WORLD LOCAL SPORTS TO THE RESCUE PROVES Ptl. William O'Neill of The White House sug- the Keansburg police is Jim Burt and his New gest* that chances for a named the first honorary York Giants defensive summit th is year could be member of the Keansburg counterparts proved endangered unless First Aid Squad under a themselves Sunday Journalist Nicholas new program. agains the San Diego Daruloff is freed. Chargers. Page 7 A Page 3A Page IB The ister Vol. 109 No. 8 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOMETOWN. NEWSPAPER .. SINCE 1878 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1986 25 CENTS People gets Texas Air's Drugs tests buyout bid •v JAIIES F. mn AP Business Writer for lawmen NEW YORK — People Express Inc., trapped in a cash squeeze after enormous growth as a pioneer of lew-fare air travel, amid yesterday it agreed to State order possible soon be acquired by Texas Air Corp. for * 126 million in Currently, few state law en- The purchase, which would Include Texas Air's b> USA R. KRUSE forcement agencies have drug assumption of about 1760 million of People The Register testing programs. -In • Monmouth Express debt, would establish Houston-based County, only Keansburg police Texas Air as the nation's biggest airline operator. Mandatory drug testing of all officers undergo urinalysis testa The company already owns Continental Airlines state, county and local law en- for'drug use, although all new and New York Air and to in the process of buying forcement personnel could be a recruits at the Monmouth County Eastern Airlines. reality by the end of this month, Police Academy are now tested. For People Express, based in Newark, the when the state Attorney General The Monmouth County proposed merger represents a "bittersweet" end to is expected to decide statewide Prosecutor's Office decided to •aid founder and chairman policy on the issue. delay testing of prosecutors and The directive — which would county investigators until after While wanting to remain separate, People Ex- apply only to law enforcers — Edwards issues his directive, said press' problem* and growing competition in the could order all state police, coun- First Assistant Prosecutor Paul F. Industry forced it to accent Texas Air's offer. ty prosecutors and investigators, Chalet "We couldn't continue separately, indepen- and local police to submit to A special committee appointed dently," Burr told a news conference held jointly mandatory drug tests. by Edwards — the New Jersey with Texas Air Chairman Frank Lorenzo. "We State Attorney General W. Criminal Justice Advisory Coun- would have liked to. But you've got to have more Carey Edwards should make his cil Subcommittee on Mandatory financial resources to be competitive." decision by the end of the month, Drug Testing — has been trying to It was the second time this year Texas Air said Thomas Cannon, spokesman sort out the legalities concerning offered to buy People Express; a $236.8 million for Edwards. drug testing for the past several offer made in July was rejected. Edwards is the chief law en- months, Cannon said. The proposed takeover also would be a reunion forcement officer in the state, and The first and most important for the two executive*. Burr worked for Lorenzo at has the power to set policy for all question to be decided, Cannon Texas International Airlines, Texas Air'* law enforcement personnel. If he said, is whether testing is con- nrtfine—or, «• the late IOTP* fcsfsra leaving ts- stitutional u Edwards and the •tart People Express in 1981. Jersey could follow the lead of the committee decide it is troconstitu— federal government. President tkmul. than all police deparunenta Lorenzo and Burr indicated disc while People Reagan yesterday ordered the that currently employ drug tes- Express Initially would become a wholly-owned heads of each federal .agency to ting would be immediately or- unit of Texas Air, People Express at some point establish mandatory drug testing dered to stop. likely would lose its Identity and merge into one of for employees in "sensitive posi- If it is constitutional, he must Texas Air's ether airlines. tions." decide whether to order ail de- But the executive* also emphasised that both Gov. Thomas H. Kean opposes partments to comply or issue companies remain committed to keeping costs low mandatory drug testing for state guidelines and recommendations, so they could keep fare* low and still build employees, preferring tougher en- leaving the option to the individ- profitability. ( forcement and anti-drug educa- ual police departments. "We represent a low-coat, lew-fare, full-service ASSOCIATED PRESS tion in the schools and workplace, "But on something like this, I airline system, and in fact, with this transaction we according to his spokesman, John think he will issue a directive," are extending our low-fare philosophy," Lorenzo Hot hot-air balloon Samerjasn. Cannon said. Even though he opposes testing Cannon said that Edwards and Richard Davis, an experienced balloonist from Rocky Mount, N.C., and an unidentified state employees, Samerjaan said the committee will also decide the Texas Air ajao agreed to buy the assets of Kean does not oppose Reagan's mechanics of the tests — whether Frontier Airlines*, a PPeople e Express unit that Hardee's hamburger chain employee escaped serious injury Sunday night when their craft hit powerlines in Roanoke, Va. The lines burned through the balloon's cables and plan to test federal employees. it should be urinalysis, whether recently was shut down and put into> b bankruptcya - "He (Kean) doesn't oppose the the tests should be random or part reorganization,ii Cafor $ln million in cash, dumped the gondola 25 feet to the ground. This happened during a balloon competition president," Samerjaan said. "He of the annual physical, and notes and Frontier debt to be assu at an airport. just doesn't believe drug testing whether an official who test* See PEOPLE, Page iA should be done in our state." Set TESTS. Page (A Elaine Sourlis ^— Opposition rises She and her husband Ted see to Reagan order a new Red Bank before them for drug testing publicized development plans of astonishing •y STEPHANIE problems without resorting to The Register tmrmiat approvals, SourUs As- By SUSANNE M. SCHAFER widespread testing of students. sociates — a Red-Bank based development Associated Press His department has found that REP BANK — Elaine SourUs needs little company the Sourtises own— wilt be focusing drug-testing was not necessary in introduction- on a large riverfront tract on the west side oj school systems which have shown town. WASHINGTON — President Recent event* hone hurled her Mo the Reagan, unveiling his plan to effectiveness in curbing drug A note of explanation to clarify Mrs. Sourlis' abuse, he said. limelight — among them development plans account: attack drug abuse in America, / for some of the 160-odd properties that the ordered the executive branch yes- With the formal announcement TheGalleria — "Phase I" of their plans — of his anti drug-abuse plan, in- and her husband Ted own hire. is what the Sourlises are calling the old Eisner terday to set up mandatory tests An element of controversy recently marred for federal workers in sensitive cluding Reagan's endorsement of building, which is bounded Bridge Avenue capital punishment for certain one Souriis project when tenants of RUierview and West Front Street. They own the 125,000 jobs. But Reagan's program drew im- drug-related offenses, the presi- Gardens sued this an www to keep their square-foot structure, and have Planning dent joined members of Congress Board approval to renovate it into shops, mediate resistance from the American Civil Liberties Union who have been scrambling to At an interview last week, Elaine Sourlis restaurants and offices. They also plan to enact new measures of their own. Hi juestions abmt the timamt dispmtt. build a 350-car parking garage at the and labor organizations rep- resenting federal employees. And But beyond the consensus in And with a frankness motmmtm to major southwest comer of the Eisner property — at official Washington that some- developers, the unveilfd previously-un- Sea 0&A. Page 4A Rep. Don Edwards, D-Calif., chairman of a House civil and thing must be done about the drug constitutional rights panel, main- abuse problem, there were indica- tained the program violates fun- tions that some suggested solu- damental individual rights. tions face heavy obstacles: Casino union strikes —Edwards issued a statement last night in New Jersey's Pick-It During an Oval Office ceremony The where he signed the order and put saying Reagan's order "violates Lottery was 511 A straight bet pay* $207, box pays $69 and pairs three fundamental rights: the pay $20.50 The Pick 4 number was 7663. A straight bet pays his name on letters to Congress over wages, benefits accompanying a series of legislat- right not to testify against your- $3,828.50 and box pays $319 The Pick 6 numbers were 1,3.15.23. ive proposals, Reagan said, 'This self, the right to be treated as 34 and 40. The bonus number was 11844 ATLANTIC C1TT (AP) — here in 1978. innocent until proven guilty, and The walkout was approved by is the federal government's way of The wtmrnng number picked yesterday in New York's Daily Number Members of this resort's largest just saying 'no' to drugs." the right to be free from un- casino workers' union voted ov- .more than 86 percent of the union reasonable governmental in- lottery game was 7-6-8 The "WinFour" number was 5-6-6-8 erwhelmingly to strike eight of the membership in a two-day vote, Reagan's move came one day trusions on privacy." The con- island's gaming halls shortly after said Michael Davis, business agent after he and his wife, Nancy, made gressman said he was confident midnight yesterday in a dispute for Local 64 of the Hotel and a nationally televised broadcast, that Reagan's order would be held over wages and benefits.
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