THURSDAY 22 JUNE 2017 • SUPPLEMENT (1) TO NO 5174 • VOL 147 Gazette Supplement Encaenia 2017 Congregation 21 June quemadmodum erga pauperes, exclusos, for reasons of class or race or poverty, society condemnatos nos geramus? had found it more convenient to shun. A firm and fearless believer in human redemption, 1 Conferment of Honorary Degrees Praesento iurisperitum misericordem, he tells us that each of us is more than the magistrum prudentem, auctorem facundum, The Public Orator made the following worst thing we have done. He has shown quem consiliorum alius socius iustorum speeches in presenting the recipients himself also to be a writer of considerable bonique publici alibi promovendi iuxta of honorary degrees at the Encaenia on power. An orator could hardly better the Nelson Mandela posuit, Bryanum Stevenson, Wednesday, 21 June: words of his Just Mercy: ‘The true measure apud Universitatem Urbis Novi Eboraci of our character is how we treat the poor, the Degree of Doctor of Civil Law Scholae Iuris professorem, ut admittatur disfavoured, and the condemned.’ honoris causa ad gradum Doctoris in Iure BRYAN A STEVENSON Civili. I present a compassionate lawyer, wise Apparere homines pares nasci divinitusque leader and eloquent author, whom a fellow Admission by the Chancellor iuribus quibusdam inviolatis donatos, inter campaigner for rights and social progress in quae haec adhibeamus, vivendi et libertatis et Iurisconsultorum peritissime et another country has placed alongside Nelson expetendae felicitatis, hoc abhinc complures humanissime, qui ad iustitiam pro omnibus Mandela in distinction, Bryan Stevenson, annos palam affirmatum est. Haec quae servandam fortiter et acriter luctatus es, ego Professor at the New York University School vocantur iura hominum ut in rebus quoque auctoritate mea et totius universitatis admitto of Law, to be admitted to the honorary degree valere videantur auxilio fuit hic qui hodie te ad gradum Doctoris in Iure Civili honoris of Doctor of Civil Law. agmen honorandorum ducit. Cui adulescenti causa. Admission by the Chancellor magister sapiens Alabamensis olim indicavit Paraphrase poenam illam ultimam ideo capitalem vocari Most excellent of lawyers and humanitarians, quia ei quidem poenam darent qui capite, In the year 1776 it was famously said to be who have fought with courage and conviction id est pecunia, carerent. Ipse viros coram held a self-evident truth that all men are to guarantee justice for all, I on my own contemplatus est capitis damnatos absente created equal, that they are endowed by their authority and that of the whole University omni deprecatore, aliosque de delictis Creator with certain unalienable Rights, and admit you to the honorary degree of Doctor of condemnatos quae nunquam admiserant, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Civil Law. puerosque propter minora quam capitalia pursuit of Happiness. The man who leads omni spe liberationis privatos in carcere our line of honorands today has helped to Degree of Doctor of Civil Law tota vita tabescere. Itaque quae antea legum bring this principle closer to reality. In his THE RT HON BARONESS WILLIAMS OF studiosus aliquantum a veritate remota youth he was told by a wise preceptor that CROSBY habuerat nunc cum hominibus deiectis et in that part of his country, Alabama, capital detrusis et in vincula coniectis congressus punishment meant that them without capital Sunt qui putent senatores nostros ordinis eadem iam maximi momenti visa sunt. Cum get the punishment. With his own young superioris aliquando extra fines officii sui scienter tum liberaliter in causis agendis eyes he saw men on death row who lacked excedere, vel etiam utilitatem iam omnino praestitit, ut apud iudices etiam supremos legal representation, prisoners condemned exhausisse. Quam nunc produco, cum nonnullis maximo in discrimine versantibus for crimes they had not committed, and utrique ordini interfuisset, nobis comprobare consulere valeret. Iuris Aequi, ut vocatur, children sentenced, for nonhomicidal potest illam augustiorem curiam, unde consilio usus effecit ut permulti, quos propter offences, to life imprisonment without any nuper secessit, assidue eadem volutare statum vel originem vel paupertatem civibus hope of parole. His study of law, he tells quae praecepta habemus, eadem memorare expedire videbatur neglegere, aequa iustitia us, had seemed abstract and disconnected quae nos ad rempublicam Regni Uniti fruerentur. Scelera omnia redimi posse hic until these meetings with the desperate, the spectantes maximi facimus. A parvula acri ac firma mente asseverat; unum enim dispossessed and the imprisoned made it all decursum illustrem iniit; ut omittam quae quemque nostrum pluris esse aestimandum critically important. In the altruistic pursuit of famula Isidis in annales rettulit, quanta in quam quod pessimum fecerit. Scriptor his profession he has excelled, and on several studiis scholaris effecit, ne illud quidem quoque haudquaquam contemnendus occasions successfully defended the interests dicam qualis in proscaenium theatri nostri videtur; quis enim orator melius illa dicat of the vulnerable before the highest court of prodierit, quantum denique certamen quae hic in Misericordia Iusta expressit, his land. With his Equal Justice Initiative he cum Disputantium Societate Oxoniensi mores nostros ita vere pendi si respiciamus has ensured fair treatment for many whom, inierit – sufficiat meminerimus eam idcirco 589 590 University of Oxford Gazette • Supplement (1) to No 5174 • 22 June 2017 impudentiae accusatam esse quod flagitasset discussing with him his country’s path to patefecit eo magis miramur quia antehac ut feminae admitterentur; hic in ore quidem freedom, climbed her father’s bookshelf and obscura erant vel etiam occulta aut silentio omnium esse edixit quanta animi et loquendi listened spellbound as he read to her from oppressa. Quid? Investigator sagacissimus libertas, quanta opportunitas sui promovendi the Summa Theologica, and as a babe in the vi ingenii vetera cum recentibus in scientia, omnibus ubique daretur. Inde eius vigorem pram campaigned for him to be elected to in annalibus, in librorum studiis consociat. iuvenilem agnoscamus, quod puellula in Parliament. Many saw her rising to high, Eundem velut alterum Diderotem collega genu sedens cum Jawaharlal Nehru scilicet even the highest, office. She gave Gangs of olim iuvenem appellavit valde animosum de libertate optata eius patriae loquebatur, Four perhaps a better name than they might sed summa pericula allaturum. Cui periculo quod ad summos forulos patris ascendebat, otherwise have kept, and let us remember libenter obviam eamus. quem Aquinatis Summam recitantem that under her watch as a government Praesento studiosum et bibliothecae auribus arrectis audiebat, candidatumque minister the Rhodes Scholarships were first custodem mire acrem et eruditum, infans voce fortasse puerili commendabat. opened to women. Among her many books Robertum Choate Darnton, apud Mox augebatur spes eam, cum capax imperii the titles alone – Politics is for People, Youth Universitatem Harvardianam professorem videretur, inter magistratus etiam summum without Work, God and Caesar, and many et bibliothecarium emeritum, Collegii Divi obtenturam. Eadem postea sane effecit ut others – give pause for thought. Welcoming Ioannis Baptistae socium honoris causa societates quattuorvirorum aliquid melius her back to her alma mater, adscriptum, ut admittatur honoris causa ad audirent. Illa autem, ut memoramus, I present a staunch defender of our gradum Doctoris in Litteris. praesente et officiis functa stipendia democratic system of government, Baroness Rhodesiana primum feminis quoque conferre Admission by the Chancellor Williams of Crosby, Companion of Honour licuit. Libros etiam scripsit non paucos. and Privy Counsellor, graduate and honorary Investigator exploratorque alacer, qui et Titulos respice: Res Publica pro Populo fellow of Somerville College, to be admitted annalium et scriptorum occulta loca retexisti Gerenda, Iuventus Otiosa, Deus et Caesar. to the honorary degree of Doctor of Civil Law. et interpretatus es, ego auctoritate mea et Nonne te haec monent ut nova cogites? Quare totius universitatis admitto te ad gradum iterum ad almam matrem hanc recipiens Admission by the Chancellor Doctoris in Litteris honoris causa. praesento verum columen liberae Campaigner for justice and fairness, who have Paraphrase reipublicae, Shirley Vivianam Teresam sounded the voice of moderation in times of Brittain Baronissam Williams de Crosby, national and international need, I on my own Did the former Rhodes Scholar and eximii Honoris ordinis comitem, ex intimo authority and that of the whole University intellectual high-flyer who stands next in Regio concilio, Collegii de Somerville admit you to the honorary degree of Doctor of our line ever climb the bookshelves in that alumnam et sociam honoris causa Civil Law. great library of which he was a distinguished adscriptam, ut admittatur honoris causa ad custodian? His own innumerable writings, gradum Doctoris in Iure Civili. Degree of Doctor of Letters praised in many lands and languages, would take some scaling, for they lead us to Admission by the Chancellor DR ROBERT DARNTON stellar realms of Enlightenment. But they Iustitiae et aequitatis propugnatrix, quae Ecce proximus in agmine scholaris quondam also plumb great depths, and indeed the rebus vel domi vel foris in dubium ductis Rhodianus altivolans. Num quando forulos scholarship of this doyen of French history moderationem praedicavisti,
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