Environment Policy Title Policy Policy Title Policy No. No. 2.3 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 2.1 GREEN BELT Design guidelines DG1 Acceptable uses and development in Development in Conservation the Green Belt GB1 Areas CA1 Unacceptable development GB2 Guidelines on Development New residential development GB3 affecting Conservation Areas CA2 Residential extensions GB4/5 Article 4 Directions CA3 Equestrian establishments GB6/7 Environmental Improvements and Re-use of buildings GB8 Management of Conservation Areas CA4/5 Major Developed Sites in the Car parking in Conservation Areas CA6 Green Belt GB9 Listed Buildings LB1 Motorway Services Areas GB10 Proposals affecting Listed Buildings or their settings LB2 Change of Use of Listed buildings LB3 2.2 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Historic Gardens and formal landscapes HG1 Development on Scheduled Areas of Special Landscape Ancient Monuments ARCH1 Importance N1 Sites of Archaeological Importance ARCH2/3/4 Setting of the Thames N2 and Development Proposals Landscape Enhancement Area N3 Guidelines for shopfronts SF1 Common land, Village Greens Blinds on shopfronts SF2 and Ponds N4 Security shutters SF3 Tree Preservation Orders N5 Disabled access SF4 Trees and development N6 Display of Advertisements ADV1/2 Hedgerows N7 Telecommunications Development TEL1 Sites of Special Scientific Interest, etc. N8 Wildlife Heritage Sites N9 Protection of flora and fauna N10 Creative Nature Conservation Nll 2.4 DEVELOPMENT WITHIN AREAS LIABLE TO FLOOD Development within areas liable to flood F1 2.5 POLLUTION AND DEVELOPMENT Road/rail noise and development NAP 1 Aircraft noise and housing development NAP2 Polluting development NAP3 Pollution of groundwater and surface water NAP4 Environment 2. Environment policies applied to the two areas prior to the boundary 2.1 GREEN BELT change. 2.1.1 Outside the larger settlements, the whole of 3. Poundfield, Cookham - this large open site the Royal Borough is designated Metropolitan Green lies adjacent to Green Belt land. Elsewhere in the Belt. This designation was approved by the Secretary Borough the Green Belt boundary has been drawn of State for the Environment in 19741. Within the tightly around the built-up area. In the light of a 1990 Borough a number of the larger settlements are appeal decision, refusing permission for residential excluded from the Green Belt. These are identified development, it is logical and appropriate to include within the approved Replacement Structure Plan and this area within the Green Belt. their detailed boundaries identified in the Green Belt Local Plan for Berkshire (1985). 4. Coworth Close, Sunningdale it is proposed to 'wash over' this small, isolated housing 2.1.2 The Berkshire Structure Plan 1991-2006, estate with Green Belt. No additional infilling adopted in November 1995, continues to recognise the opportunities exist, and the area is considered too Metropolitan Green Belt as an essential element in small and isolated from other excluded settlements to planning policy, and contains a policy strongly justify separate exclusion. restraining development within it (Policy C3). It also envisages, in line with Government advice in Planning 5. Land adjoining 54 The Avenue, Policy Guidance Note 2 (PPG2)2, the permanence of Wraysbury - to provide a more rational and the protection afforded by Green Belt, and hence defensible boundary to the Green Belt. considers that, within the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, the boundaries as set out in the 6. Church Road, Old Windsor - adjustments Green Belt Local Plan should be retained, except made in Windsor & District Local Plan, 1992. where correcting very minor local inconsistencies. 7. South Meadow Lane, Eton - adjustments 2.1.3 The boundaries shown on the proposals map made in Windsor & District Local Plan, 1992. therefore are basically the same as those shown in the Green Belt Local Plan. The following minor 2.1.4 Within the Green Belt are a number of adjustments, identified in Appendix 9, are made under smaller settlements which may have the ability to this Local Plan. absorb strictly limited amounts of residential development without harming the overall character of 1. Land south-west of Ascot Station - to the Green Belt. These places are identified as reflect more closely the edge of the built-up area. 'Recognised Settlements Within the Green Belt' and are identified on the Proposals Map. Within these 2. Sunningdale - to rationalise the boundaries Recognised Settlements slightly different development of this settlement following the transfer of land from control policies in respect of residential development Surrey Heath and Runnymede Councils. The areas will apply as compared with the rest of the Green Belt. transferred were designated Green Belt in local plans The boundaries of the Recognised Settlements have prepared by these Councils. However, the part of been reviewed since the Green Belt Local Plan and Sunningdale that was already in Berkshire is treated as minor adjustments are identified in Appendix 9 and an excluded settlement in the Green Belt Local Plan, revised boundaries shown on the Proposals Maps. and for consistency it is proposed to treat the whole of the previously identified settlement area of These are as follows: Sunningdale, as defined on the Proposals Map, as an excluded settlement. In practice, however, there will 1. Horton (Coppermill Road) - to draw the be little difference between the nature and boundary more tightly around the southern part of the effectiveness of the built up area. 1 Berkshire County Development Plan Amendment Map No. 13 (1974), superseded by the Green Belt Local Plan for Berkshire (1985). 2 PPG2 (Revised) 'Green Belts'-DoE/HMSO, January 1995. 2. Hythe End (Wraysbury Road/Staines the suitable conversion of existing buildings may be Road) - to rationalise the boundary following needed to facilitate outdoor sport in the Green Belt, or development in Feathers Lane and to include more of in very special circumstances small ancillary the built-up area south of Wraysbury Road. buildings, unobtrusive spectator accommodation, or other essential facilities may be required. Outdoor 3. Knowl Hill - to exclude the area south of sport may offer a means of improving the Bath Road as this area is not considered capable of environmental quality of Green Belt land, especially absorbing further infilling without causing harm to its in the urban fringe, but it will not be acceptable where rural character. the objectives of Green Belt policy would be harmed. 4. Holyport - to draw the boundary more tightly 2.1.8 Key Objectives around the built-up area by removing the kitchen garden area to Holyport Lodge from the recognised (i) To safeguard the open and rural character of settlement. the Borough's countryside and to protect it from inappropriate development. 5. Fifield - to rationalise the boundary following recent development in Fifield (ii) To enhance the quality of the Green Belt Road. within the Borough while providing opportunities for appropriate sport and leisure 2.1.5 The purposes of Green Belts are set out by activities. the Government in PPG2 and include the following: (iii) To encourage the re-use of surplus 1. to check the unrestricted sprawl of large agricultural land and existing buildings for built-up areas; uses appropriate to the countryside. 2. to prevent neighbouring towns from merging (iv) To preserve and enhance existing gaps into one another; between settlements. 3. to assist in safeguarding the countryside from Acceptable uses and development in the Green encroachment; Belt 4. to preserve the setting and special character POLICY GB1 of historic towns; and WITHIN THE GREEN BELT, AS DEFINED ON 5. to assist in urban regeneration, by THE PROPOSALS MAPS, APPROVAL WILL encouraging the recycling of derelict and ONLY BE GIVEN, SAVE IN VERY SPECIAL other urban land. CIRCUMSTANCES, FOR 2.1.6 Purposes 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the primary A) THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW purposes of the Green Belt in Berkshire, although BUILDINGS FOR THE FOLLOWING purpose 5 is relevant in relation to sustainable PURPOSES: development considerations. This section of the Borough Plan sets out detailed local policies and 1) DEVELOPMENT FOR AGRICULTURE objectives which this Council seeks to achieve within OR FORESTRY; the Green Belt. It is important to encourage uses which are considered appropriate in the Green Belt 2) ESSENTIAL FACILITIES FOR where these will enhance its quality. The Council is OUTDOOR SPORT AND OUTDOOR aware of the pressures for alternative uses of long- RECREATION, FOR CEMETERIES, term surplus agricultural land and buildings, especially AND FOR OTHER USES OF LAND in the urban fringe, and desires to see these positively WHICH PRESERVE THE OPENNESS managed and used. OF THE GREEN BELT AND DO NOT CONFLICT WITH THE PURPOSES OF 2.1.7 One alternative use of agricultural land which INCLUDING LAND IN IT; is becoming increasingly popular is outdoor recreation. The Government recognises the role of Green Belts in providing access to the open countryside, both for active outdoor sports and for passive recreation (PPG2). This is confirmed in PPG17 "Sport and Recreation" which states that "outdoor sport" is one of the uses of land which will often be appropriate in the Green Belt. It accepts that 3) RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT for new farm buildings preventing their use for IN ACCORDANCE WITH any other purpose. Policy GB8 deals with POLICIES GB3~GB5; development involving the re-use of buildings in the Green Belt. 4) LIMITED INFILLING OR PARTIAL OR FULL 2.1.11 Planning permission is not normally REDEVELOPMENT OF required if a farmer wishes to make incidental DESIGNATED MAJOR sales from his farm of his own produce. The DEVELOPED SITES IN sale of goods which have been processed in ACCORDANCE WITH POLICY some way or 'imported' to the farm may GB9; require planning permission and may constitute inappropriate development in the B) THE CHANGE OF USE OF Green Belt. Any operation involving the sale BUILDINGS IN ACCORDANCE of such goods is likely to generate additional WITH POLICY GB8; traffic movements and general disturbance.
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