University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 6-4-1915 Carrizozo Outlook, 06-04-1915 William Kabler Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/c_outlook_news Recommended Citation Kabler, William. "Carrizozo Outlook, 06-04-1915." (1915). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/c_outlook_news/19 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 8 PACES CARRIZOZO OUTLOOK Published Weekly in the Interest of Carrizozo, and Lincoln County VOL IX. NO. 24 CARRIZOZO. LINCOLN COUNTY. NEW MEXICO. FRIDAY. -- J UNE 4. 1915. FKICE $1 5Ü PER YEA lit Ineomo CARRIZOZO TOBE hnusted tho towns thus nbnormally MORE ABOUT THE flngrnnt Imperfections ICIVIC LEAGUE OBSER developed naturally declino. Hut' tax law. They could have been LEADING CITY OF S.W. Carrizozo has a better mid firmer INCOME TAX LAW corrected by thoughtful, Intelligent VES DECORATION DAY foundation for her faith, for exist- consideration, nnd their frequent nccurranco in tho not is still furihof According to one of our Local ence is plnced on the value of her n tho Report on the Income A Committee From tho Civic great mineral nnd coal deposits proof of the needless hnste, cureless League Visited thu Business Men's Viows Carri- Tax Law There arc at Least ness and inaccuracy that character- Local which will lata for ages to come izes tho enuoiment of luwii by the Cemetery Sunday and Dec- zozo is Destined to Become If designed 2fi Imperfections Demand Thon nature has that Democratic Congress. orated Many Graves a Lending City of Southwest Carrizozo be a city, why should wo ing Correction by Congress wait for coming generations to UETS THE THIRD MAN LEAGUE TO GIVE CONCERT .TIME WILL UNVEIL OUR bring about tho development of nil ENTIRE ACT SHOULD BE A couple of weeks ago Hot Her MONDAY EVENING MINERAL WEALTH theso treasures nnxinus tu bo un RECONSTURCTED ring, of a veiled for tho benefit of nil her Corona, discovered that bunch of cattle had boon stolen and Décorntlon Day was obaorved Is people. Carrizozo destined In beeomo 'Apart from epociflo defects, the taken to Alamogordo be disposed here in n quiet wny lust S Jiidoy . A Then let us nil believe in Cnrri to one of t ho lending cities of the structure of the net its a whole is of. He got down lo Alamogordo committee the Civic Leaguo zozn nnd act ocoordmgly by using from southwest, tinture tins designed It open to tho grnvest objections.' in time to save tho cattle uud at visited local and de- our best endeavours to make of it tho eomotcry nndtnenond cnpiial must dn her Tho criticism nbnvo quoted re rest Jesus Flores, who had tho stock corated all tho grnves not taken ouro biildlng, hna ro a hotter and a larger city by giv true iho sustained fera to tho income tax law, passed ti chai go nnd who wns conducting of by friends and relatives. It had ing her the credit only that i due verses nnd dlssapninlments ugain by tho Democratic Congress as tho sale He brought Flores bocn hoped by thn members of the Carrizozo is n lovely town out In muí again, tho lirat (if which wns purt of the tnrrfff bill It is token Currizozo uud lodged him in the league that uu tills occasion befit of ilio n vnst domain Her mnuntnlus In thn destruction machino from thn report of tho Tuxuilm county jail, and after a littto confi ting ceremonies could huvo been ar- thn distnni'o tilled wlih mineral aliona iif lint IS. I & 3 W. while Cominillos of tho American liar deuiiul talk with him, Herring, ao ranged, but it was veins There's plenty and pros found that this she wits yet only nn infnnt in the AiBoslatlon. That report was non coinpuiiied by Deputy Sheriff U iird eniitd not bo dono In perlty without the greed foe gain tho manner world of cities Thn ilion limited pitrlisiun, made merely fur the pur wtnt into the wilds Whilo Carrizozo goes bounding on out and arrest desired; and, therefore, without nlimbcr nf souls living here nt that pose ul having tho law improved whom My ud Alejandro Martinez, nstcnationor ccromouy, tho mounds t ward - I) L. run timo fourlng tint the .Southwestern fiom n formal and teohnicul point Flores claimed was a guilty p iny of those sleeping in God's Aero were would not rebuild bpgun to four for THE DEADLY FLY of vie a It wus and extended, ex and brought him down to the strewn with the floral tributes of her timely desolation, but it wat huusilvo and ecletitific uiiitlysis If flics wero us big ni they arc coumy soul for safe keeping those hi whose memories the sleep not ft (r it wits only a short thn io lo,8o, lunpnruus thoy would bo larger than conducted by men nf hlghes linio luter, Mr, Huird took another ers still live. While Homo liuil timo till progressive Southwest In tho mammoths, the Imgi bents th standing tho legal profession ride in his uiiiomobilo and returned had fbiwers sent In fiom other crn liecxn tho building nf hotter muy I roamed tho earth in prebistori Their cuiicIihiuis thereloro uiih Loieiizu Torres, who is now in points, the local Mowers, gatherod nnd by fur build inure expensive limes, (hstroying everything thu regutdud us fair and Impartial. jail, charged with being implicated from tho canyons around about the lugs to tuko tho piuco or those so Their vet diet is a overo arraign cuino in ibelr path in tho theft of thu same bunch town, woro used Aud they were recently destroyed bv fite. Next mem cureless, iiaphuzuid You will not let a man eating ui tlio entile Flores will go beforo Judge bentiilful and profuse. came the pitnlo nf 11)07. with Its tiger have free incejs tu your house methods employed by the presen MuHsio next Thursday and tell th In this connection it may be said pHnilyalnij effect nnd Curriz'izo as iidmttiUiruttou In the ol - not If you could holp it, you enuoimout court whut ho knows about the that tho Improvements ordered by (II nn nil other nidi's on this con wouldn't Nor would you let lloi one nf its most important luws. entilo ho had in his possession, after the league for tho cemetery hnvo all suffered depression Next on tho Income lineiii or elephants coma clinniliiKsfriiiii In this report tux which the court will pass on hi bcon put In by Joe While, thu con- n thrm venr (bounty Sent there ure pointed out no less stock-proo- cune their juuglo luir into your kltche inw cuse. In tho preliminary given tractor A splendid f fight, with tho of Llnooln, th town or baby's bedroom nnd (hen merely hull tWfin munlfest imper Muriinez last Monday, tho defen fenco now surrounds the grounds, oh! County sent, from by historical shoo them away saying, "Oil, thoy fections demanding correction dant wuived and wus placed undo and the gates and utiles have been which fight On rrl ctme cut Congress Without ore such u bother" umeiiiiiueni bund in the sum of SI 000 installed. I'rlur lo Inst Sundnv tli' nnd hns been nwnrded suld of the la victor, Yet tho common Itimcefly is mure is (hat the intent iUarnntee Ills uppenrunco before the work hud been finished aud the $45,000 house for her be reuclied only by judicial fine court dangerous tliun tl'eaj most drondud cull in county inquisitors next October grounds cleared of all refuse matter, di'iiTininntlon to win, nnd Inst but lerperutltin, involving tedious, ex wild beusts Is in f.tu tho mon the eutlle found in tho possession so that after thn grnves hud been not least, comes tho off not s of the litigation. dangerous atilmul on earth. Flies pensivo of Flores belongs J to two or three dccoralod the local cemetery was a greatest wnr of tho age whoso do Willi to pro villous slay more people than the ferocious reference lor parties, and among them were same beautiful plaro to look up:ui, ull moralizing effect is world wide, nn thrt tax i, avers must denizens of the Jungle boon ust rmurti thut stark belonging to Jess Jenkins; o traces of neglect having vanished. whilo cities not only on thl most disease-b'roeJin- make, the tepjrt declui; i hey carry germs Corona. Mr. Jenkins lias had 10 GIVE CONCERT MONDAY EVENING continent but in tho entho world "It is most unfortunate that there from sick people to well people, great deal of troublo with dorso nnd The Citie L'tiiguo never undcitook nto nt n porfcet standstill, yet should be any doubt as to wh from impure and decayed food to ontllo thieves In the mouths whlc a muro needed nor a moru nuble Ciirriznzo toduv is Inrgor thnn sha this precise duty Is llore, if any pure food And when thoy do this have passed; and it was for the sur work. And the Indies have done lids over been boforn, sho Is build where, tho law should be cleur and tho well persuu turns sick nnd in reptliious handling of some of his what they set out to do by devill- ing today and will be building to explicit Tho provisions should lie many cuses dies, nnd pure foud blooded slock that Dnnial Sandoval ing to Ihe'work much of their time morrow, there in a ronjon.
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