, UPS etc, fulfilling the eligibility criteria mentioned herein that should be uploaded & received on https://tendcrwizad.cor!-/PIJNJAB t. Last date and lime for receipt ofTender online : Date 27-05:20t8 l7:00 2. Time ard date ofopening Technical bid : Date 28-05-20r8 11:00 AM l. Time and date ofopening Financial bid : Date 29-n5-2m8 03:00 PM -1 lPurchasc of Desktop, Database server, 25,000/- 2,360/- I Serv0r rack, Laser Printer, Laptop, scanner, IUPS etc for Account Branch at Pulrjabi Unive$ity l'atiala. I Aspiring Tenderer rvho has not obtained the User tD and password for participating in e- tendering may obtain the same by registcring in the e-procurement portal www.tendcrvizard.con/PuNJAB. The Tenderers once r€gistered crrn partioipate ill any of the department tend€rs. For dny clarification contact 9257209340, 0172-5035985, 81,16699866 or Lmail : el9lr!9rlr9bd9gkpbl@Sgi&glq, [email protected] All other details c.ru bc seetr in the bidding documeot. Terms rnd condiliotrst | . Eamest Money and Tender form fees sepamtely of required value shall bo submited in shape of DD of any Nationalised Bank payable in favour of The Registrrr, Punjabi Universiry Patiala Tender fcc, Eamest money must be reached on or trefore dt: 28-05-2018 till 10:00 AM in the Office of Fioance o{ficer, and Tender will be opened in the office ofDirector Computer Centle at Pu[jabi University PatialB. 2. Bid Processing feo should be paid through e- payment (Direct Debit or Intemet Banking) 3. The Tendcf docuDrents shall be uploaded in 2 folders. (i) Folder-A: Shall contain pre qualification documents such as iegistration, PAN No.' GST' lncome Tax Rehrn and Non Black list Selfcertificate etc uploaded on website (iD Folder-B: shall contain financial bid on the prescribed form. 4. ln case earrrcst money is not deposited or not having the required value' the bids will not be consideicd and rejected straightaway 5. The foldcr-B: shall be opened only of those contractors who will be found technically qualified for the supply. 6. Corrigendum /Addendum/Con€ctions, if any will be published in tho web site only Firm shall contirluc lo check the Web site www.tenderwizard com/PUNJAB PaSe 1of2 PRE-QUALII,'ICATION REQUIRDMENTS:- l Manufacturcrs/ Suppliers/ Authorized Dealers for Supply of Desktop Compure! can only participate. 2. The Supplier/Firm shall submit a copy ofpAN No., cST No. etc. The Supplier/finns 3. shall submit copies ofincome tax retum for the last 2 years. 4. The supptier/firms shali also submit sclfcertificadon that th"y rruu" noi o""o aru".r"al blacklisted by any Covt./ Semi Govt. Organization or aoy Corporation at any stage. 'ferms and Conditions:- Prices l. should bc inclusive ofall taxes and levies in INR. FOR punjabi University patiala. 2. The computers incruded youl in quote with attach configuration must be available for supply il1rlnediately. 3. Payment will be released otr successful installation and commissioning. 4. All iterDs to be supplied must be branded and shall be amply supported onsile dir€ctly by OEM. 5. The material is to be made available/ installed within two weeks from date of plaoing conhrmed Purchase Order along with all the bills. 6. If there is holiday on the receipvopening day of the tender, the tender may be received,/ opened on the next working day at the same time and at the same place. 7. The Purcluse Committee reserves the right to reject the tender without assigrutrg any teason before/afler opening of the tenders and the tendere$ shall have no nght oi any claim what so ever for the same on this account. 8. University rcserves the ght to increase/ decrease the quantity of items. The order for quantity of difl'erent items can b€ increased or decreased. The suppiy orUer witt be placed to the lirm/Supplier who rvould sulrmit quotauon strictty'a's per the givetr detailcd tcchnicrl specilications. The SupplierV Tenderers shall have oo .ight oi urry claim what so ever lbr the same on this accouot. The rale quoted 9 by the supprier/Tenderer shall be inclusive of all the taxes i.e. GST or any othcr laxes levied by centrar Goi,l. or siate Govemment Authority or Local Bodies including their variations as notified by the Concemed Authority from time to time and ofall thc nerv taxcs atrd levies that may be imposed. Firm wili supply the maierial on quoted Rates which include F.O.R.. Loading, Unloading, sract ioe'aod irclusive of all ta\es, Norhing Extra shall be paid. 10. The Supplier/ Tenderer shall comply with the propcr by- Laws and legal order of the local body or authodty under thejurisdiction of which the supply is executed and pay all fees and charges for which he may be liable. Nothing extra sball be payable ty the University on this account. l1.l[ case of failure of supply of material as per ordered specifications, the Udversity reserve thc right to reject the supply older and can forfeit the earnest money deposited by the firm. 12. In casc ot' any dispure. rhe jr-[isdicrion will be Patiala (Punjab) only. 13. In case ofany clarification regarding tender contact Phone No. 0175-3046050. 14. Detailed srrccifications have been metrtiotred in the tcchnical specilications rlso. epity Registrar Punjabi Univenity, Patiala. 0175-3046050 Page 2 of2 a a z EI G z>c, *8 8* t> :c> F rrl x: 3 >E >dd -> ^{E >: >: t.1 ,;. atz;z >; P: i> z-' z-- z: v;x-r F< YE r-= -: va >_z z^' <e <e l. FO hlr ft1 '! lrii z az .;F o >Eo., or l. F? ^E'<rt 2A <E lt ! z z o ZF at n ii o o ::'E YGI .iE ;grn> c 46i. >:9 'n= ?3 E-x c .45: <>z & =>F .. tz1 |-n-A:' qR! ttd > ct) 5 r-.'l > Fii F HA :<+ oE "6.^ ^' :s!) XA F." 3bt ti3l r NP- r C'E q eiE in =qi .: rl:'2= 6:1 RX' =li o- 6X !'a 5> F=7 <ad< @'i E;: 2.6 <r- EF x >t! PE d X i-- z> 3." E --;" aa :lt -a tta lir It ; a<6 a.s3 f,U1 €3P <tDs t'w6 -l ;.: V- g -E. E;- '1J < >a: q .9 *-q eg5 }' va g <9 >a <! I a*- 5 ?:. 9'" 6 XX b6 .<>> pd: <E S Zet \ r t "ij ;.i,N t4,o !490 3. L- I \<* ',i<? @67> it e:e g6-> <i' ia FI ?' F id: 8: itc "C r3+ :0> F EiX >a e9*-a--) q .J€ ; 7' oo &' >= F :1 *t 6a z ;> 6F.!t E:w -l o 8x nt +x* JO a oa<_ !t Nr(].
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