22-23-672 AN:CULTURE 7/10/13 14:22 Page 22 Cinéma [888] C2 With ‘Gravity,’ Sandra Bullock is light years beyond earlier work AU SEPTIEME CIEL. Sandra Bullock a déjà remporté un Oscar en 2010 pour son rôle dans le mélo The Blind Side: L’éveil d’un Champion. Dans Gravity, le nouveau film d’Alfonso Cuarón encensé aux festivals de Venise et Toronto, l’actrice prend une nouvelle dimension. Elle a conquis cette journaliste du Los Angeles Times qui parie sur une nouvelle nomination l’année prochaine. LOS ANGELES TIMES / MCT BY BETSY SHARKEY With ‘Gravity,’ Sandra Bullock is light ORONTO — It was after midnight, after parading and Oscar-hopeful strutting. A sem- years beyond earlier work the gala showing of director Alfonso inal moment in an actor’s career. And Bullock’s Dans Gravity, Sandra Bullock trouve Cuaron’s “Gravity” at the Toronto In- otherworldly turn in “Gravity” was exactly that. enfin un rôle à sa mesure T ternational Film Festival on Sunday, after the wildly emotional standing ovation, after A scene (light years beyond lit. à des années-lumière de, en actress Sandra Bullock in a stunning black- 4. It came in a very specific scene in réf. au sujet du film) and-white sheath waded into waves of raves Cuaron’s magnificent contemplation of the wildly follement, ici extrêmement / stunning épous- for her performance at the film’s after-party, human spirit, when the engineer Dr. Ryan touflant / sheath fourreau / to wade into plonger that a sense of certainty about “Gravity’s” Stone, who Bullock portrays, is alone in the dans / wave vague / rave éloge enthousiaste, cri- tique dithyrambique / performance interprétation / pull settled in. space module. pull force d’attraction / to settle in s’installer. 2. Walking back to the hotel under a starry 5. Suspended, floating, pressing buttons, sky that Cuaron will never let me take for checking gauges, she moves with the slow 2. starry parsemé d’étoiles / to take, took, taken sthing for granted considérer comme allant de soi, granted again, I knew the afterburn of Bul- drag of a weightless world. The spacesuit’s trouver tout naturel / afterburn (en psych.) effet lock’s performance would linger for years. bulk has been shucked off. Cuaron is shoot- qu’un événement passé continue d’avoir sur une per- 3. If it’s a good year at the festival, I’ll see some- ing from the side. With Bullock’s hair sonne / to linger perdurer. thing rare amid all the praising, red-carpet cropped short, her body nearly bare, the light 22 • VOCABLE Du 17 au 30 octobre 2013 22-23-672 AN:CULTURE 7/10/13 14:22 Page 23 ENJEUX SOCIÉTÉ CULTURE DÉCOUVERTES i Is Sandra Bullock lost in space? (2013 WARNER BROS ENTERTAINMENT INC) around in the ridiculous like a kid in fresh snow. Bullock’s brand of funny, when she’s 3. amid au milieu de / praising éloges / hopeful aspirant, candidat / strutting parade (to strut se on, is exhilarating to watch. pavaner) / seminal majeur, décisif / otherworldly 9. Even her Oscar turn in “The Blind Side” d’un autre monde, surnaturel / turn ici rôle. as Leigh Anne Tuohy, a Memphis mom who 4. to portray incarner. takes in a kid from the projects, played to 5. to check vérifier, contrôler / drag force de résis- her strengths. Or at least the ones we are tance, ici slow drag lenteur / weightless en (état d’)apesanteur / spacesuit combinaison spatiale / most familiar with. The crisp precision she bulk masse, volume / to shuck off se débarrasser de, brings to dialogue. The way she adjusts every retirer / to shoot, shot, shot tourner, filmer / to crop muscle to match her character. In Tuohy, the couper / bare nu. telegraphing of a kind of brittle confidence 6. moviegoer cinéphile / to empower investir d’un pouvoir, responsabiliser, ici empowering émancipa- and absolute surety that in other hands teur / unthreatening inoffensif / flaw défaut, faille / would have proved off-putting. relatable à qui/quoi il est facile de s’identifier, com- 10. The academy awarded her and fans préhensible / beyond au-delà de, outre / significant important / to swirl tourbillonner / grounded terre à adored her. Even those who criticized the terre / compelling convaincant / (it) is very likely to film for yet another story of an African (il) a toutes les chances de / to upset, set, set the/s.o.’s American saved by a white character didn’t apple cart ficher par terre, ruiner les plans (de qn) / sling their barbs her way. “Gravity” comes moneymaking lucratif. 7. to put, put, put on notice informer / to be content softly filtering in, the scene looks embryonic. at a particularly good time. The actress is al- with se satisfaire de / plucky courageux / slightly un Feels embryonic. Is embryonic. ready in a power position, not in need of a peu / silly stupide / girl-next-door fille d’à-côté, fille 6. Dr. Stone is one of those irrepressibly career boost. toute simple, sympa / niche créneau, ici type de rôle courageous characters that moviegoers ab- 11. Bullock just turned an impossibly young- / quirky bizarre / to slip se glisser / wheel volant / com- mitment engagement, investissement. solutely love. Empowering to women, un- looking 49. By now, most have forgotten that 8. fearlessness audace / willingness volonté / foolish threatening to men, she is the sort of hero she was something of a wild child in her stupide / to offset compenser, faire contrepoids à / all- who is brought down to earth not so much early days. Her failed marriage to bad-boy American typiquement américain / bone-deep pro- by flaws as very relatable fears. Beyond the Jesse James is a fading memory. She has that fond / awkwardness maladresse / to flail s’agiter frénétiquement, se débattre / to giggle glousser / significant philosophical life-and-death ones Oscar on her shelf, and should consider mak- to snort grogner / to roll around se rouler / brand born of a major crisis swirling around her, ing room for another. marque, ici style, genre / funny ici drôlerie, comique it’s the more grounded ones about the very 12. When not working, the actress seems to / to exhilarate exciter, enthousiasmer. 9. ordinariness of the way we tend to move lead a quietly settled life that includes spend- mom maman / project cité HLM / to play to s.o. strengths utiliser les atouts, les qualités de qn, mettre through our days that make Ryan so com- ing time away from Hollywood’s glare in her en valeur le talent de qn / crisp net, impeccable / to pelling. How the movie industry will feel is young son’s birthplace of New Orleans, and match aller de pair avec, correspondre à / telegra- another matter, because “Gravity” is very increasingly the down-home comfort of phing ici manière de communiquer (sans passer par les mots), d’exprimer (par des gestes, attitude, etc.) likely to upset its moneymaking apple cart Austin, Texas. / brittle fragile / confidence confiance (en soi), assu- where Bullock is concerned. rance / surety certitude / off-putting rebutant. 7. In Ryan, the actress puts Hollywood on no- A risk 10. academy académie cinématographique décernant tice that she will no longer be content with 13. For all the nesting she’s doing on the les Oscars / to award récompenser / to sling, slung, slung lancer / barb sarcasme, critique / boost impul- the plucky, sincere and slightly silly girl-next- home front, taking the role in “Gravity” was sion, coup de pouce. door niche she’s owned since quirky Annie a risk. It required stretching far outside her 11. wild child enfant terrible / failed raté / to fade Porter slipped behind the wheel of “Speed’s” comfort zone to reach a level of emotional- s’évanouir, disparaître / shelf étagère / room place. explosive bus in 1994. Nor will she only say ity and vulnerability that we’ve not seen 12. quietly settled paisible, rangé / glare feu des pro- jecteurs / birthplace lieu de naissance / increasingly “yes” to romantic-comedy proposals, which from the actress before. de plus en plus / down-home rustique, simple. are abundant and seem close to demanding 14. There have certainly been films along the 13. nesting construction d’un cocon (to nest (se) ni - an exclusive commitment. way that allowed her go deeper and darker. cher) / to stretch s’étendre, to stretch outside (of) Her bruised socialite in “Crash,” her 9/11 wid- sortir (de) / comfort zone (psy.) zone de confort. owed single-mother in “Extremely Loud & 14. bruised meurtri / socialite personnalité mon- Acting daine, homme/femme du monde / Crash Collision 8. I don’t mean to suggest we will lose Incredibly Close,” her writer in Capote’s shad- (2004) / widowed veuf/veuve / single-mother mère her in that form, for comedy without Bul- ows in “Infamous,” among them. célibataire / Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close Extrê- lock would be a tragedy. There is a great phys- 15. But they were barely warm-ups for the mement fort et incroyablement près (2011) / shadow ombre / Infamous Scandaleusement célèbre (2006). icality and a fearlessness in her work. Her trust exercise Cuaron demanded of her in 15. barely à peine, tout juste / warm-up échauffe- willingness to look foolish, to offset that all- “Gravity.” It is a free-fall, really, that he asked ment, entraînement / trust confiance / free-fall chute American beauty with bone-deep awkward- for, one with major implications. She not libre / to pull off accomplir, réussir / breathtaking ness, is rather legendary. She flails, she falls, only took it, but in doing so, pulls off a époustouflant / landing atterrissage. she giggles, she snorts. She literally rolls breathtaking landing. ● Du 17 au 30 octobre 2013 VOCABLE • 23.
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