INTRODUCTION TO ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY BEPIN BEHARI MADHURI BEHARI SAGAR PUBLICATIONS 72, Janpath, Ved Mansions NEW DELHI - 110001 SevenReasons WHY PEOPLE ARE ATTRACTED TO THE BOOK 1. It introduces in English Literature Esoteric Hindu Astrology. 2. Latent potentials of each individual are revealed in it astrologically and orientations neededto overcome personal difficulties indicated in every case. 3. Basic principles of astrology are discuused in a way that even lay readersenjoy reading it while deeper students find in it much to ponder over. 4. Astrological grandeur of sacred scriptures are presented from a new angle. 5. The mysteries of symbols are unveiled and deeper insight in astrological predictions basedon them made possible. 6. The book suggestsa synthesis between predictive astrology, remedial measuresand yogic discipline suited to every individual. 7. Even abstrusesubjects like Ascendants, Planets and Nakshatras are discussedin a non-technical language which even a beginner can master. About the Book The knowledge of esoteric side of astrology given in the book enables the reader to urderstand some of the rare revelations of ancient sagesand scriptures. This study shows the unanimity of world religions on basic approaches to life-problems. It synthesizes the wisdom of the world religions and the knowledge of astrological principles in under:;tanding and solving some of the deeper problems of life. Part r of the book introduces the readerto occult natureof astrology, implications of physical death and the significance of the Heavenly Man. In subsequentdiscussions,the natureof man asrevealedby his Ascendant, Sign and planets are given in such a manner that the reader is benefited by new revelations about himself. The discussionson planetsgive esoteric as well as traditional characteristics of the centres of sensitive occult powers known in yogic literature as the chakras. The description of Nakshatras given very lucidly make the book unique. The increasing popularity of the book, both in India and abroad,as it is evident from its going into several editions in such a short time, is itself an indication of the quality of the book. There is no substitute for this book; no basic knowledge ofastrol()gy is required for understanding the deeper wisdom of the sacred wisdom. Even a beginner feels at ease with the book, yet eminent astrologersmay learnfrom it many new aspects of traditional astrology which have so far eluded them. The Authors Smt Madhuri Behari holds post-graduate degrees in Philosophy and Psychology, and a diploma in Psychiatry. She hasstudied Astrology in the light of Eastern philosphy and modem psychological approach very profoundly for more than 45 years. Shehas travelled extensively in Europe and in India and has lectured at various gatherings of eminent astrologers. She writes occasionally for The Astrological Magazine (Bangalore) and The Times OF Astrology (New Delhi). Bepin· Behari is a noted authority on Vedic Astrology, Eastern philosophy and Occultism. His penetrating approach to Astrology has reclaimed many of its deeper aspectsonce thought lost. His manuscript which became A Study IN Astrological Occultism won the prestigious international Meyer Foundation Award of Switzerland for philosophy. His recent publications viz. Myths AND Symbols OF Vedic Astrology and The Fundamentals OF Vedic Astrology in four volumes have received international recognition. He was the Guest of Honour and the key-note speaker at the Fifth International Symposium of American Council of Vedic Astrology in 1997andwas awardedLife-time Achievement Award by the Council. Preface to the Second Edition With great satisfaction we presentthe secondedition of INTRODUCTION TO Esoteric Astrology. Since its publication, about a decadeago, we had been wanting to revise the publication but it seemsthat the effort would entail almost rewriting the whole. This would spoil its original complexion. In the present form, the book has become very popular and the authors are grateful to the readersfor their response.However, we feel that there are many new aspectsof esoteric astrology which should be introduced to the readersalong with the new edition. For this reasonwe have added three new chapters. The various symbols usedin astrology are very meaningful. Along with allegories andmythologies connectedwith the signs,the significance of astrological study hasgreatly increased. With a view to indicating the vast area of symbolism in astrology, we have added a small chapter on the subject. Another aspect of esoteric astrology which was completely left out in the firs! edition, and on which very little work has so far been available, is concerned with the relevance of Nakshatras or the lunar mansions. A chapter on the significance of this aspect of astrology has been incorporated here so that the readersmay follow it up on their own. The third new chapter is one which attempts to make esoteric astrology asa part of other occult studies showing that astrological laws aremerely a fragment of the wider laws of nature. It is hoped that the readerswould find these chapters useful and interesting. In order to make a better useof this book, the readersare suggested to study the subject along with another publication namely A Study IN Astrological Occultism by one of us, which opens the subject to cosmic perspectivewhile indicating various suggestionsto makethe entire subject extremely personal specially in order to use astrological knowledge for self improvement. New Delhi TheAuthors EXTRACT FROM FOREWORD BY Dr. BAN GALORE VENKA T A RAMAN, Editor TheAstrological Magazine, Bangalore Most books on astrology hitherto published dealwith the application of the subjectto life's immediate mundaneproblems, andthey have indeed their own importance. But Bepin Behari approachesthe subject from a hitherto neglected angle, namely the higher reachesof astrology. The entire range of esoteric astrology receives an exhaustive treatment supported by practical illustrations. The authors bring before their readersaclear conception of the higher reachesof astrological science as it was understood and inculcated by ancient teachers. Preface During the last two decadesthe book hasnot only gone into several editions, it has even satisfied the inner needsof a large number of serious readers. It makes us very happy that the popularity of the book is still increasing uninterruptedly. Galand from Paris went into raptures when he read the book; Aloupi from Brussels considered it a healing balm to be sharedwith friends in distress; and our parents read it whenever they felt depressedin life. Theseare someof the expressionsarousedwhen readers for the first time came in contact with deeper astrological principles as applicable to their personal life. Dr. B.Y. Raman, the Editor-in-chief of TheAstological Magazine, while initially introducing the book highlighted the approachto the subject in this book from a hitherto neglected angle namely the higher reachesof astrology. Commending the publication to the readers,he mentioned that the entire rangeof esotericastrology received in it an exhaustivetreatment supporred by practical illustrations. The authors bring before the readers, he said, "a clear conception of the higher teachings of astrological science as it was understood and inculcated by ancient teachers." In fact, it was the foresight of Prem Sager, the architect of Sager Publications and a pioneer in publishing Hindu astrology in English literature that helaunchad this publication with greateclat andsupportedthe causeof Hindu astrology in a basic way. In fact, esoteric astrology is a branch of study which gives a new understanding of deeper human problems. It opens many new facets of human existence. It gives an insight into the causesof disparity between birth conditions of different individuals. Some persons are born w~th proverbial silver spoon while others have always suffered from penury, ill-health, and deprivations of various kinds. Many persons suffer unexpectedfrustrations in spite of all their precautions while others enjoy only favourable and pleasantcircumstances in life. On occasionsone fmds that religious and righteous men are suffering seemingly cruel misfortune while unscrupulous and corrupt individuals galore in fabulous riches.AIl theseanomalies havevalid rational explanations basedon inner principles of our existence. These events are convincingly explained by a careful study of astrology which in fact was considered by ancient seers as Vedanga,an essential component of Pure Understanting - the Vedas. xii INTRODUCTION TO ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY Such a study cannot be made from any book howsoever learned and scholarly it may appear. In ancient times, almost all over the world, there were Mystery Schools where such instructions were imparted to deserving students.Such disciples in the modem world are very few. The necessaryqualifications for the neophyte before he could be presentedto the hierophant for mystery teachings require arduous preparations. In the modern era we desire quick results without making the adequate preparations and without undergoing the requisite discipline. One way of making the necessarypreparations is to undertake a study of comparative religions, mythologies and the way the great Adepts lived their life of righteousness.On the basis of such studies, one may get intuitive flashes which may be worked out in detail depending on one's own knowledge and understanding. This type of study may enlighten many of the so far unexplained laws of nature.
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