L: ... ARY Geology and Oil Resources of the Western Puente Hills Area, Southern California GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 420-C Geology and Oil Resources of the Western Puente Hills Area, Southern California By R. F. YERKES GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALifORNIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 420-C A study of the stratigraphy, structure, and oil resources of the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1972 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress catalog-card No. 72-600163 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 CONTENTS Page Page Abstract __________________________________________ _ Structure _________________________________________ _ C1 c 28 Introduction ______________________________________ _ 2 Whittier fault zone _____________________________ _ 29 Location and purpose __________________________ _ 2 Workman Hill fault ____________________________ _ Previous work _________________________________ _ 29 3 Whittier Heights fault __________________________ _ 30 Methods and acknowledgments ________________ .,. __ 3 Rowland fault _________________________________ _ Stratigraphy ______________________________________ _ 31 4 Norwalk fault _________________________________ _ Rocks of the basement complex _________________ _ 4 31 Unnamed greenschist ________ . _______________ _ Historic ruptures _______________ "' ______________ _ 31 4 Folds _________________________________________ _ Granitoid plutonic rocks ____ .- _______________ _ 5 31 Physiography _____________________________________ _ Superjacent rocks ______________________________ _ 5 33 Eocene to Miocene Series ___________________ _ 5 Petroleum geology _________________________________ _ 34 Miocene Series ____________________________ _ 6 Fields along or north of the Whittier fault zone ____ _ 37 Puente Formation _____ ~ _______________ _ 6 Puente Hills oil field _______________________ _ 37 La Vida Member __________________ _ 7 Brea-Olinda oil field_.:. ______________________ _ 37 Soquel Member ____________________ _ 8 Sansinena oil field _____________ -~- __________ _ 1rorba Member ____________________ _ 37 9 Whittier oil field ___________________________ _ Sycamore Canyon Member _________ _ 38 9 Rideout (Rideau) Heights oil field ___________ _ Depositional environment ___________ _ 10 38 Turnbull oil field (abandoned) _______________ _ Age and correlation ________________ _ 11 39 Diabasic intrusive rocks ________________ _ 11 Fields along the Coyote Hills trend ______________ _ . 39 Pliocene Series ____________________________ _ 11 Santa Fe Springs oil field ___________________ _ 39 Fernando Formation ___ ... _______________ _ 14 Newgate oil "field"------------------------- 41 Lower member ____________________ _ 14 West Coyote oil field _______________________ _ 41 Upper member ____________________ _ 15 East Coyote oil field _______________________ _ 42 Pleistocene· Series __________________________ _ 22 Leffingwell oil field _________________________ _ 44 San Pedro Formation __________________ _ 23 La Mirada oil field (abandoned) _____________ _ 44 Coyote Hills Formation (new name)~ ____ _ 24 La Habra Formation ___________________ _ West Buena Park oil field (abandoned) _______ _ 44 25 Summary and outlook __________________________ _ Pleistocene and Holocene (?) Series __________ _ 25 44 Exploratory wells ______________________________ _ Old alluvium __________________________ _ 26 45 Holocene Series ____________________________ _ 26 Fossil localities _____________________________________ . 58 References ________________________________________ _ 1:o ung all u vi urn _______________________ _ 26 60 Index ____________________________________________ _ Landslides and landslide deposits ____________ _ 27 63 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates 1-4 are in pocket] PLATE 1. Geologic map and structure section A-A' of the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles. 2. Geologic structure sections B-B' through H-H', La Habra and Whittier quadrangles. 3. Composite stratigraphic sections of the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles. 4. Map showing fossil localities, oil fields, all exploratory wells of record drilled before June 30, 1968, and selected pro­ ducing wells, La Habra and Whittier quadrangles. n1 IV CONTENTS Page FIGURE 1. Index map of Los Angeles basin area__________________________________________________________________ C 2 2. Generalized contour map of the basement· rock surface in northern part of the La Habra and Whittier quad- rangles--------------------~~------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 3-10. Photographs showing: 3. Contorted siltstone of the La Vida Member, Puente Formation____________________________________ 7 4. Graded and pebbly sandstone of the Soquel Member, Puente Formation____________________________ 8 5. Very thin bedded intensely contorted ~iltstone.and silty sandstone of the Yorba Member, Puente For- mation---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 6. Sandstone, pebbly sandstone, pebbly conglomerate of the lower member of the Fernando Formation____ 14 7. Basal thick-bedded pebbly sandstone and conglomerate of the upper member of the Fernando Formation_ 17 8. Basal thick-bedded pebbly sandstone of the Coyote Hills Formation________________________________ 24 9. Gently dipping reddish-brown silty sandstone of the La Habra Formation___________________________ 25 10. Oid alluvium along north margin of La Habra ValleY--------------------------------------------- 26 11. Generalized map of southwestern Puente Hills area showing drainage pattern, area underlain by Gaspur gravel, and fans of the San Gabriel and Santa Ana Rivers__________________________________________________ 27 12. Map of structural features of the northern part of the La Habra and,Whittier quadrangles___________________ 28 13. Oblique aerial photograph of Whittier fault zone and Brea Canyon area___________________________________ 30 14. Plan, longitudinal section, and normal section of overturned syncline along the Whittier fault________________ 32 15. Photograph of rotated axis of overturned syncline______________________________________________________ 33 16. Oblique aerial photograph of Santa Fe Springs oil field__________________________________________________ 34 17. Correlation chart of oil-producing zones and stratigraphic units in oil fields of the La Habra and Whittier quad- rangle~-------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- 36 18. Oblique aerial photograph of West Coyote oil field______________________________________________________ 42 19. Oblique aerial photograph of East Coyote oil field______________________________________________________ 43 TABLES Page TABLE 1. Foraminifera from the Puente Formation, La Habra and Whittier quadrangles ____________________________ _ c 12 2. Foraminifera from the Fernando Formation, La Habra and Whittier quadrangles __________________________ _ 16 3. Mollusks from the Fernando, San Pedro, and Coyote Hills Formations, La Habra and Whittier quadrangles __ _ 18 4. Production and reserves of oil fields in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles ___________________________ _ 35 5. Cumulative production of oil fields in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles through 1967 by geologic unit_-- 44 6. Exploratory and selected producing wells drilled in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles before June 30, 1968_ 45 7. Collectors, identifiers, and locations of fossil collections from the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles ________ _ 58 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES OF THE WESTERN PUENTE HILLS AREA, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA By R. F. YERKES ABSTRACT dates back to at least late Miocene time, when it served as a conduit for intrusions and may have controlled deposition of The western Puente Hills area south of lat 34°00' includes sand lenses; much of the movement, however, is late Pleistocene the La Habra and Whittier Tlh-minute quadrangles; the area· or younger in age, as indicated by tilted, locally overturned extends from about 12 to 30 miles east of downtown Los La Habra beds and faulted old alluvium. Angeles, in the northeast part of the Los Angeles basin. The The Norwalk fault is a largely buried, north-dipping reverse north-dipping Whittier fault zone trends about N. 65° W. across fault that trends east-west along the south margin of the the northeast quarter of the area, dividing it into the northern Coyote Hills, where it locally forms a faultline scarp. Apparent Puente Hills to the northeast and the west-trending La Habra vertical stratigraphic separation does not exceed 1,000 feet at Valley and Coyote Hills to the southwest. the base of the Pliocene Series, and displacement apparently The Puente Hills are underlain by an aggregate of about dies out upward. 16,600 feet of Cenozoic rocks which overlie a Mesozoic base­ Several separate anticlinal culminations occur along the ment of granitoid plutonic rocks that contain a large pendant Coyote Hills trend, between the west center and the edge of the of foliate.d greenschist. The exposed section of the hills con­ map area. F'olding and faulting along this trend began in late sists of about 13,000 feet of marine clastic sedimentary rocks: Miocene time and was concentrated in its central part, where 8,900 feet assigned to the
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