Hollins University Hollins Digital Commons Hollins Student Newspapers Hollins Student Newspapers 2-25-1933 Hollins Student Life (1933 Feb 25) Hollins College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/newspapers Part of the Higher Education Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Social History Commons, United States History Commons, and the Women's History Commons Recommended Citation Hollins College, "Hollins Student Life (1933 Feb 25)" (1933). Hollins Student Newspapers. 67. https://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/newspapers/67 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Hollins Student Newspapers at Hollins Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hollins Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Hollins Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. HearMiu See the Play ly Florence Jack.on in Little Theatre Monday Ellenin. Tue.day Ellenin. == HOLLINS COLLEGE, FEBRUARY 25, 1933, HOLLINS, VIRGINIA NUMBER 9 rd VOLUME V IG FACULTY PLAYERS AMUSE COLLEGE FOUNDER'S DAY IS CELEBRATED WT::fS~= IN SHORT SKITS THE ALUMNAE COUNCIL! FOUNDER'S DAY BANQUET OF DR. ROBT. lEU Y NINETY.FIVE DOLLARS IS MEETS. ELECTION OF WAS AN ENJOYABLE MUST 'PRODUCE LEADERS, GIVEN TO, THE CABIN OFFICERS HELD EVENT HE SAYS, IN SERIES FUND OF ADDRESSES "Ye Faculty. }>layers," of Hollins Col­ Sarah Middleton is President The Choral Club Entertained According to Dr. Robert A. Kel1y, lege, presented their "accomplished in his address for the Alumna: Council selves," as they would have it, in several Monday morning, the liberal arts coIlege The subject of discussion which The annual Founder's Day banquet skits last Saturday night in the Little dominated the program for the third an­ serves three purposes. It is par excel­ for the College and guests was held Theatre for the benefit of the Cabin m.\,t! meeting of the Alumna: Advisory lence the conservator of American cul­ Tuesday night at 6: 30, in the dining Fund. Council was The Place of the Liberal ture; it is the interpreter of American room. Tall candles, which cast their The Juvenile Deliquescent Harmony life; and, lastly, it is n'ot the but a guide Arts College in a Cluillgillg World. Ho'w soft golden light over the tables, and Ensemble, first on the program, under to human society. Cd" Hollil/s PIa)' Her Part? In his ad­ early spring flowers, carried out the the 'stern guidance of Adelaide Louise drl'ss Monday morning, Dr. Robert L. Since more people are interested in school colors of green and gold in a Campbell, rendered a most rattling selec­ making a living to-day than in conserv­ Kc' lIy discussed this from a general point pleasing way. tion entitled The Children's Symphon)'. ing culture, the question is often asked: of view and later it was the subject for Entertainment was furnished by the Chubby Doc Jackson and Tam-O-Shan­ "Is it ethical to draw students to liberal tli~ round table led . by Mr. Estes Cocke Choral Club, under the direction of Miss ter Peyton were particularly ornamental, colleges when they will not be able to ami participated in by alumn<e, faculty Virginia Egolf. Their numbers included but the greatest surprise of the evening get a job afterwards?" The liberal col­ at1tl students. At this meeting the aims Zueigmmg, by Strauss, In These De­ was the discovery of the tremendous lung lege is now, however, the best place for of the present curriculum were outlined lightfttl Pleasa,nt Groves, by Purcell, and capacity of our little Mary W illiamson. the student to be, and, as professional by Mr. Cocke, who then asked for sug­ Pirate Dreallls, a lullaby by Charles Can she toot? schools are saturated, his presence there gested changes and ideas. Both among Huerter . The Work Ho'Use Ward brought tears the alumna: and students the desire for shows the keenest insight into long­ DR. JOH:S- FINLEY (C ontiulled OlJ Page 4, C 011t1111J 4) (not of grief, either) to the eyes of the ( Col/tillued 011 Page 4, Colmnn 2) sightedness. It provides life-interests, audience. With our honored German, ------n-- avocation and vocation. Robert A. Mili­ Swiss and Pennsylvania Dutch profs -----i~I---- kan, for example, was a teacher of Greek spouting the Irish, we longed for the Dr. Finley, author, ~ditor and educa­ and a musician before he became one of simplicity of Esperanto. tor, came from New York City, not to the half-dozen greatest 'living physicists. Right Honorable Mention goes to Mr. Bolger Opens "give us all a little information from the A. A.U. W~ to Sponsor As an interpreter of American life, Donnie Bolger and his glorified tapsters. Nawth," as Prince so succinctly ex­ I. the college may be traced through three With a click-click here and a click-click Hollins Broadcasts pected, bllt to bring to Hollins rare "F·IJ'S t Mrs. Fraser " stages of development. The era of law, there, here click, there click, everywhere beauty of thought and expression. In during which everyone studied the same 'c1ick-c1ick-:- Three cheer; {or the future the Founder's Day address, which he subjects and rules were arbitrarily en­ Mr. Donald Leroy Bolger opened the The Lynchburg Little Theatre P layers Follies girls! delivered at ten-thirty in the Little forced, was correlated with the building H ollins College Music Series on Sunday will bring to the Hollins Little Theatre The climax arrived with Colonel J . Theatre, Dr. Finley spoke on The . of a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. evening, February 19th, with a haH­ their annual cQmedy production on Tues­ A. T. Backup's brilliant idea of Adver­ Mystery of the Mind's Desire. His The second period was one of liberty. hour program of piano numbers. Play­ day evening, February 28th., at 8 : 30 tisill g f or a Husband. Although his word subject was bequeathed to him by the Charles W. Eliot was its leader and it ing with his usual skill and clearness, o'clock. This year, the comedy selected was law in his household, Kittellish Rach dying lyricist, Robert Burns Wilson. was characterized by the elective system Mr. Bolger certainly laid a successful by Miss Edith Mack, their director, is Wilson and Tough Tom Trask (it la F. In a style, simple yet poetic, Dr. Finley and the introduction into the coIlege of foundation for the series of broadcasts. The First Mrs. Fraser, by St. J ohn Lamar) managed to "fox" him and tie enliuged upon this theme of the Endur­ the scientific spirit and method which at In his recital were included a Brahms Ervine, considered by many critics as the fatal knot. Two other turtle doves ing Quest. the same time were permeating society. Rhapsody and an Interllle::::o by the same "Many are the mysterie of this uni­ his best. It enjoyed successful runs in in the forms of aughty Natalye CoHeIt The third and present stage is one of composer, a Chopin Scher::u, Debussey's verse," he said . There is the mystery to London and in New York, and' has only and D. Bolger alias Wallie Watkins, liberty under law. Mere whimsical elec­ Clair de LitHe, and two modern compos i- be found in the world of nature. It is just been released to Little Theatre alias Augustus Bigpile, of the Clothes tion of courses has been superseded by groups for production. Pin Trust, also hatched up a romance . tions by Howard. Hanson.. one which broods over field s and gardens guidance from advisors who outline an Much credit for this successful pro­ To-morrow 111ght the Hollll1s Chapel and hrings miracles to pass-in the form For the first time in the six years the integrated course of study. S~a l con­ Choir will present the second program of lof fruits and grain-which would take Lynchburg Players have ~en coming duction of the versatile players is due trol is evident and social sciences are the series with a recital of sacred com- eons to form. "The secret of a l1 life" lies to Roanoke and Hollins, Miss Mack has the Play Coach, Miss Blair, but even coming more into prominence in the chosen an all-star cast, with Mrs. R. M. more is due the Day Coach! pos itions. in . the tiny gnat, but all human knowl- college as they are in the political world. Woodson' in the title role. ----j~ edge, before we can know this mystery, The liberal college is finally the pro­ ---n--- The plot of The Fi'rsl Mrs. Fraser will be obliterated. Mobility is shown ducer of leaders for sOCiety and it is only German Art Exhibit concerns itself with the selfish intrigues by the smallest plant, for even the violet, under the leadership of trained men and of the sec.ond Mrs. Fraser and the subtle Dr. Finley said, strives to be free of its women that the country can reach the Collection of Silver to be Displayed efforts of the first Mrs. Fraser to out­ roots. This . eternal striving constitutes greatness for which it is destined. the mystery of natural things. wit her. The cast is made up of four An art exhibit consisting of modern young people and four who are of Shown by ·Gorham There'is the mystery, too, of the ether ....:....,--~ll---- German prints, and sponsored by the which enables distant farmers to hear another generation, thus affording op­ An exhibition of the silver crafts­ Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation, will the speeches of prime ministers as the portunity for varied and interesting view­ man's art was held in the drawing-room be displayed at Hollins the week of ancients heard the voice of Jove.
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