Middletown Police Pay Increase Approved SEE STORY BELOW Weather HOME Mostly sunny today, high in low THEDMLY 40s. Fair tonight, low 25-30. Fair tomorrow, high 35-40. Outlook Red Bank, Freehold Long Branch FINAL Saturday, partly cloudy, little I 7 colder. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 7414)010 VOL. 90, NO. 160 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1968 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Hue Citadel Is Bombed SAIGON (AP) - U. S. Marine Another American plane — and artillery 13 miles northwest ese regiment stubbornly held my troops were believed among is bombed the massive brown- which the Pentagon said was un- of Saigon in a massive attack on out. Marine officers said the the crossere. ne walls of Hue's historic Cit- armed — was shot down by Red a Communist force caught in the pilots were bombing with "dis- U.S. troops had noted "a lot lel today for the first time in Chinese over China's Hainan Is- open this morning. A sweep of cretion," trying to avoid histori- of what you call draft age men e 16-day struggle to crush the land Tuesday night, and the U.S. the area after the battle pro- cal and architectural treasures. coming across as refugees," said >mmunist attack in the former Command reported earlier that duced 127 enemy bodies, the U.S. Maj. Joseph M. Gratto, 31, of South Vietnamese soldiers iperial capital. But there was American pilots shot down two Command reported. Canton, N.Y., intelligence officer immediate word that the Communist MIGs yesterday In Hue, U.S. and Sout Vietnam- towed away the last floating of the 5th Marine Regiment. He sathernecks on the ground northwest of Hanoi. ese pilots unleashed bombs, span of a pontoon bridge across said that with the pounding U. S, ade any gains .against the stub- Other U.S. Air Force fighter- rockets and napalm on sections the Perfume River, reducing the warplanes have been dealing >rn North Vietnamese holed up bombers joined American ground of the old walled Citadel where flow of refugees from the Cita- the Communists, "we think some side. troops, Army helicopter gunships the remnants of a North Vietnam. del side of the river because ene- of them are trying to get out." Over North Vietnam, two more ,S. planes were lost yesterday American warplanes hit the anoi heartland with the heavi- it strikes in six weeks. U. S. Slots said they pounded the vital Committee in Middletown lanal des Rapides bridge just utside Hanoi and two airfields rith 3,000-pound bombs and mocked out four missile sites in he protective ring around the Approves Raise to Police bmmunist capital. MIDDLETOWN — The Town- The amicable agreement ended to its September agreement." Instrumental in championing The United States has now an- ship Committee last night swal- wo weeks of name calling, hard After that session, each side the police cause was Committee- ounced the loss of 790 American lowed its pride and agreed to feelings and accusations between said it would not be the first to man Joseph M. Malavet, who >mbat planes in the three years live up to its September salary e Patrolmen's Benevolent Asso- reopen negotiations. However, heads the public safety commit- CITATION — Eatontown Patrolman Joseph Mazza, left, who pulled Thomas Catchpots air war against North Viet- commitment to the members of iation (PBA) and the committee yesterday afternoon the mayor tee. •from a burning building at South St. and Buttonwood Ave. early Jan. 12, yesterday re- iam. the police force. the salary dispute. called a special meeting for 6:30 Since the committee announce- ceived a citation from Councilman Robert Dixon, Eatontown police committee chair- With the settlement comes a p.m. saying, "We are not crawl- ment to police two weeks ago iromise of a $6,063 starting sala- ing to them, but we feel we must that it would not be able to live man, center, and Eatontown Police Chief William Zadorozny. The officer was cited for •y for patrolmen, with annual avail ourselves of any opportuni- up to its September agreement hit heroic effort in rescuing the man, who later died in Monmouth Medical Center, Long increments in four steps to a ty which will settle these differ- because of increased school tax- Code Would Permit es, Mr. Malavet stood alone in Branch. maximum of $8,184. Present ences." starting salary is $5,499 to maxi Thr meeting finally ended supporting the pledge. Credits Public ium of $7,454 in seven steps. shortly before midnight, with Mr. Malavet, however. also Federal Building Mayor Ernest G. Kavalek said both sides in agreement. No in- credited the public support as the. Union Asks Welfare Home Parley le meeting yesterday was dication was given as to what irompted by the overwhelming turning point in negotiations. EATONTOWN — Borough Council last night introduced an method will be employed to al- )ublic support given the police "The fact that the public came ordinance which would change about 100 acres in the area low for the raises in the budget, of Tinton Ave. and Hope Road from a residential zone to an raises at Tuesday night's com- out and voiced their opinions at which was submitted last Friday. area which would allow for scientific, office, engineering and mittee meeting. the meetings and the countless research and development space. At that time, residents urged In it, 10 per cent raises were phone calls and letters support- Form County Unit The zone, in which a planned five-story federal building the governing body to "live up given to all township employes. (See POLICE, Pg. 3, Col. 3) is slated for construction, is the target of numerous New FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - terday, to meet with the union, the union until April because sev Shrewsbury objectors. The area, adjacent to Hie New Shrews- but not to recognize it. eral board members will be un- The American Federation of bury taxpayers' tracts, is in a residential zone. Won't Back Shafto's Dope Story State, County and Municipal Em- Board members questioned available in March. Board mem Mayor John Lemon of New Shrewsbury! although not an whether an election might be re- bers agreed to schedule the meet ployes, AFL-CIO, has orga- active participant in the issue, last week told The Daily quired before any unit could be ing for March if the union is ii nized its first unit of M6nmouth Register that the program, if approved here, probably will be recognized. sistent. County government, the John L. the subject of litigation. He said that several groups of New Mr. Schultz told The Daily Re Montgomery Medical Home, says The question of just which em- Shrewsbury residents will contest any decision here to allow Convict Remains Mum ister that the union would sho< Edward Schultz, international ployes of the county and the Wel- the $6 million structure to be built. fare Board should be included in its signed membership cards By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON Mr. Shafto said he was told the police representative of AFSCME, who The matter is to be aired at Friday's Planning Board any bargaining unit was raised a third party agreed upon by tin FREEHOLD — The convict former Mon- had had that information in October, while has asked for a meeting with the session in Borough Hall at 8 pjn. by Robert C. Wells, director of union, and the board, but not di mouth County Sheriff Joseph A. Shafto relies the Grand Jury probe was in progress, but home's directors. Council appointed. Harold Grossman to the local .Planning welfare. rectly to the board members. upon to support his narcotics conspiracy gave it no credence until additional evidence Mr. Schultz reports that the Board. He replaces Michael Kilgore in the post. The union representati charges has reneged. devloped after election. union has membership cards Freeholder Marcus Daly sug- Mayor Herbert E. Werner followed suit with the American termed the salaries of the home'! Now an inmate of a federal penitentiary, The Republican aspirant for re-election signed by more than SO per cent gested that perhaps employes at Red Cross in naming March as Red Cross Month. of the 100 nonprofessionai em- the Geraldine L. Thompson Hos non-professional employes "das the man says that he will stand mute on in- has asked why there was a[ delay in probing. ployes of the home. pital should be included in a bar- tardly low" with $3,900 annually formation he admits he has supplied and will MARIJUANA IS FOUND Meeting Requested gaining unit With the Montgomery the top rate. say that he spoke, and wrote, only to gain Using mine-detectors, the poKce found a In a letter dated Feb. 2 and home employes. This compares poorly with the some influence for himself. box containing marijuana buried in the Shafto tent to Dr. Harold H. Freedman, Ernest W. Lass, chairman of $4,000 starting rate for non-pro Democrats to Hear The man is serving a term for interstate garage. medical director of the Mont- the Welfare Board, commented fessional employes at Marlbo auto theft. He is expected to be called before The man Mr. Shafto expected to get sup- gomery home, Mr. Schultz asked that the board should agree to State Hospital and other state ii the present Monmouth County' Grand Jury in port from reportedly gave the tip' to police for a meeting with the directors meet with the union representa- stitutions, he a probe of Mr. Shafto's charges that he was that the stuff was there. tives "in the spirit of amity." home ha: Texas Congressman a victim of dope plants during his re-election "for the purpose of recognition of And, as late as last July, the inmate con- He observed that at the meeting it" employe; campaign in 1965.
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