§ 110.140 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition) 666 yards from Deer Island Light; and lowed in all areas. Fixed mooring piles thence to point of beginning. or stakes are prohibited. (ii) 35-foot anchorage. Beginning at a [CGFR 67–46, 32 FR 17728, Dec. 12, 1967. Redes- point bearing 256°, 2,603 yards from ignated by CGD–01–02–027, 67 FR 68518, Nov. Deer Island Light; thence to a point 12, 2002] bearing 258°30′, 3,315 yards from Deer Is- land Light; thence to a point bearing § 110.140 Buzzards Bay, Nantucket Sound, and adjacent waters, Mass. 264°, 3,967 yards from Deer Island Light; thence to a point bearing 261°, 2,290 (a) New Bedford Outer Harbor—(1) An- yards from Deer Island Light; and chorage A. West of Sconticut Neck, and thence to point of beginning. shoreward of a line described as fol- lows: Beginning at a point 100 yards (3) Long Island Anchorage. East of southwest of Fort Phoenix Point; Long Island, bounded as follows: Begin- thence 154° along a line which passes ning at the southwesternmost point of 100 yards east of New Bedford Channel ° Gallups Island; thence 270 to Long Is- Buoys 8, 6, and 4, to a point bearing ap- land; thence southerly along the east- proximately 130°, 225 yards, from New ern shore line of Long Island to Bass Bedford Channel Buoy 4; thence 87°, 340 Point; thence to the northernmost yards; thence 156° along a line approxi- point of Rainsford Island; thence to mately one mile to its intersection Georges Island Gong Buoy 6; and with a line ranging 87° from the cupola thence to the point of beginning. on Clarks Point; thence 87° to (4) Castle Island Anchorage. Bounded Sconticut Neck. on the north by Castle Island and adja- (2) Anchorage B. Southeast of a line cent land; on the east by a line between ranging 222° from the southwest corner Castle Rocks Fog Signal Light and Old of Fort Phoenix to the New Bedford Harbor Shoal Buoy 2; on the southeast shore; west of a line ranging 154° from by a line between Old Harbor Shoal Palmer Island Light to Butler Flats Buoy 2 and Old Harbor Buoy 4; and on Light; and north of a line bearing 267° the west by a line running due north from Butler Flats Light to the shore. from Old Harbor Buoy 4 to the shore (b) Buzzards Bay near entrance to ap- line at City Point. proach channel to Cape Cod Canal—(1) Anchorage C. West of a line parallel to (5) Explosives anchorage. In the lower and 850 feet westward from the center- harbor, bounded on the northeast by a line of Cleveland Ledge Channel; north line between the northeast end of of a line bearing 129° from the tower on Peddocks Island and the northeast end Bird Island; east of a line bearing 25°30′ of Rainsford Island; on the northwest and passing through Bird Island Reef by Rainsford Island; on the southwest Bell Buoy 13; and south of a line bear- by a line between the western extrem- ing 270° from Wings Neck Light. Each ity of Rainsford Island and the west- vessel must obtain permission to pro- ernmost point of Peddocks Island; and ceed to Anchorage C from the U.S. on the southeast by Peddocks Island. Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod (b) The regulations. (1) The Captain of Canal Control traffic controller. the Port may authorize the use of the (2) Anchorage D. Beginning at a point President Roads Anchorage as an ex- bearing 185°, 1,200 yards, from Hog Is- plosives anchorage when he finds that land Channel 4 Light; thence 129° to a the interests of commerce will be pro- point bearing 209°, approximately 733 moted and that safety will not be prej- yards, from Wings Neck Light; thence ° udiced thereby. Vessels anchored in 209 to Southwest Ledge Buoy 10; ° this area shall move promptly upon no- thence 199 along a line to its intersec- ° tification by the Captain of the Port. tion with a line bearing 129 from the tower on Bird Island; thence 309° to a (2) In the Long Island Anchorage ves- point 850 feet easterly, right angle dis- sels shall anchor in the position des- tance, from the centerline of Cleveland ignated by the Captain of the Port. Ledge Channel; thence northeasterly (3) Floats or buoys for marking an- along a line parallel to and 850 feet chors or moorings in place will be al- eastward from the centerline of Cleve- land Ledge Channel to its intersection 452 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:47 Aug 20, 2010 Jkt 220130 PO 00000 Frm 00462 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220130.XXX 220130 erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR Coast Guard, DHS § 110.140 with a line bearing 218° 30′ from the West Chop Buoy 25 to East Chop Flats point of beginning; thence 38°30′ to the Bell Buoy 23; and west of a line bearing point of beginning. Each vessel must 163° between East Chop Flats Bell Buoy obtain permission to proceed to An- 23 and Lone Rock Buoy 1; and north- chorage D from the U.S. Army Corps of erly of a line bearing 269° between Lone Engineers Cape Cod Canal Control traf- Rock Buoy 1 and a point on the main- fic controller. land at Oak Bluffs about 0.30 mile (3) Anchorage L. The area of water southerly of Oak Bluffs Wharf. bounded by lines connecting the fol- (2) Anchorage F. Southeast of the lowing points: 41°30′11″ N, 070°48′10″ W Elizabeth Islands, north of a line rang- to 41°30′46″ N, 070°48′45″ W, to 41°32′24″ N, ing 97°30′ from Cuttyhunk Light toward 070°45′50″ W to 41°31′48″ N, 070°45′15″ W Nashawena Lighted Whistle Buoy to a and thence to start. point 0.375 mile from that buoy; north- (4) Anchorage M—(west side). The west of a line bearing 57°30′ from the waters bounded by a line connecting last-named point to a point opposite the following points: 41–35–35N/70–44– the entrance to Woods Hole; and south- 47W to 41–36–24N/70–45–53W to 41–35–00N/ west of a line from the shore of 70–47–53W to 41–34–12N/70–46–47W and Nonamesset Island bearing 114° and thence to the beginning ranging through West Chop Light and (5) Each vessel that anchors in these East Chop Light. anchorages must notify the U.S. Army (3) Anchorage G. South of a line be- Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal ginning at a point on the mainland at Control traffic controller when it an- Oak Bluffs about 0.30 mile southerly of chors, and provide the vessel’s name, Oak Bluffs Wharf bearing 89° to Lone length, draft, cargo, and its position. Rock Buoy 1; thence 113° from Lone (6) Each vessel anchored in these an- Rock Buoy 1 to Outer Flats Bell Buoy chorages must notify U.S. Army Corps 17; thence 86° to Cross Rip Lightship; of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Control thence 118°30′ to Tuckernuck Shoal traffic controller when it weighs an- Bell Buoy 7; thence ranging 149° toward chor. Brant Point Light to the breakwater at (7) No vessel may anchor unless it Brant Point. maintains a bridge watch, guards and (4) Anchorage H. In the vicinity of answers Channel 16 FM, and maintains Squash Meadow shoal, east of a line an accurate position plot. ranging 163° through Squash Meadow (8) No vessel may anchor unless it West End Buoy 21; north of lines par- maintains the capability to get under- allel to and 0.5 mile northerly from way within 30 minutes; except with lines joining Lone Rock Buoy 1, Outer prior approval of the Coast Guard Cap- Flats Bell Buoy 17, and Cross Rip tain of the Port Southeastern New Lightship; and south of a line ranging England. 97° from East Chop Light toward Cross (9) No vessel may anchor in a ‘‘dead Rip Lightship. ship’’ status (propulsion or control un- (5) Anchorage I. Northerly of a line available for normal operations) with- ranging 109° from Nobska Point Light out the prior approval of the Coast toward Hedge Fence Lighted Horn and Guard Captain of the Port South- Gong Buoy 16, and of a line ranging eastern New England. 97°30′ through Hedge Fence East End (10) No vessel may conduct lightering Buoy to Halfmoon Shoal Lighted Bell operations within these anchorages. Buoy 12, thence 73° to Handkerchief (c) Vineyard and Nantucket Sounds— Shoal Buoy 16, and thence to the west- (1) Anchorage E. South of a line begin- ernmost point of Monomoy Island. ning at a point bearing 180° about 3.25 (6) Anchorage J. East of a line bearing miles from Cuttyhunk Light; thence 329°, parallel to and 0.875 mile north- 65° to a point bearing 180°, 0.625 mile easterly of a line running from Brant from Nashawena Lighted Whistle Buoy; Point Light through Tuckernuck Shoal thence 57°30′ passing 600 yards north- Bell Buoy 7, from Coatue Beach to a erly of Middle Ground Lighted Bell point 1.25 miles southeasterly from a Buoy 25A, to a point bearing 145°, 1.25 line between Halfmoon Shoal Lighted miles from Nobska Point Light; south- Bell Buoy 12 and Handkerchief Shoal west of a line ranging 113° through Buoy 16; thence 73°, parallel to and 1.25 453 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:47 Aug 20, 2010 Jkt 220130 PO 00000 Frm 00463 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220130.XXX 220130 erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR § 110.142 33 CFR Ch.
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