Internal Revenue Service Department of the Treasury P. O. Box 2508 Date: June 29, 2007 Cincinnati, OH 45201 Person to Contact: CIRCLES OF MERCY INC Ms. Chandler 17-52729 % RICHARD ZAZYCKI Customer Service Representative 11 WASHINGTON ST Toll Free Telephone Number: RENSSELAER NY 12144 877 -829-5500 Federal Identification Number: 01-0589987 Group Exemption Number: 0928 Dear Sir: This is in response to your request of June 29,2007, regarding your organization's tax-exempt status. We have updated our records to reflect the address change as indicated above. Please advise your parent of any future change in the character, purpose, method of operation, name, or address of your organization. Such notification is a requirement for retaining exempt status. Thank you for your cooperation. ~,~Sincerely,.. Michele M. Sullivan, Oper. Mgr. Accounts Management Operations 1 June 29,2007 Internal Revenue Service District Director P.O. Box 2508 Cincinnati, OH 45201 RE: TIN: 01-0589987 Dear District Director: Recently I assumed the position of Executive Director for Circles of Mercy, Inc., which is a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Mercy Northeast Community and situated in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, N.Y. I am unable to locate in our files a copy of the Letter of Determination from the IRS concerning our 501(3) (c) status. This concerns me for two reasons: 1)-many of the foundations and charities that I submit requests to for grants and funding require a copy of this letter as part of their application process, 2)-important documents should be copied and stored off site as part of guidelines published by the Federal Governmenti on disaster preparedness. I am writing to request a copy of the letter issued by the IRS, approving our Form-1023 application for tax exempt status. Attached please find copies of some documentation that I have located pertaining to this issue that should assist you in this matter. I did call the: IRS Customer Services today and spoke with a Ms. Chandler, who informed me that for some reason this practice was stopped a month ago and she could not provide a replacement. This issue needs to be reviewed so that I can conduct business and properly maintain important records for this organization Thank you for your consideration and attention to this matter and I hope you can resolve this issue for me as soon as possible. Sit$'(fi1~ Richard S. Zazycki, Executive Director 11 Washington Street, Rensselaer, New York 12144-2821 • (518) 462-0899 SDonsored by the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Albany Regional Community OGDEN UT 842DI-0046 Oct. 20 t 2003 LTR 3064C 01-0589987 200212 67 000 0 16376 BODC: TE CIRCLES OF MERCY INC % H KATHLEEN PRrTTY ........_310 S MANNING BLVD ALBANY NY 12208 Taxpayer Identification. NumbAr: 01-0589987 Tax Period (s) : Dec. 31, 2002 Form: 990 Dear Taxpayer: Thank yOU for YOUr Form 990. We have processed your Form 99Q as you requested. However, our records indicate that yOU are not required to file Form 990. Our records show tha~ you are a religious organization exempt from income tax under S~ction 170Cb)(1}{AJ(i) of the t~ternal Revenue Code. Please do not file Ferm 990 for future years. If your records disagree with this iritermatien, please .1et us know. If you have any questions, please call us to~l free at 1-877-B29~5500. If you prefer,~ YOU may write to us at the address shown at the top of the ~irst page of this lettei. Whenever you write, plea'se include this letter and, in the spaces .below, gi~e us your telephone number with the.hdurs we can reach you. Also, you ~ay want to kee~ a COpy of this letter for your records. Te1ephcne Number ( )------------- Hours - A copy of this letter and any referenced ~nc~o~u~es h~~e been forwarded to your authorized representat~ve(s). 01-058~987 200212 67 000 0 16377 CIRCLES OF MERCY IHC X H KATHLEEN PRITTY 510 S MANNING BLVD ALBANY NY 12208 We apologize for any inco~venfence we may have caused you, and thank you for your cooper~tion. Sincerely yours, Nadine Wille Dept. Manager, Code &: Edit/Entity 3 Enclosure(s) : COpy af this letter Envelope Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany 40 North Main Avenue, Albany,New York 12203 May 30, 2002 Sr. Peg Sullivan Sisters of Mercy Leadership Team 310 South Manning Blvd. Albany, NY 12208 Re: Circles of Mercy; Inc. Dear Sister: We have reviewed the application for inclusion in the U.S.C.C. Group Ruling ("Group Ruling") and listing in the Official Catholic Directory ("0CD"). Based upon the application and accompanying documents, we have approved its inclusion in the Group Ruling. Please inform this office if any changes in your organization's name, address or corporate form, and of any material changes in its governance, purposes, activities or sources of support. This letter establishes the organization's exemption from federal income tax under Section 501 (3)(c) of the Internal Revenue Code ("Code") in the interim until publication in the next edition of the OCD. Please retain it in your permanent records. Inclusion in the OCD and U.S.C.C Group Ruling does not automatically relieve the organization of the requirement to file annual IRS Form 990. You should consult with your own tax advisor to determine whether the organization qualifies for one of the mandatory or discretionary exemptions to that requirement. Thank you for your attention in this matter. Sincerely yours, ~t~~~· Sr. Kathleen Turley, R.S.M. Chancellor for Planning and Pastoral Services We are God)speople sharing a responsibility to witness God)s unconditional love and to bring Christ)s healing presence to our world. STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ANDREW M. CUOMO DIVISION OF SOCIAL JUSTICE ATTORNEY GENERAL CHARITIES BUREAU 02/17/2009 Richard S. Zazycki, Director Circles of Mercy, Inc II Washington Street Rensselaer, NY 12144 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION FROM REGISTRA nON Rc: Circles of Mercy, Inc Organization ID #: 41-24-71 Registrant Type: EXEMPT Filing ID: F200812100000281 Dear Sir or Madam: We reviewed the registration material, annual filing and/or other material you submitted to the Attorney General's Charities Bureau. Based on our review of the material, we have determined that the above organization is exempt from registration with the Charities Bureau for the reasons listed below: Article 7-A: 5. Religious organization, purpose or affiliation. EPTL 5. Religious organization, purpose or affiliation If you included a payment with your submission, you will be contacted under separate cover about the processing of a refund, which you should receive within 90 days. If, in the future, the organization's purposes and/or activities change and it becomes subject to registration, you must contact the Charities Bureau immediately to notify us of the change(s) and to request a new determination of its registration status If you have any questions about registration requirements, please consult the forms and instructions available on the Charities Bureau website. Very truly yours, Charities Bureau, Registration Section L200902 I70000079 120 Broadway, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10271-0332 - Phone (212) 416-840] - Fax (212) 4]6-8418 - NOT FOR SERVICE OF PAPERS http://www.oag.stateny .lls·'bureallsf chari ti esfaboll t.hIm I 1817 2016 Anno Domini 2017 1 Diocese of Albany (Dioecesis Albanensis) Most Reverend EDWARD B. SCHARFENBERGER Bishop of Albany; ordained July 2, 1973; appointed Bishop of Albany February 11, 2014; ordained and installed April 10, 2014. Chancery Office: Pastoral Center, 40 N. Main Ave., Albany, NY 12203. ESTABLISHED APRIL 23, 1847. Square Miles 10,419. (Incorporated by a special act of the Legislature of the Most Reverend State of New York, April 12, 1941, with the title ″The Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, New York″). HOWARD J. HUBBARD, D.D. Comprises the entire Counties of Albany, Columbia, Bishop Emeritus of Albany; ordained December 18, Delaware, Fulton, Green, Montgomery, Otsego, Rensse- 1963; appointed February 1, 1977; ordained and laer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Warren and installed March 27, 1977; retired February 11, 2014. Washington and that part of Herkimer and Hamilton Res.: 125 Eagle St., Albany, NY 12202. Tel: 518-462- Counties, south of the northern line of the townships of 3804. Ohio and Russia, as existing in 1872 in the State of New York. For legal titles of parishes and diocesan institutions, consult the Chancery Office. Chancery Office: Pastoral Center, 40 N. Main Ave., Albany, NY 12203. Tel: 518-453-6600; Fax: 518-453-6795. Web: www.rcda.org Email: [email protected] STATISTICAL OVERVIEW Personnel Missions. 15 Elementary Schools, Diocesan and Parish 23 Bishop. 1 Pastoral Centers. 5 Total Students. 4,383 Retired Bishops. 1 Professional Ministry Personnel: Elementary Schools, Private. 2 Priests: Diocesan Active in Diocese. 85 Brothers. 2 Total Students. 1,132 Priests: Diocesan Active Outside Diocese 3 Sisters. 16 Catechesis/Religious Education: Priests: Retired, Sick or Absent. 88 Lay Ministers. 381 High School Students. 4,751 Number of Diocesan Priests. 176 Welfare Elementary Students. 13,527 Religious Priests in Diocese. 52 Catholic Hospitals. 3 Total Students under Catholic Instruction 34,620 Total Priests in Diocese. 228 Teachers in the Diocese: Extern Priests in Diocese. 6 Homes for the Aged. 6 Day Care Centers. 1 Priests. 9 Ordinations: Lay Teachers. 703 Diocesan Priests. 1 Total Assisted. 40 Transitional Deacons. 3 Specialized Homes. 8 Vital Statistics Permanent Deacons. 1 Total Assisted. 381 Receptions into the Church: Permanent Deacons in Diocese. 107 Special Centers for Social Services. 59 Infant Baptism Totals. 2,867 Total Brothers. 48 Total Assisted. 88,917 Minor Baptism Totals. 107 Total Sisters.
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