Inside Archbishop Buechlein . 4, 5 Editorial. 4 From the Archives . 8 Question Corner . 15 TheCCriterionriterion Sunday & Daily Readings. 15 Serving the Church in Central and Southern Indiana Since 1960 www.archindy.org December 15, 2000 Vol. XXXX, No. 11 50¢ President Clinton delays federal execution in Terre Haute Opponents vow to continue federal penitentiary in Terre Haute on The archbishop said he prayed with shuttle bus service in anticipation of Dec. 12, but Clinton announced Dec. 7 it Garza, who is Catholic, and asked God to crowds both opposing and supporting the seeking moratorium would be delayed. bless Garza with peace of mind, heart and execution. Commenting on the president’s deci- soul. Karen Burkhart, a member of From Staff and CNS reports sion, Indianapolis Archbishop Daniel M. Archbishop Buechlein, who is a member St. Susanna Parish in Plainfield, an Buechlein told The Criterion,the of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Indiana Catholic who organizes events WASHINGTON—Opponents of the Indianapolis archdiocesan newspaper, he Activities, said he has seen through his vis- protesting capital punishment, told death penalty say they plan to keep press- was pleased that Garza’s execution had at its with Garza and the other inmates that Catholic News Service Dec. 11 that ing President Clinton to commute death least been delayed. conversion can occur. That fits in with the activists would continue writing to the sentences or declare a moratorium in the Archbishop Buechlein met with Garza pope’s message, he said, that prisoners president, encouraging him to declare a wake of his decision to delay for six twice at the U.S. Penitentiary in Terre should be given a chance to repent. moratorium on all federal executions. months what was to have been the first Haute—in July, after a Jubilee Mass for In the days before Garza’s scheduled “It’s good that he granted a stay for federal execution in 37 years. prisoners, and in October, when the arch- execution, churches, the federal prison and Juan Garza, but he needs to do more for Juan Raul Garza, 44, of Brownsville, bishop confirmed two other Death Row activists in the Terre Haute area had been the rest of them,” Burkhart said. Texas, was to have been executed at the inmates during a Mass. preparing everything from prayer vigils to See DELAY, page 7 Pope says we are A Dream of Peace called to prepare Butler University student from for coming of Bosnia is recognized in new God’s kingdom book about peacemakers VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Christians must participate actively in the prepara- By Mary Ann Wyand tion for the coming of God’s kingdom, Pope John Paul II said. Her voice is soft-spoken, lyrical and com- “Man is not an inert witness to God’s pelling, especially when she talks about her entrance into his- dream for world peace. tory,” he said dur- And when she writes about the horrors of ing his Dec. 6 war and the universal need for forgiveness and weekly general unity, her words are humble yet powerful. audience. Bosnian native Nadja Halilbegovich, a 21- “Jesus invites us year-old senior and vocal performance major at to search out Butler University in Indianapolis, is among a actively the king- distinguished list of international peacemakers dom of God and its featured in California photojournalist and justice, and to make author Michael Collopy’s new book Architects this search our prin- of Peace, Visions of Hope in Words and Images. cipal concern,” the While growing up in Sarajevo during the Pope John Paul II pope told some war, Halilbegovich wrote two diaries, 30,000 pilgrims Sarajevo’s Childhood Wounded by War and gathered in St. Peter’s Square. Dreamer’s Insomnia, which were published in Recalling Christ’s parable of the 10 Bosnia. Scholastic Press is editing her first gold coins, he said Jesus “prescribes an book for publication in English. active attitude rather than a passive one. Collopy heard about the books and included “Humans are thus called to cooperate Halilbegovich in his collection of peacemakers of with their hands and hearts in the coming the world, which was published in November. of the kingdom of God in the world,” said As she held a copy of Collopy’s book, the pope. Halilbegovich said it is “a beautiful honor for Those who will enter the kingdom, he me” to be recognized as a peacemaker among said, must live in accordance with the such notable people as Nobel Peace Prize win- beatitudes, de-emphasizing material ners Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who was inter- goods “to raise up the poor of the earth viewed shortly before her death, and the 14th from the dust of their humiliation” and Dalai Lama. following the “path of justice.” “It’s a collection of mission statements or Wyand MaryPhoto by Ann “All who seek God with a sincere biographies and beautiful photographs of such Bosnian native Nadja Halilbegovich, an author and vocal performance major at Butler heart, including those who do not know See PEACE, page 17 University, is featured in Architects of Peace,Visions of Hope in Words and Images. See KINGDOM, page 2 Beech Grove Christmas concert has grown into big annual event By Jennifer Del Vechio by strings, brass, percussion, organ and guitar. Looking back, Jerry Craney laughs “I never thought it’d be annual,” he when he thinks about how he started the said. “But people liked it and got more music program at Holy Name School in interested.” Beech Grove. Then they began fighting for seats. Back in 1959, he carried his pitch pipe “Father [Robert] Hartmann came out “with an armload of books around for a once and said, ‘Just scoot over.’” year,” because he had no office or music After that they began selling tickets to room. make sure everyone got a seat. Then he started a choir that has At least 50,000 people have attended become a showcase event during the the performances. It’s made up of the Christmas season. adult choir and the boys’ and girls’ choirs. Photo by Jennifer Del Vechio Del Jennifer Photo by For 39 years, Craney has directed the Two concerts are now needed to meet Jerry Craney has directed the Christmas Con- Christmas Concert held in the church. the demand. This year’s performances are cert at Holy Name Parish in Beech Grove for 39 What started out with about 50 voices scheduled at 3 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. on years. The concert has become an annual high- has grown to 150 singers, accompanied See CONCERT, page 11 light for the parish. Page 2 The Criterion Friday, December 15, 2000 cized the press for drawing hasty conclu- eral people, including the head rabbi of the kingdom of God on earth represents a KINGDOM sions and said the document, Dominus Milan. “breath of hope.” continued from page 1 Iesus, had been misunderstood. “The pope’s affirmation,” Rabbi The invocation “Thy kingdom come” in The statement said the document Giuseppe Laras told the Italian paper the Lord’s Prayer, said the pope, “directs Christ and his Church, contribute under explicitly affirmed that salvation is acces- Corriere della Sera, “is certainly concilia- our gaze to Christ’s return and nourishes the influence of grace to the building of sible to non-Christians through a special tory and imparts a new direction to the desire for the final coming of the king- this kingdom,” the pope said. grace from Christ and in an “indispens- Jewish-Catholic relations.” dom of God.” The pope’s comments—the second able” though mysterious relationship with The pope did not linger on the theme But he said this wish to see God’s week in a row he reaffirmed that people of the Catholic Church. of salvation outside the Catholic Church kingdom “does not take the Church away all faiths can be saved—sparked specula- While many non-Catholic religious lead- at the Dec. 6 audience, continuing instead from its mission in this world.” tion in Italian newspapers that the catech- ers reacted negatively to Dominus Iesus, with his catechesis on the expectation of Instead, said the pope, it reaffirms the esis marked a divergence from a September saying it hindered ecumenical and interreli- Christ’s return. Urging the faithful to be Church’s mission as humanity awaits the doctrinal document on salvation. gious relations, the pope’s comments at the like “inexpert children who find security moment of crossing the kingdom’s thresh- In a Dec. 7 statement, the Vatican criti- audience drew nods of approval from sev- only in the Father,” he said that awaiting old. † Catholic, Jewish leaders plan dialogue on reconciliation VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Catholic and well, but that the agenda was still in the dialogue commission. topics has been a sensitive issue for some Jewish leaders are planning a major dia- formative stages. Teshuva is understood by Jews as a of the Orthodox Jewish organizations that logue session next spring to discuss the Church officials hope the encounter process of repentance and freeing oneself are represented by IJCIC. Reich said in theme of reconciliation, officials in Rome will give new impetus to its dialogue from sin. 1999 that although some members had a said. efforts with IJCIC, an umbrella group of Father Hoeckman said the Vatican’s problem with dialogue on theological The meeting of the International Jewish organizations. hope for a more theological emphasis in issues, “we have found ways to touch Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee (IJCIC) Vatican experts are also hoping it will the dialogue reflects the fact that “we are those topics and, undoubtedly, we will in is tentatively set for May 1-3 in New York.
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