Plymouth Acclaim M\k established the passenger car It's our the rules, can break ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . -r-.^ „ 1 When you make you "FIFTY & OVER REBATE" 1 the rules. We made our Dodge Spirit and i Dodge Spirit,. I Ply-uthAcclatathelowestprfcedsix teSt^ $11,941 I " " I passenger cars in the worH: \fet we also FIFTY & OVER REBAFE . 500t ^ Consumer Rebate 1^000_ I jo^aed them with over fifty standard i Your Price .... $10,441* . , ,. ' reatures, including a drivers-side air bag. ; 'With optional front bench seat. tMust take delivery on new 1992 or 1993 Acclaim, Spirit and Chrysler Lebaron Sedan models out of dealer stock or ordered for immediate delivery by June 30, 1993. Above coupon not necessary for purchase. This offer cannot be used with any Chrysler Employee/ Dodge Spirit lowest price for a six prerogative tolower it power steering, child protection door locks and dual remote mirrors. We also made them available with ABS brakes and a powerful V-6 engine. So what do we do for an encore? We're lowering the price by offering a special rebate to people fifty or older, in addition to the consumer rebate. From April 1 through June 30, 1993, you'll save an additional $500 on a Spirit or Acclaim. So take advantage of this special offer and visit your dealer today Because 1 & CHRYSlHi Oadgo when it comes to saving extra money now that's your prerogative. DIVISIONS OF THE CHRYSLER CORPORATION Retiree/C.D.I, purchase or any other certificate program or incentive offer other than the national consumer rebate/APR incentive. One certificate per retail sale or lease. Void where prohibited. $ MSRP (less rebate shown). Title, taxes and destination fee extra. Actual prices vary See dealer for details. ' 8 ^1 The Magazine for a Strong America Vol. 134, No. 5 ARTICLES May 1993 CAMBODIA'S LAST CHANCE May's elections could sew the seeds ofdemocracy or bring back the "killingfields. " By Richard Fisher 1 THE FINAL SALUTE: WHERE HEROES REST VA 's National Cemetery System is expandingJbr thefiiture. By Miles Z. Epstein 23 THE CHANGING FACE OF HONOR GUARDS As more and more military honorguards are disbanding, the Legion fills the gap. By Ken Schamberg 26 TOO MANY VICTIMS! Americans should stop whining and start taking responsibility, says author ofA Nation of Victims. 28 DIAMOND MINE For 67yeats, American Le^on Baseball has been loading tiie major led^m with talent ByLesBrindley 30 SCIENCE IN A CAGE The animal rights movement has caused the cost ofmedicine to increase. By Frank Bentayou 34 WASHINGTON CONFERENCE REPORT VA SecretaryJesse Brown pledges to be "an advocatefar veterans. 40 D E P A R T M E N T S BIG ISSUES Should Congress give the President a line-item veto? 12 VETVOICE 6 YOUR AMERICAN LEGION 16 VETS 48 COMMANDER'S MESSAGE 10 VETERANS UPDATE 38 PARTING SHOTS 72 WASHINGTON WATCH 14 LEGION NEWS 42 COVER Honoring those who served, Navy Seaman JefHeames plays Taps at Barrancas National Cemetery in Pensacola, Fla. For more about honorguards and national cemeteries, see articles beginning on Page 23. Photo by Picture Group. The American Legion magazine, a leader among national general-interest publications, is publistied monttily by Ttie American Legion for its 3.1 million members. Ttiese military-service veterans, w/orking ttirough more than 1 5,000 community-level posts, dedicate themselves to God and country and tradi- tional American values; strong national security; adequate and compassionate care for veterans, their v/idows and orphans; community service; and the wholesome development of our nation's youths. 2 THE AMERICAN LEGION The American Historical Foundation Proudly Presents A PROUD SYMBOL OF YOUR MILITARY SERVICE As a dramatic and noble symbol of your military days, what could surpass a firing, collector, museum-quality Thompson? steel, walnut and gold. Velvet-lined Walnut Display Case for wall mount or flat 24-Karat Gold Plating display. Locking acryltc-glass lid protects your investment dust unauthorized handling. (44 xl4 Sight across the 24-Karat Gold-plated rear sight, from and x4 ) through the slot in the gold-plated actuator knob and coordinate delivery through your local firearms dealer, "For closing with the enemy, nothing over the 35 deep cooling fins of the highly polished after your reservation is received here. If you have an and blued barrel. 24-Karat Gold plating gleams across FFL, send a signed copy, and delivery will be made couia heat the Thompson!" the mirror-polished Cutts Compensator, front sight directly to you. trigger. is of generations of Americans fought with it- and This an important-and rare-symbol your pride Three The fit and finish are presentation grade. The preci- in our Armed Forces. Due to the low edition limit, first in World War II, then in the Korean War and, sion-milled receiver is highly polished to highlight is void disap- yes, even in the Vietnam War. Army, Navy, prompt response respectfully suggested to a the gold-gilt infilled in- Marines and AirForce-it was used by all service branches. engraved and commemorative pointment. scriptions, including the famous "bullet" If you were bom in the first half of the 20th Century Thompson RESERVATION it is the most dramatic symbol of your time in the armed Satisfaction guaranteed or return in 30 days for a full refund. The genuine G.I. walnut stocks-hand rubbed with forces. To: The American Historical Foundation seven coats of lacquer-show off the three fired enamel How much longer will the Thompson be made? No 1142 West Grace Street, Dept. M156 ^iS^S»^ cloisonne medallions on reverse) and knows. while it is, to (one the 24-KaTat Richmond, Virginia 23220 one But we're proud salute the ^W^'^^^^W' Americans who served in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Gold plated sling swivels, swivel mounts and screws Telephone: (804) 353-1812 t^^^M^ Marines by issuing a separate, firing commemorative which affix the adjustable brown leather military sling. TOLL FREE: (800)368-8080 Thompson in honor of the men of each of the service Yes, I wish to reserve the following firing Armed Forces A Firing Semi-Automatic Commemorative Thompson(s), with 24-Karat Gold plat- branches who carried it in combat Of importance to ing. I will also receive a Certificate of Authenticity and veterans and collectors, this the/irsf This is A firing Thompson, chambered for the same is commemorative membership in the Foundahon. Satisfaction guaranteed. Thompson ever issued specifically famous, readily available, .45 AGP ammunition that to honor each of our Army Thompson Navy Thompson American military men have used since 1911. four armed forces branches, placing it in the "first ever" Marine Corps Thompson Air Force Thompson class of distinction. This category has seen well-docu- Each is specially serially numbered between 001 and C] My deposit (or credit card authorization) of $195 per mented price increases over other firearms. At a time 750, with the prefix "USA," "USMC," "USN," or "USAF," Thompson is enclosed. Please Q charge or L_] invoice when collectors have been known to pay as much as depending upon the service branch selected. This serial the balance due D in eight monthly payments of $225. $20,000 for standard Thompsons with a unique feature number is also inscribed on the accompanying Certifi- in full. or two, the issue price of this Thompson is particularly cate of Authenticity, which attests to the purity of the 24- Q My payment in full is enclosed ($1995 per Thompson; Karat Gold plating and to the strict edition limit. reasonable. Walnut Display Case add $249 each), Also from the standpoint of future investment value, Each is built in the United States by the official maker n Please also send the optional Walnut Display Case, at only 750 of each will be made-immediately placing it of the famous Thompson, Auto-Ordnance Corporation, $249 for each Thompson reserved. among the rarest of the rare. the company founded by General John T. Thompson. /// cancel my reservation prior to delivery I will be refunded all monies paid less to a commissioning fee of $50. As a special advantage to veterans and arms collec- Satisfaction Guaranteed tors, this Thompson fires only in the semi-automatic mode (not full-automatic), so no special license is re- This is available exclusively from The American His- quired to own one. Anyone who can own a standard torical Foundation. Satisfaction is guaranteed or you hunting rifle can own this Thompson. And because it is may return it for a fuU refund within 30 days. To reserve, Address a firing Thompson, it could be called upon to defend call our Member Services staff at 1-800-368-8080 or 1-804- your home, family or nation. 353-1812, write or visit the Foundation's historic Head- Whether you reserve the Army, Marine Corps, Navy quarters and Museum, "Columbia." With your reserva- Daytime Telephone Number ( ) or Air Force Commemorative, you'll own what has been tion you will be made a Member of the Foundation. For Visa, MC, AmEx. or Discover Card please send account number, called "abeast of a weapon"~an impressive 12 pounds of If you do not have a Federal Firearms License, we will exp. date and signature. Virginia residents please add 4.5% tax. ©AHF M156 . FOR GOD AND COUNTRY OVER 700 N. Pennsylvania St. P C. Box 1055 Indianapolis, IN 46206 317-635-8411 National Commander RETURN TO Roger A. Munson ENGLAND Publisher/Editor-in-Chief 1942-1992 Daniel S. Wheeler Editor John Greenwald a film by Managing Editor Miles Z. Epstein Associate Editor OVER THERE loGER A. Freeman Raymond H.
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