ATcragre Dally Net Preas Rdn The Weather For the Week Ended FerecMt of IT. 8. Weather Bweaa March 11, 1961 _ _ '* 8now or elect beflniibic late 9^. nlcht, ehaaglaa to rata Wedaea- n si 13,317 dajr. lioweet toalght M to El. Member of the Audit Hiah«at Wedneeday 46 to 66. Bulwui of OiroalBtIpn Manchester— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXX, NO. 144 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1961 (Claaeified Advertlefaif on Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS Btitish Back Plan State News Roundup U.S. to Stop Reds in Laos U.S. Bids Reds “ 1— Officials Seek Check N-Tests Bus Strike End Hartford, March 21 (A^— Geneva, March 21 — ♦United Btatai propoeee to hold State officials confer again Reds Block UN (/P) Adlai The United States proposed some underground tests using old today in attempt to end the today to allow Soviet inspec­ devices. Under Dean's new pro­ 24-day-old strike against the posal these would be open to un­ Connecticut Railway & Light­ tion of American atomic de­ restricted Soviet Inspection. vices exploded either in seis­ David Ormsby - Gore, British ing Co. mic research programs or for minister of state, backed Dean's The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Hits Soviet President proposals. Donnelly, chairman of the State peaceful purposes. The negotiations had been in Mediation Board, and State L>abor The American propoaal was recess since Dec. 5 to gdve Presi­ Commisisoner Renato E. Rlcclutl Congo Plan made with British backing at the dent Kennedy's new administra­ called their meeting to discuss pos­ Talks to resumed 3-power talks on suspen­ tion time to prepare Its negotiat­ sible new moves to break the dead­ sion of nuclear weapons tests. ing pdisltions. lock. Soviet ' Delegate Semyon K. All the delegates were cheerful The strike by 497 bus drivers and As Ruinous Tsarapkin declhied to express an on their arrival at Palace of Na­ mechanics began Feb. 27. It has attitude until his government can Advisors tions. forced 70,000 daily bus riders in study the proposal in detail. Tsarapkin was asked by report- Waterbury, Bridgeport, Norwalk United Nations, N. Y Tthe West earlier had proposed and New Britain areas to seek March 21 (IP)—U.S. Delegate By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER . « 27-month moratorium on small other means of transportation. (Contlnued on Page Eight) Adlai E. Stevenson today ac)- Washington, March 21 (/P) underground tests. The Russians Msgr. Donnelly and Rlcclutl met cused the Soviet Union of ob- asked for at least four years. The yesterday. They discussed th e, . .. e ffo rts in Thp —President Kennedy has de­ United States now is willing to ex­ Nikifa Prods Reds union members' 209-104 rejection ptrucung U.IN. eiioris m ine cided that the United States tend the moratorium. over the weekend of the company's 1 Congo and Of injecting into will not stand idly by and let During the moratorium research latest settlement offer. the U.N. Congo debate "the would be undertaken to improve To Conquer World Rlcclutl also met briefly yes­ Soviet - backed Communists most destructive spirit of the take over Laos. The President detection methods. terday with Gov. John N. Dempsey Cold War." U.S. Delegate Arthur H. Dean Moscow, March 21 (/P)—Premier at the capltol. is reported $o tiike an increas­ said the United States and Britain The Soviet Union does not Khrushchev told the Soviet people The governor made no decision want the United Nations to suc­ ingly urgent view of the Laos are willing to grant East-West today that they, can rest content I intervene again in .the dead­ parity in the control commission ceed in The Congo," Stevenson crisis. only when jhe whole world goes locked negotiations between the told the U.N. General Assembly. Exactly what aettona the United to enforce the treaty. Communist. company and the Amalgamated States should now set in motion Dean's proposals were aimed at Stevenson spoke after Soviet "We are happy when we build Association of Street, Electric Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro­ to deal with Red pressures re­ breaking the deadlock in the 2 Vi communism (here) but that is not Railway and Motor Coach Em­ mains to be determined.' This was year old negotiations. myko had denounced U.N. Secre­ r enough," he said. “We shall be ployes of America. tary-general Dag Hammarskjold understood to be the major con­ He said the two western powers happy when the people of all coun­ Both sides emphasized last night cern of a meeting which the are ready to adopt a "full ban on “as an accomplice and organizer” tries stand under the banner of they had no new proposals to of the slaying of deposed Congo­ President called at rile White high altitude tests and to install Marxism-Lieninism and the Com­ make. House this afternoon.. ' a high altitude monitoring sys'‘ munist banner will fly over the The union's chief negotiator,- lese leader Patrice Lumumba. Gromyko demanded the dis­ The session was the second with­ tern” proposed by eastern and west­ whole planet." Archie Cuthbertson, said in Bridge­ missal of the Secretary-general, in two days bringing toge>er the ern scientists. Khrushchev spoke on a nation­ port the weekend vote showed "the President's top military and dip­ The western powers also are wide radio hookup from Alma Ata, company should do a little soul- withdrawal of the U.N. forces from The Congo within a month lomatic advisers for a review of willing, to reduce the number of capital of the virgin land repub­ searching and come up with a bet­ the problem of Laos. The situation control posts to be constructed In lic of Kazakhstan. This was the ter offer.'" smd a thorough overhauling of the whole U.N. structure. has grown more ominous because the Soviet Union. second speech on his current tour CRAL officials repeated that the a Soviet-Amerlcan conference last The negotiations have bogged of agricultural areas to be broad­ proposal was management's last Stevenson called Gromyko's at­ tack on Hammarskjold "wild, irre- Saturday produced no hope of an down over methods of policing a cast live. agreed diplomatic solution for test ban and particularly over the His declaration about the ulti­ ‘’"■Jhe repected offe^ called for an I Laos. difficulty of detecting under­ mate victory of communism got a immediate 5-cent-an-hour w age' e na e i been spared the charge of an accomplice of The United State-s is under­ ground tests. To gain more in­ increase, retroactive to Oct. 1, an stood to hav» advised its chief al­ formation on this subject, the (Contlnued on Page Eight) murder," he said. additional hike of 114 cents on Stevenson received several lies, Britain and France, last week April 1. bringing the scale to $2.30, rounds of applause during his that it intended to meet Soviet plus an agreement to reopen wage short speech and was gfiven a big pressures on Laos with counter British Naval Spy TrUd ‘ discussions after 00 days. ovation at the conclusion. pressures, ' but at that time the The last contract expired in main hope here was for a diplo- I He said that for Gromyko to use September, but the union employes the. assembly for such "Insensate 1 maUc solutfbn of the crisis. remained on the job during the attacks” threatened the very sur­ On Saturday, Secretary of State protracted talks on a new pact. vival of the United Nations "as an Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko makes an emphatic gesture ss he denounces the Dean Rusk and Soviet Foreign Mystery Man Denies The current wage scale for driv­ effective Instrument for peace and proposed Congo federation in an address before the UN General Assembly today. (AP Minister Andrei Gromyko confer- ers is $2.23 1/2 cents an hour. The progress." Photofax). red at the State Department for union originally had demanded The U.S. delegate declared that five hours. They spent more time $2.41 an hour. if the United Nations acceded to on Laos than' on any other sub­ the Soviet demand it would mean Near End of January ject. Groonyko stood firm on the U.S. Pair Red Spies Raybimn Links Soviet position that rite .way to Denies Tax Evasion . substitution,, , , of „ anarchy. « for con- New Haven, March 21 (;P)—The- stroctive Int^ational effort break the crisis is to hold an In­ ___ He referred to the great and ex­ ternational conference. Rusk, who London, MaroA'—il VP)—The^ Lonsdale made no mention of public defender of Windham Coum- Defense Costs, considers such a conference a ty has pleaded innocent in federal pensive effort of the United Na­ mystery man of the British naval the other two defendants: Henry tions in. The Congo and said "I New RB4 7 Incident stalling device, unsucce.ssfully F. Houghton, 55-year-old British court to a charge Of- evasion of sought' Soviet cooperation in Im­ spy trial told the court today that wish the Soviet Union would con­ Budget Deficit naval clerk, and his girl friend more than $16,000 in federal in­ tribute something to it besides ob­ mediate measures to end the civil apy equipment found in a suburban Ethel E. Gee, 46, a fellow em­ come taxes. struction and criticism.” This was war and Unify the country under bungalow had no connection 'With ploye at the Portland Naval Base He is Irwin I. Krug, 51 of Wllli- reference to the Soviet .refusal Washington, March 21 VPh~ a policy of guaranteed neutrality.
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