SWINGING AROUND GOIF NEWS OF THE GOLF WORLD IN BRIEF By HERS GRAFFIS Bob Ledger, for 14 years pro at River- helped in construction , . Clubhouse, •side (111.) CC, has resigned . He is man- nearly built, cost $20,000 . Amateur aging BelleVernon Lodge & CC in the movie of the golf course work of the East * Cleveland dist. Chicago Tribune's Baton Rouge people has stirred consider- free golf school, presented for 31 con- able favorable comment at southern park * secntive springs at Chicago Park District and recreation meetings. courses with the cooperation of Illinois George Diamond, restaurateur, who PGA members, again added thousands to owns George Diamond CC 18 near An- the big list of those this public service •has introduced to golf . It was one of the early promotions of Charley Bartlctt * when the Tribune's widely known goll writer was new on the job. FRONT COVER Metropolitan PGA tournament sched- These curious youngsters from the Dallas Sales- ule is a very convenient little folder that manship Club Comp for Boys insisted on find- the section's tournament committee, head- ing out how one golf dub differs from on- ed by Mike Turnesa, published with W. Ir. other. Gary Player, obligingly gave an answer Harrity Co., the insurance people, pick- to their question. The boys were among the ing up the tab . John C. Palmer, Fisk- spectators at the round of champions between Player and Jack Nicklaus in Dallas in May. dale, Mass., and Edmond Keen an are The Club for Boys will be Ihe beneficiory in building a 9-hole course . Open Burnet the 45th annual PGA Championship to be Park nine-hole Par 3 municipal course at played at the DAC CC the week of July 15. Y Syracuse, N, Y. It is the world's first course built exclusively for juniors (boys 8 to 15; girls, 8 to 16) . Larry Murphy is pro . Bill O'Leary is his assistant . .They are giving free class lessons. tioch, 111., building lighted course that's Kalispell (Mont.) completing its nine on to have par of 28 . Building first nine of Heather Hills GC par 3 at Bradenton, « a volunteer labor and contributed equip- ment and materia] basis . Another do- Fla. , . Building Par-3 nine at Patter- - it-yonrself course construction job. that son, N. Y„ for Putnam County Recreation- at Greenwood Park, East Baton Rouge, al Enterprises , . Former North Mills (La,) parish, will open its first nine this CC, recently opened as Douglas ton Park year . , . Bond issue to build the course GC, is 11th course of the New York City •did not pass so the citizens and recreation department of parks. and park commission organized the eon- Metropolitan (N Y.) GA in cooperation > struction operation , . Contributions of with 30 other golf organizations has com- labor and material and $60 memberships piled a large wall calendar giving golf v to be good for play in first year . , tournament schedule (dates, events and The course is expected to be valued at clubs) for May through October . Wo- $200,000 . Prisoners from parish jail men's events appear in green italics on aaltdom I* publish** monthly uctpt Nov. and Dot Atttnttd u contnltee Clraulttlie Posts I • Piltf M Ricbill*. illlerit Plw JUMiw ell MlvirtiilBi. linekmtle* A •einrltl "**"• to QOtFOOM, W1 s. Dwrkwe St.. ChltfcM t. Jin it, 196] 3 | the MGA calendar . Grinnell (la.) CC enlarges its clubhouse . , Corncord, Calif., opens first nine of its municipal course . Bob Baldoclc designed flic course. Earl Dean, for 41 years at Bub O'Link GC, Highland Park, 111., as its pro, supt. and/or manager recently was made an honorary life member of the club . Coettr d'Alette (Ida.) Public GC building new clubhouse . , Pcbblebrook CC in suburban Cleveland, O., to build second [8 . Carmen Rizzo, formerly at Itasca CC (Chicago (Ust.) now manager CC ot Terre Haute, Ind. Dnnedin (Fla.) CC starts building $200,000 clubhouse to replace the old one used when the Dunedin site was the PGA National Golf DAVIS WEED KILLERS Club . David C. Senn now manager Weed problems ore varied and complex. of Sunset Oaks G&CC in the Sacramento There are specific chemicals for different area. weeds. We hove the materials, olso the ex- George McDermott to build 9-hole perience to help you. Write ui (or information, prices and recommend a lions. layout at Coventry, Conn. , . Donald Sheets using $5,000 of Farmers Home Ad- ministration loan to complete nine holes on his farm near Median icsburg, O. Robert Trent Jones designing municipal 18 for Greenwich, Conn. Open Bob (|^eAftwi&Jwtf. Goalby Yorktown Par-3 18 at Belleville, mo Northwest Highway, Chkage 30, Illinois 111. Clete Idoux is pro-manager at the GRFATER VERSATILITY - THAT MEANS BIGGER PROMT fOR VOUt NEW IDEAL MODEL 900 SHARPENER Grinds Largest To Sma//esf Reef-Type Lawn mowers NEW IDEAL MODEL 900 sharpens every- thing from the smallest edger to the larg- est fairway or power unit. Heavy-duty machine precision grinds either by "straight-line" or "hook" methods to give yov extra versatility, bigger volume. OUTSTANDING FEATURES INCLUDE: V4 h.p. motor, gravity-type feed, 6-inch grind- ing wheel, simple screw-type adjustments. With reconditioner, tool tray and bed- knife grinding bar. TWO-WAY GRINDING OPTION Id M Details Today On New Model 900 Sharpener THE FATE-ROOT-HEATH COMPANY Dept. G-6 • PLYMOUTH, OHIO course . , Goalby is vp of the club's owners and operators. "QUALITY GUARANTEED" firookhaven 9 of Employees Mutual BENT GRASS STOLONS Benefit Assn. of Hudson River Mill now* Our stolons ore shredded open in Corinth, N. Y. George Pulvcr in the field, packed two — pro-supt., Saratoga (N.Y.) GC, directed bushel per bag as shown in the designing and building ol the course picture and are shipped . Jack Man ley, E M B A Recreation Di- rector, is course manager . Miami (Fla,) immediately. City Manager Melvin I . Reese suggests that municipal course be built us ocean Send to bay" job on Virginia Key which is to' for be filled in. Price Lake Arrowhead CC in Los Angeles List dist, expects to have its 18 in play in July „ , . , Bill Bell, jr. designed the course . Today! Howard Capps resigns as Desert Inn CC pro . Capps, formerly PGA tournament True to Name, director, had a great deal to do with get-4 ting the Desert Inn's Tournament of Weed and Seed Free! Champions accepted and established as , • Washington (C-50) • Cohansey (C-7) a lily-white event on the tournament cal- • Congressional (C-19) endar . , His reputation stilled fears that „ • Arlington (C-l) • Toronto (C-l5) a big money tournament at I.as Vegas WE SHIP ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES would make the tourney pros shills for craps tables, slot machines, etc. {24 hour Air Freight It Available) AI Head and Henry Corbly open Fair-* Phone: Area Code 313 531-0361 way CC nine near Lebanon, Ind. HIRAM F. GODWIN & SON Crawford Homebuilders, Inc., to have « 23366 Grand River Ave., Detroit 19, Mith. 18 designed by Eddie Ault at Crofton, A Reliable Source of Supply Sinu 1930 are evenly sprinkled over the nation's golf courses hy the NELSON-i equipment currently in use. will be required to operate new NELSON- equipment now being installed on the newest, most modern golf courses in America! Not only does Nelson-Rain Bird offer you the world's most complete ^ line of sprinkling equipment — but the world's finest' Specify Kelson Rain Bird and get the added advantage of 1 conven- ient source for all your sprinkler needs! For complete engineering and design information, contact your local RAIN Nelson-Rain Bird Dealer or write direct to: Thf H Orld'l mottt IN WEST: NATIONAL RAIN BIRD SALES & ENGINEERING complete line P.O. Box 547 • Azusa. California of tprinklinp IN EAST A L. R. NELSON MFG. CO., INC.* RAINY SPRINKLER SALES DIV* equipment MIDWEST: 609 West Lake Street • Peoria, Illinois proposed community of 1,600 acres be- tween Baltimore and Washington , . O. T. Fowler, pres. Modern Chevrolet, Win- ston-Salem, N. C,, heads Grand view GO Inc., building semi-private 18 which will lie eighth course in Wins ton-Salem area . John E, Langland and family open Willow Run daily fee nine at Frank- fort, 111. Kd Anthony, Gastonia, N. C., expects to open first nine of his Gastonia Nation- al Championship course in August . .*" Don Muhm, farm editor of Des Moines Register reports that Fanners Home Ad- ministration state director, Gene L. Hoff- man, says Strawberry Point, Hubbard, Glidden, Sioux Center, Rock ford and other localities arc interested in getting FHA loans to transform farmlands into golf^ courses . , . Hoffman told Muhm that queries about borrowing come not from farmers but from groups of citizens in- terested In getting golf courses for their , communities. Knollwood Club, Lake Forest, 111., sets dates of its annual Governor's Cup invita- MlLO RGANITE tion four-ball match play tournament fort Aug. 2-4 . This team of two best ball Is Used . All Season Long! event gets field of top amateur class lor The experienced Turf Experts who keep America'] leading golf courses in such beautiful condition hove learned that they con depend upon MILORGANITE !o pro- duce the healthiest, toughest MOST play- Rainmaster able turf. That is why golf courses use more MILORGANITE than any other ferti- Itnr. Cuts Costs MILORGANITE and SPREADER Specialized — an Ideal team on many fine golf courses* MILORGA- Automatic NITE can be ap- plied speedily, ac- curately and safely with this easy-to-use Sprinkling for Golf. spreader. Write for literature, or asl your MILORGA- NITE distributor! THE SEWERAGE COMMISSION MILWAUKEE 1, WISCONSIN MOODY SPRINKLER COMPANY, INC.
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