STORES OPEN UNTIL 9 TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT THE WEATHER Forecast by U. 8. Weather Bureau, NET PRESS RUN Hartford. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCU*LAT10N for the Month of November, 1929 Snow tonlg^ht and possibly Tues* Court- day morning; slowly rising tem­ 5 , 4 8 8 anrhrslfr lEurning perature. Memben ol the Audit Bureau of Clrcnlatlona SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1929. TWENTY PAGES PRICE rUKEE CENTS (ClassiHed Advertising on Page 18) VOL. XLIV., NO. 71. THERE IS GLOOM Mother of Twins is Just 16 MRS. HOOVER BOMB EXPLODES IN THOSE HILLS BARGECREW RAIL CHIEF RAPS PLAYS SANTA Cold Spell Freezes ^lash and OVERCOME BY I. C. e. PLANS TO UNDER TRAIN OF Thousands of Gallons oJ Booze Spoiled — Makers m N GAS F O p iD I E S VICEROY IRWIN “Plumb Fanned.” 1 ^ ^ i MERGE TERMINALS Mlncy, Mo., Dec. 23.— (AP.) _Wails of genuine anguish are One Dead, One Dying and First Lady of Land Hands British Official Narrowly Es-j coming in from the Ozark hills in the wake of the sudden cold & snap of Uie last four days. For One Man Will Recover; Out Christmas Packages PHONE CONNECTION J President of Delaware capes Death; Coach Dam-1 many, all the joy has been tak­ V en out of the Christmas sea­ to Capitals Poor Children son. Ship Had Been Fumigated PUNEANDSTEAMER! Hudson Says Roads Spent aged and One Hurt But! To make a long story short, this Christmas will be remem­ Recently. In Movie Palace. Years to Build Up Stations Train Keep On. bered as “the year the mash r froze.” ; Washington, Dec. 23.— (AP)—The Manufacturers of the illicit Bayonne, N. J., Dec. 23.— (AP.) | Conversation Between Men Which Under s Proposed beverage, so the report is, had I merry mix-up that Santa always New Delhi, India, Dec. 23.— (AH) —When the skipper of a Standard | j makes, proved too much today for | _An attempt today to assassinate just “hid out” their mixtures Oil Company barge, moored off j Plan Would Be Eliminat­ of sugar, corn and yeast, or HE i helpful Mrs. Herbert Hoover, Over Manhattan and Levi­ Lord Irwin, viceroy of India, failed whatever the ingredients may Constable Hook, went aboard this j i She came through the curtain of when a bomb placed on the railroad be, when the mercury skidded Old Doc Stork, running a close race with Santa Claus, presented Mr. 'Washington’s biggest picture house ed— Other Railroad Offi­ morning he found three members of ^ Clifford T. Currin of Omaha, Neb., with a pair of bouncing ' and saw, arranged in neat rows, by athan 700 Miles at Sea. tracks ten miles trom here exploded dizzily to zero or thereabouts. the crew, one dead and two uncon-j their Chirstmas present. Nothing much unusual about that, Thousands of gallons of color and number cards, the wide- before a coach containing tlve scious, lying in bunks where odors i except that the mother is just 1& years old and the father is 19. They eyed, expectant children of Wash­ cials Are Silent. viceroy and his party passed over. mash have been "killed” by from yesterday’s fumigation of the ' posed here just six hours after the twins—Helen ‘Theodora, pounds, ington’s none-too-prosperous class. New’ York, Dec. 23.— (AP)— A One man was injured in the explo­ freezing and the majority of ' and Clifford, Jr., 5 pounds—arrived. The mother is an expert tennis Telephone conversation between the the makers “plumb ruined,” to ship still lingered. They were the kind of children sion of the infernal machine which player and the father a star in collegiate athletics. whose parents were not hit by tJie Leviathan 700 miles at sea and an New York, Dec. 23.— (AP.)— use their own expression. Robert Prohl, the sixty-year-old occurred beneath the dining car, Stock Market crash, having no mar- airplane 3,000 feet above Manhat­ Leonor F. Loree, president of the which the vice-regal party had left ship's cook, was found dead in his I gin for even the Insurance pay­ tan has been added to the achieve­ Delaware & Hudson company. In a only a few minutes before. The bunk below decks. ments. ments of radio-telephonic en­ coach occupied by Lord Irwin was Otto Larson, 38, the mate, of I She saw huge, bulging, gay cre- gineering. statement today denounced the pro­ about three to the rear of the train. MONGOL REPUBLIC Brooklyn, was found unconscious i tonne-covered bags, arranged in Three engineers of the Bell tele­ posal of the Interstate Commerce The train^did not even halt, but near Prohl. BURKE’S MACHINE GUNS phone laboratories, and two report­ i neat rows, by color and number Commission to unify all terminal continued to Delhi were Lord Irwiri Overcome by Fumes ers talked with Commodore Harry Simon Storestund, 20-year-old i cards, to match the little boys and lines in its railroad consolidation had important appointments with PLANNED BY REDS ! little girls. Cunningham aboard the liner yes­ leading Indian Nationalists, among deck hand of Brooklyn, was found i terday from a tri-motored Ford plan. KILLED MORAN BANDITS For the children, Mrs. Hoover plane in which the radio telephone them Mahatma Ghandi. After unconscious in a pilot house bunk. “The proposal to make terminals ! spoke almost an ultimatum: equipment had been installed. speaking to the injured man he ieft Police believe the men were over I “Will you please arrange it so the common property would be more immediately for his official residence Contact with the liner was made proper to a paternalistic than an POOR M.VN DIDN’T KNOW i right child is with the right bag?” through a series of radio and land where he was to meet them. Natives Take Over Towns ‘^^LarSli and storestund were^tak-1 Expert Proves That I she said to the master of cere- individualistic government,” he Placed on Rails. _ ... p,. ;cn to the standard Oil Company’s I ‘ HE WAS TOTING GIN. wire relays similar to that em­ said. "In a period of 80 years the 1 monies. "If I just give any bag to ployed recently when commercial The bomb was placed on the Deserted by U l i n e s e Ulir- j emergency hospital, Larson in a s e -1 ' any child that comes. I’ll get them Pennsylvania has built up a termi­ and radio-telephone service was nal system around Philadelphia of rails, and carefully concealed. It was ! rious condition. Bullets Came from Weap­ Norwalk, Conn., Dec. 23.— I all mixed up. I went out once and begun between the Leviathan and set off by electricity conveyed • D i The men were found by Captain great magnitude. I don’t imder- ing iveceni irouoie. ! (AP)—Rivaling the fellow who! I mixed up bags. “I’m not going to land stations. through two cables about 300 yards George Llndorff of the barge, Num- picked up the rope, “and the cow ' be mixing up the bags for these Connection Made. stand how any road that has built in length, so long as to insure per­ Iber 122. ons of Notorious Michi­ followed,” Richard Jones of Wa­ children.” When the plane reached an alti­ itself a dominant terminal position fect safety for the prepetrators of ter street, was the most surpris­ The organ played carols. The line tude of 1,500 feet a trailing an­ can be made to relinquic!x it.” the deed. No arrests have been Tokyo, Dec. 23.— (AP)—A pro- } gan Gang Leader. ed man in Norwalk when Officer started. The camera men began tenna was imreeled. F. S. Bern­ The commission’s proposal to es­ made. .. ected new Mongol republic under j William Brown opened the little their grinding. gard, one of the engineers, then tablish a fifth eastern trunk lino Examination of the track excited Russian encouragement in the dis- , NO RAIN, NO SNOW black bag that Jones was carry­ A smiling_____^ ___Mrs. _____Hoover, in soft., called the experimental radio sta- through the Wabash and Lehigh wonder the trans was not wrecked, Chicago, Dec. 23.— (AP)—Major ing, and revealed a gallon of gin rich gown of maroon-colored velvet. I tion at Whlppany, N. J., asking to Valley systems clashes with Mr, trict variously called Bargo, Kulun- j as the explosion blew out a frag­ Calvin H. Goddard ballastlc expert, > to the astonished eyes of bo*.h with close-fitting hat of maroon 1 ri® connected with the Leviathan. Loree’s plan to create such a trunk ment of rail two feet long, the cars ner or Kolonbail wels reported to- ; The connection was made without line by building a new railroad asserted today that markings found men. deepened almost to Browm, stood be­ behind jumped the damaged part of day in official Japanese despatches j FOR THE HOLIDAY A colored woman had left it on delay. through the Pennsylvania moun­ on bullets taken from the bodies of , side a cheerful Santa, gave out the rail however, and the train did from Harbin. Th: plan was seen ! -------- the sidewalk, Jones said. Ho bright bulging bags to the toddlers The circuit was completed through tains to Chicago. not even have to stop. the seven victims of the Moran gang the long distance headquarters of here as likely to complicate further . .1 D D J* couldn’t locata her so he was from Central Mission Emergency Loree’s Plan massacre last February were identi- ^ carrying it around. the telephone company at New the vexed Chinese Eastern Railway W ea th er DUreHU rreO lC tS Home.
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