Copyright© nov 2017- fev 2018 do(s) autor(es). Publicado pela ESFA [on line] http://www.naturezaonline.com.br Moura AS, Mariano RF, Machado FS, Ceboncini RAS, Fontes MAL (2017) Frugivory by birds in Siphoneugena widgreniana O. Berg (Myrtaceae) in the Chapada dos Perdizes, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Natureza online 18 (3): 035-040 Submetido em: 11/04/2017 Revisado em: 06/07/2017 Aceito em: 16/08/2017 Frugivory by birds in Siphoneugena widgreniana O. Berg (Myr- taceae) in the Chapada dos Perdizes, Minas Gerais, Brazil Frugivoria por aves em Siphoneugena widgreniana O. Berg (Myrtaceae) na Chapada dos Perdizes, Minas Gerais, Brasil Aloysio Souza de Moura¹*, Ravi Fernandes Mariano¹, Felipe Santana Machado1, Ricardo A. S. Ceboncini² & Marco Aurélio Leite Fontes¹ 1 Universidade Federal de Lavras, CP3037, CEP 37200-000, Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brasil. 2 Instituto Federal do Paraná, Rua João Negrão, 1285. Rebouças, CEP 80230-150, Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. *Autor para correspondência: [email protected] Abstract Seed dispersal by birds is one of the main sobre frugivoria na espécie globalmente ameaçada reproductive strategies of trees in tropical forests Siphoneugena widgreniana O. Berg (Myrtaceae) and considering birds-plants interactions may allow é quase inexistente, nós promovemos uma lista de better conservation planning. As information about aves que consomem frutos dessa espécie vegetal e frugivory in the globally threatened Siphoneugena que podem atuar como dispersores de sementes. Para widgreniana O. Berg (Myrtaceae) is almost inexis- isto, o consumo de frutos de três indivíduos de S. wi- tent, we provide a list of birds that consumed fruits dgreniana por aves foi registrado. Estas observações of S. widgreniana and may act as seed dispersers. For foram realizadas na Chapada das Perdizes, localiza- this, the fruit consumption of three individuals of S. da na região limítrofe dos municípios de Carrancas e widgreniana by birds was registered. These observa- Minduri, sul do estado de Minas Gerais, sudeste do tions were realized in Chapada das Perdizes, located Brasil. Quinze espécies de aves que foram registra- between the municipalities of Carrancas and Mindu- das e possivelmente exercem um papel na dispersão ri, southern Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil. de sementes foram consideradas potenciais disperso- Fifteen species of birds were registered and may play ras da planta estudada, destacando o gênero Tangara a role in seed dispersal were considered potential dis- da família Thraupidae. persers of the studied plant , highlighting the Tangara genus of the Thraupidae family. Palavras-chaves: aves, conservação, dispersão de sementes, frugivoria, ornitocoria. Keywords: birds, conservation, seeds dispersal, fru- givory, ornithocory. Introduction Resumo: Dispersão de sementes por aves é uma das principais estratégias reprodutivas de espécies arbó- Seed dispersal by animals is the primary stra- reas de florestas tropicais e considerar interações ave- tegy adopted by trees in tropical forests (ca. 50% to -planta pode permitir melhor planejamento de estra- 90% of species; HOWE and SMALLWOOD, 1982), tégias de conservação. Como informações ecológicas and according to Willson et al. (1989), in rain tropical Moura et al. Frugivory by birds in Siphoneugena widgreniana O. Berg (Myrtaceae) in the Chapada dos Perdizes, Minas Gerais, Brazil. 36 ISSN 1806-7409 – www.naturezaonline.com.br forests the mean dispersion of seeds of tree species by 1990). Fruits are globular, glabrous and with persis- vertebrates varies from 70% to 90%. Fruit consump- tent bracteoles (9-11.5 mm in diameter) and the plant tion (frugivory) by birds is a key step in the repro- has a strong pepper scent and apparent spots in the duction of most of these plants (HERRERA, 1994). base of the leaves (PROENÇA,1990). Ecological in- Preference, selection, manipulation, and ingestion of formation about S. widgreniana is almost inexistent fruits by the dispersers govern the frugivory (CÔR- and the specie is globally categorized as vulnerab- TES and URIARTE, 2013). While birds benefit by le (IUCN,2017). There is only one study involving feeding on fruits, plants may depend on these consu- consumption and possible dispersion of its fruits by mers to disperse their seeds. Thus, this bird-plant in- the bird popularly known as Swallow-tailed Cotin- teraction (frugivory) is usually defined as mutualistic ga (Phibalura flavirostris Vieillot, 1816) (MOURA, (COATES-ESTRADA and ESTRADA, 1988). 2014). In the literature, for the genus in question, the- Some taxa of the Myrtaceae family, even be- re are mentions of consumption of S. naguilfoyleiana fore having a basic knowledge of their biology and and S. densiflora fruits by birds (PIZO et al. 2002, their ecological interactions, are disappearing from CESTARI and PIZO, 2013). their habitats (LANDRUM and KAWASAKI, 1997), To identify the specie S. widgreniana, was according to the list of species of this family that are collected fertile botanical material and compared to threatened in the Brazilian territory (IUCN, 2017). exsicates of ESAL Herbarium of the Federal Univer- The species of Myrtaceae that occur in Brazil, mostly sity of Lavras, and confirmed by botanical experts. produce fruits with fleshy pericarp, which are attrac- tive to most vertebrates, thus making them potential dispersers of Myrtaceae seeds, for example: birds Methods and primates (LANDRUM and KAWASAKI, 1997, GRESSLER et al., 2006). Between 16 and 19 March 2009, we occa- For the specie Siphoneugena widgreniana, sionally detected birds consuming fruits of three in- there is only one study involving consumption and dividuals of S. widgreniana from 07:00h to 12:00h possible dispersion of its fruits by the bird (MOURA, using binoculars (Nikon 8x40) and a camera (Sony 2014). There are also two studies involving fruit con- H50). To obtain the records the focal plant method sumption, and potential dispersion by birds, of two was used, according to Moura (2014). The nomen- other species of the genus Siphoneugena (PIZO et al. clature used for the birds followed the Piacentini 2002, CESTARI and PIZO, 2013). et al. (2015). The study site, commonly known as As information about frugivory in the Sipho- “Sítio Gênesis”, is located at Chapada das Perdizes neugena widgreniana O. Berg (Myrtaceae) is almost (21º35’37’’S e 44º34’14’’W), between the munici- inexistent, we provide a list of birds that consume palities of Carrancas and Minduri, southern Minas fruits of this globally threatened species (IUCN, Gerais state, southeastern Brazil (Figure 1). Altitude 2017) and may play an important role in seed disper- is 1310-1530 m and vegetation is mainly high alti- sal. We also provide informations about the foraging tude grasslands, with patches of Riparian and Semi- behavior of these frugivorous. deciduous Atlantic Forest (OLIVEIRA-FILHO et al., 2004, MOURA and CORRÊA, 2012). Climate is Cwb following Köppen classification, with mean Materials and methods annual precipitation of 1,529.7 mm and mean annual temperature of 19.4°C (PEREIRA et al., 2007). The studied plant Siphoneugena is a genus with nine species Results and Discussion distributed from Porto Rico to northern Argentina, but most species are found in the southeastern Brazil We detected 15 bird species from five fami- (PROENÇA, 1990). Siphoneugena widgreniana is lies and 10 genera consuming fruits of S. widgre- found in the Amazon, Cerrado, Caatinga and Atlantic niana (Table 1). Most species were members of the forest,with a patchy geographical distribution along Thraupidae family, with four species of Tangara: the mountains above 900 m of altitude (PROENÇA, T. cyanoventris (VIEILLOT, 1819) (Figure 2A), Moura et al. Frugivory by birds in Siphoneugena widgreniana O. Berg (Myrtaceae) in the Chapada dos Perdizes, Minas Gerais, Brazil. 37 ISSN 1806-7409 – www.naturezaonline.com.br Figure 1 Study area in red (Chapada das Perdizes) between the municipali- ties of Carrancas and Minduri in the sta- te of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil Table 1 List of birds that consumed fruits of Siphoneugena widgreniana (Myrtaceae), registered at Chapada dos Perdi- zes, between the municipalities of Carrancas and Minduri in the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Moura et al. Frugivory by birds in Siphoneugena widgreniana O. Berg (Myrtaceae) in the Chapada dos Perdizes, Minas Gerais, Brazil. 38 ISSN 1806-7409 – www.naturezaonline.com.br Figure 2 Species of Tangara consuming fruits of Siphoneugena widgreniana registered at Chapada dos Per- dizes, between the municipalities of Carrancas and Minduri in the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Bra- zil: A – T. cyanoventris; B – T. sayaca; C – T. desmaresti; D – T. cayana. (Photos by Aloysio Souza de Moura). T. sayaca (LINNAEUS, 1766) (Figure 2B), T. caya- From all birds that consumed fruits of S. wi- na (LINNAEUS, 1766) (Figure 2C) and T. desmaresti dgreniana, Phibalura flavirostris is the only specie (VIEILLOT, 1819) (Figure 2D). considered rare (SNOW et al., 2004; PERLO, 2009; Most birds arrived at the tree alone or in pairs, MOURA, 2014) and classified as near threatened by with the exception of T. cyanoventris and T. desma- IUCN (2017) and as vulnerable in state of Minas Ge- resti with groups of up to six individuals or in mixed rais, southeastern Brazil (SILVEIRA et al., 2008). The flocks. Only one agnostic encounter was detected be- observation of Stephanophorus diadematus feeding on tween Turdus leucomelas and Elaenia chiriquensis. S. widgreniana was also surprising, since the species
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