w:.m UPTOWN NAILY SATURDAF, JULT 20, mz. ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF MINISINK at tbe fording place, for which pur- ning, Benjamin Dunning and Jona- timber, where they couM hate a more At lie drew near h* found one wai •d a committee of tbe Board to *o- pose Instant disposition was nude. than Bailey (my father). The bones .equal chanee with the foe. As they Myers. They had had nothing to eat parintend the enaction of til* monu- but owing to Intervening woods and for the night were left at the resi- hastily fell back the Indians pursued, since morning and wen almost starv- ment 'hille, the opposing bodies lost sight dence of Benjamin Dunning in Ridge- and one redskin came In sight of ed. My grandfather nad a piece of It waa also decided to change 1U Pilgrimage to Scene of of each other, and an adroit move- tiury. My father that evening brought salt pork la hit knapsack about three. Daniel Myers. Myers leveled bis location to the northweet corner of ment on the part of Urandt gav« him bom* the skull of a man, that was rifle on him and sent a ball through Inches square, and the three men ate the park, nearest the court house. nn advantage which It was Impossible found on the battle ground. I saw his body, and out with b|s knife and it raw with the greatest of relish. The sum of |2SO was also appropri-J for the Americans to regain. Antici- It; it hid three openings in the top, swore he would have his scalp. But They laid down and slept until it ated toward* placing an Iron fencel pating the design of Hathorn, the about three-quarters of an inch apart his comrades told him not to attempt was light, and the n.ext day reached around the monument provided an Massacre of Settlers moment the Americans were out of and about an Inch and a half In it, as the Indians were close upon their home* to tell the tad tale and equal sum was raised by th« citizens sight, Brandt wheeled to the right, length, undoubtedly made by an In- them, and advised him not to risk what had befaJlen their friends and of Goshen. and threading a ravine across which dian tomahawk. My grandfather, bis life unnecessarily. Our men soon neighbors at the battle of Mlnlalnk. Description of the Monument. Hathorn had passed, threw himself Captain Jonathan Bailey, was In that reached open timber on thu top of During my early life this battle wu Both in design and execution, (fee into hlfi rear, by which means he battle. He was a native of Southold, the hill, and the order was to make talked of more than any other battles Cash monument Is a fine work of STORY OF BRANDT'S ATTACK was enabled deliberately to select his Long Island, and at the breaking out a stand and each man to take his tbat were fought during the Revolu- art. It is thirty-three feet high, and ground for a battle and form an am- of the Revolution raised a company own position. They formed some- tlon, and it made a lasting Impression Is constructed of pure Italian marble. buscade. Disappointed In not finding and was under Washington and thing of a battle line—some behind on my mind. My grandfather lived Tbe lower base U of granite, seven the enemy, the Americans were fought with him in the "battle of trees, some behind rocks, gome turn- until 1814, and my father was then and one-half feet square, upon which ;' Tk* Warwick Historical Society, promptly obeyed, and a body of 149 brought to a stand, when the enemy Long Island and the battle of White ed up flat stones ana some piled up thirty years of ag*, and he treasured is a marble base five and one-half feet HffOljt its president, Mayor K. V. men met their colonel at the desig- disclosed himself partially, In a quar- Plains. At the expiration of his en- stones between trees. There was a up the accounts he had received from j square. Sculptured In bold, gothlc Banford, iind C. E. Cuddeback, presi- nated rendezvous at the time appoint- large split rock with an opening his father in regard to the battle with I letters on the base is the word "Mln- dent of tbe Minisink Valley Histori- ed, Including many of the principal something like a letter "A." In this great care. la December, 1867, I vis Islnk." On the marble base rests a cal Society of Port Jervis, have- is- gentlemen of the county. A council opening Daniel Myers took his stand. ited the battle ground and saw much die, four feet in width and four and •Md invitations to memberi and of war was held to determine upon The rock was as hlgn as his should- that, to me, was deeply Interesting. one-halt feet in height. On the west their friends to participate in tbe ex- the expediency of a pursuit. Colonel ers. Behind this rock stood Abra- Some of the means- of defense by side of the die are the names of the cursion to the Minlslnk battle ground Tusten was himself opposed to the ham Shenard, and about nine feet way of breastworks are still to be slain, as follows; oa July 22. 1912. That day will be proposition, with so feeble a com- from the rock stood a tree, behind seen. The ehelvlng rock under which In Memory of the Patriots tbe one hundred an£ thirty-third an- mand and with the certainty, If they which Jonathan Bailey (my grand- the heroic Tusten and his brave Who Fell *t the Battle of Minlslnk niversary of the battle. overtook the enemy, of being obliged father) stood. The fight soon be- .wounded comrades met their melan- on the 22nd Day of July, 1779. ^. Those attending are requested to to encounter an officer combining, came general. Early in the engage- choly fate;- also the split rock behind Colonel Benjamin Tusten, Captain** bring their lunch. Short apeeche? with his acknowledged prowess, so ment a ball passed through Shepard'js which Myern, Bailey and Shepard Bazaleel Tyler, Captain Samuel will be made by representative peo much of subtlety ae characterized the arm. My grandfather took off his stood and fought the savages until Jones, Captain John Little, Captain movements of the Mohawk chief. neck ha/dkerchitef and tied it tight the close of the battle—the two John Duncan, Captain Benjamin Vail, The train schedule is: Leave War His force, moreover, was believed to around Shepard's arm to stop the former escaping and reaching home Lieutenant John Wood, Adjutant Na- •wick 8:2 Oa. m., arrive at Greycourt be greatly superior in numbers, an I blood. Shepard then continued to in safety, the latter having fallen thaniel Finch, Ens. Qphriam Martin, 8:41; leave Greyconrt for Lacka to include mnny Tories as well ac- load his gun and hand it to-Myers to early In the battle, pierced with the Ens. Bphrlam Middaugh, Gabriel waxen about 10:30 a. m., stopping at quainted with the country as them- shoot. But soon another ball came enemies bullets. Surely, the descend- Wisner, Stephen Mead, Matthias Ter- Chester, Goshen, Mlddletown, Otis selves. Tlie colonel, therefore, pre- and passed through Shepard's body ants of those who fought, as well of wllllger, Joshua Lockwood, Bphrlain •ville and Port Jervis. Returning ferred waiting for the reinforcements arid killed him. When their ammu- those tUat fell, should join with pa- Forgereon, Roger Townsend. Samuel train leaves Lackawaxen at 3:30 p which would bo sure soo-i to arrive, nition was nearly gone and the day triotic citizens in the commemoration Knapp, James Knapp, Benjamin Ben- »., arrives at .Greycourt at G:30. the more especially as the voltintcer.-i far spent, General Hathorn pro- of that thrilling event. • nett, William Barker, Jonathan' Warwick 6:50, stopping at. interme- already with him were but ill-provyled claimed these words: "Every man for B. F. BAILEY. Pierce, James Little, Joseph Norrls, diate points. •with arms and ammunition. Others, himself and God for us all." The po- Wawayanda, May lOt'u, IS79. Gilbert T. Vail, Abraham Shepherd, Round trip fares as follows: however, were for immediate pur- sition of Myers and my grandfather Joel Decker, Nathan Wade, Simon JTrom Warwick $3.00 suit. They affected to hold ti'C In- was such they had to run across the Anniversary at Goshen. " Oreycourt and Chester 2.SO diana In contempt. Insisted that they Wait, Daniel Talmage, Jacob Dun- battle field to reach the river. Shep- (From the Orange County Press, July ning, John Carpenter, David Blrney, , * Goshen 2.60 would not fight, and maintained that ard's gun was a long . Nova Scotia Jonathan Haskell, Abraham Wil- ! " Mlddletown 2.20 R recapture of the plunder they had firearm. Myers laid this gun across 25, 1879). liams, James Mosner, Isaac Ward " " Port Jervis 1.20 taken would bo an easy achievement. a rock, pointing In the direction he The centennial or 100th anniversary Balthus Niedpoe, Gamaliel Bailey, The stage will carry passengers to "Let the Bravs Follow." knew the Indians would come, and of the battle of Minisink, fought at Moses Thomas, Eleazer Owens, Adam battle ground, which is a mile and a "Town meeting counsels, in the then took his own gun and swore tbat Lackawaxen, on the Delaware River, Embler, Samuel Little, Benjamin 'bait from depot, for ?1 per head conduct of war, aro not usually thu there were no Indians In those woods on the 22nd day of July, 1779, when Dunning, Daniel Reed.
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