Momentum shift current at terahertz frequencies in twisted bilayer graphene Daniel Kaplan, Tobias Holder, and Binghai Yan∗ Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, Israel The detection of terahertz (THz) radiation promises intriguing applications in biology, telecommu- nication, and astronomy but remains a challenging task so far. For example, semiconductor infrared detectors (e.g., HgCdTe) utilize photo-excited electrons across the bandgap and hardly reach the far-infrared terahertz regime because they are vulnerable to thermally excited carriers. In this work, we propose the THz sensing by the bulk photovoltaic effect (BPVE) in the twisted bilayer graphene (TBG). The BPVE converts light into a coherent DC at zero bias or an open-circuit voltage. As a quantum response from the wave function's geometry (different from the p-n junction), BPVE is more robust against temperature excitation and disorders. We predict that the TBG (bandgap of several meV) exhibits a sizeable BPVE response in a range of 0.2 { 1 THz. Beyond the ordinary shift current scenario, BPVE in TBG comes from a momentum-space shift of flat bands. Our work provides a pathway to design twisted photonics for resonant terahertz detection. INTRODUCTION voltaic efficiency for energy harvesting, and have further applications in medical imaging, single-photon circuits and novel electronic devices [27, 28]. The bulk photovaltaic effect (BPVE) refers to the gen- eration of a dc current from a homogeneous solid upon Twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) exhibits flat bands irradiation with light. The so-called shift current [1{4] and narrow band gaps of several meV, and thus pro- is one of the most important mechanisms for the BPVE vides an ideal platform to investigate the THz BPVE. which has been appreciated for a long time for its po- It has attracted an immense amount of attention fol- tential in photovoltaic and photonic applications. So lowing the recent discovery of correlated insulating and far, the BVPE has been studied predominantly for near- superconducting phases at small twist angle (magic angle) infrared and optical frequencies, but it may prove useful θ ∼ 1◦ [29, 30]. While the root cause for this exciting be- to overcome the so-called 'terahertz gap' [5] in the field havior is widely accepted to be tied to a highly quenched of terahertz photonics [6]. This gap is the perceived band structure [31{33], opinions differ about the mecha- lack of robust, tunable and broad-frequency materials for nisms associated with the various correlated phases which terahertz detection. For instance, usual semiconductor have since been documented in the system [34{46]. An infrared detectors [7] harvest the photon-excited conduc- important stepping stone towards the understanding of tion electrons, which are competing with the thermal these phases is the characterization of the quantum geo- excitation across the energy gap, and thus cannot work in metric and dispersive features of the flat bands. Because the THz range. Recent developments attempt to detect of inversion symmetry breaking, TBG and similar twisted plasmons [8{10] stimulated by the THz radiation. bilayers exhibit intriguing nonlinear phenomena [47{53] such as the bulk photovaltaic effect (BPVE) [1, 54] and We point out that the shift current is quite robust nonlinear anomalous Hall effect [55, 56]. These nonlinear against thermally excited carriers, because it is a coherent probes are ideally suited for the investigation of quasipar- bulk effect driven by the quantum geometry [11{18] and ticle properties in flat bands as they are not suppressed works even in metallic systems such as Weyl semimet- by a vanishing Fermi velocity [18]. als [11, 19{26]. Most importantly, the created current does not require any DC bias or an interface to become With regards to semiconductors, the shift current had accessible to measurement. Therefore, the thermal occu- originally been interpreted as a real-space shift of wave pation of the conduction band at finite temperatures does function centers upon excitation. It has gained renewed not present a source of background current, meaning that interest in recent studies of Weyl semimetals [57, 58], be- the shift current does not compete with thermal currents, cause the shift is believed to get enhanced by the Berry save for thermal noise. While the shift current is indeed curvature near Weyl points [11, 19{21, 23{26]. Very re- arXiv:2101.07539v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 19 Jan 2021 diminished by occupying the conduction band, this effect cently, we proposed to instead view the shift current as a is only moderate in the terahertz regime. For example, result of the anomalous quasiparticle acceleration, which even at room temperature the thermal occupation across is determined by the quantum geometric properties [18]. a 4meV gap will lead to a shift current signal with a mag- In the latter interpretation, the small effective mass in a nitude of still 5% of its zero temperature value. Thus, Weyl semimetal leads to strong acceleration in the field of the shift current can be useful for higher temperature light and hence generates large photocurrent, consistent terahertz sensing based on noncentrosymmetric materials with the shift current interpretation [11]. Flat bands, as that exhibit resonant BPVE response in the meV window. for example in TBG, represent a kind of opposite limit The shift current may substantially improve detection (large quasiparticle mass) compared to Weyl bands (nearly capabilities for terahertz radiation, increase the photo- massless quasiparticles). Using the language of a quasipar- 2 Distinct from the nonlinear anomalous Hall effect, the shift current of TBG originates from the properties of the quantum geometry of the band structure that is un- related to the Berry curvature dipole. The magnitude of the obtained current, tunability of the Hall response, the broadness of the resonances, and the terahertz regime in which they are all observed hold promise of the uti- lization of TBG devices in terahertz technologies, such photodetection and photovoltaic DC current generation. RESULTS A. Shift current theory In the clean limit, the Bloch states produce an intrinsic Figure 1. A schematic comparison of the wavefunction in dc-current response to linearly polarized light [2]. This real-space and momentum-space of electronic states at the nonlinear conductivity σaa;c is commonly formulated [2, 3] Fermi surface for three types of gapless materials. For a (s) as Weyl semimetal, states are well localized at few points in the momentum space but quite extended in the real space. In aa;c contrast, for a flat band all momenta are equally occupied, σ(s) (0; !; −!) = leading to sharply localized peaks of the wavefunction in real 3 Z πe X c a 2 space. The ordinary metal with a large Fermi surface repre- 2 fmnSmnjrmnj δ(! ± "mn); (1) sents the intermediate region between the Weyl semimetal and ~ k mn the flat-band system. If the shift current is viewed as a result of the anomalous acceleration, the Weyl semimetal exhibits where m; n are the band indices, "mn = "m − "n the a large real-space shift while the flat band displays a major band energy difference, fmn = f("m) − f("n) the Fermi a a momentum-space shift. distribution function difference, and rmn ≡ hmjr jni the dipole transition matrix element. Here, a; c represents the light field and current directions, respectively. Smn ticle shift, it is therefore less obvious to deduce the shift is the so-called shift vector, current for a flat-band system. In contrast, in the semi- c c c c classical acceleration picture, a state can be displaced (i.e. Smn = (rmm − rnn) + @kc arg rmn; (2) accelerated) in either real-space and momentum-space, c c as illustrated in Fig.1. Although the real-space shift is where (rmm −rnn) is the shift of the wave function centers, indeed small in real-space due to the large quasiparticle which is gauge dependent. mass, for flat bands the acceleration (i.e. the displacement The second term in Eq.2 is the phase derivative of c in momentum space) can still be very large. Therefore, rmn, which ensures gauge-invariance for the shift vector. we are motivated to investigate the shift current of TBG Smn has then been interpreted as the real-space shift of from the acceleration point of view. the mass center of a quasiparticle upon excitation from A previous study has reported a non-linear conductiv- band m to n [2]. As we will show now, the phase term in ity above 30meV due to the orbital magnetization at 3/4 (2) gives rise to a shift in momentum space. Therefore, filling [47]. In this work, we study shift current generation the shift current is actually the result of a shift of the below 10meV in magic angle TBG across the single parti- quasiparticle excitation in both real space and momentum cle gaps. In a numerical analysis, find a large photocurrent space, which is naturally captured using the language of response for light in the low terahertz regime. This is the anomalous quasiparticle acceleration [18]. consistent with the acceleration picture outlined above. To this end, we express the nonlinear conductivity in To further support such a connection, we formally express the form of geometric properties of the band structure as the response in terms of the real-space shift current and follows, momentum-space shift current. Due to the flat-band dis- 3 Z persion, the dominant contribution is constituted by the aa;c πe aac aac σ(s) (0; !; −!) = − 2 Rshift + Kshift (3) momentum-space shift, which we explicitly show to be ~ k dissimilar to an ordinary dispersive material (e.g., MoS2). 3 (b) 15 (a) + 10 5 ] 0 u. a. [ (c) - 5 - 10 0 - 15 Figure 2.
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