Index A shares, see shareholding system 233, 234, 237, 240, 255, 256, 257, ABN AMRO Bank 313 259, 260, 265 agency problems 101, 135–41, 402–3 Bank of Communications (BOCOM) Agricultural Bank of China 188, 190, 188, 192, 193, 230, 238, 255, 265, 229, 231, 233, 255, 256 309, 345 Agricultural Development Bank 196, Bank of Nova Scotia 263 197, 229, 255 Bank of Shanghai (BOS) 304, 312–5, agriculture 4, 5, 8, 15–6, 30, 106 366 Aharoni, Y. 348, 349, 358 banking system, Chinese Alchian, A.A. 91, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, pre reform era 187–92 101, 104, 105, 115, 376 reforms 186, 187, 190–92, 247–62 All-China Federation of Industry and bankruptcy 48, 64, 85–6, 155, 253, 407 Commerce 204, 238–9 banks, see state-owned banks Allen, F. 207, 265 commercial banks 192–3, 195, Allianz 202 204–5, 212, 226, 229–30, 237, Allied Irish Bank 313 238–9, 255 Almanac of China’s Finance and policy banks 195–6, 205, 226, 229, Banking 39 237 American Express 202 foreign banks 205, 206, 212, 263 Anheuser-Busch International Baoshan (‘Baosteel’), see Shanghai Holdings 307, 309 Baosteel Group Corporation Anhui 22, 59, 87 Baumol, W. 375 Anshan Iron and Steel (‘Angang’) 178, Bei Da Corporation Ltd. 333–5 284, 285–9, 303 Beihai 35 Aoki, M. 173 Beihai Bank 188 Arrow, K.J. 97, 135, 136, 137, 153, 388 Beijing 28, 36, 59, 69, 213, 225 Artis, M.J. 215 Beijing Cement Company 250 Asia Times 296 Beijing Review 43 asset management companies 77, 200, Bengbu Housing Savings Bank 195 230, 231, 234–6, 248, 250, 343 Bentick, B.L . 240 Australia 219, 223, 348, 368 Berle, A. 118, 134, 148, 156, 177 Australian Stock Exchange 161, 162 Best, M.H. 389 Austria 143, 149 Binks, M. 399 Black, B.S. 360 B shares, see shareholding system Blatt, J.M. 374 bad debts, see non performing loans board of directors Bai, C.E. 37, 39 supervisory board 144, 149–51, Bai, H. 62, 340 168–70, 183 Bank of America 202 role in corporate governance 140, Bank of Beijing 315 147–8, 167–8, 175, 181–2, 361 Bank of China (BOC) 168, 188, 191, Boehm, S. 373, 193, 200, 201, 202, 204, 229, 231, bond market 193, 209, 212 427 Becky Chiu and Mervyn K. Lewis - 9781845429881 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/03/2021 02:26:53AM via free access 428 Index Bonin, J.P. 235 Chen, D.H. 267, 268 Brancato, C.K. 153 Chen, Jianbo 5, 34, 114, 116 Brandt, L. 198 Chen, Jian 9, 66, 67, 97, 117, 267, 268 Brazil 49 Chen, J. 19, 62, 340 Brenner, M. 269 Chen, K. 84 Brickley, J.A. 140, 177 Chen, Qingtai 78, 364 Broadman, H.G. 5, 47, 55, 61, 72, 73, Chen Ming 49 92, 95, 108, 109, 118, 121, 147, Chen, S. 2 176, 265, 339, 356, 357, 369 Cheng, Zhenming 294 Brooks, R. 53, 54, 71 Chengdu 213 Brown, J. 269 Chien-Hsun, C. 267 Buiter, W. 37 China Banking Regulatory Bureau of Rural Financial Commission (CBRC) 78, 120, 130, Management 188 168, 177, 201, 215, 226, 229, 231, Business Beijing 296 257, 259, 263, 265, 312, 344, 366, Business Week 215, 225, 257, 356, 360, 404, 407 361, 362 China Construction Bank (CCB) 168, Byrd, W. A. 65 200, 201, 204, 229, 231, 233, 234, 240, 250, 255, 256, 257, 259, 260, Cadbury Committee 129, 147, 148 265, 294, 315, 345 Cai, F. 62, 64, 65, 66 China Daily 88, 364 Caldwell, B.J. 373 China Development Bank 231 Campbell, D.E. 135, 139 China Industrial and Commercial Cantillon 372 Association 195 Canter, D. 269 China Life 78 Cantonese 218, 223 China Mobile 78, 211, 360 Cao, S.L. 190 China National Petroleum Corp 78 Cao, Y. 26, 71, 117 China Petrochemical General Capital Iron and Steel Company, see Corporation (Sinopec) xi, 78, 272 Shougang Iron and Steel China Securities Regulatory Carlsson, R.H. 148 Commission (CSRC) 130, 165, case study approach 267–9, 270–71, 167, 168, 178, 179, 185, 194, 210, 303–4, 315–16 211, 212, 215, 265, 329, 365 Casson, M.C. 372, 376–7, 378, 379–90, China Statistical Yearbook 8, 9, 10, 32, 394, 399, 405 38, 52, 53, 55, 58, 107, 128, 241, central (national) government 26, 27, 255 28, 83, 88, 117, 122, 237, 242, China Telecom 360 252 China Unicom 360 Central Huijin Investment Company Chinese Academy of Sciences 78, 356 256 Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 27, Chai, J.C.H. 88, 105, 106, 107, 113 28, 41, 44, 126, 164, 178, 195, 199, Chang, G.G. 8, 36, 244, 246, 247, 250, 203, 223, 246, 247, 250, 277, 287, 251, 252, 253, 262, 264, 265, 372 356, 361, 363, 394, 400 Chang, C. 363 role in enterprises 12, 110, 119–20, Chanlett, E. 268 174, 175, 246–7, 278, 279, 293, Charkham, J.P. 146 320, 322, 358 Che, J. 34, 49 Ching-chia 49 Chen, C.J. 111, 112, 269, 271, 282, 283, Chiu Chow 218, 223 284 Chongqing 29, 59 Chen, C. 128, 194, 209, 223 Chow, G.C. 89, 91, 399 Becky Chiu and Mervyn K. Lewis - 9781845429881 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/03/2021 02:26:53AM via free access Index 429 Citigroup 239, 263 credit plan 189, 192, 197, 207 CITIC Group 239 growth 3, 48, 196, 207, 240, 344 CITIC Industrial Bank 192, 255 Cui, H. 267 clarified property rights 13, 405 Cultural Revolution 4, 29 Clark, R. 140 Clarke, D.C. 102, 109, 110 Dahlman, C.J. 394 Clarke, R. 135, 152 Dalian 35, 287 CNOOC 78 Davis, J.H. 141 Cochran, P.L. 129 de Jonge, A. 302, 305, 307 collateral 172, 219, 223, 240 debt-equity swaps 77, 234, 236, 243–4, collective owned enterprises 10, 11, 52, 248, 250 55, 56, 103, 106, 113, 114, 115–17, Demsetz, H. 91, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 105, 120, 124 115, 376 command (planned) economy 22, 51, den Broeder, C. 177 59, 60–61, 63 Deng, Xiaoping 4, 17, 22, 24, 26, 33, Communist Youth League 178 36, 47, 293, 397, 400, 401 competition 1, 44, 45–6, 80, 156–7, Department of the People’s Armed 176, 262, 263–4, 348, 367, 408 Forces 178 contract responsibility system 42, 48, de Ramos, A. 300 63, 64–6, 108–9, 164, 264, 276, 292 Desai, M.A. 349 Cooter, R.D. 91, 126 de Soto, H. 93, 94 Cornforth, C. 349 Deutsche Bank 154 corporate governance Dewatipront, M. 342 Anglo-Saxon model 141–2, 144, 150, Deyang 213, 216 151, 171, 175 Dhonte, P. 396 codes of corporate governance 78, Diamond, D.W. 138, 152 162, 168, 179–85, 211, 287–8 Ding, F. 269, 350 defined 14, 129–35, 173 Dittus, P. 84, 156, 177 German model 143–5, 149–51, Djankov, S. 342, 352, 362, 364, 367 153–4, 168–9, 171, 172, 175 Donaldson, l. 141 in Chinese SOEs 78, 84–5, 94–5, Dong, F. 65 323–5, 331–5, 406 Dornbusch, R. 177, 251 incentive based system 146–57, 164, Drucker, P.E. 390–93, 394, 405 365–6 dual-track approach 39–41, 63 insider and outsider systems 141–6 Duncan, R. 65 Japanese model 145–6, 154, 170, 171, 172–3, 175 Earl, P.E. 373, 375 process based system 132–3, 152–63, East Asia Analytical Unit (EAAU) 18, 164, 259, 366, 407 28, 49, 69, 87, 229, 234, 245, 253, corporatization 12, 44, 74, 109–10, 254, 264, 299, 363 118–9, 165–8, 249, 289, 351–2, Eastern Europe 23, 25, 47, 70 358 Economic Analytical Unit (EAU) 199, corruption, see also Transparency 209, 211, 223 International 65–6, 72, 84, 109, Economic Daily 369 244, 284, 293–4, 339, 369 economic growth 2, 18 Cortenraad, W.H.F.M. 101 economic reforms 17–8, 26–41, 44–7 Cotterell, A. 26 Economist Intelligence Unit 46 CPC Enterprise Work Commission 128 Edwards J. 154, 177 credit Eggertsson, T. 115 allocation 11, 206–8, 212, 226 Ellman, M. 111 Becky Chiu and Mervyn K. Lewis - 9781845429881 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/03/2021 02:26:53AM via free access 430 Index employment, by enterprises 9, 52–4, France 49, 155, 348 70–71, 76, 88, 107, 198, 270–71, French, H.W. 49 272, 303–4 340 Frowen, S.F. 375 enterprise ownership structure 9, 10, Fujiang Industrial Bank 255 32, 52 Fumin Economic Developing General enterprise autonomy 42, 63–4, 78, 87, Company 322 118, 273, 278 Fung, B.S.C. 231, 244, 339 enterprise groups 67, 274, 276, 278, Fuzhou 35 282, 291, 297, 346, 356, 357 entrepreneurship Gale, D. 207, 265 characteristics 372–7, 386–7, 390–91, Gansu 59, 69 399 Garnaut, R. 4, 189, 195, 204, 209, 213, developing entrepreneurship 377–82, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 223 391–3 GATT 200 in China 94, 368, 370, 393–9, 404–5, Gelauff,G.M.M. 177 408 Gerlach, M.L. 154 role of information 381, 383, Germany 49, 143, 149, 150, 153, 154, 387–90, 400 168, 171–3, 175, 255, 280, 311, Estrin, S. 360, 367 348, 353, 354 European Union (EU) 131, 200, 313 Giavazzi, F. 177, 251 Everbright Bank of China 192, 230, Gilad, B. 373 238, 255 Girardin, E. 196 exchange rate system 16, 195–6, Goldman Sachs 202 203–4 Gomme, G. 145 exports, see trade Goodhart, C.A.E. 177 Goodrich, L.C.
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