ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTION Endogenous Estradiol in Elderly Individuals Cognitive and Noncognitive Associations V. Senanarong, MD; S. Vannasaeng, MD; N. Poungvarin, MD; S. Ploybutr, MSC; S. Udompunthurak, MSC; P. Jamjumras, RN; L. Fairbanks, PhD; J. L. Cummings, MD Objective: To investigate an association between en- the Functional Assessment Questionnaire was used to as- dogenous estradiol (E2) levels and cognition and behav- sess instrumental activities of daily living. ior in elderly individuals. Results: There was no correlation between age and level of E2 in either men or women. Individuals with lower estro- Patients: We studied 135 community-based men and genlevelshadmorebehavioraldisturbances(men:r=−0.467, women aged 52 to 85 years in urban Bangkok, Thai- n=45;P=.001;women:r=−0.384,n=90;PϽ.001)andworse land; 72 had dementia and 63 did not. cognition (men: r=0.316, n=45; P=.03; women: r=0.243, n=90; P=.02) and function (men: r=−0.417, n=45; P=.004; women: r=−0.437, n=90; PϽ.001). The threshold level of Materials and Methods: Dementia was diagnosed endogenous E2 in elderly individuals for the risk of devel- using Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor- oping dementia was less than 15 pg/mL (Ͻ55 pmol/L) in ders, Fourth Edition, criteria after appropriate investiga- men and less than 1 pg/mL (Ͻ4 pmol/L) in women. tions. Blood samples for assay were collected in the morn- ing after 6 hours of fasting. Levels of E2 were measured Conclusion: Lower E2 levels are correlated with poor cog- by radioimmunoassay (double antibody technique). The nitive, behavioral, and functional status in older indi- Thai version of the Mini-Mental State Examination was viduals. used to assess cognition; the Neuropsychiatric Inven- tory was used to assess neuropsychiatric symptoms; and Arch Neurol. 2002;59:385-389 STROGEN replacement therapy A recent meta-analysis by Yaffe et al9 (ERT) has been reported to be concluded that results of observational and associated with a decreased clinical trials of ERT and cognitive function risk for dementia and better in AD were inconclusive. Three randomized cognitive function in post- controlledtrials10-12 ofERTpublishedin2000 menopausal women. In the Baltimore Lon- all used conjugated equine estrogen, either E 1 From the Division of gitudinal Study of Aging, a sample of 472 0.625 or 1.25 mg. The sample sizes ranged Neurology, Department of postmenopausal or perimenopausal women from 42 to 120 patients with AD and con- Medicine (Drs Senanarong was followed for 16 years. After adjust- trols, with treatment duration ranging from and Poungvarin and ment for educational level, investigators 12 weeks to 12 months. None of these stud- Ms Jamjumras), the Division of Endocrinology, Department of found a relative risk of Alzheimer disease iesfoundimprovementincognitivemeasure- Medicine (Dr Vannasaeng and (AD) in estrogen users of 0.46 compared ments or clinical global assessment findings Ms Ploybutr), and the Division with nonusers. Paganini-Hill and Hender- after estrogen therapy. Vaginal spotting and of Clinical Epidemiology, son2 found that the risk for AD decreased deep vein thrombosis were observed as ad- Department of Research with longer duration of estrogen use. Re- verse effects in some treated patients. The Development sults of observational studies demonstrate results of these studies suggest that ERT ben- (Mr Udompunthurak), Faculty that postmenopausal women perform efitswomenwithoutdementiabutnotwom- of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, better on name recall3 and immediate en with AD. Mahidol University, Bangkok, and delayed paragraph recall4 but not on Although there have been several stud- Thailand; and the Departments clock drawing5 after ERT. Results of ran- ies assessing cognitive responses to ERT, of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences (Drs Fairbanks and domized controlled trials indicate that es- few studies have examined the relation- Cummings) and Neurology trogen therapy improved cognitive func- ship between endogenous estrogen status (Dr Cummings), University of tion in nondemented postmenopausal and behavioral or cognitive symptoms in California, Los Angeles, women6-9 but that it is not helpful in women either cognitively intact women or pa- UCLA School of Medicine. with AD.10-12 tients with dementia. We conducted a study (REPRINTED) ARCH NEUROL / VOL 59, MAR 2002 WWW.ARCHNEUROL.COM 385 ©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 09/28/2021 Table 1. Characteristics of the Study Population PARTICIPANTS, MATERIALS, Without AND METHODS Dementia With Demenita P No. (%) (N = 63) (N = 72) Value The review board of the National Research Council Sex of Thailand and an ethical committee at the Faculty M 25 (40) 20 (28) .15 of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, F 38 (60) 52 (72) Bangkok, Thailand, approved this study. Age, mean ± SD, y 65.8 ± 5.2 70.6 ± 8.6 Ͻ.001 This study was part of a multidisciplinary project Education, No. (%) Յ4 y 45 (71) 44 (61) .28 studying health promotion in the elderly conducted Ͼ by the Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital 4 y 18 (29) 28 (39) (1997-2000). A door-to-door survey of the community- dwelling elderly population within 10 km of Siriraj Hos- pital was conducted in 1997. Their names were re- of the association of endogenous estradiol (E2) levels with corded and they were included in our ongoing study cognitive impairment and noncognitive symptoms in de- in the Integrated Health Research Program for the El- mented and nondemented elderly individuals. We had ac- derly at the Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital. A total cess to a population of women in Bangkok, Thailand, where of 3518 elderly individuals from 3 amphurs (city re- gions) agreed to participate in the study of mental and the rate of ERT use among postmenopausal women is low. nervous systems. The mean±SD age of this group was 68.8±7.2 years, and the full range of the Thai Mental RESULTS State Examination (TMSE) was represented in par- ticipants from this initial survey. The 63 cognitively healthy individuals and the 72 with de- Of the 135 men and women aged 52 to 85 years mentia were similar in sex distribution and educational solicited from this community-based cohort, 72 had level (Table 1). Alzheimer disease was diagnosed in 37 dementia and 63 did not. Internists or neurologists participants with dementia, who were significantly older obtained the medical histories and conducted physi- than those without dementia (PϽ.001), and age was used cal examinations. Dementia was diagnosed using Di- as a covariate in subsequent analyses. Most patients with agnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, criteria.13 Exclusion criteria were de- non-AD dementias had vascular dementia. Other elderly lirium and a history of psychiatric disorders before individuals with dementia had Parkinson disease with de- the onset of memory problems. Blood tests and com- mentia, dementia with Lewy bodies, normal-pressure hy- puted tomography were performed for individuals drocephalus, and neurosyphilis. Mean E2 levels in men and with suspected dementia. Alzheimer disease was di- women were markedly different in demented and nonde- agnosed according to the criteria of the joint task force mented elderly individuals, with men having higher lev- of the National Institute of the Neurological and Com- els than postmenopausal women in all diagnostic groups municative Disorders and Stroke/Alzheimer’s Dis- Table 2 14 ( ). ease and Related Disorders Association. Five of the 135 participants had been receiving ERT: Data were obtained via structured question- 2 did not have dementia, and 3 did. Four participants had naires administered by professional nurses. The TMSE,15 a translated and culturally modified ver- undergone ERT for less than 6 months and had stopped sion of the Mini-Mental State Examination16 for the more than 5 years before blood samples were drawn for Thai population, was used to assess cognitive func- E2 analysis. One individual with dementia had taken es- tion. The Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI)17 was ap- trogens for 2 years and had stopped a few months be- plied to caregivers, relatives, or proxies of the el- fore this investigation because of vaginal bleeding. derly individuals to assess neuropsychiatric symptoms. To investigate the relationships of estrogen status The Functional Assessment Questionnaire18 was used to cognition and behavior in each sex, we analyzed the to assess activities of daily living. These measures were association between E2 levels and TMSE and NPI scores translated from English into Thai and then back into in men and women. There was no correlation between English, and any discrepancies were resolved. age and levels of E in either men or women. There was After 6 hours of fasting, 10-mL blood samples 2 were collected from participants via venipuncture be- a negative correlation between total NPI scores and E2 tween 7 and 11 AM. Samples were immediately cen- levels in both groups (men: r=−0.467, n=45; P=.001; trifuged, and the serum was stored at –20°C. Analy- women: r=−0.384, n=90; PϽ.001). Patients with lower sis of samples was conducted within 3 months of E2 levels had higher NPI scores and more marked neu- blood being drawn. Levels of E2 were measured by ropsychiatric symptoms. In this sample, relationships be- radioimmunoassay (double antibody technique) us- tween E2 levels and NPI subscale scores did not reach sta- ing a commercial kit (Double Antibody Estradiol; Di- tistical significance. agnostic Products Corp, Los Angeles, Calif). There was a positive correlation between global cog- Statistical analysis was performed using a soft- nitive function as measured by the TMSE and E2 levels ware program (SPSS 9.0; SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill). The in both groups (men: r=0.316, n=45; P=.03; women: 2 test and analysis of variance were used to test for heterogeneity. Spearman correlation coefficients were r=0.243, n=90; P=.02).
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